I have read many testimonies that surely exhibit God’s love. I pray that one day I will be able to testify the same. But I’m so lonely. I have no friends, and do not fit in with my own family.
Socially, I don’t fit in anywhere, and it is so bad that I believe I am cursed. I am constantly bullied, and verbally abused. I hold my tongue but pray about it instead.
I have prayed about this pain for 20 years, and God will not answer my prayers, or heal my loneliness. I am so depressed; it is so hard to pray and have faith anymore. I want to give up, but after reading the testimonies of others, maybe God hasn’t forgot about me after all. God bless you!
I am so sorry to hear this, I too am lonely, not because of those issues but basically because there is no christians near me and I have become so isolated spiritually. I dont fit in either, although I do not have bullying etc, but then I am 61 years old.
I go to a church that is ok, but there is no fellowship and no one invites you.
I feel for you, this has to do with the state of the world, not you. Rather than ask God to change circumstances, which due to current climates is probably unlikely, ask for a closer walk and His joy. That is what I am working on, God bless you. Hugs and kisses. You are not forgotten, sometimes there are things in us that need to change also.
Dear Deborah,
I am so sorry to hear that you are spiritually isolated!! Please know that, the Bible is God’s plan for developing the most important relationship in our lives. When we accept God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, we enter into communion with the Creator of the universe. God Almighty becomes our Heavenly Father and He places His Holy Spirit within us. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the “Counselor” (John 14:16), whose presence would guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The Apostles Paul and John said God’s Spirit would fill believers with assurance of our membership in God’s family (Romans 8:16; I John 14:13). Day by day, through prayer and Bible reading, we can experience the wonderful fellowship that God wants to have with each of His children. He is never too busy to listen.
A dynamic walk with God is a solid foundation for building relationships with others. As God’s children, we are members of an incredibly large extended family that encompasses the world. Our brothers and sisters inhabit every nation on the globe. Spiritually speaking, our “immediate family” is the group of believers with whom we attend church but since you have lacked that, be encouraged that God is LOVE.
I don t have a mom, If God wishes, become my earthly mom please in Jesus’ Name. my Email is rosevicjoh at gmail dot com
I haven’t received a Email from this website in a long time and I know God ordained this time to set you free from the lies that have been set in your mind. He says it have not been left nor forsaken and He us right there in you. You in Him and Him in you. I’m seeing in the Spirit that within the next 15 days you’re going to be experiencing God and His spirit in a new realm. You’ve been faithful thru the many years and He says now is the time to reap even seeds you’ve continued to sow. Be set free in the name of Jesus Christ. He loves you and your going to be seeing and hearing from Him in a new realm. In Jesus name amen. Bless you and I’d love to hear testimony from this!
Prayers don’t help unless we participate in making things happen and as for God He is always around standing besides us willing to carry us through on our efforts.
We have to find our anchor in remembering God’s promises and believing that no matter what others say we are perfect in God’s sight as He is our Creator. No one can challenge that even though our mind can imagine the worse because often it misleads us.
You might need some counselling to get you started -sometimes in life when we are feeling weak and hopeless it’s not a bad idea to lie on a stretcher and let other take care of you till we feel strong again – it’s normal!
Hope you will bounce back and enjoy the Gift of Life from the Master!
Praying that God will send friends to you guys. Perhaps God would use you all to start a fellowship. I am sure you guys aren’t the only one feeling lonely in the church especially if there is no fellowship. We are made for relationships. God bless!
If you don’t know God in your life, perhaps you are being occluded by demons. These things are very real and all around you. They are invisible, but you can feel.
Read about the law of attraction. Pray and follow.
The devil makes us believe lies about ourselves so he can socially isolate us and in turn try to make God out to be a liar like him. But we rebuke every spirit that is trying to come against your progress in Christ, in the name of Jesus. God gave Israel His commandments and He promised them that as long as they abide in Him, He will. One of His promises to those that honour Him by keeping His commandments comes from Deutoronomy 28: 13-14. It says,
“And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:
And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.”
Sister, do not listen to the voice of the enemy. I was once lonely, depressed and felt as though no one loves me. The moment you stop believing what others have put in your mind and the moment your physical and spiritual walk becomes CONFIDENT, you will see a change. Walk by those people with your head held high and let them know “God says, I am the head and not the tail! You should get yo know my Father in heaven. His name is Jesus!”
Do not accept the lies people tell you. I will pray for you, sis. Do not be afraid because God has given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing will harm you. Soon they will be afraid to look in your eyes because you have resurrected the power of God that is in you. Be blessed King’s daughter.
Hi Vanessamaylene
Sorry to hear this,
I’m not sure where you live, but if you can, please look at going to Ellel ministries (a Google search will point you in the direction)
They deal with all the issues of life biblically and in a vey loving and non condemning way, it’s well worth a look! They have many ventures Round he UK and US as well as other country’s,
If not, please read Derek princes book ‘blessing and curses – you can choose’ book, as this will deal with any curse you may be under, a great book that will teach you to be free from any curses if this is a cause…
Pray earnestly that Jesus will point you in the way to Go, and what to do, but I truly truly believe visiting Ellel will change your life for the better, please look into it! Remember the bible says ‘seek wisdom though it costs you all you have’ it might be a long journey, it might be more money than you feel is right, but your freedom is worth it,
God bless you!
The night I got saved, I went to church because my mom invited me. I didn’t care whether I lived or died! That night the Pastor said the words that got my attention–“Jesus can give you a new life!” I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and give me a new life! I told the Pastor that I did not feel any different. He said to me–“Tom, you are not saved because you feel saved–you are saved you are trusting in what Christ did on the Cross for you!!” I woke up the following morning free from alcohol! I knew Jesus was real and I began faithfully going to church, and my life became a life of “faith”–faith in Christ and faith in His promises–and I grew and grew and grew! If you put your trust in Him, you, too, will grow, and your depression will lift!!! Praying for you–God Bless!!!
Dear Vanessa,
Please dont give up. I’m all the way in Australia and your testimony reached me. I know what its like to be lonely, bullied and having nobody to turn to. I have felt the urge to just throw it all in and give up so many times. So I want you to know that you are not alone. I cant be there to pull you out when it gets dark. I’m here in these words, thousands of miles away in another country. I hope my words can reach you…
Life has been hard for me from as young as 5 yrs old. Today I am 39 yrs old, I have had the thought of just giving up all these years. I’m still standing from having been physically beaten to attempts at being molested as a child. I fought so hard to be safe. I overcame these obstacles by knowing that God was and is with me. In even in the darkest days when the negative thoughts was stronger. I prayed… its the only thing that kept me strong. Please don’t allow your mind to trick you in believing we are limited beings… we aren’t… Reach deep down in heart and soul and fight for what you seek. Dont let the negative feedback of others crush you. Fight with all your might and change what you can change. God is with you. The insanities of this world which is man made will try to break your spirit. Stand strong and be courageous for the lord is by side.
The following messages below have heped me in my hardships. In times of troubles and loneliness pick up a prayer and recite it with all your faith.
God bless you…
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
”God truly does work all things for the ultimate good
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
When you’re feeling down, lift your spirit by repeating this verse to yourself. Know that He will heal your broken heart.
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”
God never turns away from those who are hurting. Have patience, knowing He has a plan for you.
“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
The Lord above has the power to remove all hurt, anger, loneliness and struggle. Let Him remove your pain through prayer, worship and faith.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
God can and will redeem your broken heart. Have faith you will feel His peace
Isaiah 41:10
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
No matter how heavy your heart, God has the power to lift your spirits. Allow Him to work in your favor by repeating this verse again and again until you feel lighter.
Hi Vanessa,
This really touched me. I would love to speak with you. Please send your contact information to my email address which is Tayowilloughby at gmail dot com. I look forward to hearing from you. Always remember that Jesus loves you.
God bless.
Dear brother or sister
It is hard to be lonely but…
Maybe there is reason that you cannot fit in any society
I have a friend in the church no one talk to him because he always drew himself away and not to talk to anyone
I asked the elder and told me
He does not like to talk to anyone
I tried to talk to him
He is soo good but takes very strong medicine made him not social
So I realised that some lonely people sometimes need a counceling to know how to be social
Other people should talk to people even they are not social
Try the local church may there is kind people that can help you.
God bless
Hi Vanessa, Just wanted to write that I felt the same, so lonely and cursed, rejected, etc. I’m also a Christian but God has been helping me. I’m in my mid 20s and since I was a young teenager I felt that way. Well something that helped me was to do a water fast (no food) for as many days as you’re able to. I know some people will say “that’s too hard” or “that’s too spiritual” but it worked for me n brought tangible healing into my life (amazing really). Maybe there are habits or patterns of thinking that need changing. In the meantime can you do acts of kindness for others or even just go to a prayer meeting for company. Take baby steps. This is all advice others gave me that helped me. God bless and just wanted to say I’ve felt the same way!
Ask God to send you friends that He’s personally chosen for you. He’s good at doing this! Pray also and ask God to help you and show you how to be a good friend as He would want you to be. He doesn’t want any of us to walk alone (Ecc. 3:11-12). A cord of three strands is you, another believer and Christ.
Hi Vanessamaylene,
God is with you, I have had those moments of loneliness too, but here are steps I took to break out of the circle.
Engage in Kingdom activities-evangelism, choir, church cleaning and decoration etc
You can be my penpal, my email add is akinpelutoyin at yahoo dot com.
Love to hear from you again. God bless you.
Hello Vanessa
I would like to be your friend. My email address is latte.flair at gmail dot com.
Dear Vanessa, Jesus knew this before and that’s why HE “said I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever (John 14:16)” Loneliness was the first thing that God’s eye named not good.
If you are struggling with loneliness, you’re not alone. Everyone experiences seasons of isolation for one reason or another. Usually we overcome loneliness by meeting new friends, entering new social circles, or taking some other action that reengages us with people.
However, a variety of personal factors and other circumstances can sometimes short-circuit our ability to connect with others. There are many ways that long-term loneliness can take over our lives. Often we are unaware of the subtle forces that can slowly lead us into self-imposed isolation. Whatever may be contributing to your loneliness, there is a way out.
It begins with confronting a cause of loneliness that every human being must come to terms with — the spiritual loneliness of being separated from God. Each of us has a need to connect with something larger than ourselves in order to fill the spiritual vacuum that exists within us all.
The Bible is God’s plan for developing the most important relationship in our lives.When we accept God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, we enter into communion with the Creator of the universe. God Almighty becomes our Heavenly Father and He places His Holy Spirit within us. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the “Counselor” (John 14:16), whose presence would guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The Apostles Paul and John said God’s Spirit would fill believers with assurance of our membership in God’s family (Romans 8:16; I John 14:13). Day by day, through prayer and Bible reading, we can experience the wonderful fellowship that God wants to have with each of His children. He is never too busy to listen.
A dynamic walk with God is a solid foundation for building relationships with others. As God’s children, we are members of an incredibly large extended family that encompasses the world. Our brothers and sisters inhabit every nation on the globe. Spiritually speaking, our “immediate family” is the group of believers with whom we attend church. They form an important support group that functions much like our natural family does. Christians who don’t go to church or don’t get involved in church activities cut themselves off from a rich source of companionship.
If you are a Christian who is suffering from loneliness, ask yourself if you have taken full possession of the abundant life God wants you to have. Are you spending regular quality time with your Heavenly Father? Are you active in a local church? Ask God to lead you into a deeper relationship with Him and greater involvement with fellow believers.
Perhaps you’ve heard these suggestions from well-meaning friends: “Why not join a club?” or “You should do some traveling.” They aren’t bad ideas but they aren’t solutions to the problem of loneliness either. The following steps will help you break free from thinking, emotions and behaviors that may be at the root of your loneliness. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify actions you can take to overcome loneliness.
Admit the Problem – Only after you acknowledge that you are lonely can you take the steps necessary to escape from your isolation.
Consider the causes – Evaluate your life honestly in light of the factors mentioned above. Do any of them apply to you?
Accept What Cannot Be Changed – The death of a spouse, a relocation away from old friends, and other unalterable circumstances must be faced squarely. God can use transitions in our lives to open doors to new experiences, but we must be willing to let go of the past and move on.
Alter What Can Be Changed – Many of the causes of loneliness discussed above can be overcome. Do you fear rejection because you feel inadequate? Do you stay in your home watching television when you could be at a social function? Has your best friend just moved away? Regardless of the reason for your loneliness, you owe it to yourself to take measures that will meet the problem head-on.
Work on developing self-esteem by stopping destructive self-talk, such as telling yourself that you are unlikable. There are many good books on the subjects or rational thinking and misbelief therapy that can help you.
Practice looking at yourself from God’s perspective. Study the Scriptures and meditate on verses that depict God’s view of His children. Meditate on God’s Word for relaxation and to ease the effects of stress on your life.
Make an Effort to Make New Friends BUT FAITH BUILDING FRIENDS. I pray the Lord will help you to cross paths with strong, supportive people who will love you and want to get to know you. I praise him for your courage, to write out your feelings.
You will over come by leaning on God/Holy Spirit and taking some action to change your situation as well…loving
Hello, I have a feeling you won’t be lonely anymore after reading all the kind replies and invites to be a pen pal. It is up to you now to reach out to them to build a friendship. This is God answering your prayers!! Please email them.
He is so good. I was once very lonely too. My best friend died 10 yrs ago. I really didn’t want to have a close friendship again because it hurts so much when that person is gone but I was hurting inside because I was imposing loneliness upon myself.
I went to different churches and always volunteered when help was requested for various things and I was always rejected because they said didn’t know anything about me. I thought it was absurd for them to seem so suspicious and paranoid. I had no idea what I had to prove to show myself worthy other than a willingness to help.
I kept praying to God to help me find a good church and friends too. One Sunday the Holy Spirit spoke loud and clear for me to go to church, one that I noticed 2 yrs ago called Glad Tidings. So I went online to find out what time service started and had a half hour to get myself together. It’s been 4 months now I been attending, they let me help out in Sunday school and just last wk the pastor wife asked me if I could be in charge of it!! And the most amazing thing is I made a great friend who looks just like my best friend that died. Even her name is similar, and strangely, her birthday is the same date that my friend passed away, isn’t that crazy?? I’m so glad I obeyed the Holy Spirit, I am no longer lonely, I have more joy than ever! It makes a world of difference when you find true believers that worship and love The Lord and each other.
I hope you feel better in knowing you are not alone in feeling lonely. I know it was hard for me because I no longer associated with my party friends once I got saved and I had to grow spiritually in order to appreciate where God was sending me.
God Bless!