After 11 years of infertility, without medical intervention AT ALL, the Lord Jehovah blessed us with two sons, one after the other, Ben and Joel. They are both now 3 and 4 and a half years exactly. I received this promise from God’s word long before their birth, that “Your children will be taught of the Lord and great will be their peace” and I have stood on it. Living in a largely unsaved environment, I held fast onto that promise.
Recently my younger son, Joel started misbehaving. All of two and a half years he would scream at others and throw tantrums. I am not easily shaken but after three continuous days of seeing him cry himself to sleep for no reason at all, I called out to my Lord, saying that you promised and that is for NOW, not later only. Please fill him with the peace of your Holy Spirit. He answered immediately. My child woke up the next day and I could see the old Joel, smiling and happy. No more tantrums…:-)
I will throw my cares upon the Lord for I know He loves me. I will stand on His mighty word and live happily. Praise be to His glorious name. Praise be. Do not be reluctant to call upon Him for even what the world says is silly.
Amen sister! I agree:)
My heart was filled with joy as i read your testimony,
As I read the first 2-3 lines i felt the Holyspirit telling me to give you blessings, didn’t know it was for your children but i believe its confirmed that they will be at peace with eachother, immense peace will flow through them….
These are the blessings from the God for your precious children:
May God bless you and watch over you.
May God shine His Face toward you and show you favor.
May God be favorably disposed toward you
May He grant you abundance of Peace
May God make both of you like Ephraim and Manasseh.
In Jesus name we pray, amen.
Dear daughterofchrist and others, God bless you and thank you for the blessings,encouragement and agreement on prayer. May it be thus always for us. Who knows what He has stored up for us who love Him?
Dear beloved precious daughter of Christ…
I would like to share a very important thing with you:-
I got saved two years back i had lacked that intimate personal relationship with God, I was revealed through someone blessed in Christ that i must pray for my Holyspirit baptism which i did with some carelessness and ignorance which continued for 2-3 months but our dear abba, Lord Jesus Christ poured out his Holyspirit on me one night, i can never forget that night when i received my Holyspirit baptism.
Precious sis, now is the time you must began praying for your children’s Holyspirit baptism, it is our only treasure on earth, it defend us from the wrath of God on judgement day and cares for us, teaches us, bible says….your like a child weaned to the Holyspirit.
And this is the end times going on where according to the promise of the Lord, He will pour out His Holyspirit on anyone who asks, the children shall prophecy and the old men shall see dreams so it is happening now.
Please pray your children’s holyspirit baptism, they are not ordinary children, they are the chosen ones, pray for their salvation and most importantly Holyspirit to be poured out on them so that they will start their walk in Christ at this age only, the Lord will do miracles thorough them because they are the chosen ones, so please do not delay.
Jesus loves you
Dear DaughterofChrist,
Sister, its a long story. I am saved and receive His baptism of the Holy Spirit almost daily in my prayerlife. I am so blessed but my story has thorns too. My husband is yet unsaved. I am an indian and my family belongs to an ancient Orthodox Syrian Christian Church. They know that I have left that community and will have nothing to do with idols, and saint worship. but it is a lonely life. My family also does not now interfere in my prayer life but I am not permitted for fellowship. The Lord brings fellowship to me as seen with this discussion board.
I am often confused as I do teach my kids as I know about Jesus and his love but so many other things too are shown to them which I cannot fight. That is why the Word is so marvellous to me.
What can man do to me that God cannot intervene.I have more confidence in His word, than in anything on earth. You have no idea how much joy your communication gives me. Please do pray for my familys salvation.
God bless you and the Holy Spirit further bless and keep you.
Dear Leesa, my beloved sister in Christ,
It is not a coincident that we met, when you move one step ahead towards Christ(which you already did long time ago) he completely snuggles you up in His arms, your well protected and taken care of under His feather, He is your father,what you don’t see in flesh is that your covered with the walls of FIRE, satan only targets Bornagains which you already are, so do not be amazed or sad when you see trials and oppositions coming up from all around but you know what…
The Bible says to you in Isiah 49:16
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.
Every single second of your life is covered with the blood of Jesus, you have walls of fire around you so devil cant reach out to you but surely throw doubts at you, never pay heed to any doubts, when Jesus declared LIFE and SALVATION to your house, stick on to it, he DECLARES LIGHT to your HOUSE, the same light that lightens up the world is in YOU, breathing in YOU, do you ever realise how precious you are in His eyes, devil can give up 1000’s of non believers just to attack you or your household thats how precious and important you are….
The Bible says….in plasm 91
Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.
This is the power in and around you so do not pay heed to doubts or worries.
Ecclesiastes 2: 24:26
A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfation in his work.
This too is from the hand of God for without him who can eat or find enjoyment
so my dear, your a LION you have JESUS breathing in you, when GOD is with you who can go against you or your household, just know….bible says…nothing can separate you from the Love of God, do not worry for tomorrow, it has toubles of its own (which are indeed needed to increase our faith) so live your today and give thanks and praise to God.
Your breathing, your heart is beating and you have LIVE HOPE IN JESUS each day as you live, see how joyful it sounds.
Your children are walking miracles, he gives exceendingly abundantly beyond expectation and moreover he does not do anything without revealing his servants, so it has been revealed to you so stick on to it, thorough your faith your household will LIVE in Christ and precious angel dont call them non beleivers for they are yet to come in Christ, Lord has set repentence on them,a day and time has been appointed, do not worry for you can not add a single hour to your life, rather rejoice that you have LIVE HOPE in JESUS.
Bible says in isiah 43:18..
“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
HE IS JEHOVAH, heaven and earth may fail but His words will never fail never fail never fail, write this in your heart, HE proclaims victory upon your household, your a Lion so LIVE in SONS OF GOD.
your doing perfect already, i can see your faith is touching the sky, well done, remain in him and as he remains in you forever, do not look here and there, remember… household salvation is not in your hands, not in situation hands, its only and only in the hands of GOD who watches over you day and night even when ur asleep, your faith is being answered, its on the way
but as for now…be clothed in Jesus everyday which makes you a mighty warrior in Christ
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Read Isiah 30:15 also
In repentence and rest is your salvation
In quietness and trust is your strength
I too was born as hindu but you know what…Jesus is doing miracles after miracles with my family who are yet to be saved in Christ, Jesus has DECLARED and JESUS ALONE WILL DO IT. Nothing can stop it, yes Lord, thankyou Jesus
Abba specially moved my hear for you, from now on your not alone, your in my prayers, together we will fight this good battle and come out as WARRIORS IN CHRIST.
God has a plan for you, you will save millions or broken hearts in the coming days, its happening he is preparing you for it.
I will pray for you regularly, i have written your name in my book sweetheart 🙂
Dear DaughterofChrist,
I wish to contact you.