If I testify before the Lord and everybody who reads this testimony, I pray that the Holy Spirit will be my guide and that I will in no way say anything against the Sovereignty and the Majesty of our Heavenly Father! Jesus is more than awesome – He is the Almighty God! May Ephesians 2:8 & 9 be true about my testimony!
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast.”
I struggled with severe headaches since I was about 10years old (starting with a few headaches per year) for about 40 years. I stopped wrestling as a sport due to headaches on the age of 11. Over the years, the headaches progressively increased in number and intensity. As for the last 3 years it became chronic so much so, that I spent up to 20 hours per day in bed!
That is no life!
I became depressed and also felt guilty of being so passive! Over the years, I prayed to God to take it away from me! I knew God since I was a little child, but I was in a cycle of doing sin, ask forgiveness and then just sin again to ask forgiveness! I wanted to serve God but left the backdoor open! How long does it take for one to listen to God? How long before you realize God really loves you and He wants the best for you? Don’t continue with your sinful life – you can’t serve two masters and God can and will not be mocked!
Please read this testimony and see that Jesus Christ is the real Living God, who came to earth, dwelled in the flesh as a human (he never sinned), gave His Godly life to us as offer, died on the cross, pay the full prize for our sins and was resurrected after 3 days and now sit on the right hand of God our Father in heaven! One day He will come down to destroy all evil and cast Satan and his works of darkness into hell) and Jesus Christ will take us, His children, to live with Him in glory, forever and ever!
God spoke to me in different ways and occasions, as He does in everyday life with his children – we must just learn to listen! He speaks to us, either through His Word, through people, dreams, visions and even in direct voice. Father, I’m so sorry I didn’t listen and obey in many occasions but, thank You for never ending love and grace for Your children and the everlasting hope we may have in You!
On the 23rd of June 2011, I was admitted in a clinic for Mental health because of depression. A decision I and my wife took on our own. Months of unbearable chronic headaches became too much. As I said, I knew God and trusted Him, but my fountain seemed to have fresh and bitter water and according to God’s Word, it is not possible! So, I was living a very bad and sinful life! After 3 neck surgeries in 5 years and lots of pain, God was busy to prepare me! Remember, nothing can take us away from His love it’s a Godly promise! What God has in store for me, was more than a miracle!
On the first day in the clinic, I met a person Johan who in no terms explained to me, he believes there is a god, but he doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ. On the evening of the 3rd day, we happen to sit together on a bench listening to the music of Bach. My eyes were closed while I was listening.
I then had a clear vision of 8 symbols/objects something that never happened to me! I drew the symbols/pictures immediately and told Johan what has just happened to me. Johan recognized some of the symbols and started sharing their meanings with me. He then stood up, went to his room and came back with a book with Satanic and Christian signs and symbols in it. Five of the drawings were available in the book and it seems as if all of them are symbols of Christianity and points toward cleansing, healing and revelation. Some of the symbols are used in other religions as well as in Satanism but, in which cases they don’t look the same and have different meanings.
The symbols/objects were: 1) the David star (6 pointed),2) the Jacob star (5 pointed) – (see difference between Christianity and Satanism in this 2 stars! 3) a white pillar, 4) a glasslike clear quartz crystal shining bright white light, 5) a 220v globe (without cable or any attachments) shining bright light 6) a new moon (points of moon shown to the right,7) a purple red priest garment from the waist below (with golden fringes and purple spots on it) 8)a oval circle shaped figure blue inside, white on the outside of the circle.
Why did I see that? At this stage I didn’t realize the significance of the vision and it would only be after 12 days that something indescribable happened! Today it is the 28th of January 2013, and the last few months interesting truth is revealing itself by the grace of God! For about 3 weeks after 23 June 2011, I’ve seen even more symbols/events etc., which I can’t share in this space in handwriting it was more than 25 pages! But I will share it piece by piece in future writings! Then on 4th of July 2011, the day before the most wonderful event in my life, I was admitted in a normal hospital for acute pain control! I have developed the 2nd worse headache ever!
On the morning of 5 July 2011, it was around 8-9 o’clock, it was almost time for the next drip for pain treatment. I was in a sitting/laying position on my bed, tears running over my cheeks, while praying to God for relief – my eyes closed but I’m totally aware of my surroundings! Jesus then revealed Himself to me!
At first, I saw the shape of an eye from the side. The eye became two eyes, then I saw the most beautiful face looking down on me! How the face looked was like a typical general description of Jesus when he walked the earth. His eyes were the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. It was different shades of blue just like sapphire stone! The most important part, however, was what shining through His eyes!
I was not afraid at all and immediately know it was Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Out of His eyes came the dearest love! Love and joy over spilled me, It was solid like touching a rock. He closed His eyes for a moment, a tear was running over one of His cheeks! The passion in His eyes bring back tears to my eyes this very moment! His love and tender care but also joy and peace engulfed me, and the most wonderful feeling ever left me weightless and without any pain for a moment!
However, I try, I can’t recall the same picture or feelings in full extent- I think, if it continued for longer than that few seconds, I would now still be running all over the world and sing His joy and praise Him constantly – there would have been no time for anything else! Then, after He opens His eyes again, His words came very clear to me in a soft voice!
“You were faithful. I’m going to heal you!”
Afterwards I thought- Lord, how can a human be faithful? Just in one way no matter what the case is, believe that Jesus is the Lord, the Redeemer the Savior! After He spoke to me, I suddenly started swaying from side to side on the bed. It felt as if I was hold in someone’s hands, moving me slowly from left to right. It happened about 3 times. Then it felt as if somebody hit the soles of my feet with a solid granite block. Not hard but with strong short blows. It happened about 5 to 7 times. Then there was a strong but short plug of my feet, and my whole body literally moved on the bed. For a few seconds I felt the most amazing feeling all over my body, nothing ever felt like that – not even multiplied by a thousand times!
At that stage I started to feel my body again as well as the heavy spasms in my neck and over my shoulders. Suddenly I was aware that my headache was gone and feel a warm feeling as if oil was running from the top of my head, slowly, all over my shoulders, and the spasms disappearing my spiritual eye, I saw a sword, cutting through bone, marrow and muscle, and healing came to my mind! Spiritual, physical and mentally! After it happened, I was so excited and asked the hospital staff to take out the drip and didn’t take any further medication for pain.
Today, I still have very bad spasms and do use medication for that but, it is almost 19 months without headaches after that day. For anyone who may think: He is still taking medication that is why he does not have headaches – I can assure you (it happened even after using the prescribed dose for one day in only 10 hours, it then didn’t take away my headaches!) Furthermore, how possibly could my mind projected the healing by showing me signs which I didn’t even know has to do with healing etc?!
But, as from that day 5 July 2011, until today (28 January 2013), I haven’t had any headaches! When Jesus healed the blind person, he took away his blindness – he didn’t give him a glorified body! Jesus healed my headaches! I know God is still busy with healing! To what extent only God knows! I’ve experienced more but for now what did I learn and what is God’s will with this miracle? I still feel like a fountain that wants to burst open and overflow of joy! That is what God’s joy does with us! As Eph.2 :8&9 says “all the glory to God only! There is absolutely nothing more special around me than any other child of God!”
Start your trust in God Almighty, His Son (our Savior) Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God will be immediately there if you repent and give your life to Him, although it may feel “that He is absent “He is always with us” The God of Israel never slumbers or sleeps! Don’t ever ask why “this or that happens to you! Trust God, He knows the best! Even if things “look and or is out of hands in your life God is more than faithful! He can’t and won’t fail His Word! Just remember it’s God’s time, not yours!
God is Sovereign in what He does, His love and grace is everlasting! Do we as humans understand everlasting love, I don’t think so but as from today what I’ve told you is the truth. I can’t gain by lying and believe me if I give my testimony, many people lift their eyebrows. Some people are even rude, laugh about it or will talk behind me discrediting me as person because of this testimony! I pray for each and every soul who hear my Testimony! May God open your eyes so that you may truly see and your ears so that you may truly hear! I will sow boldly for God, and He also said, “don’t look back.”
God Himself will let grow where it must grow! God bless you all! I love Him so much! Who am I that He gave me PieterGabriel this experience? I’m your brother in Jesus’ name and He loves you all just as much! Learn to listen even now, God is speaking to u through my testimony.
I’m nothing less and nothing more than any of His Children! Actually, I feel less in myself after what happened but the lesser, we become, the more God will become in our lives! He asks every one of us, to be His hands and feet on earth! Are you? May God be with you and may we meet in heaven one day! With love to all God’s children! He who is the Alpha and the Omega, has chosen us to be with Him one day, reigning with Him in His Kingdom!
God, I pray to you in Jesus Name, bless each and every child of you who reads this testimony, may the Holy Spirit be the witness of this truth in Jesus’ name! All the glory power and praise to our Heavenly Father. Amen!
Emory! This is a comment for myself, but every month is “party” time in this regard! Today, I rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ as…it is now:(19 MONTHS) 5 JULY 2011 UP TO 5 FEBRUARY 2013 – A total of 19 months THAT I’m living WITHOUT a severe and/or any headaches! God healed me on 5 July 2011 in a moment! He revealed Him to me,spoke to me and told me that He is going to heal me, and it happened about 09:00 in the morning – I was all awake, sitting in a hospital bed in severe pain, my eyes closed and I was praying to Jesus Christ, He who dwelled the earth in flesh and was nailed to the cross!!! When I told my Neorosurgeon afterwards:” I saw Jesus and He healed me today! I don’t have any headache anymore,…I’m healed!”, he said: “I’m happy for you” and smiled as if I just told him, that the rainbow was from candy!
As from today, I have 3 months to go, and I’ll be celebrating an anniversary of 2 years with no headaches!! Praise the Lord God Almighty! I’ll never stop praising my Heavenly Father! Giving me that experiences and showing, He is alive and up to date with the World! God so dearly wans us to open our hearts and TRUST AND TRUST AND TRUST HIM AND BE FAITHFULL! Yet in all I have nothing to boast – but I may sing the joy of Lord Jesus – it’s the mercy and power of God who He let me experience! May God bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – AMEN!
Hi PieterGabriel, I praise God for your healing! Please don’t ever stop telling your wonderful and encouraging story!
Today, 12th of May 2015, it is almost 4 years after the healing of my headdaches (still without them!) and I still rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour – onto Him be all glory, power and praise! Amen!
Amen to that, PieterGabriel! Praise God. I rejoice with you.
Brother Peter Im Puneet from India. 46. severly suicidally depressed for 32 years. Tried all religions all paths.. some power got me to jesus. Can you please pray for my deliverence brother…I am tired.. really tired of suicidal depression. Is there a way I can talk to you.. my wats app no is +919873913522
Today… 8 March 2020. I can confirm (after almost 9 years) …I still don’t have headaches at all!!! I just want to praise God our Heavenly Father for His love and mercy! Furthermore … God brought Dr. RAATH on my way and he took away at least 80% of my neck and back pain!!! After 8 years of chronic pain, 3 different neurosurgeons with almost 3 different opinions …but…2 of them agreed that my next step will be the inplant of a morphine pump!!! It’s not easy to understand why I literally lost 9 years of my life due to pain … and then in 2 and half hours in theatre a 4th. specialist managed to change my life to almost normal!!! I am sleeping much better, have more energy and start to enjoy life again. I thank God the Father,His Son …Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit for His healing …He gave me another chance to live and shine His light!!! May God Almighty be with you all. May His love and light show you the way… God is real and He will never fail you… trust Him above all. He is faithful! Praise the Lord…Amen
PieterGabriel, thank you for the update. Has it been that long, wow! Praise God, He’s done great things in your life!
Hi Emory! It is almost 13 years since God healed me and the chronic acute headaches are still gone. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ! How are you guys doing? PieterGabriel from SA.
Thanks be to our God. May God’s name be glorified forever.
Hi PieterGabriel, good to hear from you my friend! Always a blessing, brother, and appreciate your contributions. Praise God for the wonderful way he healed you. All is well here, just growing in faith and knowledge of God and His goodness. Anything new with you?
Brother Peter Im Puneet from India. 46. severly suicidally depressed for 32 years. Tried all religions all paths.. some power got me to jesus. Can you please pray for my deliverence brother…I am tired.. really tired of suicidal depression. Is there a way I can talk to you..
It is not religion that will save or deliver you but Jesus. The first deliverance is salvation. You need to first be saved. Are you saved already. If not you need to make your way right with God. You can then pray this prayer:
* Sing praises and worship song to God.
* Confess your sin unto God.
* Ask God to be merciful unto you.
* Ask the Blood of Jesus to cleanse you and cover you.
* Ask the Lord to break every evil covenants or curses standing against you.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to always lead you.
*Ask God to fully liberate you from the oppression of the devil.
* Ask for the joy of the Lord to fill you.
* Ask God to reveal His purpose for you and help you to fulfill His purpose for your life.
* Present your requests before the Lord.
As you pray the prayer in faith, I believe the Lord will glorify Himself in your life. I will continue to pray along with you. Looking forward to your testimony soonest in Jesus name.
Hi Puneet. This is the proof… God is already working in you! Remember… to walk on trials of life, God never said it will be easy. Look at the disciples of Jesus. They knew hardship and even Stephanus being stoned to death! It must be horrible to feel like you feel, but…you are on the right path. Jesus Christ WILL definitely accept you if you truly believe in Him as the ONE and only saviour. God the Father, The Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit will welcome anyone who obey and pray to them Keep your faith and while growing in faith, God will guide you. If God chooses a short road to your salvation or more of a rock road… stay faithful.
You sound like the “lost sheep” in the Word of God. The herder left all the sheep at a certain place and went to look for the single lost sheep! THAT is exactly how precious we all are to God. Tell the people around you about experiencing that “hole” in your heart and Jesus is busy with you. Trust Jesus, sometimes we all fail in our trust and faith BUT God will never ever fails u Keep on looking for Jesus… He is the light the live and the way! May God bless you!!
Thanks bro
Praying for you Puneet. Please post back and let us know how you are.
Thanks bro