I told God that I would write a testimony when I passed my exams.
To begin with, here are the grade boundaries at university:
– 40% = Pass
– 50 – 59% = 2:2
– 60 – 69% = 2:1
– 70%+ = 1:1 (Highest grade)
For some context, I am a second-year law student. I have always struggled in in-person exams due to anxiety. Unfortunately, I had two in-person exams this semester and so I was very anxious as to how I would perform. Due to anxiety, I would always panic before entering an exam hall and would forget everything that I had revised almost immediately.
As a law student, these exams were very important as law firms expect strong academic ability. During my revision, I struggled to retain any information and so right before the exam. I was very anxious.
When I opened the paper for the exam, I immediately panicked. I couldn’t remember most of the cases and majority of my writing felt like poor rambling. I finished the exam and foolishly became angry at God. I was angry because I knew God said he would never let us fail, yet I felt like I just failed that paper. I didn’t speak to anyone about the exam and just went straight to revising for my next exam.
My next exam came, and I felt a little bit better during it, but I still felt like I had failed afterwards. I also remembered afterwards that I had mixed up an important case.
I spent days being angry at God before I realised that my anger was futile. There is no benefit of being angry at God, and God still has the power to turn tables. I went back to watching sermons on online, reading my Bible, and humbling myself before God. I read testimonies online and felt much more confident before results day. I prayed to God to just get at least a 60% in both.
Fast forward to results day, I opened my results, and they were higher than I would have ever expected. In my exams, I had scored 61% (a 2:1) and 71% (1:1).
I trusted in God, and he did more that I could have imagined. I recommend to anyone that is waiting for their results to trust in Him and to always have faith.
Helpful quotes:
– Jeremiah 29:11
– Hebrews 11:11
– Philippians 1:6
– Romans 12:12
– Psalm 42:11
– Romans 15:13
– Psalm 31:24
I am going through a similar crisis, not as much as you but definitely due to exams and worried about my future. I know God is going to take care of everything but there is this small “what if” going on in my head