Girl with Dog Collage

God Healed my Dog’s Travel Sickness

My dog was travel sick in any car or bus it was difficult to take her out and if I had to take her to vet’s for injections n bits.

Until one day I asked God to heal my dog,

I was sitting on the bus and I had to carry her in basket because she would always be sick but this time I just had this thought, well God’s healed me, I wonder if He can heal her.

Being a new Christian I thought, well, God has healed me, so I wonder if God can heal her.

So I tried and prayed over her and she started licking her lips as she usually did prior to being sick. But I trusted God ignored that lie, F alse E vidence A ppearing R eal FEAR.

And sure enough she was healed and has never been sick since.


One Response

  1. Staci 5/1/2021

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