Girl Facing Railroad Tracks

Praying to Pass A Level Exams

Hi, it’s me, Iqra Toqeer, the same girl, who wrote the testimony couple of months ago.

I am still doing A level (Year 13), I just finished Human Geography today, few hours ago. On Monday, I have Environmental Science at morning, it finishes after 3 hours, 12:30. I have Math, 3 papers, which I have not done yet and I have 2 Environmental Science papers.

I’m so scared of A levels. That I wished that Jesus would take me to Heaven, before A level had finished. My younger brother, who is in year 10, is doing GCSE. He will be taking GCSE exams next year.

Please pray that both of us pass these exams.

Thank you for reading this.


  1. Sunday Akodu 5/20/2023
    • Iqra Toqeer 5/23/2023
  2. Emory 5/23/2023
  3. Alphas 7/4/2023
    • Iqra Toqeer 7/11/2023
  4. Iqra Toqeer 8/20/2023
    • Emory 8/24/2023

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