Prayer Testimonies
Be encouraged by these new short testimonies posted by Testimony Share readers recently that tell of God's grace and love.
I had never written a book in my life, and I didn’t know where to start. But I wanted to obey the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I have a big fear of the Dentist. It has always been a struggle for me to go. I haven't been there for years.
Studying became a scary opportunity and before I knew it, I was cramming the night before the exams.
Every day I first prayed and then studied. I always keep a chair for Jesus to sit with me and teach me when I study.
Recently I read somewhere about the need to tell even ' small testimonies ' as they may still be able to speak to someone, somewhere.
Here is what God brought to my mind that night after spending most of that evening in disappointment at my not hearing right!