I was smoking a lot of marijuana and taking a lot of Adderall. I didn't know I was entering into the spiritual realm.
Be encouraged by these new short testimonies posted by Testimony Share readers recently that tell of God's grace and love.
I had never written a book in my life, and I didn’t know where to start. But I wanted to obey the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I have a big fear of the Dentist. It has always been a struggle for me to go. I haven't been there for years.
I decided to change my prayer points to thanksgiving for what I could title - A HARVEST OF MIRACLES THRU THE YEARS.
Studying became a scary opportunity and before I knew it, I was cramming the night before the exams.
Every day I first prayed and then studied. I always keep a chair for Jesus to sit with me and teach me when I study.