I want to take this opportunity to give glory to the Lord Almighty for His amazing love and grace.
I was a nominal Christian for many years. I attended church but I did not honour the Lord. Things came to a head in 2007 when I lost my promotion. I became very bitter and left the church, blaming God completely for everything that had happened. I spent the next four and a half years in the ‘wilderness’.
But the Lord never forsook me, never did He leave me. Surely, He was with me through that terrible time. By His grace and mercy, i eventually came to realise how terribly wrong I was about Him, and I repented and returned to Him.
The Bible says in Galatians 6:7
‘Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.’
How true is the Lord’s word!
But the Word also says that the Lord will not despise a broken and contrite heart (Ps 51.17)! I am so thankful that He has restored me and drawn me back to Him, when I am even lesser than a speck of dust beneath His feet. Though I’m thankful that He allowed me to go through that dark experience because it enabled me to mature as a Christian, it’s not something I’d care to repeat, for to live apart from God is to be ‘dead’.
Since then, I ‘ve been learning and growing in my faith…. my prayer is that He will refine me as gold and silver is refined, and lead me by the hand, in the way that I should go. Of course, there has and will be bumps and hiccups along the way, but I know now that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I am a ‘work in progress’!
I’d also like to give glory to the Lord for His healing touch on myself and Duchess, my pet pooch.
I first began suffering from urticaria in 2002. Visits to the doctor were unfruitful because skin allergies are hard to treat. The best that could be done was to control the problem with antihistamines and steroids, possibly for the long term. But I was concerned over the long-term side effects of taking these drugs, so I decided to stop taking medication and instead, depend on self-control to overcome the maddening itch-scratch-itch cycle. Suffice to say I lost this battle of wills many many times. However, since my return to Him, I began asking the Lord to heal me of this afliction and indeed He has. The itching just disappeared and my skin is now normal! Praise the Lord!
As for Duchess, well, she contracted Canine Distemper (CDV) at the pound. She was diagnosed quite late and owing to her small size, her chances of recovery were rather slim. Those two months were terrible, just seeing her suffer and waste away-her refusal to eat, the bloody diarrhea, the hacking cough and of course, the characteristic hardening of her paw pads and nose…. But my sister, God bless her, laid hands on Duchess and prayed for her (I was in the ‘wilderness’ still, you see). And oh, how good and merciful is the Lord, I can’t say it enough! Dr G did what he could, of course, but surely her recovery is from the Lord, I’ve no doubts at all! Again, praise the Lord!
I’m thankful for the Lord’s presence in my life and I hope my testimony glorifies the Lord and encourages others in their walk with Him. Amen to that!
I’m so glad to hear what the Lord has done for you Katherine. Truly He is a mercyfull God; I see that in my own life each day. He healed me of numereous things like anxiety, severe period pain, migraines, heart palpitations, mental troubles and the list goes on. Praise be to God.
Awesome. Its very true that Dr’s can only treat with medicines. But healing comes from the Lord. Thanks to Him.