I promised myself when I passed my 6 exams that I’d come back and give my testimony. A month ago, I sat my 6 exams that would determine whether or not I would graduate on time. 1 of those 6 courses is a course that I was doing for the 3rd time and 3 of those courses were my “hardest” exams out of the bunch. This time around I found that I shouldn’t wait until I’m in the examination room to ask God for his help and guidance.
I prayed before the exams, being led by the holy spirit to ask people in my circle to agree with me in prayer and prayed before and during studying and then still praying in the exam room like I usually do. This was the game changer in my opinion. Praying, studying and doing my part and then asking God to grant me favor in the eyes of my examiner and praying continuously for good results.
After taking what I deemed to be my hardest exam I was talking to a friend and someone else discussing the paper we just wrote. I realized that I had mixed up a theory and it had me questioning how right my answers were and if what I wrote would give me enough points to pass the course.
Out of my 6 courses, I had the lowest grade going into the exam in this course. 2 points above the passing mark for the coursework component (22/40). Meaning I would have to work extra hard to do well in the final exam worth 60% of my grade.
Even though I was doubting at first, I rebuked all thoughts that were not of God and ramped up my prayers. I looked for testimonials of God showing up for others in situations like mine and I found this website and it encouraged me greatly.
When I got back the results, I got a passing grade higher than I could ever imagine. I kept praying that God is the God of the impossible, that he has never left me or forsaken me, and he’s done it before so he can do it again and indeed, he did.
With God all things are possible. You just have to trust and believe that he will do what he said he’ll do! Glory to God for all 6 passes! All him! Eternally grateful.