I ignorantly got engaged in masturbation and at the beginning it felt good, yeah but that’s how the Devil’s bondage starts. Months later, I felt this isn’t right, enough of this. I began seeking for help. I tried abstinence. I still came back after usually 3days, What!
I sought for reasons just to masturbate without any pornographic material in a way to avoid sinning, and yet suppressing my conscious that masturbating isn’t a SIN, which it actually IS. Why? Because I feel guilty and dirty every time I did it, I go to God for forgiveness, and when I abstained for some days, I go back because I missed the feeling and orgasm, and that was becoming terrible.
As I grew deep into it that I began to LUST after ladies, and shameful I resorted to pornography, with the purpose of finding legitimate reasons to masturbate, so sex wasn’t my interest as I just watched and reject their fornicative act but learn more ways to masturbate. I disdain for their act of pornography and the pornographers too but sought for reasons to legitimately masturbate. And after each session I felt ten times more dirty and guilty than before, so I had to resort to more of it to find happiness and satisfaction. And that’s the definition of ADDICTION.
When I finally agreed and accepted it was a SIN, I tried many mechanic ways to stop, all failed, it grew worse.
I got fed up with this act, I had to run to JESUS, I was sincere, I was desperate for Him to help me, and I prayed, confessed my sins and asked for a washing and cleansing by His blood.
Now. I’m FREE. A bondage of 2 Years was broken. Now it’s almost 4 months now, and I’ve been free, and Yes, I always defeat temptations to try or attempt, ALWAYS.
Howww this is something else .I have also done it for 2 years but I still try to run to Jesus and I still continue please I need help Im just 16 and I want to stop I always pray and try to stop but the trigger is soo strong Im sooo sad now I wished I never started please help me.
Which country are you..my Face book Evangelist Kojo Sam Bossman or WhatsApp 0244053488
Please I need help, my name is Joseph adjarho. I’m from Nigeria delta state. I’m have been masturbating since when I was 16 years. and now I’m 24 still masturbating, please I seriously need your prayers and advice.
Anything that is not good which one is doing and one wishes to stop it but couldn’t, has become bondage. Bad habit is bondage.
Whatever you are doing which you don’t have control over is bondage. Bondage controls someone’s life. Therefore, anything that influences your life negatively is bondage.
Anyone that is addicted is in bondage. Addiction is a negative influence on one. People become addicted when their spirit, soul and body are involved in that thing. This bondage brings one under an influence.
Man is made up of spirit, soul and body. In Genesis 1:26, we saw that God created man in His image and after His likeness and we saw in John 4:24 that God is a Spirit. Therefore, the creation of man in Genesis 1:26 was as a spirit-being, which is the image and likeness of God. The spiritual controls the physical. Adam (male and female) were first created as spirit-beings, before being created as physical beings in the Garden of Eden. God communicates with our spirits and that is why we are asked to always walk in the spirit.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 KJV
When God breathed into the nostrils of Adam in the scripture above, Adam became a living soul. Soul is the connection between our spirits and our body. It is what makes the body to be called a living being. When this connection is broken from the body, then the body is said to be dead. The soul and spirit do not die but could suffer in hell. A soul that does not have God is called a dead soul and will be found in the lake of fire at the end. The soul that has God is a living soul and shall live with God in heaven.
One’s soul is also one’s mind, the seat of reasoning. Whenever God drops a word into one’s spirit, it moves into the soul where the word is digested and when properly understood, then moves to the body for action. Therefore, our souls are very important as well. We should guide our thoughts jealously because a corrupted soul is also a corrupted spirit and as well, a corrupted body.
The devil wants to take over one’s reasoning so that he can put one in his bondage. Once one’s mind has been captured, the person has been captured totally by the devil. The devil tries to sow evil seed in one’s mind. If one allows him, then the seed will grow and begin to bear fruits. You must not give the devil chance to talk with you. Adam and Eve gave devil chance to talk with them and before they will know it, he had taken over their reasoning. This is the pattern of the devil till now. Don’t hear him at all, so that he will not corrupt you with his lies. If your mind is filled with the word of God, it will be difficult for the devil to penetrate your mind.
After God had created man a spirit-being in Genesis 1:26, He created Adam a physical-being. He created a body for Adam with the sand and breathed into him to make him a living soul. God then created Eve out of his body. Through the body, we carryout physically what God has dropped in our spirits.
The devil puts the body in a physical bondage such as pain, sickness, lack etc. The flesh (body) is the weakest, so the devil always uses it to bring people into bondage. This is why we are asked not to walk after the flesh but in the spirit. No one that walks in the spirit that the devil will be able to fall.
The devil always begin his deception through the flesh and when the flesh has been deceived to like what he has shown one, then the soul will begin to digest it. If the soul has been got also, then the spirit will be the next. If the spirit is also captured, then the person is said to be in bondage or addiction.
For a manipulation, someone that does not have a plan to do a thing could be manipulated by the evil powers. A manipulation begins in the spirit. The spirit of that person is evoked with a spell which then transmit into his soul and then to his body. The person will then begin to do physically the evil habits which he didn’t want to do. This is a person under a spell.
Whichever it is, either through deception of the devil or manipulation, if it occurs, the person is said to be in bondage or addiction because his/her spirit, soul and body are now involved in the habit. For such a person to be delivered totally, each of these three must be delivered.
The body (flesh) will be delivered through restriction of the body from the source of what is causing the influence. This will result in pain for the body but later the body will adjust to the new development.
The soul will be delivered through good words spoken to the person to renew his/her mind.
The person needs to be motivated through motivational words. The best motivational words that could renew anyone’s mind are the words of God. That is, expose yourself to sound word of God and by this, your mind shall be renewed. The spirit could only be delivered by the anointing (Isaiah 10:27). It is only the power of God that can break the power of bondage and addiction from one’s spirit. Therefore, go and seek for the anointing of God upon your life.
If all these three deliverances are in place, then you are totally liberated. But if only one or two is/are liberated, then the two or one left will contaminate the other(s) after a while. The greatest deliverance anyone can get is salvation. Salvation is the beginning of our deliverance. Through salvation, our spirit and soul are delivered from the kingdom of darkness. As we then walk in this light of the salvation, our body too will be delivered from the bondage the devil has subjected the body to.
If you are not yet saved, then you cannot enjoy the deliverance through the power of God.
Let us pray:
You can now pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, forgive me my sin and redeem me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light through your blood which you shed on the cross of Calvary. Make me a new creature today and make the old things to pass away. I confess You as my Lord and saviour. Come into my heart and direct my life forever, in Jesus name I have prayed.
As you have prayed this prayer in faith, you are now born again. Pray and study the word of God regularly, so that you can grow in faith. Also declare your salvation boldly to people, so that they can know that you are now a new creature. Attend a bible believing Church and participate in their programmes so that you can grow spiritually. You are now welcome to the winning side.
If you are lukewarm or have totally lost your salvation, it’s time for you to get restored back today. Let us pray:
Ask God for the forgiveness of your sin as you confess them before God. Ask Him to restore you and uphold you in this restoration all through your life.
Believe with your heart that your prayer has been answered.
You can now pray this prayer:
Lord, You said whosoever that shall call upon You, You will not cast away. My Lord and my saviour, I return back unto you today, let your power of restoration fully restore me back unto You today. Let me begin to fulfill Your purpose for my life from today. Make me a pillar in Your temple forever, in Jesus name I have prayed, Amen.
I believe the Lord shall break every bondage that the devil is oppressing you with through His anointing from now. Waiting to hear your testimony soonest.
This publication is excerpt from my book titled “Deliverance from bondage: a launch into the realm of a conqueror”