My life was never expected or wanted. I grew up in the worst part of the ghetto. Being raised by grandma with more siblings that hope.I had always been a very depressed child being abused sexually by multiple family members and very poor.
As a teen I was a cutter and suicidal was very rebellious, smoking, drinking, being promiscuous and running away. Until, I had decided to give my life to Christ at seventeen years old. I had always been raised in church but never really understood or cared. But when I was at my lowest and knew that I was in trouble. I realized that there was only one name to call on, Jesus.
I found out that I was pregnant with my first child the next day and my life began a downward spiral in the natural. But in the spirit, I was getting stronger and wiser. I had two children by the age of nineteen, with no education and an abusive husband. Everything was going wrong but on the inside of me God was doing a good work.
To make a long story short I am now re-married to a wonderful man of God. I got my education, and I am a youth minister studying Biblical counseling. My husband and I are dedicated Evangelists. I just want to say that it took me so long to see the results of my faith and I had to sow many seeds of tears.
But when you give your life to God and make him the Lord of your life, do not be deceived, your life will be turned upside down. Things did not get better in my life when I did.
It seemed to get worse!
But be encouraged, after a long suffering, if you truly love God and endure, you will reap a mighty harvest. Praise the Lord! God is faithful. Amen. When I felt most alone and weary God lifted me up out of the gutter of homelessness, addiction and abuse.
Thanks to the love, wisdom, and faithfulness of God, I am not just a statistic of society. My life is a shining testimony of strength and not death. I am achieving my dreams with God intended favor. The Lord has blessed me to never face a day alone.