I need help.
I suffer from something called maladaptive daydreaming. It is where you enter into this DreamWorld and create many fake scenarios in your head. I’ve had it since I was a little girl.
It follows that you pace around a lot while doing it, have extreme anxiety and depression, constantly daydreaming uncontrollably for hours. It can also cause distortions and confusion in the mind. I am asking for prayers and any spiritual understanding behind this thing.
Kim, I just prayed for your healing and that God would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and that the eyes of your heart would be opened. May you understand what you need to do. May God get you to the place where you need to be. Let us know how you are doing in the future, please.
Actually, this was the prayer request by the above person but I’m in the same situation too… I’m suffering from the same. It is very dangerous, than cancer because it kills your capabilities and takes control of our mind and body. Please pray for me.
I… I pray that God’s healing power be manifest in your mind and body now. Be healed and free in the name of Jesus Christ.
Kim and I, we human beings are made of spirit soul and body. Our spirits are either controlled by God or the devil. It is who controls our spirits that determines what how souls (mind) and bodies will be.
You need to allow God to fully take control of your spirit. If you are not yet saved, this is the opportunity to make your way right with your maker:
Let us pray:
Ask God for forgiveness of your sin as you confess them before God.
Ask the Lord Jesus to come into your life and become your Lord and Saviour.
Believe with your heart that your prayer has been answered.
You can now pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, forgive me my sin and redeem me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light through Your blood which you shed on the cross of Calvary. Make me a new creature today and make the old things to pass away. I confess You as my Lord and Saviour, come into my heart and direct my life forever, in Jesus name I have prayed.
As you have prayed this prayer in faith, you are now Born Again, you are a new creature.. Pray and study the word of God regularly so that you can grow in faith. Attend a Bible believing church and participate in their programmes so that you can grow spiritually. You are now welcome to the winning side.
You can then pray this prayer:
First sing praises unto God
1. Thank God for His faithfulness over your life.
2. Ask the Lord to destroy every roots of sin and anything of the devil in your life
3. Ask God to establish you firmly in Him
4. As the Holy Spirit to always direct you and ask for the grace to always follow His leading.
5. As God to reveal His purpose for creating you on the Earth to you.
6. Ask God for the grace to fulfill His purpose for your life.
7. Thank God for the answered prayer.
Shall we pray:
Oh Lord, I present Kim and I unto you. As they have come unto you for deliverance, oh Lord fully deliver them by your blood which you shed on the cross of Calvary. Oh Lord, always direct them and help them to fulfill Your purpose for their lives. Thank You Lord for the answered prayer, in Jesus name we have prayed.
I pray for complete healing in this spiritual warfare and peace in your life. real peace that comes from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. always remember that our God in still in control. No matter the circumstances are, and He is able to take care of us. it might help you and read my testimony to know that He can not leave you nor forsake. https://testimonyshare.com/the-life-and-testimony-of-a-converted-muslim/
It’s a demonic spirit oppressing you.
Every time you feel the daydreaming attack coming up on you, you need to rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Ask the Lord Jesus to wash you in His blood, forgive all of your sins, and free you from any possible sins that gives this spirits the right to attack you. If you have any dreamcatchers, good luck charms, or other objects like that in your house or your possession, get rid of them, as it gives demons the right to affect you.
Ask the Lord Jesus to give you His peace and joy, send His Holy angels to protect you, and His Holy Spirit to fill you.
Maladaptive daydreaming is a common result of childhood trauma such as childhood emotional neglect or other types of trauma. Dealing with and praying through things from your past that are causing anxiety, depression or the desire to socially isolate yourself to aviod difficult situations may help you with this issue. I’ve had the same issue also. The more I rely on God when I’m feeling this way, the easier it becomes to not rely on daydreaming to escape. I pray for you that you will be able to receive God’s healing, love and grace that you will rely on him for your sense of self worth and direction and that when you are feeling overwhelmed or hurt that you will turn to him.
Amanda, basically described what I have been going for a long time. Avoiding hard situations and not wanting to deal with my own issues has caused me to isolate myself. By me choosing that decision I ended up with maladaptive daydreaming for a good while. What scriptures or books did you use to over come this issue of constant daydreaming? Thank you for your time and response.
The way God works in person A might not be the way He wants to work in person B. God has created each of us uniquely. The leading of the Holy Spirit is very important for us. It is the voice of God that heals and gives us victory. Go and seek the face of God concerning the situation. I believe God will speak to you by Himself and as you follow His leading, the healing shall come. I will continue to pray along with you.
Amen, thanks for the scripture and prayer.
Hey! I also struggle with maladaptive daydreaming! First of all declare biblical scriptures over your life. Secondly, you have TO REALLY SINCERELY desire to want to be free from it or you won’t be free from it if you are not actually willing to let it go. God told me that my wet dreams and sleep paralysis was due to this evil spirit. Maladaptive daydreaming is a sprit. Thridly, be healed from your past traumas. Try to understand the roots of the maladaptive daydreaming and what caused you to daydream. Heal from your past trauma and your childhood trauma and rebuke any evil Spirit that is related to your past trauma or childhood trauma. Then, never stop praying and I advise you to fast. In addition, you should also seek deliverance from a ministry or a church leader (make sure it’s a good ministry or church)
Hi Isaac the book ‘Quit Daydreaming: How to wake up and break free from mental bondage’ talks about overcoming MD with God. In addition to reading the Bible this could be a good help to put things into perspective.
It is demonic. It is some spirit that manipulates mind – witchcraft. Cast it out. Anything that has to do with occult throw away. Any horoscopes, new age stuff incl. Meditation, yoga, crystals. And dont forget music albums and films. Lots of pop/rock music carry demonic spirits, so get rid of it. Books like Harry Potter, Secret, Eckhardt Tolle and stuff, get rid of it.
Then ask God for forgiveness and command the demons out. If you are new to it, write into YouTube “deliverance prayer witchcraft”. They leave you. If it continues you just take authority over it, speak to it. You massage them with prayer.
It will be trying to creep back in, but prayer is powerful.
To keep it away, Stay away from wordliness, stay in scripture and know it, fast, and fellowship with the Lord to know His voice. He will be showing you things to get rid of, things to pray for, take note of your dreams. Lots of things to improve on, meditate on, and the spirits attacking us or having influence on us are revealed there.
Bless you.
Also, the daydreams shows area where you need to pray into. Take note of what you are daydreaming of. And see – are you trying to be center of the attention there?
Pray into it. Meditate scripture that tells of God’s love and acceptance of you. Then what you know, you use in the next prayer, etc.
Or is it something romantic? Lustful? Again pray into it what the word of God says and who you are in Christ.
You get the point.
Daydream is witchcraft and usually rejection I’d say. But take it to God and speak the scripture to it. If it is very strong, as you said for hours or very hard to control, and you flip into daydream even during prayer, super hard to focus, it is a demon. You not only speak the scripture, you command it out.
Thank You Jesus Today I am Free from Maladaptive Daydreams. I am free from any child hood trauma that caused this Daydreams
Thank you father Today I am whole, no witchcraft or demonic spirits, evil spirits anything that does not come from Christ can enter my mind in Jesus Mighty Name.