Please somebody uplift my faith on this. My mother, 52 years old was dignosed hiv positive and TB this year, and immediately started on ARV on 07/02/11 because her cd4 count was only 15. She is not a Christian, but I am, and she has agreed to go to pastor Chris on the night of bliss. Pray with me for her healing.
I have heard testimonies of so many people who have been healed from this sickness, but who have not yet been started on ARV. Obviously with the ARV’s the virus becomes undetectable, how am I going to know that she is indeed healed?
Hello Thebzi,
I’m praying for your mom and also for you.
I found these Bible verses on God’s ability. I hope they help.
“Is anything too hard for the LORD?” Genesis 18:14.
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37.
Your mom is in the loving hands of Jesus. He loves her very much and He will take care of her.
Increase your faith by reading the promises and the stories of Jesus in the Bible. God’s love never changes. “He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.
Keep praying and keep trusting in Him.
May God be very near to you both and bless you.
“Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7.
Thebzi, I will pray for your mother. Just be aware that Jesus Christ is true Living God, He is right there with You and knows the situation. If You believe You will see His glory. Our God can and will do a miracle in Your life, there is nothing impossible for Our mighty God, who fed, provided for, protected and guided 2 million people through the desert. The Bible says that “Even their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out during those years in the desert”. Have faith, hold on to Jesus, all who wait upon Him will not be disappointed.
Take care and continue to Trust in Jesus.
I am attending New Creation Church in Singapore. Since my >10 years in the Church, I heard of 2 testimonies – 2 HIV patients being healed and were discharged.
BELIEVE !!!!!!!!
“Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honor and glorify Me”
(Psalm 50:15, AMP)
dear pastor chris i am terrell i have a problem of being h.i.v
Can HIV be cured completely?
Can any Positive become HIV Negative by medication or by self healing??
i tested hiv positive 7 years ago and im not taking arv’s because of i have a faith that God will heal me. and i’ve got. 2 children im looking after husband is not infected instead if i slept with him i became healing. i need 2 talk 2 someone with this situation in my mother language becs im not pefect some otheir things ineed 2 say. plz people help me 2 pray
God is capable of healing.
Believe and pray. Get more close to God. Let not any doubt come into your mind.
Read Bible ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Jesus can heal HIV. Nothing is impossible for the creator.
Please seek God’s word, first, for guidance. I also pray that she may utilize the medical interventions that God has made possible for us to use. Alpha Lipoic acid, white tea…we can all benefit from natural interventions as well.
Am Ugandan. Aids can be healed with the power of jesus the son of God. The bible says I am the God of all fresh is their anything too difficult for me says the Lord? jer. Lastly even yr on rvr aids can be cured in jesus name. We have like 200 people in my country who got cured.
Plz plz dear I need ur number so i can call you to direct me the church cures Hiv in Uganda.. Many people in my family suffers, I really need God’ s miracle on this situation. I’m from Tanzania.
Can your pastor pray for me to be healed from hiv and herpes
I am a born again christian, hiv+, learned 2 months ago. I am waiting upon the Lord to heal me, no opportunistic infections shall attack me. My cd4 is 416.
Im encouraging all to trust God, build ur relationship with God and pray pray pray, God will answer our prayers. Just believe, confess ur sins. Amen
Dear Brethren.
I have been praying for a healing. I believe I am healed but my tests are still positive. I stopped taking ARV. Just pray for strentgh in faith,and negative result.
Esther Stephanus 52 years
Dear child of God,
I will pray for your mum for her recovery. ‘ But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins, He was beaten so we could be whole, He was whipped so we could be healed’ Isaiah 53:5 NLT. Maybe it is good for you to preach Jesus’ Love to your mum.
When you pray, please forgive other’s people fault against you, and maybe also let your mum to join your prayer. Repeat, have faith and Lord will be with you. Amen.
with God’s grace, Woody
I did not read all the comments above before leaving this one, so I apologize if this is already posted. God said when we pray, the first time for something, we are to believe at that time that we have received. Then from that point forward we simply thank Him for what He has done, He withholds no good thing from us. Trust Him and He will make sure you know that it is done, it is His name that is glorified in our restoration, and He wants us to share what he has done for us. Our God never fails, and He is always, always on time.
Man i just want to say how encouraging ya’ll are. The ones of you that were faced with those lies of the devil, and still stood up on that rock you know you are planted on. Its so great to see faith at work, and cant wait to here, about the manifestation of your healing. We are blessed in our bodies, in Jesus awsome, mighty, glorious name.
By his stripes we are healed. I would keep your mother in my prayer.
“The time has come,he said the kingdom of god is near, repent and believe the good news”
If you need complete healing your mother need to get baptised and receive holy spirit and believe he is the son of god, he died on cross for us and forgave our sins.
He is merciful god you just keep on asking.
Please pray for me as well, I get my results for herpes.I got this disease from a lier who didnt told me that he had herpes. I am praying and fasting that god heals me and my results tomorrow are negative.
This is why I admit my STD story on my website and warn others of the dangers at I will be praying.
Dear Br and Srs,
Which are the biblical verses to claim healing (HIV).
I have not yet tested since I have not finished 3 months.
Please keep me in your prayer that I will be healed.
Am having terrrible weakness and itching.
Am a Christian.
I blieve our God is a healing God and there’s nothing imporsible for him, the bible says at the mention of the name jesus every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth and the under world so therefore no matter what the disease is called hiv or whatever, it shall bow…so I want to encourage that we keep praying for the people affected by this disease that God should take control and give them a perfect healing…
I’m am 29 year old lady who discovered in 2009 january that I am positive but I know who gave me this disease because I have been saved since I was young and I got a boyfrnd in my second year in the university and I slept with him. After that, I got tested and found the results and I immidiately told him to get tested. He went to the clinic and got the same results but he was not angry at me. After that he got saved. On November 2011 we got married and we still trust the lord in helping us. We sometimes talk about having children bt we don’t have enough faith.
Please help.
Thank you.
i’ll pray for your mom…keep trusting and great faith in Heavenly Father and The Jesus Christ, pray to Him from deeply of your heart and pray to Mother Mary to pray for your mom.God will surely heal your mom.
I found out in 2004, this was the most devastating news I could have gotten. I had just become a nurse and was ready for a full life with job and family. I prayed for my healing, I was baptized in 2003 and was also engaged to be married. I however faltered and then I hot my results. I have no doubt that I have been healed, but I am now called upon to repeat the test, I immediately began to doubt having self pity and just losing my faith. I looked this up on the net and was amazed that there were persons out there struggling like me and having faith. This renewed me in mind spirit and body. I have since asked the lord for a negative result on my test. I know it’s already done. By his stripes we are all healed if we only have faith. So wether it’s HIV, Diabetes, Herpes etc, he can conquer them all. Please pray with me for a negative result and a fruitful life in Christ Jesus!!!
Thank u Jesus for my life.I do masturbation alot and have sex twice since i was born God has forgiven me because he always want us ti make a u turn and worship him.Earlier this year i got tested and mine was reactive and immediately i told the devil “hahahhaha.. u are a liar,u are just testing my faith”.Im not on ARV becauuse i know before i start school i will be negative.Just pray and take Moringa and u will be healed by the holyspirit.
Please pray for my brother who is a dentist and had had a needle prick HIV infection with his CD4 count as low as 34. We want to believe we are already receiving God’s healing through Jesus our saviour. By the grace of God he shows no signs of infection and is asympomatic. Please please pray for my brother..he has been living for the poor doing charitable work amongst the poorest of poor..he sure did not deserve this. we are devastated. Jesus heal him completely..
Dear Friends,
I was born and bought up in christian family. Since the age of 10 i started to lay with men. Now I am 27 years old. I slept with many men. Even though i was interested in girls but i lived like a male prostitude. In 2008 i infected by Hypetits B. I confessed all sin and i promised Jesus I will not sleep with men. I will leave Homosexuality. Please heal me. Doc told this virus will be in my blood till my end and it can damage liver. With my full heart i met our pastor in church. He prayed and within 10 days Hypetits B invisible in my blood. It was amazing shock for me. Then after 1 year again i started the same sin. My mariage fixed last agust 2011. I did HIV test before that, I become HIV positive. Now since one year i am asking forgiveness from Jesus. I still beleive he will heal me. I told jesus if i do the same sin again then please give me death. my cd4 was 612 in august 2011 .. now its 1027. But i know Jesus will make me negative. Now i have left homosexuality. Pleas pray for me.
Dear all, I was found HIV positive one month ago and I was plunged into sorrow and desperation. I thought of committing suicide but I just cannot leave my family and my ex-boyfriend this way, what’s more, I am afraid of going to the hell. I repented of my sins and will rid of homosexuality forever. I pray for healing everyday. Please pray for me! Blesson, how are you now, have you taken a hiv test lately?
@HUMANITY… In your last sentence you said we don’t have enough faith. Mark 9V 23 to 29…… l do believe but help my unbelief…) The faith that yu hve is enough for him to give you his grace in every part of your life. Every time you pray tell him how little your faith is. Nothing is impossible with prayer. In my church I have witnessed a lot of testimonies on hiv healing. I’m in the same boat hiv + I’m not praying for a healing but l need to know him first then l know my healing will come with that.
I have been waiting on the Lord for a mate for more 12 years. Of recent I met a person that I believed it was divinely sourced. We both loved each other and did not hesitate to inform parents and family of the friendship and arrangement to marry. We then went for an HIV test and he tested positive and myself negative. We both felt God will heal him. I am at times confused, not knowing whether I should retreat or go on. Some people that know of his past, talk so bad about him and that unconsciously affect me. I promised not to disclose his status, I do not know what to do. He is positive that we are going on with wedding arrangements but I am confused. Help me. Should I marry him? We are both born again but my faith at this point seems to be not enough. I confess that God is able but at times doubts fill me. Help me.
Do not fear, just believe said our Lord Jesus. So, dear friends, do not be afraid, do not doubt just believe in our Lord Jesus who is our savior and healer. We shall be healed.
My wife and i was positive to HIV since 2004, through God and medicals, we gave birth to HIV negative daughter in 2010, my wife is on ARV drug but am not.
we started confessing mark 11:24, isaiah 53:5,1 peter 2:24 for our healing, we were touched with the mantle and annointing. my wife has stopped the drug but still positive. she is weak now and i still pray everyday for God’s healing.
Brethen, With faith we can tell mountains to move and it will, I was tested postive last year November…But now i ve develop more faith in the lord…My fiance has been of great help he has been so encouraging and has this faith that God can heal me…We are currently both praying and fasting to God for miracle cos we will soon go for a retest soon….Please brethen pray for us for healing…Because I can’t wait to share my testimony here soon…
i tested positive on the 31 of january and my fiance is negative she is too supportive and do believe and have faith that will heal me. we are on getting merried this november this sick is stressing me but with god everything is possible pls pray for me as im going to take my result on thursday the 17/01/13 please pray for us
PLEASE pray for my mom. The doctors told me she had HIV. I believe GOD can heal IN JESUS NAME AMEN.
I had a sex with a lady last april month. I don’t know that she have Aids. Now i am suffering all the symptoms including rash, weight loss(4 kg), diarrhea.. Last week i visited doctor for rash. he told i might have blood borne disease. I searched in google about blood borne disease that shooked me it means aids.since then i cant sleep, eat and i cant do anything other than crying. If my parents know about this they will broke, already we have too much financial problem in our family.
I think of suicide, but when i read a following bible words, it gives me healing experience and gives me hope of getting cure from aids. And the only way is putting faith in jesus.
Psalm 103:3 – If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Psalm 103:3 – who forgive all the inquities who health all the diseases.
jeremiah 33:6 – Behold, i will bring it health and cure, i will cure them, and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth
Jacob 5:15 – And the prayer of the faith shall save the sick, and lord shall rise him up and if he have comitted sins they shall be forgiven him.
I tested blood last week, my white blood cells are low, i have to show my report to doctor on tuesday.
I didn’t lose my faith. Jesus will save me.
Please pray for me.
I’ve been HIV+ for three years now, and right now the HIV virus is undetectable in my immune system. I pray to our Lord Jesus every day with LOVE and FAITH in Him to cure me of the HIV virus, because it is His will for I alone with everyone else who are suffering with the HIV virus to live our lives in longevity, healthy, so that we may live His will with our lives that He spared for us on the cross, all for His GLORY! Keep the FAITH everyone, and continue seeking our Lord with LOVE and FAITH in Him to ALWAYS turn a disaster that is inflected on us by satan, into a MIRACULOUS MOMENT full of LOVE AND LIFE AND PRAISE for HIM! Love and Life are in our FAITH in our LOVING LORD JESUS! Praise our Lord Jesus! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! ๐
Please say a prayer for me too. ๐
i am hiv positive and i know god will heal me if he hasnt already jesus has the power to do anything just ask ive seen it he loves his children
please help me to pray for my wife who is hiv postive .
Dear Father,
May your healing power be manifest in Dalitso’s wife. Your will be done in their family.
HI Dalitso,
I am praying while typing and please do not doubt Jesus and He will come to heal you. I am HPV positive since last 2 months and I do keeping my faith on God. I was once lost n I found that Jesus said be patient and do not doubt on him. I think everyone including Pastors may have doubts sometimes. People think HIV cannot be cured. Wrong! Very wrong. Remember in the bible there was an old woman who also infected with HIV that time. She was recovered by faith to Jesus.
Faith comes from your wife heart and she must be patient and fully with faith. We do make mistake and we feel guilty and we shall admit sin and most important do not feel guilty again because Satan will let you feel that you are guilty and not deserved for help. Do not feel that way. Jesus already forgive you as what bible said, God is mercy and will forgive any one who ask from his forgiveness.
Remember your wife or anyone who is sick shall live strong and fight the Satan together. Jesus blesses Christians. The stronger the faith, the healing power will grow. You can get prayers from elders and from people who fast may have the healing power to heal because what my pastor says, those are people who has spirit that is not tempted by hunger and will able to heal people.
I need prayer. I face the possibility of HIV. I was given drugs to stop it, but they were not all of them. Now I continue to stay on them. I need prayer that I will not be infected. Please dear Lord, with You all things are possible. Lord, protect me.
God, You are my love. I love You for You have always been for me and with me. Continue to protect me. Father God, I beg You to heal, to love me, to express Your presence into every cell of my being. Eradicate any disease.
Bless You God.
Be merciful upon me a sinner. Lord spare me, I beg. Father God, I beg You for Your healing touch. Bless You Lord.
In Jesus name and by the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
My girlfirend double-crossed me and I decided we part ways because she did it infront of my eyes without shame. During the part ways time she shouted at me and she told me she is HIV positive and I am a fool I should have tested. Pray with me I need healing from Jesus Christ.
I need prayers. Please I may have been exposed to someone with HIV. I’ve been put on medications to stop it.
I’ve developed symptoms, anyway. But with the medications you cannot tell, if I have not or not. I’ve been praying that the Lord has interceded and stopped this.
I’ve confessed that what I did was wrong. I’ve asked for forgiveness. I’ve prayed. But the bible says ask others to pray for you.
Dear all,
I think I have HIV… I couldn’t concentrate, night sweat, sore throat, reduced 3 kg in 20 days, become very thin, etc…
Can you all please keep me in pray.
I will live for my lord Jesus till my last breath. I have hope that he will heal me.
Thank god in advance. Please pray for me too.
since january i have been experincing some symptoms of hiv in my body but i have been prayer and i believe that God has healed me, please join me in prayer, thanks.
Please pray for me. Sickness be gone.
Your life is a reflection of your tongue works, you are the product of your tongue works, of your faith or your fears. Don’t allow the natural events of this present time to dominate your thinking and persuade you believe it is stronger than the blessing that is upon you and in you. Your sickness will be healed not only spiritually but also physically. When the soul is forgiven it is healed. Remember that life is spiritual, the bible says in Hebrew 11:1
You need to have imagination of your healing, the devil will come to test you after you prayed. But dont change your confession,remember Hebrews 11:1 keep meditating on this scripture. Your role is to have faith in the finished works of our Lord Jesus Chris. The bible says that my people they perish because of lack of knowledge. Every one have faith but we need to grow our faith by the knowledge of God. Don’t be moved by what the doctor said, only be moved by the word of God because will never changed. Be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication and thanks giving let your request be made known to God. Your faithfulness is not enough start confessing and meditate on the word of God, Joshua 1:8. Remember we are not ordinary, there’s power in us, rivers of living waters. Don’t let that seed in you die if you are born again and been baptized by the power of the holy Ghost, you have power to change anything nothing is impossible for you Act 1:8,you need to be conscious of who you are.
*Proverbs 4:23,dont let your heart be troubled be strong in the Lord, that sickness comes to you because you have the solution for it.
*Proverbs 4:22 “For they are life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh”,dond let that sickness kill you,your education is your life guard it well.Read Romans 8.
God healed us 2000 years ago through his son Jesus Christ. You can determine the timing of your prosperity set goals for yourself and get the word in to your spirit, we are spirit beings. If the sick people around you dont be moved.get the word into your spirits and change your habits. Remember we are the light of the word John 9:5 problems comes to us because we have the solution in us, the bibles says that all things either good or bad works together for our good.dont be discourage by any circumstances you have the power to change it. The spirit of God lives in us not next to us. Thoughts are so powerful, your life is shaped by your thoughts.the extent of your vision is the boundry of your blessing. See the unseen.what you say is what you get.
I just found out m HIV positive I never thought I could ever be so it has shocked me. I’m praying to God to heal me. Please put me in your prayers. Can HIV be healed through prayer
I am so trenched with tears reading everyone’s message here, both those infected and those praying for infected love ones. Even though I am believing God for permanent healing after been expose to it with a girlfriend 5months ago. I went for test last two weeks and was tested negative. God knowing what you are going through and He is working on your healing.
I pray that God will turn every positives into negatives in the life of the affected ones. Don’t give up on God. Implore faithful men of God to join you in prayers….James 5:13-16. You are all healed by Jesus’ stripes (Isaiah 53:5).
Good day brethren,
I’m Tolulope, my wife needs urgent prayer right not, she’s diagnosed to be Hiv+(doctors report not God report) and she’s 7 months pregnant. While I’m Hiv negative. I need you all brethren to pray along with us so the devil can be put to shame and that God’s own report should manifest today in her live. Her name is Aderonke.
I believe in God, all will be perfected.
I am a mother of one baby little gal and when i was pregnant i tested hiv+ but my partner tested negative, i wish God can see through my prayers and am not taking any treatment bcoz i believe he can heal me in Jesus name.
Just believe my dear sister you are healed. Remember God promised to heal us as Acts 15:26 says. God’s words will always remain true. HIV is just a virus and its not big than our Lord Jesus Christ. The blood that Jesus shed on the cross brought healing unto us.
I tested HIV positive in 2014 December but I have never ever taken ARV…am ok, am also getting fat. I know am not HIV positive coz I believe in God and I have faith in Him. This year in march I did the test again and my results came negative. Just enter into a covenant if grace, favour and healing with God and believe in Him. Allow God to control your life.
Did your child come out negative?
I pray to God to heal me from him, pls pray with me, I want kids and to get married. I’m 40.
Greet u all in the mighty powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.
GOD promises us good things in Him all we have to do is to believe in His word. Am suspecting to be infected with HIV but that does make me fear cause I know that my GOD is able to heal me, what I have to do is to ask Him to 4giv me all the wrong things I’ve done, thanks for all ur encouraging words. The life is in Him let God love lead us in to permanent healing in Jesus Christ name.
Praise God brethren, God does heal indeed. In 2011, I tested hiv+. I began praying on and off for healing until 2016 when I met my husband. He was so devastated by my status that I began praying seriously about it because I loved him so much. I joined Elisha Goodmans Prayer Academy and also reached out to some pastors to pray for me. I went for so many tests. Each time the results were still +positive. It was humiliating going over and over again to the clinic and being pitied by the medics but I knew that God had heard me the first time I prayed. I knew I was HIV negative but sometimes results can be stubborn. So I began to thank God over and over again until in 2017 the result was negative. Glory to God. Do not give up my friends.
Hello, Lee… The same belif I am also keeping..
I also infected HIV in 2011.. Till 2016 i have kept on testing, but result is HIV positve always. I don’t take medicines because i dont beleive. I know one day jesus will heal me. I am waiting for the right time. Your testimony really boosted me. I am healthy as well . Recently i got married to a girl who have HIV since childhood. She is orphan child. I am well settled, so I though let her get a good life. She always used to get sick but after she joins with me there is no sickness in her body. We are living happily.
Now I am confused whether to test again because we wanted child. But we are waiting for God’s call for child.
I am a 30 year old mother of 2boys. My ex-boyfriend & I got diagnosed with hiv. in 2012 I found out I was pregnant & I begin with the arv treatment in order to prevent my child from being infected. I gave birth to him & he was negative. I was not a believer then, I knew that God is alive but I didn’t trust he can heal & do the undoable in our lives. in 2016 someone introduced me to prophetic channel & I watched people testifying about being healed from hiv, cancer, diabetes etc. I then begin to ask myself that if God can do that for them it means he can do it for me also. Last year around October I stopped taking my meds till today. I believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Major1 will heal me. I am currently facing medical problems as I’m feeling weak on my joints and developing painful sores in my mouth sometimes I loose appetite. Sometimes I get scared that the virus is becoming too much in my body & that I will die & live my two boys without a mother. Today as I was browsing on internet lookin for verses that will uplift my faith and spirit I came across this group and reading the messages of ppl going through the same journey as mine I feel so comforted and revived. As you pray for others please pray for me too. my mother, sister & brother are also diagnosed with this disease, please pray for my family myself. God’s powers are unlimited and I believe that he will do it for us all.
Keep believing regardless of your symptoms. Keep faith and trust in the promises of God. It is done!!! What you feeling now is the disease leaving your body, the devil is a lier!!! Psalms 103:1-3
Im praying with you