Our God is a balm to the brokenhearted and a comfort to the disturbed.
To truly understand what the Lord has done for me, I first have to tell you where He rescued me from. I was completely lost, adrift in a sea of misery that came from a tattered past and years of the enemy telling me that I was unworthy, unloved, a mistake, a waste of space, and completely irredeemable. I was a victim of sexual assault and was completely overwhelmed by the excruciating pain that plagued me.
I was broken, beaten down, and ready to stop fighting. I felt that I was a complete failure as a human, without hope, without purpose, limited to a meaningless existence in which I felt trapped and discouraged. I turned to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain I was feeling but the only place that got me was further into a darkness that seemed to have no beginning and no end.
It was working a dead-end job that I hated and didn’t even feel welcome at that the Lord began to reveal himself to me. Slowly, He pierced my consciousness, and I began to realize that he was offering me something. Jesus came knocking on the door to my heart and no one was more surprised than me to suddenly find him there, so patiently waiting to take me into the fold.
I knew then that the only way to be free of all the pain I was in, of all the shame I felt, of all the lies that kept me surrounded by impassible barriers, was to give it all up to the Savior, the ultimate debt bearer, the ultimate pain taker. What God was offering me was the chance to escape into His fold and become His child, what Jesus offered me was a love beyond love if only I would just let Him in.
The day I accepted Jesus into my heart was during the final days of Lent. It was a beautiful, bright day and I was outside enjoying and contemplating His creation. Something inside me knew it was time and I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior into my heart from that moment forward. As soon as I had finished my prayer with a breathless “amen” the sun came out from behind a cloud and bathed me in the light and love of Jesus Christ.
He didn’t leave me adrift in my sea of despair, he walked across those murky waters that were nearly above my head and met me where I was. His love sought me out and saved me from death and darkness and the pain that had so marked my life.
In Christ I found love and freedom unlike anything I have ever known. I found a community of love and acceptance that believes there is a place for everyone at the table of God. I am now free of my addictions, no longer alone in carrying my pain and that is what Christ has done for me.
There is no pain that Jesus won’t take on for you and there is no sinner that He is incapable of saving. Finding Him saved my life from destruction and despair. He can do this for anyone, and I can promise that He is willing and able to meet you where you are and can transform your heart from a place of turmoil and darkness into a place of love and light.
Thanks for your testimony Sarah. A difficult and frustrating job helped direct me to Jesus, too!
Yes sis, there is no impossibility with our God. Congratulations.