Inside a Hospital: Doctors and Patients

Saved From HIV

I recently found out that my husband has HIV, and it has advanced to the fourth stage. Discussing with his doctor, she told me that he has probably had it for 6 or more years (pretty much the length of our marriage). It was shocking for me to find this out and also the realisation that I could have it too.

The doctor advised that I take a test ASAP to find out my status, them discuss the way forward. When I went for my test result and was told that I am HIV negative, I couldn’t believe it. All remember saying was

“Thank you, God, thank you Jesus.”

I was told that we are what is called a discordant couple. I thank God because he chose to save me, so that his name may be glorified. I have decided to use my chance to advise young couples about testing before they get married because we did not, and it could have been fatal for me. I don’t know how am gonna do this yet, but it’s my mission to begin doing this.


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