I was in church the other day, when someone asked: why do Christians get struck with horrible illnesses? I wanted to go up and give my testimony right then and there. My relationship with God is truly an amazing one. I was born with cystic fibrosis. A chronic disease that destroys the lungs over a period of time. Throughout my young life I was in the hospital year after year. When I was around the age of 13, I use to hate God for giving me this awful disease, I even blamed my parents too.
At that age I began to lose many of my cf friends. Why has God done this to me? It’s not fair!!! At 15 I rededicated my life to Christ. I was excited about life. Went on mission trips to Mexico to help start new churches. Unfortunately, my health declined, and I was unable to go on mission trips. I was in the hospital more and more. I kept active with softball and played flute. I always was thankful for the things I could do.
I later met my husband and enjoyed being married for 7 years. The past 4 years were the hardest. I was on oxygen 24/7. I couldn’t even bath on my own. I was really depressed. My hospital even told me that i should go home and call hospice. I had been trying to get listed for a double lung transplant but was unsuccessful at this point. My parents never gave up on me. We switched doctors and searched for a hospital that would transplant me. During thus wait I would be in the hospital from 8 weeks at a time. Obey time I came down with pneumonia and cultured aspergillus.
This can kill you.
My doctor had gotten my family together one evening in my room. He said that I wasn’t getting better and that we were at the end. But somehow, I knew differently. God told me that I would make it through this pneumonia and to keep fighting. Within days my doctor came in and looked at me with shock in his eyes.
“You look great! I guess I was wrong.”
I knew that God could have easily taken me in his arms that night, but somehow, he didn’t. Soon after we were told that I would be going to Pittsburgh to be evaluated for transplant. I met so many Idly people and amazing doctors! On December 15, 2010, I got my miracle! I received my new lungs.
It has been over a year now since then. It wasn’t easy though. There were several times I almost died after transplant: diabetic coma, aspiration and broken bones. Giddy has never left my side through sickness and in health!!! I know look at my illness as a gift. Maybe not the best present but something I can help change people’s lives with!!!
I am now going back to school to do diagnostic ultrasound. Many if my friends ask why would you want to go into the medical field? Well, why not? I have so much compassion for the sick. God told me that I can do his work at the same time. Witnessing Gods love and his greatness! I mean how many times do you go to the doctors, and you feel shut out or not life you’re being heard. God is always listening. This is only part of my story! There is so much more to come. Thanks for reading my testimony. God bless and love one another! Amen.
WOW. Thank you so much for your testimony. You have been a real blessing to me.Keep on in God’s word and NEVER GIVE UP.
Yes, amazing testimony! Praise Jesus. Thank you for sharing.
God bless you. May He give you a long and healthful life.