I made mistake and had sex with someone.
I have repented and am seeking God in prayer and in the word. Yes, I am a follower of Christ and have served and sought him over the years, but this was my failure, my sin, no excuses. I am currently showing signs of a STD and will take a test next week. I am seeking God’s healing both physically and spiritually. This is the only way I know to reach out. It is my prayer that God heals by his mercy, grace, and power.
I struggle with the guilt, shame and I am close to bitter edge. I need the prayers of the body and I ask for healing and the faith in that. I believe he can heal and I need to support of those in the body that he for his healing for me. I will seek to be prayed over this weekend by a praying body that I do not know. I request and value your prayers for though I am walking this out with God, otherwise I am alone. I have walk through being abused and beaten as child, to depression but God has been there through it all. This has been the most difficult It pulls on every wound I have, I feel so isolated. No matter, God is asking me to surrender very thing, even fear.
Satan is telling me I don’t deserve to be healed and that is for others not for me. My mind knows I don’t deserve it but it is God’s mercy that I am seeking but there is battle going on with my spirit that says it not for me. I am finding it harder to pray, but continue. May his mercy and healing be given, not that I deserve it. Please lift me up, pray for healing by the God we serve. Thank you and God’s grace be with you.
Hello…I have prayed and am hoping for the best for you…Please if you ever need anyone to talk to…email me at Solomanette at yahoo dot com.
Hope to hear from you soon. 🙂 God bless you
I’ve been struggling with thoughts of sickness and pregnancy after losing my virginity. You will only worsen things by stressing. Stay calm and strong in God’s Word. He WILL see you through. I will keep you in prayer. God bless you Klj !
I know where you are coming from. God was never really real to me until last summer, praise Him for opening my eyes! I was having sex and partying and what not, then signs of an std showed up. That shook me up so much. I had it checked by the doc and he said it was herpes my life fell apart. But in Psalms it says “through faithfulness God has afflicted you”. I prayed and prayed, and truly repented of my disobedience. God is good and has the power to heal! I’ve gotten blood tested and checked out and I am clear, there is always hope! I am praying for you, I hope my testimony is of some encouragement!
Hey, it’s been a long time. Wondering how you are doing now?