Asian Woman

A Witness to my Spirit… Receiving Tongues after Ten Plus Years!

Praise the Name of Jesus.

I have been in the Lord for more than thirteen years. I have had the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, receive infilling very often, base my life on His Word…but was yet to receive tongues. before anything I wish to reassure those who need it… The Lord, now I know, leads His people as HE knows they require. Not as per our wishes. There are so many plain teachings about the gift of tongues, and I am someone who reads so much…yet this was not opened to me.

This year, on the beginning of passion week, I was led into a fast. For the first time I was attempting a long fast of several days. I fasted for three days. On the fourth day, I was in a downcast mood. Every now and then I ask my husband for permission to go for fellowship and he refuses. This year again I requested and once again lovingly he refused. lol…

After he left for work and the children for school, I went online to search for some videos of praise and worship to join in. I came across a video of a Pastor Jon, leading a prayer to receive tongues. I prayed with him, and I received TONGUES.

I am a self-conscious most introverted person, incapable of laughing out loud, let alone talking to people who are not familiar to me. I have tried so many times to pray in tongues and never was able to get beyond saying “Hallelujah” innumerable times.

What came out was a form of groaning in unintelligible sounds which did not sound at all divine or musical to my conscious mind as I thought it would be. At the same time, I was bent over in effort and shivering from head to toe. This I knew as familiar as His presence, so I was somewhat reassured. I could stop and start at my own will, but I didn’t want to… weeping uncontrollably, in between I started laughing with joy too because I knew I was on a direct hotline with the Holy Spirit!

After this experience I was severely tested. I doubted myself, wondered whether I was making it up. I didn’t know what to think. Two things gave me relief… as I wept in my confusion and called on Father God, He spoke in His small still voice…”all these years I have led you…I alone…do you think I will let you suffer wrong?” and then scripture,

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:9-11

I kept on praying tongues throughout the day, and it now settled into a language I recognized… syllables at a speed which I otherwise am unable to produce. I also realise that my conscious mind goes on a sort of “lie-low state” when I pray in tongues.

I still am on a high… it’s been now four days and already I feel the difference within me. I am joyful, I am not so worried what others will think of my faith… Hallelujah… I cannot stop praising Him. Hallelujah!


  1. Joy 4/8/2013
  2. Michael 4/14/2013
  3. ms.tee 4/14/2013
  4. Debbie 7/11/2013

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