Girl thinking of couple holding hands in leaves

Will God Give Me A Sign? College

So, I’ve been with my boyfriend for going on 3 years. He’s agnostic and I’m a Christian. I love him so much and I’ve never felt this way about anyone else before. We’ve been a long-distance relationship this entire time… he lives upstate New York and I live in NYC.

I know in my heart that he never cheated on me and was always honest with me the entire time. He was such a good man to me he helped me overcome my eating disorder he never talked down on me or called me names or lied to me. Recently he just went to college in Albany and broke up with me about a month ago saying that he needs to find himself and what he wants in life.

I don’t understand how out of nowhere he can just leave the person he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He claims it’s because he wants to focus on school but deep down inside, I feel like he wants to be with other people no matter how much he says he does.

I was devastated and still am. I cry myself to sleep overnight and ask God why he would take such a beautiful gift in my life away. I truly love him with all my heart. He told me that he would like to try things out again later on if life permits. I am still so heart broken and confused how he can just flip out of nowhere and not want to be with the person he said no matter what he would wanna be with me.

We still text every single day. I feel so lost confused angry and heart broken. I’ve been going to church a lot recently and praying that God will give me answers and that God will rekindle my relationship with my ex. It hurts so badly knowing that the person you’re in love with doesn’t feel the same anymore. I don’t wanna give up on my ex. He is truly such a good man…I love him. I pray that God will give me a sign that one day we will be together again.

I sometimes feel like my prayers won’t get answers and that I’m all alone. Will God answer my prayers? Is it possible that if I fast and pray every day that my ex will come back. I feel in my heart that he is my soulmate. Why did God do this to me knowing what I’ve been through in the past? My ex is not the partying type or anything but why would he break up with me and leave me so hurt inside.

Please God bring Kenny back to me. I love him so much. Even though it’s selfish of me I pray that another woman doesn’t walk into his life ๐Ÿ™ I don’t wanna give up. I heard that anything is possible with God. Is it possible for God to work a miracle and bring us back together?


  1. Jamesh 3/10/2016
    • J 11/10/2016
  2. Natugumya Ritah 4/9/2024

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