Girl praying in front of building

Short Christian Testimonies, January 2025

Giving my life to Jesus

Growing up my parents were toxic and just home life in general was just toxic. They eventually got divorced when I was in second grade. Fast forward to my 7th grade year in February in 2021 I caught my stepmom on drugs and that really affected me and I felt like this calling, but I didn’t know what it was, so I ignored it for about 2 years. And in that 2 year was filled with addition, temptation, lust, suicide, depression, and anxiety and I would do anything to not feel the hurt or not feel pain because it came to a point that I couldn’t handle it anymore and I even attempted and still to this day I have scars from self-harm.

My 9th grade year I went to church camp and they were playing an altar song and as soon as that song played I was crying and just so broken I listened to the urge to go up there so I did and I asked God for mercy and grace and forgiveness and to take away the everything I was battling with and I gave my life to Christ. And later that year on July 14th, 2024, I got baptized and as soon as I came up out of that water it was like music. And ever since giving my life to Christ I’m full of happiness and joy and peace and kindness and love. I’m just so happy and I’m going into ministry and I’m doing a national mission trip. Giving my life to Jesus is by far the best thing I’ve ever done, and I pray that you would too.

Emma jo Chandler

Healed of Cancer in the 1950’s

It was back in the mid 1950s, and I was a small boy, but I was told how it went with our relative who at that time was a Mom of 2 small children. This is what happened…

Once Mary began to feel ill, and after a few more days it was not better, but she was worse. She told her husband, and he brought her to a very fine family doctor who ran tests on her, and then announced to them both that she had cancer, and in those days, cancer was very seldom survived for any length of time.

On the way home Mary began to lose it, and began to cry, and scream and wave her arms. Her husband did not know what to do, but he brought her home and he prayed for her. She began to pray also and every day or so Mary would pray to God, and Jesus for her healing. She asked it all in the name of Jesus.

One day she had been praying, and there was an audible response. This she heard…

“Be still and know that I am God.”

From the Bible. Mary began to feel better after a few days, and they all were thankful to the Lord.

Mary lived through the rest of the ’50s, and then all the ’60s. Even well into the ’70s. She was getting old by this time. Finally, she began again to approach death. But this time, there was no crying, or screaming from her. Mary was going home.

Thank you, Jesus!!!

John Parsley

Short testimony:

I received Christ at a young age, but I had an unstable home life, so my relationship didn’t start to mature for many years.

Before living for Christ:

I was an alcoholic, heavy smoker, went to fortune tellers, questionable concerts, held grudges, used my mouth as a weapon, experimented with drugs. I was briefly homeless. I slipped into depression then despair and believed that my problems were too great, and life was hopeless. I lived suicidal for many years and felt overall abandoned.

After living for Christ:

  • Baptized 4 years ago
  • I now live a life of hope
  • I magnify Jesus instead of magnifying my problems
  • Quit drinking, drugs, cigarettes
  • Jesus saved my life many times over
  • Jesus delivered me from night terrors, panic attacks, witchcraft, and suicide.
  • I read the bible, pray daily. I personally invite Jesus into every day, and it has made all the difference in my life.
  • Jesus saved my brother from a deadly car accident
  • Jesus has performed many miracles in my life, my family life and our loved ones. I now keep a record of answered prayers and miracles to reflect upon.


Feeling Asthma Leave

I had suffered with asthma since I was three years old. I attended healing meetings in Waco once a month for six months. Pastor Henderson prayed for me and two people prayed for me after receiving the communion elements. I can remember feeling the asthma leave my chest, and I thought Jesus just healed me of asthma. Praise God for his healing in Jesus.

Daniel Carnes

What God Has Put Together

I was travelling to the USA from Africa, to join my husband. While transiting in Brussels, my passport with the US visa was stolen. It was very distressing. I couldn’t get on my next flight to the US and had to be flown back to Africa… once back, I had to re-apply for a passport and visa. The passport was quick, but the visa was complicated…. getting an early interview date was impossible… and that’s where God shows his power… nothing is impossible unto Him! The earliest date available was four months later!

I cried unto God… and one morning, I went into the calendar interview and obtained an interview date for the FOLLOWING DAY at 9am! It seemed unreal, it could not but be the hand of God… I know this coz I had checked that calendar everyday… the earliest available date was 4 months later! God in his goodness and mercy intervened… we just got married and the separation was not good… what God has put together, let no thief set asunder! God is awesome and he can change anything and intervene in any circumstance! He is not limited!!!


Each Time I Died, and Each Time I Didn’t

In the beginning, I was just scared. Everyone was. But no one besides me knew what it was to sit in a hospital bed and watch 8 nurses and 3 doctors run to your room. And I mean RUN. No one else knew what it was to see sheer panic on the doctor’s face, to see him screaming for help. Help for you.

In the beginning, no one knew what was wrong. They found out. I have a rare degenerative illness. That means I will never get better. There is no treatment, and no doctor anywhere can do anything to save me. I will die from this.

I have been so sick that they have had to put me on life support in the ICU 24 times since I was diagnosed. I have been clinically dead 3 times. I have fought and raged against this illness. I have been angry and devastated and desperate and lost inside. I have dug my heels into the earth and waited for the next storm to hit me, and trust me, they always came – each storm stronger than the last. And I refused to look to God. I never once doubted He was there. I could always feel him in my heart and soul. I just knew, I firmly believed, that God just didn’t like me very much. He was like everyone I knew. He had given up on me.

This last May, the worst, most deadly, quickest episode I had ever had just took me. I stopped breathing, and there was nothing anyone could do. My tongue was so large I couldn’t fit it in my mouth. My throat was almost completely closed. When the paramedics arrived, they used the defibrillator for my heart, and somehow, they were able to get me to the hospital. I was on life support. Again.

When the doctor brought me back and I was actually conscious, I felt utter hopelessness and failure. I didn’t want to die, but I knew I could never beat this. I just sank through the ground with the incredible weight of what I carried. And I gave up.

For no reason whatsoever and for the first time in 6 years, I began a conversation with God, and I gave everything to him. I asked Jesus to help me see His plan for me, just the next step He wanted me to take, because I had no idea what to do. In my utter despair, my complete and whole failure in every part of my life, I trusted in the Lord for the first time.

I have no idea what brought me to that place on that day, but in all of my 44 years, nothing ever felt this right. It was like going home. It was a deep, unwavering surety, and a calm I don’t think I’ve ever known. It was like knowing the sun will rise. There is no question about the sun, and there is no question about God.

Rebecca Pertain

Just Write the Exam

Good evening, everyone.
I want to Thank God for life and preservation of my family. He is a great God, That does miracles I was about Writing An external exam when I lost my mom. I was so shocked and scared because I never believed my mom will die leaving me and my brothers. My dad also died two years ago which technically made us orphans, but I had faith God had a plan.

So, the external exam came, and I failed. I was so grieved with God because I wrote this exam with my life. I made vows, I fasted and all the trauma I received from the death of my parents. So, my new parents registered me for the same exam again but this time the exam was like a substitute for people who didn’t make up for the exam I failed.

I felt so bad that after spending 6 years in secondary school and writing the last exam at the end of my 6 years I will come back to write again but the thing that amazed me was that God was aware of my situation because he told me daughter, I know what am doing just write the exam. Even if I was sad, I just have to obey.

My first paper was on Saturday. I wrote the paper and went home preparing for my next paper on Thursday the following week. But lo and behold my new mom just received a call on Monday that my result was a mistake, that the council have verified my result, and I passed. I was overwhelmed with joy and just have to thank God for everything. God is still doing his miracles; you just have to believe. Give him your all and he will set you on a right path. If I don’t live for God, who am I living for?


The Christian Testimony of Teresa V.

I am committed to do what Jesus commanded of all His followers, as stated in Mark, 16:15, “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”.

Although I have always believed in God, it wasn’t until a Christian friend instructed and guided me, as to what being a Christian really meant. You see, I spent most of my life being indifferent, prideful, materialistic, full of self and gonna do things my way. (I’m not perfect and confess that some of the old sins remain but I am a work in progress). Things I used to care about, or thought I did, what I wore, looked like or owned are no longer important to me. And, eliminating things that I find disruptive or stressful ~ the news, social media, etc. ~ has helped in focusing on what really matters ~God first, and family. Suffice it to say, “being intentional’.

So, in learning what God did for all of us ~ (John 3:16) He loved us enough to send His only Son ~Jesus~ (the only perfect man, ever, who never sinned) to make the epic sacrifice on that cross and take all of our sins so that we might have eternal life with our Heavenly Father. And there is no way to earn your heavenly reward-nothing you can do-He made it so easy-all you need do is ask! You only need to ask Jesus to come into your life, repent of your sins (we all have them) and surrender fully to Him. And it will change everything! He’s been waiting for you.

I know that I am too limited in my understanding to fully grasp all that Jesus endured (the mental and physical torture, the abandonment of His disciples, the loneliness he suffered, the fear and so much more) on His way to and on that cross ~ all this to pay the price for sinners like me. And the sins of the world ~ every person who ever lived, will ever live and those to come! I cannot begin to understand the magnitude of that!

I continued on my journey to building a relationship with the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Prayer is powerful and I can tell you that God answers almost all of my prayers ~ sometimes not the exact thing I prayed for, usually much better. And there are times when I wait and wait and it’s a no-go. I am always mindful that when a prayer doesn’t get answered, it’s because it’s not His will ~ it’s not best for me. And, like Job (whose struggles were extreme, of course), sometimes, we have to suffer hardship & loss to learn what God wants us to learn. And remember, Jesus knows about and has experienced everything we may go through (He wept when His friend Lazurus died). He knows the sorrow of loss.

God doesn’t make mistakes, there are no accidents, and His timing is perfect ~ even though sometimes I don’t understand it or like it very much but that’s where faith in knowing He is in charge and it’s His way ~ not mine. My favorite scripture is my favorite because I believe it completely explains who God, our loving Father is (to me): Jeremiah 29:11 ~

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.


There are times, I confess, when I struggle with surrendering something to God, partly because I’m a control freak and partly because I am very impatient. But, of course, I trust His timing and His will in all things and ask the Holy Spirit to reign me in, surrender it and let it be. I heard a really good example of surrender in a Christian movie recently. One man asked his boxing coach if he ever feels that no matter how hard he tries, things just don’t seem to get better and does he ever feel that way? The coach answered, sure, but maybe look at it this way ~ The coach told him ‘Imagine you’re in the last pro basketball game of the season and you’re going to take the last shot (it’s win or lose) ~ would you take the shot, or would you give it to Michael Jordan?’ I thought that was awesome!

I can testify to the following:

~ God has blessed me way more than I deserve ~ blessings, miracles, answered prayers. He’s given me so many wonderful seasons and so may wonderful people, He’s kept harm & evil from my loved ones, prospered & taken care of them, healed them, and blessed me with time with them. He has given me the 2 best sons anyone could ask for (I always say ‘if I had taken a blueprint to the Lord and asked Him for the two best sons He ever created, that’s exactly what He blessed me with!) Not to mention the amazing time I’ve had with my adorable grandson ~ he’s perfect. 🙂 Pretty awesome!

~ God has provided everything for me. And He often works through others in that provision. He has provided the best place I’ve ever lived (a small apt that has eased a number of previous burdens and worries, always makes a way for my bills to be paid, health care, food, transportation and breaking the chains of my terrible financial habits, especially debt). But, because of gifts that He’s blessed me with, I am now free of that lifelong debt burden, which I could never have done on my own. And, I will never take for granted that blessing, which, of course, means living differently than I have for most of my life. It’s made me happier and more content, living with ‘less’ and more simply ~ getting rid of anything that doesn’t bring joy and focusing on priorities, mainly the people I love. Letting go of all that I thought defined me, mostly stuff, just complicated my life.

I am often mindful of a “Chosen’ series episode, in which Jesus instructed his disciples to go out, two by two, to all the towns, far and wide, but take nothing with them but the clothes they had on. That message, for me, shows that Jesus was telling His disciples to rely on God for everything ~ where they would stay, where they would eat, etc. That’s a lesson of faith! Being mindful of how little Jesus and His followers actually had or moved around with, helped me to realize that we actually need very little. And, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of anyone getting into Heaven with a U-Haul lol.

~ God has healed me through many health issues ~ heart surgery, brain surgery, having all my teeth removed in order to have the heart surgery, and having an ICD (Implanted cardiac defibrillator) implanted ~ all in a month or so’s time. He could have called me home during any of those 4 surgeries but His mercy & grace gave me almost 3 years, to date. So, maybe sharing this with you is part of what He’s given me the time for. I really don’t know ~ I only know I want to be obedient to Him in all ways, to do as He asked. I feel blessed to share it.

~ Prayer is everything! Most prayers don’t involve asking for things I want (I did say ‘most’) ~ they are to thank God for those He’s given me and all He’s done for me, and very specific prayers for the people I love. Now, I confess that I am a chronic worrier~always have been. That I continue to struggle with and pray for the Holy Spirit to reign me in, surrender it and let it go. I am a work in progress but don’t strive for perfection because there is no such thing here. And, as much as I wish it weren’t so, a sinner I will always be. I often fail and disappoint Him ~ though that is never my intention. But, I do know that I am different. I hope in His eyes, better. I pray for discernment, guidance, lessons and wisdom in all things so that I can be better each day and to live as Jesus would want me to. And, to provide opportunities to plant seeds, share with others and to serve Him and others in this world.

Romans 8:28

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose”.

In closing, I’d like to say that my sole intention in delivery of this testimony is to bring glory to God, our Father. I felt compelled to do so, by sharing personal answered prayers, in the hope that it may help another. To see our Heavenly Father, (as friend, confidant, provider, protector), who loved each of us enough, that no one should perish, by sending His only begotten son, Jesus, to this world and offering us the epic gift of salvation!


Promised God I’d Share my Testimony. Now it’s Time

Although this is very hard for me to do, I made a promise to God that I would share my testimony with the world and now it is that time. It’s important to share your struggles and your story so others can have hope and see that miracles can and still do happen.

I gave up social media about a six months ago, as I have found my life more peaceful without any of it. But I had to reactivate my Facebook for today’s post. I just want to thank my family and friends and most importantly God for getting me through the toughest point in my life so far.

Over the last year, I have truly gotten to know God and see Him and His love for not only me, but for others. He brought me out of a life full of sin, addiction to Adderall and pornography. Even experimenting with witchcraft. He has also helped me with my struggle concerning sexuality! I was very lost but have come a long way and still have a long way to go. I have been sober for a year now and could not have done it without my Lord and Savior. I hope my testimony touches at least someone and brings them to Christ.

Have a wonderful and blessed day!


Turning Hands of Time

Most childhood friends hate me. My mates and seniors back then were scared of me because I was so wild. They called me names like…murderer, fraudster, rapist and occultist child. Stealing and robbery was never in my record, not part of me and never have any criminal records because I faked most of my actions.

Though, I was tough due to my military background and hit hard on anyone that crossed my parts made my ways different from civilian’s children. I regretted my actions back then as a result of making me lose so many good old friends.

A lady tried all her best to make me a better person but the more she tried the worse I became. She left for good, then I realized I was alone in this world. My parents and sibling gave up on me as I was left with no option than to hit the street with homeless guys…

The other side and underworld is nothing but deep ****. I was enveloped with pains and suffering for years before I ran to God… I went for series of deliverance and prayers in true believer’s church. God finally found me and restored my salvation. Favored me with a good wife and blessed me with wonderful children. I found a new life in Jesus though I wish to correct my past because most hurt me badly as the bible makes me realize that old things have passed away.

My Regrets are:

  • I lost good friends (childhood).
  • No certificate despite attending many secondary schools, higher institutions.
  • Maltreated a lady who gave me her love and virtually provided all my needs.
  • Associating with the under-world.

Thanking God for giving me opportunity of repentance and second chance to rebuild my past, though, it hurt as I wish to turn back the hands of time

Salami Jimoh (Victor)

I Spoke in Tongues

On the internet, I saw people on YouTube commenting how they were from previous satanic groups and how they infiltrated the churches and gave those churchgoers the “spiritual experience” they wanted.

Then I also saw some Christians saying that the gift of tongues, prophecies are of GOD as one of the gifts HE gives to HIS people, as HE sees fit.

In Ezekiel 13:8, GOD was mad when people spoke of visions and prophecies when GOD has not provided those self-proclaimed prophets any messages at all.

So, I was really concern about knowing the truth.

One time, GOD purposed it in my heart that i get right with HIM. After work, I would spend 1 hour to 2 or even 3 hours just worshipping HIM. Then I asked GOD to show to me if the gift of tongues that other Christians told about is really true. After a few minutes, without me intentionally speaking in tongues, “I literally spoke in tongues”.

I was filled with so much joy!

GOD is a very hands-on GOD! this experience shows me that GOD is always with us, and we can recognize HIS presence if we seek HIM with all of our hearts. what’s more, GOD loves us so much and when we put GOD first in our lives, it will permeate all areas of our lives

Put GOD first, don’t just read HIS word, but trust HIM too! GOD BLESS YOU.


The Lord Spared my Life

My name is Eve, and I was raised in a Christian home. My father was a preacher of the Gospel but was very abusive to his children. At the age of nineteen he gave me such a severe beating that would traumatize me for years. Not able to take the abuse any longer I decided to commit suicide. I took some pills and laid on my bed to await death. My mother found me when I was already unconscious.

I awoke in the hospital to the voice of a nurse who was standing by my bed. She was saying to the doctor

“She is so beautiful; did you see when they brought her in last night? She is so beautiful.”

I must have been beautiful on the outside but on the inside, I was broken, in need of a Savior to heal my deep wounds.

A few days after I was discharged from the hospital the Lord spoke to me in a dream. It was in the form of a letter. On the letter were the words in Spanish “un ángel te saco del fuego” which translated means “an angel took you out of the fire.” I then understood that the Lord had spared my life.

I always had suicide on my mind but every time I thought about taking my life the dream would come to mind, and I would fear.

I held a lot of anger and bitterness towards my parents. Twenty-four years ago, I gave my heart to the Lord forever and all anger and bitterness was gone. Blessed be my beautiful Lord and Savior.



I had a calling to leave my family and everything I’ve ever known to relocate from California to Louisiana. At first, I couldn’t imagine leaving the only life I’ve ever known and doing it by myself with my 10-year-old. It seemed IMPOSSIBLE! But, with God. All Things are POSSIBLE! And the tugging on my heart became even stronger than it was before so I knew I had to leave. I just didn’t know how. But what God orders, He will provide.

Out of nowhere my aunt in Louisiana offered me a place to stay. She was living by herself in a 3-bedroom home, so that meant I could help her out and my child would have her own room. He provided the relocation money to make sure we were taken care of. A job opened up at a pretty amazing hospital in Louisiana, from just one phone call. My now, supervisor said, “if you want the job its yours, you just have to get here.”

And I’ve been here ever since. He then removed my child’s father from her life (I wouldn’t take a child from her father) and God knew I wouldn’t leave. So, all we had to do was wait for my daughter to finish the school year. My sister helped me hitched my car to the Uhaul and I drove 3 days to Louisiana with God and my daughter by my side.

We got to Louisiana and found out some pretty pertinent information that we could have only found out by being here. And, in the midst of it all. He took us through a wilderness season which has grown my faith and strengthened my relationship with God. I have surrendered all as I know He has amazing plans for us. I will return to update once we enter our Promise Land.


Nothing God Cannot Do

August 2024, God healed my mom and saved her life. September 2024, after 2 years of marriage God blessed us with a baby who will get to meet both their grandparents. We thank God for ending a year that started off with sorrow to joy. There is nothing that God cannot do, just keep trusting in his promises!


I Felt So Unloved and Unworthy

I used to shout at one of my parents, engage in porn and a lot of lustful things. I used to fantasise and idolise men as well. I was dying inside as I was super lonely and isolating myself day by day with my fantasies and my fantasy world where I had powers, drowning in my insecurities. I was chronically addicted to games, used to play 2h, then 4h, then 5h then before I knew it 8-9h a day. If I wasn’t doing essential stuff to be alive, I was gaming.

Most of all, I felt so unloved and unworthy, yet had a stubborn heart that made me think I could overcome everything on my own.

One day, I realised I was living life like a robot and wasting my life on porn. I cried out to Jesus. I asked Him for help, if He existed.

He did deliver. I am now out of everything I mentioned above. I have never given in to lustful desires for 8 months. Thoughts of fantasies have basically 95% disappeared and is almost all gone. I have rebuilt relationships with my parent which was super estranged because of my constant fighting.

Most of all, I realised, through His love and tenderness, how badly I desired love and acceptance, and how He fulfilled my need for unconditional love and acceptance. He also showed me that there is nothing wrong with me… That I am a beloved child and friend of His, that I’m the apple of His eye, the four-leaf clover that blends in the crowd yet is rare and precious in His sight, and that I am much loved by Him!

This is all because of Him. If not for Him, I would be still stuck on my old life, having no hope, and worst of all, heading straight to hell with all my sinful choices, never knowing of God’s love ever in this life and to eternity.

If any of you wish for love, feel a hole in your heart… I ask that you give Jesus a chance. He literally gave me a new life. I would be dead inside without Him.


I No Longer Sleep on the Bridges

I never thought that I can change from my wicked ways, but I did. I come from a background of alcoholics and drug addicts, and I thought I can never break the generational curse. I used to think that just because I didn’t steal or you know, hunt for the money to get drunk that I was okay. I don’t need it every two days just to get drunk. Just because I didn’t throw up, I thought I wasn’t an alcoholic. I had Bibles all around my house, but I was spiritually broken, spiritually dead. I was living in a physical flesh, but I was dead spiritually.

I turned my life over to God and ask him to cast out the evil spirits and turn from my wicked ways and show me that God is real, and God is love. The holy Trinity came upon me and surrounded me with blessings and guardian angel. God forgave me for my sins and heard my repentance from heaven. Today I am proud to say that I am 10 months clean and sober. I have no sobriety threatening issues. I no longer sleep on the bridges or starve out of trash cans. I can keep a steady job and not get the first check and go get drugs with it.

I do not have a relationship with my kids at the moment, but I know God is preparing me at the dinner table like you did $200,000 years or 2000 years ago. I am blasting super Love by Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior Jesus is the bridge to my Father in heaven so now I know what bridge to cross Now I know which bridge to take. I am spiritually alive again I can feel the burning sensation down in my soul fighting for me to win this battle which is already won. And that is just a tip of the iceberg. That is just a piece of my story. That is a piece of my testimony.

DONT’A. Johnson

I made God My Priority

2 years ago, I wasn’t living a good life. I was partying and doing sinful things. Nothing was good and I’d had enough, so I started going to church. I made God my priority. I have a relationship with the Lord. I pray multiple times a day. I attend church regularly. God has brought me out of debt. He has helped me have money in my savings. He has helped me to become a kinder, more patient person. I have been praying to God for a specific person that I love and now they are back, and we are working on having a godly relationship. God is mighty and merciful. I have my faith in the Lord, and I am grateful to him for my journey.


My Mother Prayed in Jesus’ Name

Hello everyone. My name is Bijesh Debbarma I am from Tripura, India and I am from a Christian family. Today I am going to share you about my testimony in that 2 days back I suddenly found that my 3-year-old daughter’s hair begin to have strand and twisted hair which is seen at Hindu Sannyasa. And as soon as I came to know about it, I was deeply saddened and within my heart. A question arose how could Satan do such thing to a Christian family? Did I make a mistake and sin against God or did any family member sin against God? But then my mother prayed in Jesus’ name and suddenly after few minutes when I checked it again it miraculously disappeared, and the hair was straight like before again. Praise the Lord that He is still with us and miracles still happen even now. Jesus is the living God.


Back To Loving Jesus

When I was younger, I always went to church. And when I got old enough, I even went to bible studies and youth groups. But once I got into playing sports and having games on weekends, I stopped going. I felt like sports was more important, and it wasn’t.

When I was a freshman, I tore all the ligaments in my knee playing softball for a travel team. I was really mad at God, because I was going to make it on varsity as a freshman. My interest in going to church and praying was at 0%. After my surgery I couldn’t play sports and that was my only outlet. My coping mechanism.

So, I turned to smoking weed and cigarettes. and it felt really good. A few months after my surgery I met someone that went to a different school than I did, and we started to hangout a lot. We slowly started to like each other and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. He wasn’t for my best interest, but I didn’t care.

We dated for 4 and a half years, and he really broke me. It got to a point where he was putting his hands on me and being dishonest and unloyal. After we were finally done, I was really depressed, I didn’t eat, or sleep. I would just cry and cry and cry. then I started to do pills, and I was really addicted to xanax and fentanyl. I overdosed three times, but I still wondered “how am I alive? Why didn’t I die? I really just wanna die.”

I got the help that I needed, and I started to love myself a lot again and I started to feel like me. And then I met the person I’m currently with. and he showed me what it is to be loved, and he got me back into loving Jesus and praying every day. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t love myself as much as I do now and I definitely wouldn’t be close with God again.


A Huge Wave

I had lost my way. It is so easy to fall into sin but not that easy to get back up. I had been doing the wrong things and I got a dream. In that dream, I was just walking with someone, and a huge wave came. At that point I realised that I wasn’t gonna survive. I said to the person next to me,

“I can’t die now, I have done wrong in the eyes of God, I need a second chance.”

And somehow after I said that, it all disappeared, and I survived. I hope God helps you with what you are dealing with. Amen.


Through the darkness, I called on Jesus

God has healed me. Like the words in the bible say, he restored my soul. I was destroyed by demons. I used to believe in ancient Egypt, and I used to believe in the sun God Ra. I really suffered. I come from a background of abuse and I was looking for a way to feel empowered. I even believed in the entertainment industry as I was a singer.

Then it came time to sell my soul for money, wealth and success. I had nightmares of Satan taking my soul. He would take my soul in my sleep and give me gay pleasure or show me things like fancy shoes and I would have visions of myself in many different ways as someone beautiful and important. I got a celebrity feature with two main stage artists.

I went to sleep one night, and a dark pillar and cloud went over my head and demons in legions came out to see about my success. They tormented me and tortured me with their voices. I had lost my children to the foster care system for my belief that I was a queen.

I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia which is hearing voices from the spiritual realm. Then the darkness made me afraid. I received scarring of my brain from the demons who attacked me. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with memory impairment. I had no memory anymore, I was disabled.

Through the darkness, I called on Jesus. I prayed to God. Today, I feel purified and holy as I renounced Satan and his demons and all the sins from doing necromancy and reading satanic books. I am now available as a part time minister doing deliverance ministry for anyone trying to break free from hell.


Wasn’t Allowed to Write the Exams

Praise be to God. How great are your works Lord for I am ever bound and indebted to your grace and mercy. This 22nd of July I wasn’t allowed to write the exams because I wasn’t able to pay my fees. I was constantly praying to God seeking for his favours.

Immediately a person sponsored for my studies and by the grace I’m allowed to write my exams. If God has worked miracles in my life, he’ll work for u too. Have faith.

Thank you, Jesus. All praise and honor to you alone master.

Sanya Jacob

Two Sided Conversations with God

I started having two sided conversations with Jesus going on three years now. God met me where I was. Then I was into drugs, tarot cards, giving psychic readings.

Over time, Jesus earned my trust, he used ways that resonated with me to communicate. I found myself being lead away from things, people, beliefs that were not aligned with his word. But I did these things without effort, my relationship with Christ slowly changed my character. His consistency in all things brought me to my knees, three years falling in love with the Lord, in my surrender his will shall be done.

Start having conversations with God. No one would have thought I would be who and where I am today, but for the grace of God I would still be lost. Jesus changed my life.

Heather Vecere

Jesus, if you can still hear me, please save me!

In 2016, things were dark. My sister started falling on the steps, getting mystery bruises, and my autonomic and central nervous systems were no longer working as God designed them to work. I actually needed a therapy dog to provide cues so I wouldn’t hurt myself, burn myself, or go to the bathroom on myself, and as I listened to everyone but God, His voice got quieter.

So, what did we do? We all know what we should have done, but we did not do that. We knew something was wrong; all of these occurrences weren’t normal; we weren’t alone, and we both knew it. We did not seek God, though. Nooooo. Off we went to get a Ouija board.

Of course, that was a big mistake. That night, August 30, 2016, in front of two witnesses, and a video recorder, my sister and I contacted the enemy. He already had us, (so he thought) and no longer needed to be polite. In fact, he was VERY clear. His name was Baal, he was from hell, and he was there to do Satan’s work. I have now come to learn, this event coincided with a temple being installed near Times Square, a short walk from our apartment. Coincidence? I don’t believe in those anymore. I did feel so far from God at that moment, though. I couldn’t hear His voice, and I could hear a much different voice now.

My sister and I spent several days trying to get rid of this demonic presence, using various worldly measures. We even had access to the ghost hunting tools used by the famous Paranormal TV celebrities thanks to my ex, and we used them. In that moment, when things truly couldn’t have been darker, when I saw my little sister cry in fear for the first time in my life, I found my dad’s old Bible, and cried out,

“Jesus, if you can still hear me, please save me!”

And He did!

His name, the name of Jesus Christ, freed me that very moment. Did my rash disappear? No. Could I walk again? No. Did I have a lot of pain still ahead of me? I sure did. But in that moment, when I cried out to Him, He saved me. Instantly, and gradually. Longer version: “He Makes the Impossible, Possible”.

Cherilyn Faith

Excerpt from Wendy’s Miraculous Journey

The police wanted to take me to the psych ward in another city except they were concerned for my life and asked if I had family that could come and immediately take me to the hospital. My sister came and took me back to the pastor and his wife. She kept saying, “My God is not going to let you die.” Over and over, she repeated those words. The pastor’s wife, Barb Molskness, took me alone to her basement (where she would spend time alone with God), and I remember hearing her crying as I was draped over her shoulder. We were on the floor.

There is a longer version of this story, but I will tell you her account briefly. She said she had never seen anything like the condition I was in. She knew I was going to die if Jesus did not come and help me immediately. My sister had told her not to pray in the spirit because she said it would freak me out. She prayed to herself until she said she had no choice but to pray in the spirit. I can still hear that voice and those words to this day in my head. “Come to me, little girl.” Over and over I heard that cry. But the words were different. As I thought about those words, later, I realized that the cry I heard in my head was not even in the English language. I can still hear those words as well. I am nearly unconscious but interpreting her spirit language inside my head. God is amazing. She asked me to repeat after her, “I renounce you, Satan.” Twice.

She said I instantly went limp, and she thought I had either died or she pictured in her mind the places in the Bible where a demoniac was freed by Jesus and the person appeared dead. She chose to believe that. She left me to sleep until about three hours later, my sister woke me up and I was a totally different person. I was completely physically well, very peaceful, never went through any withdrawal, and didn’t even remember that I smoked cigarettes for six months. I have never used drugs or alcohol since that day 33 years ago. I even looked different. People were stunned.  Full story…

Wendy L.

Something Needed to Change

During 2022-2023 I was doing drugs pretty much every month and I had lost myself. I was depressed and I had no clue what I was doing. And by March my parents split up which took a very big toll on me, causing me take to take harder drugs and this was all without anyone knowing I was struggling.

So, of June 2023, I wanted to end it. I was more intoxicated than ever, I overdosed.

My life wasn’t getting better or worse, but I knew something needed to change. And now I know, God sent someone to help me pick up myself. The person he sent out helped me get closer to God, and ever since then I’ve been sober. My life’s been on track, I’m at peace.

Praise the Lord, he does so much for us even if when we don’t ask. No one understands how grateful I am that I found him, even though he showed himself first.


Surrendered to God

Hello guys, I want to share what God Almighty did for me. Visa renewal is a very anxious process that makes you pent up, loosing sleep and uncertain about the future. Naturally, I lose sleep and get anxious when I have to fix my immigration status. I live in the UK currently and I have been looking for a job to sponsor me to continue to stay. My spouse is also employed and by the nature of her job she can be sponsored.

However, when she reached out, her employers were not forthcoming about it. This made me anxious, and I told her I can use the opportunity as an academic to get sponsorship. However, it looked as if I was hitting a wall. All the people I reached out to were not forthcoming.

So, I surrendered to God and allowed Him to take over. Moreover, I prayed for grace through the trying times. Not to write long, I want to testify before God that my wifes employer came through and we paid less for the visa. We will be going for biometric soon. I want to thank Jesus for this miracle and pray that he reaches to everyone. No matter what you are passing through God’s grace would see you through.

Kelechi Emerole

I Chose to Forgive

Today, I decided to fully forgive everyone who bullied me, and rededicated my life to the LORD JESUS. I have never been so free in my life like today. Just as GOD has forgiven me, I chose to forgive me, and I am celebrating this newfound freedom. For years, I am enveloped with unforgiveness for those people but after forgiving them. I feel reborn completely. My focus now is on the grace of LORD JESUS… I don’t care what other people think anymore, what I care about is the LORD’S will and love for me.


The Good That God Gives

I was born into abuse and not knowing love and finding my first time feeling the Good that God gives and feeling the good and honest way of living through my lifelong surroundings of evil. I have recently received God blessing of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the healing of almost all of my mental illnesses in the very same instant.

I still have some to live with and I’m still physically ill, but I am not angry about that. I just pray that my actions and new attitude will make it obvious to my children that God does impossible things for goodness and honesty. I hope they hear how they saved my soul and let me live to get this blessing. Thank you.


I Heard a Man’s Voice

This happened to me last year when I was 15 years old. This is short but it’s worth my time to write and share with you. I cannot clearly recall what happened that day but I knew it was a hard day. I am filled with sadness. I don’t know who I will cling into. I was crying and crying til I closed my eyes and then something came to rescue me.

I heard a man’s voice, although I cannot comprehend what exactly he was saying but I knew it was Him. I tell you guys, I heard something. The voice was so peaceful. It brought so much peace that I never once in my life experienced ’til that happened. I cannot explain that kind of love and peace but it’s the best feeling I have ever felt. He’s like saying to me that

“Child, it’s going to be all right, go sleep.”

I was so emotional sharing this because I knew it was real. It’s like a voice sent from heaven. That’s all and I hope this touches your heart.


I wouldn’t trade knowing Him for anything

2 years ago, before I knew Jesus, I was attacked by a demon for 28 days. It was the most horrifying 28 days of my life. I spent every second of those 28 days in complete fear while I was physically and mentally and emotionally terrorized by this demon.

The demon is long gone but my mental health has been severely affected… schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD, nightmares, fear, demons and their attacks etc…my new faith was very shaky, and I almost turned my back on God. But I held on, and he saw me through.

And after many prayers and suffering I now know the authority I have in Christ and nothing by any means shall hurt me. I have suffered these past 2 years but suffering leads to Christ and even though it’s been scary and very hard at times I am now a follower of Christ and try to live how he wants me to… I wouldn’t trade knowing Him for anything in the world…even if it was the devil who led me to Him…


Saved from a Bad Situation

God has just saved me from a really bad situation just now. I screwed up and God helped me out of it. He literally turned the favour of God on my life when the client didn’t reprimand me in front of my manager. Thank God and thank you Jesus.


So Much Pain in My Relationship

I was going through so much pain in my relationship as my partner will cheat on me with different women and he never cared about hurting me. It felt like he enjoyed hurting me. I used to cry everyday one problem after another. It became worse day after day.

One day while I was crying, I knelt down, and I asked Jesus that he fill my heart with so much love such that I will never want or care to be loved by anyone. I asked him to fill my heart with his love such that I will never feel pain due to the breakup. After praying, my heart was filled with his love. I felt like someone was hugging me, so much love and peace and ever since that day everything changed. I moved on from that toxic relationship and I am happy.


Now the Time Has Come

A few years ago, I was desperately in need of job with no talent, no abilities, poor memory. An old woman comes to our home and prays for us and God’s word was “don’t rush but wait”, so I waited with patience by the grace of God, pursing my masters in parallel. I was so frustrated that my prayers were not answered but God who gives us faith has given me faith to hold to his word. I always had this doubt. God is always insisting to me to wait. Will he ever say something different? But one final day God’s word through a gifted person was “now the time has come, I have appointed you as a distributor”. Now the question arises what should I distribute, even God answered that through the gifted person (gifts of Holy Spirit). Not only that God also blessed me talents and gifts for my survival. Praying to God without giving up will always work in the end. Never give up praying. ALL GLORY TO GOD.


Follow Me

I was involved in a relationship, let’s call him Jordan. Jordan wanted a lot of unfaithful things from me, and I let my flesh get the best of me. I ended up sending pictures, and video calling him in the shower. I got addicted to pornography, and just let my flesh be bigger than my faith.

I went to my churches Winterfest, and I heard a voice saying, “Follow me, and it will be well with your soul”. I asked for forgiveness and felt the love of God wash over me like a tsunami. I haven’t thought of porn or my flesh be the best of me for 1 1/2 years. PRAISE THE LORD!


Spreading God’s Love through Letters

Hi, I am Allison I was born at 25 weeks premature. I am developmentally disabled and physically disabled.

At birth I wasn’t expected to survive but I did. I battled anxiety all throughout school. I also got saved around age 15. Recently I dedicated my life to my ministry and sharing God’s love with the world.

These verses also inspire me.

Colossians 3:12 NIV – Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Ephesians 4:32 NIV – Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

In 2015 I lost the woman who inspired me to be who I am today and helped bring me to Christ and in honor of her love for the Lord I now run a ministry called KTLM PROJECT (Kindness through Letters Mission Project). I am disabled with developmental delays and mild cerebral palsy but since I formed this ministry, I’ve sent over 2,000 letters and cards to people all over the world. I love sharing God’s love with this ministry and being an inspiration to others as well. I do this all on my own from addressing each envelope to writing each card and sending each letter off.

Right now, I’ve got about 1,2910 completed. I love what I do. I hope I can inspire others to spread God’s love to make this world so much better.

Thanks so much for letting me share my testimony of how I started my ministry.

Allison Bond

He Gave Me a New Life

The Lord God the Lord Jesus has been soooo good to me and I am beyond grateful for all that he has done. He saved me from depression, suicide, loneliness, insecurity, doubt, rebellion, mental disorders and illnesses. He’s completely given me a new life. A life filled with his light. He constantly gives me strength and is the reason why I breathe. He’s me source of joy, comfort, and peace. I LOVE YOU JESUS YOU HAVE BEEN SOO SOO GOOD TO ME. Truly, he is deserving of all prose and glory. He’s awesome.


Healing of Our Dog

I wanna share one thing that God did for me and my family. Almighty God guides and shows paths to different people in different ways. Our way of Him showing His love was the healing of our dog. Our old female dog suffered cancer and a stroke at the same time, but God did nothing but a miracle restoring her crimbled head and stopping cancer from spreading.


Fasting Testimony

February 20th God was showing me that I had the spirit of Jezebel, then I went on a 21 day fast. One night I went to bed, and the Jezebel was holding me down in my bed then the spirit left. During the fast God was showing me the movie the book of Daniel, and in one part of the movie King Nebuchadnezzar sent Daniel brothers into the fiery furnace and God protected them. (Isaiah 41:10) Close to the end of my fast God showed me that, I wasn’t alone, and he delivered me from my strongest enemy. I thank God for always being there for me, God is a powerful God, and he is stronger than the spirit Jezebel. (John 10:10) God will give you life more abundantly if you confess by mouth that Jesus died on the cross, for your sins and Jesus is your savior also repent of your sins you will be saved. [Editor’s note: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9]


My Mother Has Been Healed

My mother has been dealing with some heath related issues and we had been waiting on certain tests results. we just surrounded ourselves in prayer and worship, speaking in tongues, reading healing scriptures and the tests came back negative indicating there is nothing wrong with her. we thank you Lord Jesus. NOTHING is too great or big for our God! God bless you.


Free From Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Attempts

Praise God. I’m 41 and had struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts from the age of 15. Our great Lord set me free from this in December. Answered prayers and me reaching out to Him just saying help me. He is a good God, and this increased my faith. The joy of the Lord is my strength! He can do the same for you!

Catherine Mann

God is faithful all the time!

After almost a year of trying for a baby, I began to get discouraged and concerned. Through it all I continued to have hope in the lord we serve. Just at the year mark God blessed me and my husbands with twins. God is always faithful; I pray that we will all be fruitful and multiple as it is Gods will for us. Amen!


God, My Provider

I just wanna testify to the goodness of the Lord. I did not have enough money to pay for my rent where I am staying. I asked the Lord to help me that I should have enough rent money before 16:00 pm when my landlord would probably be back from work or on her way from work. I spent the rest of the day in the presence of the Lord and didn’t see the time fly by. I got an sms from someone who knew my situation that he deposited money into my account. When I looked at the time, I realised that it was just after 15:35. Indeed the Lord is our provider. He is Jehovah Jireh.


We Serve a Healing God

I had a medical procedure to remove a tumor from my upper palate on 30 August 2019. The procedure, though successful, affected my speech very negatively. It was extremely difficult to make any sense when I spoke.  The surgeon suggested another procedure to TRY to correct the situation but with no guarantee; it “may or may not work” quoting the surgeon’s words. Prayed to God about it and 2 years on, not only can I speak well but 4 MRI scans have cleared me of any signs of Cancer. Truly we serve a Healing God. To Him Alone be all the Glory.

Sam Amponsah

His Continuous Mercy

I want to praise and give all glory to God for His incredible mercy and grace in my career. Recently, I undertook a board certification examination amidst a challenging period. I was juggling work commitments and family responsibilities. It’s truly amazing how God stood unwaveringly by my side, granting me success despite the odds. I remain in absolute awe of His continuous mercy and grace that have guided me throughout my career.

God’s reality and steadfastness are undeniable truths. His consistency in never failing is a testament to His unwavering presence in my life, for which I am immensely grateful. My prayer is for His continuous work, mercy, grace, and the completion of what He has started within my family. To anyone reading this, I earnestly encourage placing your trust in Him, regardless of the challenges you may face, as God is still in the business of doing miracles.

Olalekan Ola

Life-threatening Night Cough Attack Ceased

I was sleeping at 11:00pm peacefully, cough from nowhere started seriously, threatening life and sleep, I remembered a scripture, whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, I began praying in Jesus’ s name commanding the cough to stop, immediately, there was calm, and I was restored to my normal state of sleep and life, hallelujah.

Kulany Timothy Chepkwuri

Addicts, There Is Help

I was a raging alcoholic for 20 years. I did things that I will not normally do. THREE marriage s end in divorce because of my addiction to alcohol. Got hit by a car crossing the road drunk and almost died. That did not stop me from drinking. Worked as a Stripper and escort because I liked to drink and play the fool. I was out of control. But GOD almighty delivered me from my addiction, and I NO LONGER DESIRE ALCOHOL I would like to share my testimony. And let other addicts know that there is HELP.


I Prayed to God to Surprise Me

In the beginning of the year 2023, I prayed to God to surprise me with academic success in the year 2023. I was in SS3 and I was preparing to write my first jamb. I was so scared and then I decided to pray to God that he should make me to excel in my jamb. I asked him for a specific mark which was 308. Then I wrote the jamb and when the result came out instead of the 308 that I asked for, the Lord blessed me with a mark of 310. When I also wrote my WAEC, he also surprised me in the same manner in my WAEC. And to crown all his blessings in my life in the year 2023, he provided me with admission into the university of my choice and to study the course of my choice. I really thank him for his grace in my life in the year 2023.


Marijuana Free

Just want to share what the Lord has done for me, pulling me out of complete darkness into the light. I’ve been clean 8 months from a 10-year marijuana habit, I would’ve never changed without the Lord’s help. I used to live a very selfish life, all about me and what made me feel good temporarily. One prayer changed my entire life. I’m now happily dedicated to church and grow closer to God every day. I’m so alive now that I’ve shed the sins that had me bound! Praise the Lord for saving my soul!


His Turnaround

Praise God for this turnaround and answered prayers. I’ve battled with depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts since I was 15. I’m 41 now. Yesterday I gave up. Having those thoughts on my mind that have pounded over the years. Praise God?! Today I woke up to a complete change. Like night and day is the difference. The thoughts gone; the sadness lifted. Our Lord Jesus showed up in such a big way. I believe He let me know it’s over. All that darkness that clouded me. Erased.

This is the beginning of many testimonials about His great work. I can’t thank Him enough. He doesn’t leave you nor forsake you. I believe that. He brought joy into my life this morning. I believe He’s gonna be doing in everyone’s life even more. The goodness of Him, being there for us in the downs and ups. He’s done this for me. I know He can do it for you. Praise God


The Lord Jesus Christ Set Me Free

I got exposed to pornography and masturbation in my early teenage years. It kept me bound for so many years, I’d watch every day, sometimes more than once in a day. I felt heavy, had low self-esteem, probably unloved and isolated myself from those around me. I was probably 15 at the time or even less. Till 2022, at the age of 26, I’m now 27. Imagine the years of being bound in chains for such a long time, 10 years or more.

I started praying more and even fasted when I could and before I realized it, the Lord Jesus Christ set me. What God can’t do does not exist. John 8 vs 36. The Lord Jesus Christ set me free. He broke to pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron for my sake. I’m more confident, I can think clearly, I’m learning to love just as God is love. I’ll be forever grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for setting me free. To Him be the glory.


God Can Be Everywhere

A friend of mine Clyde was walking through a trailer park on day when he was 19 years old. A couple ask him if he knew Jesus and he said no. And the couple lead him to salvation. Jesus can be anywhere evening in a trailer park. Of all the people I, know Clyde was the one who helped me with my walk with God the most. Sadly, to say Clyde died. This testimony is in memory of my friend Clyde.

Diane Nagel

A reminder that God still works miracles.

Last night I had a late Pilates class. And at the end of the class, we had one movement on a machine. However, my necklace got caught and I couldn’t get up. It was pretty tight around my neck, and I struggle to lose myself and I was about to call for help but the necklace untangled from the machine. when I was cleaning up, my necklace fell, and I thought it was broken. When I got home, I examined my necklace a bit further to see how it would need to be repaired and saw that it wasn’t broken but separated. The hook still remains attached, but its chain detached from it without any brokenness. I wish I can attach a picture to show it.

Shimira Cole

NDE Survivor

I survived 4 near death experiences. All were painful experiences. 3 out 4 I wasn’t sent to any hospital, nor did I take any medicine. Desperately asking GOD for help each time, I survived.




I was homeless coast to coast for about 25 years.  God has shown me great mercy to have spared my life through it all. I’m sixty years old now and not sure about the time I have left. My testimony is still being written.


Please pray for me! I’ve had a vision and just want to walk in line, with the Truth in God Jesus Christ!

The Word of God warns us not to be deceived by the false prophets, even more by the false angel of the light “Satan” himself! The Word says that Satan and his demons, will do “wonderful” things and mislead/deceive people!

I’ ve had the most wonderful experience on 5 June 2011 and was healed in a moment after hearing Jesus say:

“You have been faithful; I am going to heal you!”

And at that very moment I’ve experienced the most amazing event ever in my life!!! This whole event can be seen in the Healing Section under Testimony of pietergabriel. As time went by after that event, certain things start to unfold in interesting ways.Ways that is clear to show, it is not people at work but spirit. To me it is clear that Jesus Christ touched me and gave me an experience far beyond human reasoning!


How I Felt after The Love of God Changed Me

I remember the feeling. For the first time I felt so free. For the first time I could feel the love, a love so big that I could have never gotten it from someone else.

My life changed drastically. I started to see things differently and I was one to not believe that you could get love from someone you couldn’t see. From this day I love and praise my one true Lord.

llader mejia

Self-harm, Suicidal, Depression and Anxiety Free

I have been self-harm free and suicidal free ever since I came to Christ. It has been a year since then. I have been delivered from all depression and anxiety. I am soon to be baptized!


Every Time

I’ve felt alone the past week and every time I felt like killing myself, a preacher would come and say I was born with purpose. Every time I felt alone, some teenagers from my church would tell me I’m not. Every time I’m starting to lose faith, God would send the right preaching to the right service to renew my faith. And I just know that whatever you are going through, he can fix it.


Thank God for Deliverance

Thank God for delivering me from the oppression of the enemy. I used to be wicked, angry for no reason and take out my anger and wickedness on others. I also used to fantasize sexually even when I’m with my spouse also I was an adulterer. I used to be too argumentative and always want to be right and full of pride with foul mouth, but thanks be to God today, I have been delivered from all this curses in my life. Join me to glorify the name of the Lord.


Thank You, God

I would like to thank God for giving my mum a car that makes it easier for her to work and to get around and gracing her with the strength to overcome anything. I also thank him for healing me from any stomach discomfort, pain grumbling and his love upon my life.


Alcohol Ruined my Life

May God bless you all. I was an alcoholic for 20 years. Nothing or no could help me. 3 divorces because of my drinking. Hit by a car crossing the road drunk. Went to see the fertility doctor drunk. He did not want to work with me till I go rehab. So I went rehab again. Came out and started drinking again. Now my eggs stopped developing. No kids. Alcohol ruined my life. Now I have been delivered and have to start over at my age.


Looking Back, I Know God Was Healing Me

When I was born, the doctors told me I couldn’t breathe so they put a trach on me. A Trach is a breathing tube that helps you breathe. Throughout a little bit of my childhood, I had to use a suction machine to take out the mucus. Now that part is important because you can easily lose oxygen.

So fast forward for when I got a little older when the doctor finally decided to test if I could breathe properly without the trach, I Believe That God Saved Me and Healed My Health. Back then I didn’t know much about The Lord but Now When I look back, I knew that God Was healing me from losing oxygen. Praise The Lord for He Heals Everyone.


Lord, Help Me to Travel

I am a born-again child of God. I am fearfully and wonderfully created by the almighty God. I exalt His name for saving me and caring for me till now. Once I was traveling in s train, though I booked one ticket online, but a seat wasn’t confirmed. The train arrived and I got into it. There was no other option for me. I had only Rs. 500 with me. Then I cried out to the Lord. Lord help, me, I am your servant, and I don’t have any near or dear one with me. I am alone. Kindly help me to travel. After some time, God sent a man of God, who was a stranger for me. But God used that particular person to get an open ticket for me. He was an angel of at that moment for me. Glory to God. Amen.


You Sent for Me Lord

While lying in bed around 1:30 I experienced a pain in my heart so strong I could not motion a tear. I agonized in pain for several seconds and then it just stopped. Calm. I immediately fell asleep. I remember dreaming I was in a wallless enclosed room with a clear door, but I could not see thru. The door opens and I knew, without thinking that it was my Lord. He said why do you come to me. I said, “You sent for me lord, I am here. He said, “You are our favored, but you are not prepared or ready. You need 50 or so years of growth and development; you must return.” I seem to have blacked out in my dream and was awaken to the smell of bacon cooking downstairs. How do I process this? I discussed the matter with family and my brother-in-law shared a similar experience around 1:30.

Henry Howard

Repent to Fulfill the Purpose of God

Hi brethren of God.
I want to express my gladness to Almighty God for founding me from the darkness of Satan and putting me in his kingdom. Firstly, let me share with you all my Christian life now. I was among my friends that don’t know God. So, one day I was in the youth program, and during the camp it was a beautiful morning. I attended Bible study class, and during that period I heard a sound in my ears saying repent to fulfill the purpose of God. And that was the day I made up my mind to follow Jesus Christ. And since then, things are flowing miraculously in my life and now I’m a minister of God.

Glory be to God.
Gabriel Bernard Mark
From Akwa Ibom State.

Delivered from Stealing People’s Video Game Currency Coins

So back when I was young, I had a Habit of Stealing from other people. but this was inside a virtual video game. I would steal people’s video game currency coins then I would give it to myself. I was like (oh I will steal 1-2 more times I know it is a sin I will stop) but I wouldn’t. I’m glad that God healed me from this. I do not steal anymore and now I have a good life where I have Christian friends, where I read bible daily, pray daily and spend time with God! I’m really happy. This is MY Testimony.


Completely Healed of Cancer

The Lord healed me completely of cancer of the salivary gland, had a successful surgery but the enemy struck shortly after and I lost my speech, that sent me tumbling down with depression and anxiety as it took my self-confidence away.

Specialists were planning another major surgery to TRY to correct the speech impairment, which in their view was a gamble because according to one of them from experience if anything it would get worse.

I relied heavily on the scriptures that said, by His stripes, we are healed and that which said I am your God that healeth thee.

Fast forward to present, not only has my speech been restored. My confidence is back, and I give God all the glory. Truly His Grace is sufficient for all. If you touch His grace, your life will definitely change.

Sam Amponsah

Invited Jesus to Birthday Party

When I was about seven years old, my mom had a party for me a birthday party, and she invited some of my girlfriends over and after a while my mother played a gospel song. Then the girls gathered all together in a circle including me and they said she’s playing gospel music at your birthday party, as if it was a problem. I said I don’t mind I can praise God any time with no problem, and I told them if they didn’t like it that by all means they can go home. And they were staring, and I just went to my mom and started to dance and sing the gospel music with her church music.


Three Voices

So, when I was younger, I was about like 11 years old and I got up from bed to go to the restroom. And as I was going to the restroom, I heard a voice that said, “Grab that knife and go to your brother’s room to kill him.” And then I heard another voice, that said, “No don’t listen to that, run to your mom and tell her what you just heard.”

So, I choose to do the godly thing and I ran to my mom, and I told her what I heard, and she explained to me that there are three voices I’m going to hear in life: my voice, God’s voice, and the enemy’s voice. The enemy’s voice is the voice that I heard that told me to grab the knife and to kill my brother. God‘s voice is the voice that I heard that says no run to your Mom and my thoughts and soul. When she let me know that, I realized at a young age to differentiate between God, the enemy and myself, and I thank God that I have the chance to know God and choose God as he already chose me.


I Fell While Climbing Trees. God Saved Me

God came to my rescue when I was climbing trees, I suppose as some form of childhood stress relief on my part, and an eternal assurance of love on his part. He warned my spirit and up I went with a determination as sure as his love could be proven.

The branch in my left hand broke offsetting my balance and in a small voice I said,


Then I felt as though I were being held the way you see a husband carrying his new wife through the threshold to their own home. God gently but firmly guided my face downward to show me that I was being saved from impalement and I headed towards the ground diagonally, in what felt like slow motion.

He perched me on the ground so gently with so much care and love in only a way he could. While marveling I said thank you to God. His response was to fill me with love deeper than words.


Academic Breakthrough

After my last semester exams, I had mixed feelings, would have a have a high score to give me a first class CGPA? I believe in the power of prayer, and I prayed earnestly for a good result, I prayed for mercy and favor, I even fasted in some days. Literally any time I have the opportunity to pray, I always prayed about my results.

I saw my results yesterday and indeed God is too faithful to fail, I prayed to have at least 7 or 8 As, I had 9As, God did it. Hold on to God In prayers and His word and He won’t let you down. Anyone expecting a similar testimony receive it in Jesus Name.


Prayed for Lower Blood Sugar

I checked my blood sugar level, and it was very high, and I became a prediabetic (over 200) 2 years ago. Then I prayed to God for His help. Today I checked and my blood sugar level is normal (108).


He Knows even the Smallest Detail

Growing up, I used to be the one who gives gifts. And so, one day, I asked GOD to give me a birthday gift. On my birthday, our younger sister came to me and gave me a piece of cake and a shirt. She also treated me to a nearby fast-food chain. I did not expect that.

Last year, I asked GOD for a birthday gift again. No one in our team knew that it’s my birthday on that day. To my surprise our team leader gave each of us a glass with our name on it. I was very happy since it’s my birthday.

This year, days before my birthday, I asked LORD JESUS again to give me a gift. Now I forgot all about that prayer and I even forgot my birthday. One evening, my church friend and I met at a coffee shop and to my amazement, she gave me a cake as a birthday gift!!!

I am so thrilled! I never did expect that. LORD JESUS is so good and cares enough to make my birthday special!

Always remember, you are not alone. GOD sees you and has always been with you and knows even the smallest detail about you.



Seizures No Longer

I was at the hospital last summer and I have a breakthrough seizure. I was at the hospital for 2-3 days. As I was there, I ask God to please heal me and protect me. I needed His healing hand to touch me from head to toe. Thank you, Jesus, for your healing hand. Now, I no longer have seizures!!!???


Please God, Give Me Strength to Swim

I remembered more than 6 years ago, I was at the swimming tournament, and I was very excited and nervous. So, I found a book and I forgot what it is called. Anyway, I read the verse from Philippians 4:13 NLT,

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

I repeated this verse over and over again. I prayed to God and asked Him to please give me strength to swim. When it was my turn, I felt confident that I could do this. I began swimming very fast and won.

Thank you, God!!!


God’s Help in Passing Certification

I am currently in a product specific training, and it’s our certification week. I actually have a different learning style, so I had many questions. I always pray to GOD but this time, I was extra desperate. I asked GOD to help me pass the certification so that I could keep my job.

Next day after, I was told I passed the certification, I know it is all GOD JESUS CHRIST. I am very thankful that the LORD JESUS CHRIST has given me favor on our certification week. As always, GOD is a very hands-on GOD.


God Saved Me from Homelessness!

My family, I thought, wasn’t going to take me back in, but my sweet grandmother wanted what was best for me! If it were not for God, I would still be on the streets right now (or worse). Praise the Lord!!!


Saved from a House Fire

My Testimony goes like this. On a Sunday, there was nap in our house, and I was sleeping. There was a fan behind me, and the fan removed great fire but didn’t kill me nor even burn me nor give me any wound. To God be the Glory for saving my life. There is no one like him. By now I could have been dead but God Saved my Life. May his name be highly praised.

Nduke Israel Saturday

Blessed with an Unexpected Job

I used to pray for a job from God until I applied as a security officer, for a certain company. By God’s grace instead of being a security officer, they picked me to be the operations clerk (someone who looks after security payroll). To all those who are praying for a job, don’t give up. One day a door will open for you, for God never slumbers upon his own.


A Single Mother’s Faith

Today am standing here to give honor and glory to the Almighty God of showing favor upon me and my entire family. We grew up with a single mother of five children and she had to go everywhere and look for work so that we could survive. But things became worse because my mother was a born-again Christian in the early 1990’s and during that time to be allowed to work, you must be Moslem, protestant or catholic.

To cut short, things became worse but insisted to trust in the Almighty God who saved mother in all wrangles of war during 1980’s and she said the one who saved my life in war can save us in all situations. Surely, He will deliver us from the terrible situation. But now we’re all fine with our single mother, though we left her because now we’re mature and married with stable families and give back glory and honor to the Almighty God.

Ssebuufu collins victor

Passed Board Exams

By the grace of God, I passed both my boards exams. I put my trust in God, and he saw me through. It was not by my own doing or strength.

I failed my first try, I felt let down and disappointed, but God gave me the strength to continue. He made me the head and not the tail. God is always on time!

Sometimes when we experience failure we don’t understand why or feel as if God has let us down. Let me remind you that he is always by our side and will NEVER let us down! If you are trusting God for a miracle, continue to trust Him. He will SHOW up!


Glasses Free

I started wearing glasses at the age ten then around mid 20 I found Jesus I started praying for healing for my eyes so I can stop wearing glasses it didn’t take long but now I’m glasses free only because of Jesus he’s even healed with my seizures it’s awesome Jesus is awesome he’s a healer I love Jesus amen


Healing from Severe Cold, Cough and Breathing Problem

I had severe cold, cough from 2 weeks and I was pregnant… And unable to use the medicines as normal person. But went to doctor and got medicine but no use… Cold is becoming more and more, nose blockage I was not able to breath also… It came a serious problem to me

Finally, I stopped medicine and just I dropped anointed oil in my two nostrils the next day… I was taking clear breath and cold was gone with in 2 days…. Jesus did a miracle for me… Glory to God. Amen


Hepatitis B Healing

I was diagnosed of hepatitis B after my vacation. I was asked to proceed to see the specialist for my treatment. But I prayed for healing and OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HEALED ME. I dreamt our Angels performing surgical operation on me and removing a lot of maggots.

After the dream I got better. Went to see my doctor who recommended another test. The new test revealed that l was completely healed. Praise God. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our healer.

Okechukwu F C

No More Fainting

God delivered me from being sick ever since in my childhood and I used to visit the hospital. And when someone threatens me, I faint and collapse but today am totally delivered and I thank God for my life.

Ssebuufu collins victor


  1. Franca 7/30/2022
    • Emory 7/30/2022
      • Franca 6/25/2023
        • Jenna 10/24/2023
        • Frederick Asare Amoah 1/11/2024
    • Sunday Akodu 7/30/2022
      • Dont'a Johnson 8/17/2024
  2. Frances 6/25/2023
    • Sunday Akodu 6/25/2023
    • Jenna 10/24/2023
  3. Jacques 1/26/2024
  4. Sharmella 2/25/2024
    • Sunday Akodu 2/29/2024
  5. Savannah 6/10/2024
    • Allyssa Powell 7/2/2024
  6. Daisy Reyes 7/10/2024
  7. Manuel Franco 7/29/2024
  8. Dennis B Jr 12/10/2024
  9. Betty 1/7/2025

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