Dear people, I have been reading the posts here, as I am searching for information for my bipolar friend. I just want to tell you that I was set free from probably so-called schizophrenia (if I went to a psychiatrist they would say so, I guess). It was something horrible which started when I came back to my Lord Jesus after 15 years of very sinful life. I was filled with Holy Spirit after a prayer and shortly after that, my problems started with my mind.
I started hearing voices in my head telling me to kill myself, screaming at me to stop praying, mocking my God etc, I started getting heavy depression, paralyzing fear, confusion of the mind, running thoughts, my brain was like it was squeezed by metal belt, I was also being hit with various pains in my body. I was terrified and did not know how to stop it. The more I prayed the more I was attacked.
I found help nowhere. After many months of this battle, I gave up on God, stopped praying and reading my Bible. Immediately all my troubles stopped, and I came back to my sinful life. I did not go to a doctor because I knew it was spiritual battle and nothing else. Listen to me all the people there!
After 8 months of living in my previous peace I was virtually dragged to the church by Holy Spirit and there, I was dramatically warned by Him to come back to God. My battle lasted two years, during which I was taught by Holy Spirit how to fight the devil and those attacks on my mind. One night, I was on my knees crying to God to help me and He came, He delivered me from depression, oppression of my mind and all those mental problems! I was delivered from evil spirits who were causing it! It was real deliverance done by Lord Jesus alone, as no Christians knew how to do deliverance! I have been set free by my Lord, Jesus Christ, it was miracle!
All my problems were caused by sins, even if I repented, demons had power over me which was brought on myself by involvement in new age, reiki, hypnosis, tarot cards etc, all things that are forbidden by God! Hear me people, God is real, Satan is real, and every word in the Bible is truth! I don’t believe any mental illness is caused by whatever, we are all lost without Jesus. I am not a maniac, deluded or whatever you can call me. God gave me back sound mind because I repented and was seeking Him with all of my heart.
Read the Bible, read the Old Testament as well, you need to know God very well and what He wants from you. He wants you to love Him and He wants your heart. My God is powerful and just, and He is Holy. He said – cursed is the man who trusts in the flesh. Yes, there are generational curses, sins of the fathers etc. It is not easy and just fun to be a Christian. If you treat God seriously and honestly, He will deliver you from all your troubles.
Yes, you have to prove that you are honest, maybe you need to cry rivers of tears at His feet like I did, but if you draw to Him, He will draw to you and show you His might and glory. This story is very long but I cannot write all details here for lack of space but hope somebody will read it and get some hope. Repent from all your sins, ask God to give you wisdom to teach you and be humble. He is your God and He said – God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble… Proverbs 3.
Jesus Christ can heal you from panic attacks, from depression, mental illnesses and everything if you show Him that you really need Him. Repent from all your sins and stop deceiving yourself. It’s not about going to church on Sunday and singing songs, it’s about studying scriptures, praising, worshipping, talking to Him, crying to Him, treating Him like your only reliable source of love, life and help. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is the Healer and Deliverer, He proved it to me so many times.
This is my testimony for Jesus and whoever does not believe in Him is deceived because He paid with His blood to rescue us from the hands of the devil, to destroy the works of the devil and to save us from hell. This is real people, this is not a game, this is massive battle for your souls. Whoever needs deliverance go to They do it online. I love you people and oh how much I would like to help you, if you only believe what I am saying you will be delivered.
Ps. I wrote it very quickly but it if needed I will rewrite it as more polished.
Praise God for His faithfulness! for His mercy, for his grace and love towards us! He is greater than all. More powerful, more wise! Holy in all He does.
There is no one like Him. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Thank you for your testimony Gosia. It is a blessing to me, as I need deliverance in many areas. I have already seen the Lord’s help and I know He will continue to lead me to freedom.
All glory to Him!
Hello Gosia!!!
An amazing testimony….Are You come from Poland?
Bless you Gosia, for your courage (fearlessness) and faithfulness to God in speaking out your testimony. May the Lord grand favour to you and May His face always shine on yours, keeping you on track with Him. You will be a blessing to many, so thank you for your honesty and openness.
Thank you. I am going to give my five dollars tithe. I have been challenged financially for a long time sister. Also my children have been taken from me. I have been set up to not see my children, but I am going to get them back. So I am hurting so much. I give a lot of my money to the church I attend and I wish that i didn’t have to give all my money away, but it seems like I am trained to do so. I’ve missed a lot of my childrens lives because the mother and I don’t get along. I am very glad that I am not with her, i just wish that I didn’t have kids by her. But I have moved on. Thank God my kids are here. I wish I could have managed my money better. But I didn’t know I am in debt and broke. But I am going to trust God with my little finances. I just feel like he is hurting me. I feel like the church I go to is all about money and that I don’t know how to get away from them. But i am sure that i will. They preach Jesus, but I still feel like they ask me for all my money and I don’t have the heart to stand up and say no. So pray that I get a strong heart to say no. I need to take care of myself, which I have not been doing. I hope that I don’t be homeless again, already been there 2x. JUst pray for me. I know better. Pray that I do what is right.
Dear gosia,
I am also facing spiritual warfare and it is making life hell and no peace in family.It has affected my children,s life and they are into severe drugs and need help and deliverance aand healing. Please pray for them and obtain God,s mercy for them and all the youth who need god’s help so much.and the prayers of the faithful can set them free. My childrens’ names are (PREM) (ASHWIN) and my daughter (NAKSHATRA).
Hi Gosia,
I am in the same situation. I am seeking deliverance from demonic spirits. No one where I live is knowledgeable in this area. I am relying on the Lord Jesus to deliver me Himself. Medically, my problem would be called schizophrenia. You say that it felt like a metal belt on your brain; this is similar to mine. These spirits weave in and squeeze the muscles in my brain so bad that a pain radiates all over my forehead and I have an abnormal headache. I did hear a myriad of voices during my first deliverance when God showed me by expelling slimy spirits through my ear canals. This went on for a week and 2 days and I could see a drastic improvement in my mood. Except on the last day, my deliverance back-fired and all the evil spirits came rushing back in (this is the only part where I heard evil voices blaspheming God and feeling the true nature of evil.
When the demonization increased (remember I still have an evp recorder and a lifetime supply of occult literature, music, video games, and jewelry (charms) to toss away), I remember getting up to look in the mirror to see my face turn from complete happiness in the Lord to severe depression. God removed all doubt and unbelief in my mind, prior to this, that I mentally and physically knew He was there with me in the room. Medical doctors would probably call this bi-polar, but this mood swing only happened once. And most notably, this mood is what I lived for 19 years of my life and I hated it. I finally knew why I could never be happy: I am severely demonized. I hate striving for happiness. God showed me my problem was spiritual. I did spend 5 days in a psych ward b/c of the attacks. I couldn’t sleep at all. The stupid demons tormented me so much.
As of right now, I’m on the verge of planning to runaway from home if God doesn’t heal me. Every day I’m unsure of my mental state. My mom is forcing me to get a job while also threatening to send me back to a mental institution for good. You can see where I’m troubled, right? I’m at a point where I don’t care if I die or not. Martial law, mandatory RFID chips, and concentration camps aka Fema camps are here. Frankenstorm Sandy is only the beginning. There’s a woman on Youtube who verified that there is a Fema camp in Sacramento on Food Link. Police officer said he knew nothing of the street and it just so happens to be right around the corner from him? Yeah, right. There’s also a private railroad track too and the woman verified that right on Food Link there is an satanic logo. The video is worth watching. Go and research it.
Hey, I read what you are dealing with. I am a deliverance minister, and the same thing happened to me as the author stated in their article practically. I deal with demonic possession, oppression, and infestations all the time. Some questions I have to ask and some ideas you might want to try:
1) Are you praying?
This is a must against the demonic, pray to Jesus and tell him all your troubles. Be sure to forgive others of the trespasses when you pray, it is like dropping nuclear bombs on the demonic.
2) Cast them out.
If you are a believer, you have the power and the authority to cast them out. First bind them, then cast them out. This can take time, so don’t get discouraged if they don’t come out right away. Persistence is key. Also, disarm them. Stop giving them what they want. Do the opposite of what they want you to do. If you want to sleep, go out and exercise. Replacing old patterns can drive them away. Running is highly effective.
Are you reading scripture?
Get into the word of God and read it aloud. King James is the authorized version in English. Gods word has no copy right. All modern versions are corrupt. You may do that research yourself.
4) Apply the word of God
If you aren’t applying the word of God, how do you expect to be wearing the whole armor of God. To pray in the spirit, you must walk in the spirit. If you are doing whatever you like, you will never get your hand on the demonic.
5) Get rid of garbage music and TV.
If it isn’t godly, get rid of it. Satanic music and channels like MTV are spiritual poison. Get rid of them. This took me some time personally, especially the music, but now I can’t stand listening to anything unless it is instrumental, worship music, or spiritual music.
6) get into church where they are preaching the word of God.
Read the word of God yourself, and compare it to what the preacher is saying. If he is worried about money, he probably isn’t telling the truth. Beware of false prophets like Joel Olsteen and Joyce Meyer. Know the word of God, then you will understand who is true and who is false.
7) Repent of sin
Confess your sin before Jesus Christ. Ask for forgiveness, repent, and start doing something new. Get rid of alcohol and drugs. If you are taking medication, keep taking it though, until you can get off of it.
8) Don’t play with the occult
Stay the hell away from things like ouija boards, crystal balls, psychics, mediums, yoga, meditation, witchcraft. You play with demonic things and you will pay the price. I did. Hypnotism is how I got into the occult. It isn’t harmless. Turn away, and get away as fast as you can.
I hope this helps. I actually encourage you to go look for work. Get into a healthy environment if your house is not. Surround yourself with good people. Get rid of bad people. God is good, and of they aren’t following his standard of good, then they aren’t people that you need to be around. Don’t go out to bars, clubs, or anywhere where sin is rampant.
God bless you, and I will pray for you all.
Everything you told was true but You should have never told her that Joyce Myers was a false prophet. To tell you the truth, Joyce Myers helped me a lot. She is faaaaaar from being a false prophet. She teach the word, she also about how to conquer the enemy. Now I don’t really know about Joel Osteen, but I learned to never put your mouth on a minister because God will get you for that. So be careful who you call false prophet.
Joe, your comment about Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer slipped under the radar here. We greatly appreciate your encouragement. There may be some exceptions, but we generally don’t want to publish statements like that about others who call upon the name of Jesus Christ.
I don’t know if this started my spiritual downfall but me and my gf at the time we’re Christians and innocently and not knowing how evil it was played on a ouija board and we asked it questions. Like will we get married, how many kids will we have etc. Well we did get married and we did have 2 kids like it said we would.
While we were on the planchette the planchette went in circles a few times and literally flew up and off the board. We both were so freaked out that I just grabbed it and threw it in the dumpster. We never closed the session out and I feel an entity or dark cloud has followed both of us and one of our children.
We’re no longer married and we’ve both have had a terrible life of heartache, death, drug addiction, sex addiction etc. I’ve really struggled with meth addiction but I’m not 6 months clean. But I feel these demons come back every time I try to get my life straightened out and I start seeking God.
I’ve been in constant depression recently too. I feel I need a deliverance from these dark entities or evil spirits that I allowed to harass me by opening my self up using that ouija board. My ex wife has had so much issues as well. My son now 30 has been diagnosed as schizophrenic and had tried to take his own life multiple times and so have I. If you have any info I’m eager to hear it. I’m getting ready to anoint my home and pray out anything not of God and some prayers that break curses.
There are 5 vital points that one must know about spiritual warfare:
1. Lawful captives
2. Get your own legal ground
3. Bind the strong man
4. Possess your possession
5. Be prepared for a counter attack from the devil.
I will briefly take them, this is an excerpt from my book titled “A victorious spiritual warfare: using my testimony as a case study”
1. Lawful Captives
“Shall the prey be taken from the mighty or the lawful captive delivered” Isaiah 49:24 KJV
For one to be under any attack from the devil, he has a legal ground that gave him access to hold one down as a result of one’s sin. Though his legal ground could also be as a result of one’s parents fault or fore fathers but whatever it is, there is a legal ground the devil is standing for that captivity to be able to stand.
2. Get your own Legal ground
“But thus saith the LORD, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children” Isaiah 49:25 KJV
One can only nullify a legal ground with another higher legal ground. A legal agreement can only be cancelled through a legal means. You can only use a legal ground to nullify the ground the devil is standing on.
We saw in Jude 9 that the Archangel Michael didn’t bring a railing accusation against the devil. According to 2Corinthians 10:3-6, it is after our own obedience is fulfilled before we can bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. You must first make your way right with God before you can begin to exercise spiritual warfare against the devil.
What this first legal ground means is that you seek for the mercy of God. Of course, one can only get the mercy of God through forgiveness of one’s sins (Proverbs16:6).
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain MERCY and find GRACE to help in time of need” Hebrews 4:16 KJV
You must first come boldly to the throne of grace, the presence of God through the blood of Jesus to seek for the forgiveness of your sin and by that obtain mercy, that is be pardoned by God for the sin committed by you, your parents or fore fathers. Then you find grace, the unmerited favour, for help in the time of need.
This first legal ground is the most important because it is the mercy of God that will qualify one for God’s intervention on one’s behalf.
Whatever is the ground the devil is standing upon, go now to the God of Mercy, the potter and He will show His mercy unto you. He will remould you to be fit for His use. Then that ground the devil is standing on against you shall be nullified and as a new creature, you can now fulfill that purpose of God for your life since the old things are passed away and all things have become new. God is ready to show us His mercy, don’t allow the devil to deceive you that you can’t be shown mercy by God.
After you have obtained the mercy of God, then you can find grace to help you to overcome that attack. Mercy must speak for you before you can find the grace for help in the time of need.
“And it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the Anointing” Isaiah 10:27 KJV
Grace of God is the anointing. We can then say, after you have received the mercy of God, you can then be anointed to conquer that attack. There is an anointing for conquest; this is the grace you need to conquer the battle standing against you. Since God doesn’t behold iniquity, He can’t anoint a vessel that has sin. So the need for mercy to speak first, so that one’s sin could be forgiven and then qualify you for the anointing of God.
The next legal ground to stand upon is the voice of God. You must wait on the Lord to get His word before you launch out the battle (Isaiah40:28-31).
Spiritual warfare is anchored upon the ground one is standing on. If you have a sure ground, the devil shall surely be subdued.
3. Bind the Strong man
“No man can enter into a strong man’s house and spoil his goods except he will first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house” Mark 3:27 KJV
After you have got a sure ground in the Lord to stand then you need to first bind the strongman before you enter into his house.
4. Take Back Your Possession
“……. and then he will spoil his house “ Mark 3:27 KJV
As you have bound the strongman, you can now spoil his house and take back what he has stolen from you as you engage the devil in a warfare prayer.
5. Be prepared for a Counter attack from the Devil
“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept and garnished. Then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse that the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation” Matthew 12:43-45 KJV
When a Boxer lost his Belt to an opponent, he asks for another fight and if he still lose, then I believe it will be difficult for the Boxer to re-claim his Belt again.
So also the powers of hell operate. Whenever we defeat them they will stir a counter attack back wanting to reclaim their ground. The children of God are not always aware of this crucial stage, they would have been carried away with the celebration of the victory.
Also, when this counter-attack is experienced, most children of God begin to murmur rather than facing the battle and win it forever. As one murmur, if care is not taken, the attack could return back heavier than before. During this counter-attack, you must not be found empty of God’s power. Nature hates vacuum, you must be occupied with one power, either the power of God or the devil. That is why when the evil spirit returns and doesn’t see God’s presence in that person, it will go back into that person with greater spirit than itself in order to prevent the liberation of the person from its captivity. Please, be in a good relationship with the Lord so that you can be filled with the presence of God. We could see that after Jesus liberated people from the powers of the devil according to the Gospels, they became preachers of the Gospel and followers of Christ as we saw in Mary Magdalene (Luke 8: 1-3, Mark 16: 1-11), the mad man of Gadarenes (Mark 5: 1-20), Lazarus (John 12: 1-11) etc..
When a football team attacks, he must be very careful of counter-attack from the opponent. Many teams have been defeated as a result of goals scored by their opponents in counter-attacks. Therefore, a good team, as he launches for an attack, it’s always mindful of the counter-attack from the opponent because their must always be. So also it is in spiritual warfare. As we launch out attacks against the devil and his forces, we must be sensitive about their counter-attacks, by that we shall always be conquerors.
I believe God shall heal you and your son perfectly. If you want to be saved now, then let us pray:
Ask God for forgiveness of your sin as you confess them before God.
Ask the Lord Jesus to come into your life and become your Lord and Saviour.
Believe with your heart that your prayer has been answered.
You can now pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, forgive me my sin and redeem me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light through Your blood which you shed on the cross of Calvary. Make me a new creature today and make the old things to pass away. I confess You as my Lord and Saviour, come into my heart and direct my life forever, in Jesus name I have prayed.
As you have prayed this prayer in faith, you are now Born Again, you are a new creature. Write today’s date down in a place for you to remember your date of new Birth. Pray and study the word of God regularly so that you can grow in faith. Also declare your salvation boldly to people so that they can know that you are a new creature. Attend a Bible believing church and participate in their programmes so that you can grow spiritually. You are now welcome to the winning side.
In case you have been saved before but now lukewarm or have totally lost your salvation, then you can pray:
Ask God for the forgiveness of your sin as you confess them before God.
Ask Him to restore you and uphold you in this restoration all through your life.
Believe with your heart that your prayer has been answered.
You can now pray this prayer:
Lord, you said whosoever that shall call upon you, you will not cast out. My Lord and my Saviour, I return back unto you today, let your power of restoration fully restore me back unto you today. Let me begin to fulfill your purpose for my life from today. Make me a pillar in your temple forever, in Jesus name, Amen.
I believe God has shown you and your son His mercy and has given you totally victory over the powers of hell. Waiting to hear your testimony soonest.
Are you attending a local church anywhere now? One thing you could do is visit a church with a biblical deliverance ministry and explain the details and get some prayer and advice from the leaders there.
Anyone needing REAL help from God, He has given me the gift of deliverance I would like to do major one on one deliverance with those of you suffering! Please contact me if you are desperately seeking help!
What’s ur number?? Pls
Please be careful of those who want to deliver you as well. We are in the last days there is true men of God and also many false prophets be careful. I went thru the same then didn’t discern or ask God coz I was desperate then devil connected me to wrong occult man claiming to be a prophet of God but thanks to God I was delivered before he initiated me. Be careful people.
Are you in Arizona?
Hi Gosia
Thankyou for your testimony. It is an eye-opener for me, since I have been considering Hypnosis to help me with my fear of driving and my sometimes very acute shyness. I would like to read your entire story if you do not mind emailing it to me(flavias112 at gmail dot com), as I feel that there is much more I could learn from your full story.
thank you u r post has helped me ever since i was 6 years old i am going through the same experience as you, 7 months were good but then oppression started just like yours but then GOD helped by reveling through scriptures that salvation is by faith alone. JESUS is the only right way and gospel is true. this helped me in defeating dirty thoughts. PRAISE THE LORD. I HAVE THE SAME PAIN IN MY BODY AS YOU. THANK YOU FOR UR TESTIMONY AND PLS PRAY FOR ME
Gosia, I just wanted to let you know that your post really blessed me. I too, have dealt with mental oppression by demons because of activities that I was involved in while being in sin and also because of generational curses. Sometimes while in the battle, we tend to get weak or lose faith because we feel as if nothing is working out or getting better. However, I beg to differ because it always gets worse before it gets better and we have to believe and know that these demons, DO NOT WANT TO LET US GO! I was beginning to feel discouraged about my situation until I read this and it has empowered me to KEEP ON FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH!!! In closing, if I could just encourage anyone else, I would say remember we as believers’ HAVE TO STAY OFF OF THE DEVIL’S TERRITORY (AND I MEAN IN ANY KIND OF WAY)! AND ALSO, THAT ANY ACTIVITY OR ACTIVITIES IN THE OCCULT, NEW AGE, WITCH CRAFT, OR ANY OTHER DEMONIC SPIRITUAL ILLUSION, IS A WIDE DOOR FOR DEMONIC OPPRESSION, OBSESSION, DEPRESSION, AND POSSESSION!!!! PLEASE CHRISTIANS, LET US CONTINUE TO FIGHT AGAINST EVIL AND FOLLOW THE LORD! Once again, thanks Gosiah.
If there is anyone who can talk to me online or in person about this please write to me at clarissatorrance at rocketmail dot com. I feel the tightness on my head and have been prayed for a lot. ive been going through deliverance and now some of the tightness is gone. its good to know there are others who know of this pain, and sometimes I say groans etc, and I hear the voices also. How can I find others who need help like me?
I forgot to mention hat I fallen away from the faith and went back into a sinful lifestyle, bobbing and weaving from church to church and being critical at the same time, then one night I awoke to what felt like God removed himself from me and then the demons manifested in me. I have been prayed for over 40x, been hospitalized in the mental ward 6x, but finally got some relief from manifesting from a woman pastor praying for me and a man from brazil who does deliverance in sacramento. if anyone wants to chat or email please do, since we all need help. you can email me at clarissatorrance at rocketmail dot com and I pray that the Lord will be merciful to us all and restore us and allow us to be a testimony to help others fighting just like we are. I pray for us all……IN HIM, Clarissa
Helpful testimony. May the Lord guide and bless you always. Regards.
Hi I’m going through this right now. The pressure on my head is gross. That’s what it feels like. Like something is squeezing my head it feels dirty and gross
email me kristin
Kristin, Youtube “Deliverance from Schizophrenia.” My sn is BloomedChild; send me an inbox message and I will hook you up with contacts. You are not alone. There are many of us still suffering, and some are entirely free. I recommend visiting the website Schizophrenia Defeated dot com for daily encouragement. Look forward to hearing from you. Blessings.
Hello Gosia!!
May God bless you and send his angels to encamp around you, your family and friends. My heart goes out to you and all who have commented on this site. It’s truly a blessing. I, myself have walked thought the vally of the shadow of death with demonic infestation tormenting me day and night b/c of my unfaithfulness to Christ, unconfessed pass sins, and not educated myself in Gods word, and if I may add assistance a church that doesn’t practice deliverance which is so important in these times. Still till this very day I’m still being delivered from evil spirits. Let me explain a little about my experience.
My delivernce started on January 8, 2014 when the Lord spoke to me in a small still voice, he said (an egg has hatched) at the moment I couldn’t understand what the Lord was trying to tell me or even what he had instore for me. On January 13, 2014 the Lord started to deliver me from evil spirits. Then again in a dream he said there are still 6 eggs left that you would need to be deliver from. In other words the evil spirits had a nest in my belly, womb, pineal gland etc…. a spiritual portal was open to the enemy. Let me just elaborate on my deliverance, what happen to me when the evil spirits were ejecting my body… It first began with a little labor pain, then my body shook violently then a release from the vagina with a pop. Movement in my mouth then gushing winds with heavy shaking as they come to the surface of my mouth and nose, my tongue would wiggle as they were leaving my body and with a shriek. I would feel weakness in my extremities, dizziness for a little then the process started all over again. The amount of evil spirits depend sometimes 20 or even 30 a day and more.
In Matthew 12:43 reeds, that when an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through dry places seeking rest, but it doesn’t find any. then it says, I’ll go back to the house I left. In this case sadly to say, it was my house that the 7 unclean spirits enter and things worse in my life. But, thank you Jesus! Psalm 91:2 I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, in whom I trust have deliver me from the hands of the enemy from those who pursue me.
Friends stay strong in the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you, declare the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Isaiah 55:6 seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Friends, I have the recording of my delivernce which I soon be putting up on YouTube. If anyone have any advice for me, please feel free to e-mail me at (makewayhisway at yahoo dot com). Remember that everything that happens in our life is with a purpose. In my case I’m a songwriter, clothes designer, shoe and handbag designer etc….. Please keep me in your prayers.
Hello Emma!
your testimony gives me hope because I too, fell away from God, misusing any trust he had for me. after sinning so much I feel He left me to myself. I have been looking for Him and His love and mercy, which I hope is still an option for me. keep me in your prayers and if you ever want to talk you can email me at
God bless You and everyone here in Jesus Christ Name. I am joyful reading these. Well I am still a young minister, but God has used me to pray for many demon possessed, the sick and the Lord Jesus Christ set them free… Feel free to write me on billionairesam1 at gmail dot com, so that will fix a time to call and pray with you. Stay blessed
Hello, I wanted to share my testimony on how God did not give up on me. For the past four years ive been hearing Evil Demonic whispers that would speak against the holy spirit. I was one of those who had the U.S.F.S. which is Unpardonable sin fear syndrome.
It all started back in 2009 when at the time I had gave my life to God and I was always had a passion for seeing souls saved and always praying and reading my bible
But I wasn’t one who really paid attention when I would read my bible I would just zip through the bible in a year. I never really memorized scriptures
So it early 2011 I started having doubts about my salvation. At the time I was going to this church that was all about prosperity Gospel and always about getting rich and getting cars and big homes
Anyway they would speak in tongues and I didn’t. And someone outside the church had told me that I didn’t have the holy spirit or no evidence of salvation so I started doubting my faith
So around this time these audible voices started talking to me like they are now. Whispering saying you aren’t saved. God doesn’t love you. You aren’t saved
So around that time I came across this scripture about the unpardonable sin and I was always afraid to even guess what it was and didn’t want to talk about it
So one day I was walking my dog and this voice said something slanderous against the Holy Spirit. And I immediately ran home and cried out of great fear. My heart was racing and I cried because I knew that my relationship with Christ is over
So I called my pastor and he wasn’t any help showed no concern and all he did was say repent and he hung up the phone on me.
So I was left with uncontrollable fear. I was in fear.
So these voices would torment me in dreams. Visions and say they would leave me alone if I stop reading my bible.
It was hard to sleep at night they would whisper against the holy spirit and slander the holy spirit they would slander Jesus and they would say stuff about me.
This caused me to fall away from my faith. And when I stop pursuing God in 2013 the voices left me alone and never bothered me.
So the end of 2014 I started back reading my bible and yes the voices returned. This is when I knew then I was dealing with a blasphemous spirit demon in me.
And I believe the door was open in the past when I played with quija boards. Palm readers. And psychics. Anyway the voices would tell me to let them have my soul and to kill myself.
So anyway yesterday is when the bondage was broken.
Yesterday I went to this non denominational church and I told them my situation and how I have a weak faith.
Well yesterday I was baptized and I was prayed over and it’s like I felt something leave me and I just collapsed on the floor.
I was delivered and now I will always pray the armor of god and will continue to fight this enemy of our souls.
Dear Anonymous. I am going through similar issues. I am a mom and have been suffering for 5 years. I’m scared, my children need me to be well. I need to be well. Can you contact about your pastor. I believe my deliverance hasn’t come because of the places I tried to get it. I believe their doctrine is probably wrong, because the major theme seems to be about tongues. I don’t get deliverence there. Maybe your pastor could help me too. Maybe he knows a pastor near me? I am so scared.
That’s amazing man, where was that church at if you don’t mind me asking? Maybe they can help me too. I’d greatly appreciated it.
Looking for others like me who have the spiritual encasing around their brain. Sometimes can be squeezed when told to leave in Jesus Christ name. Feels like worm-like strands sliding back n forth across brain causing electrical shocks. Brain cavity is jam packed with spirits the size of maggots. Ear canals feel spiritually clogged. Brain feels held in a strong vice of thick cobwebs like a tootsie roll with the webs going into the ear canals. Feel constant demonic wind inside brain cavity that goes down to my throat and cheek pulling my mouth back 24/7. If you are familiar with these symptoms and are willing to fast and pray, please contact me on YT. My an is: BloomedChild. Thanks!
I am so touched by this testimony and comments. I resolved to the internet to see testimonies about deliverance from spirits. I have multiple of them that have made my life miserable.
I have suffered demonic dreams, in it they are always trying to initiate me, get me to bow down and worship satan, eat in the dream, being almost raped or manipulated to have sex. For each demonic dream I am having I get to be woken by a higher power, yet I never prayed. It was like every night I must dream enormously differently and 90% is satanic.
I thought dreams were normal, I never felt any physical harm so I thought relating dreams to evil spirits was something for people being religious. I was blind, cos I come from a type of church that doesn’t believe in all that, so I was thought to oppose such.
I have suffered masturbation and when I wanted to stop because I would want to masturbate not out of my will but there are voices and a force within me pushing me to do so, and it was so humiliating that I have to masturbate to be free. I suffered sexual imaginations, imaging people having sex, then I masturbate. I wanted to be free but I couldn’t whenever I start to pray, read the bible that spirit of masturbation and sexual thoughts got worse, and whenever I succumb and masturbate I no longer can pray or read the bible.
Going to church was such a huge work, on saturday I would already be lazy against sunday. I had doubt in me that sometimes make me want to question God and his works and existence especially miracles and deliverance, the spirit in me bounded me to believe that, deliverances, manifestation of evil spirit was false, it was acted by so called men of God, I believed such things were untrue. Yet I have prayed for people and they healed, I have so much faith in Jesus to do things out of the ordinary but I found myself questioning others.
I have returned to God ocassionally and served him, I felt and knew all along I had a calling but I was afraid of missing out on worldly pleasure. In 2013 when I fell out of the faith, I realised that I haven’t been able to gain that connection again. When I was with God everything seemed perfect, I stopped the sex, the thoughts, etc. But since 2013 after I fell I became worse. I love God, I love his word but sin wouldn’t let me.
Now I have made another huge effort, I have choosen to stand with God ever since I discovered that am possessed by evil spirits. Spirits that have hindered my self confidence, self worth, boldness, belief. I am a university graduate yet I have nothing to show for because of self condemnation. Now I am desperately seeking deliverance from all spirits. Deliverance from doubt, from confusion of the mind, from inconfidence, self hatred, self condemnation, rejection, depression, mixed voices in my head especially voices that are from the devil. I hear both God And satan speak so obviously to me, I love the God part but that of satan is squeezing life out of me, its making me miserable.
Now that I have choosen to stop imagining sexual scenes, masturbation or thinking of things against God, doubting the power of God it seems am getting worse although I have maintained my repentance but I need healing from voices in my head, mixed ugly thoughts and dark imaginations. I need you to please say a prayer for me. I have battled daily with this. I recently spoke to a friend out of frustration and I felt better it was like the devil knew that this time am bend on casting him out.
I need deliverance from doubt, the voices that keep telling me God is a lie, miracles are fake, deliverance are manipulated, I know God does all this but am helpless in this. Please pray for me, am scared of losing my chance of freedom due to disbelief. I am seriously reading God’s word and praying always in order to replace all those thoughts, imaginations and voices with God’s word. I believe I am delivered in Jesus name.
Please can I have you number? Or email, I’m kinda going through the same thing with the voices in my head.
Dear Tee Box,
I am praying for you now in the name of Jesus Christ. Very sorry you are going through this suffering. Some comforting things for you to remember: the Lord absolutely wants you free of this – – this is why He came to earth & died for us, and rose again – – to destroy the works of the devil, set us free, restore us to Himself.
He cares greatly for you. Even the fact you care so much about not losing Him shows that He has already touched you in some way; “the call of the Lord is without repentance” (He doesn’t change His mind about those He loves & calls). Otherwise this would not matter to you. He will never let you down, or forsake you. “Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame”. (Romans 10). I have been in this battle place. It is so painful and hard. But you will come through. You have been brave suffering this, even if you don’t think so.
“Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfecter of your faith…” (Hebrews 12)
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood…”
“… and having done all, to stand firm” (Ephesians 6).
Rooting for you… and “greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world”.
Tee Box,
You’re not alone. All of these thoughts are not coming from you, but a nest of evil spirits attached all over the brain feeding evil images and thoughts solely related to their function/assignment to kill, steal, and destroy your life like pornography, masturbation, sexual immorality, suicide, depression etc. These things have personalities of their own that have deeply embedded themselves into the brain while still in the mother’s womb creating a split personality that is not the single mindedness of Christ. These demons must be cast out gradually for your real identity -the mind of Christ- to come thru. This is the Schizophrenia Revelation. Many of the sins and voices you struggle with are not coming from you, but a nest/network of evil spirits. Their legal grounds need to be renounced, sin confessed, ask forgiveness from the Father, and then cast them out. It’s like the movie Inside Out but magnify that to a Legion. We’re dealing with a pre-existing, generational, evil that’s inside every unbeliever and isn’t immediately dealt with at salvation or the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and if it is the believer cannot maintain their deliverance and it backfires 7x worse as in my case. I wish I could help but have been struggling myself to get free from the same thing I speak of. Nobody in the Body of Christ can help so am taking drastic measures. No one should ever have to suffer or be alone– living in isolation, for 2 yrs. 8 months trying to deliver themselves from an infestation of demons. This is the church’s problem and they are failing miserably as disciples. If one suffers, the entire body suffers. We are to bear each other’s burdens and show love to one another lest that brother fall and there is none to comfort him. There is a godly sorrow that leads to repentance and a sorrow that worketh to death.
I suggest picking up the book Pigs in the Parlor and begin to clean-house of cursed objects, occult paraphernalia, and anything else that transgresses against the Lord. Be led by the Holy Spirit and when in doubt throw it out. Your freedom is more important than being tormented.
Joe Van Poppel,
Tell me something I don’t know. I’ve exhausted that list. Sometimes, it takes a body of believers to fast and pray a person through to freedom and to discern legal rights. Is there a way to contact and speak with you? Also, would love to speak with Gosia (if she’s reading this) as she’s one of few people who knows what it’s like. And I’ve spoken to almost everyone who’s suffered from it, but have seen no lasting fruit of true deliverance. I know my Bible like the back of my hand and still don’t know why they’re not leaving.
Currently looking for a Christian iconoclast, grounded in Scripture, knows and believes the Schizophrenia Revelation, speaks and reads biblical Greek and Hebrew a plus.
Have you gotten any answers. Has the Lord helped you with discerning of the spirit. Has anyone prayed with you. I want you to know I too have suffered with this after coming to the Lord. Jesus is patient and kind and he has given us authority. Not just some people, all believers and when two or more agree together he will begin to move. To Jesus be all the praise honor and glory amen
Add me as your friend of Facebook
Alaina Fulks, I have gotten answers but the demons never leave. I am still tormented and cannot work because of the severe manifestations. I have no real friends. I also stay away from FB and socializing on YT because they have become idols. There is witchcraft and mind control behind them. God doesn’t want me to reach people this way. Problem is, lots of people have prayed and commanded demons to come out of me but the demons always put on a show and never come out–at least the strongholds. I am technically free according to scripture but waiting for the spirits to actually depart for good. I am serious about spiritual warfare and am only looking for those who can fight with me and stay the course i.e. prolonged fasting for answers, frequent bible studies, learn biblical Hebrew and Greek. No flakes. I’m really picky about who I let minister to me; prefer experienced females rather than males. Or a female who is willing to learn. If you would like to speak, you can set up another e-mail account and post it here. Then we can correspond from there.
Have you regularly taken the breaking of bread and the wine that symbolizes Jesus body and His precious blood. You can take it on your own. Please read John 6 from verse 22. Jesus is the bread of life for every believer. Demonic forces hates the communion! Do this regular, everyday if you must and anoint yourself with oil. Oh the power of the Holy Ghost. Cover your forehead and anoint yourself in the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. Ask the Holy Spirit to cover your conscious and deep unconscious mind with His Oil but be in deep prayer. Jesus said He gives us His Holy Spirit and power will come over us. I Love the Holy Spirit. If you allow Him total control of your mind and body, He will do mighty things.
I have been given a gift from God to completely fully deliver those who are suffering from demonic oppression! If anyone needs one on one prayer please email me and together we can completely get rid of any voices you hear, any anxiety, depression, fear, nightmares, etc!! I have been set free myself and want to help other thru Jesus Christ!! Email me at southernbellesouthcarolina at gmail dot com
I am so happy and find encouragement in this testimony I’m going through the same thing, it brings me to tears everytime I think about it I don’t want to live like this any more, I have so much to write and share who can I speak to?
Hi Leon, thanks for your comment. Are you wanting to speak with someone about ministry or just about sharing on the site?
hi emory is there anyway I can speak to the person who wrote this testimony because I’m going through the same.
Hi leeyon1, let’s see if Gosia will respond to this comment. I’ll send a note.
Gosia, if you are there, leeyon1 would like to communicate with you. Please post here if you can.
Hello everybody. I just got an email from Emory and came back here to check what is going on. I forgot altogether about my testimony here left so long ago. I will try to read all comments and answer if possible. Check my website in the meantime, you may find something useful. Glory to God, He is amazing!
Ok, I have read all comments, thank you all people of God for writing and am very sorry, I haven’t been here for such a long time. I am very grateful that the Lord Jesus is using my testimony to help so many people, honestly I cannot remember writing it, It must have been the Holy Spirit talking through me and I just got reminded about this: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11.
Since the time I wrote this short story of my battle and the victory of Jesus, many things happened. I got trained by the Lord and other Christians in deliverance, I got delivered many times after that from various spirits that came through generational curses and hundreds of others that I had no idea where still in me. I received lots of teaching by the Holy Spirit, I have been shown how many dark spots (sins) were still in me that the Lord wanted to get rid of. Basically, to be the son of God means to walk in holiness and when we walk in the Holy Spirit and with the Lord Jesus in us, He helps us to be cleaned from all sins to be like Him. We have to make an effort to be holy. Demons will do all things possible to attack us in various ways and make us sin, so it is a daily battle against sin, but the Lord is patient and loving and kind and so helpful. I have a blog about deliverance , there is some information there, so check it please
Also, it is very important to be humble and honest before the Lord. He knows everything about us and it is Him who delivers us and knows when we are ready to be set free. I would suggest reading books about deliverance by Derek Prince, Frank Hammond or Win Worley,and watch deliverance videos on youtube.
There is also lots of great free teaching on Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, you can learn so much from those people and also to be set free from various problems.
Somebody spoke against youtube here but the Lord God is using this tool mightily, and I have learnt a lot thanks to videos there. Just ask the Lord to protect you from deception and be careful to know the bible well. It is good to watch mass deliverance videos as well, if you are ready the Lord will deliver you cause recorded videos have the same power as live meetings.
I got delivered also from spirits of smoking, last october 3 years passed since I don’t smoke and I was a heavy smoker, reading my bible and smoking at the same time, 35 years of smoking, Jesus delivered me from it in one session, to Him be the glory! I would have never ever stopped smoking myself.
Try to learn as much as possible from the bible, who God is and how to please God. Demons hate the word of God so read it aloud. Fasting is also powerful weapon against the enemy. One time I managed to fast for full 7 days, in the middle of the fast the Lord delivered me while I was reading the bible aloud, demons started manifesting and I was lead by the H. Spirit to cast demons out of myself, which I did and it was quite a battle. I also got baptized in water in my church after a few years of waiting, that was another powerful way to get rid of more demons and get closer to my Jesus. We are basically infested with demons, it is like never ending but the less we sin the less access they have to us, that’s why the Lord wants us to walk in holiness,so we can say like Jesus, the devil has nothing in me. And this is the condition to keep deliverance, we need to walk close to Jesus always. I want also to say something about praise. Praise is another tremendous weapon against the devil and his demons. It was the first thing that I was shown by the Holy Spirit when in torment, to praise the Lord, no matter how miserable we are, this works amazingly, praise Him, always, praise with psalms and hymns and songs, the best songs are those based on the word of God, sing for Him, love Him, praise brings God’s presence and blessings, so put the holy music on and sing in the evening or morning, spend time with Him, connect with Him in the Spirit, think how Holy and AWESOME the Lord is, worship Him on your knees or even on your face. One thing more, it is not us who decide which spirit is to go, it is the Lord, He is the King of all, so if there is any pride in us or any bitterness, unforgiveness or unbelief, deliverance may be difficult. You must have humble and repentant, forgiving heart to get the miracle of deliverance. So if you have troubles and deliverance is not coming, ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any pride in you or unforgiveness. He will do it.
It is good to read Old Testament,(Deuteronomy, Leviticus), and know all the curses, described there, it makes it easier to understand why we have problems. I was in deliverance ministry for two years and I saw people who did not get delivered.The reasons I think were inside, there was wrong attitude in the heart or they were not ready. We really have to be like children and trust Jesus totally, if you do not have faith, ask Him, ask Him for all things, for the hunger of His word, hunger of Him, for desire to fast, for all things we need, we can ask. He is faithful and will do it. Get His word into your heart. I listen to the bible on mp3 whenever I walk somewhere, or in bed, listen to it on my computer, read it every morning, pray with psalms, sing songs, praise Him, and so on, it’s continuous connection with the Lord. Of course it happens that you cannot do it every day, but I am trying to be disciplined cause I know how weak I am without my Lord.
One more thing is to take communion every day or as often as possible, you can do it alone at home, confess your sins first, take some bread and juice, read the words of Jesus during last supper and do it. He said: Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.
Do not be passive and do not wait until somebody comes and delivers you, keep fighting, learning, pursuing the Lord, and He will reward you.
I am very glad that my testimony is helping people, I started writing a book where I am going to describe much more and many more people could get understanding and help. We are living in times when more and more people will have this kind of demonic problems, and I believe each one of us can be used for the glory of God to help others. The Lord has changed me from a terrified, tormented mouse into a bold, strong soldier for Him, so He can do it for you as well.
He will teach you and train you, deliver you and make you minister of fire, ready to help others.
I have all my walls covered with scriptures that remind me about the power of God.
Additionally, I suggest listening to the best old school preachers, like David Wilkerson, Ben Crandall, Derek Prince or Paul Washer, open your hearts and listen, this is pure gospel and we need to be taught by the best of God’s people. Do not follow any prosperity teachers from faith movement, it is very important not to fall into deception, find a small, evangelical church, with simple gospel teaching and old hymns being still sang.
All things must be as they are in the bible. I have so much more to say but it would take me hours, so I will finish now. I hope it will help you even more, remember the battle is won. The devil is like the pharaoh, when people of God wanted to leave Egypt. Moses would ask him many times, let my people go but he will not do it. The same is with the devil, he will try all kinds of tricks to keep you in bondage, but when you walk with Jesus and roar at him with the mighty voice of Christ, knowing what you are doing, what the blood of Jesus did for you and who you are in Christ, He will have to go.
So, getting freedom will take some time, but remember our God is not cheap, we need to put lots of effort to get to know Him and prove that we are serious, there is no turning back, when we get delivered we need to stay close to the Lord for ever. He wants us in heaven, and the price He paid for us was very high. I just remembered, psalms are very powerful to fight all kinds of demonic oppression, read them aloud, all psalms about defeating the enemy, like 18 or 118, and psalms praising God. Book of proverbs will show you more about your sins, and will open your eyes as well. I was healed when confessing my sins found there. I was healed when the Holy Spirit showed me that I was attacked by the spirit of cancer, I cast it out and was healed. Mostly I meet Christians that do not believe it, they think I am a demon crazy and they do not believe in healing, this really is very frustrating because the Lord Jesus said that we will be doing even greater things than Him and He proved to me many times that it is all about faith, those who do not believe, will not receive nothing. It must be really hurting Him so badly, if it is hurting me so much when people do not believe my testimony.
We are the children of the living God, we have all power and authority to cast out demons, and heal the sick, all Christians need to believe it.
These things above are tactics that I was taught by the Holy Spirit, when there was nobody to help me but the Lord, and the church people still tell me to shut up as they do not want to talk about demons. Happy is he who belongs to the church with full gospel, including miracles.
If anybody would like to contact me, please write to the owner of this web, which is Emory, so he can connect us. As far as I am able I will try to help.
Sorry for this mess in my post but I have just been trying to write as much as possible.
God bless you all and keep fighting, never give up, you are the victor in Christ.
Hi Gosia, will you please contact me, I am going through similar things as you have, and need some help tibi_tm2004 at yahoo dot com
Hi, I been being under attack by demons for over 7 years now. I have done a lot to open the door to demonic world over the years. Before the lord came in my life in 2003 I had visited a psychic and they did tarot cards and prayer candle. I also gave them money. I sought communication with angels and praying to them using angel tarot cards.
Then Jesus delivered me, but then two months after I fell into sexual sin and stayed in that condition for three and a half years and then got married to my wife who is great, but is not born again. But after we got married I have been tormented by evil spirits in my mind and body and spirit. I have really sought the lord during this time like never before fasting probably 50 percent of the time from food and praying and reading the word but it seems like I keep on falling into sin in anger and bitterness and in forgiveness and lust, pride and greed, wicked thoughts towards others. There has been a struggle with laughing and mocking others who are hurting within me, I hate it but can’t control it.
Lately I have been being attacked by spirits trying to paralyze my body, take over my mind and bring great fears on me and trying to get me to swear and out of control anger. I feel like I am listening to lying spirits and when I try to walk in the truth I get attacked by them and my body weakens. I don’t know what to do but I have hope. This site gives me hope. Could you please pray for me. My email is godschild040885 at yahoo dot com if you want to contact me. I have had some healing in the past.
billionairesam1 at gmail dot com. By Gods power, our Lord Jesus Christ can set you free… Write me
Hi your testimony is powerfull. How did the spiritual portals shut can u please explain. Can you email exact prayers that I can use. at Hotmail dot com
Any response?
billionairesam1 at gmail dot com
I am not the healer, Jesus Christ is the healer, I am not the deliverer, Jesus Christ is the deliverer, I am not the Savior, Jesus Christ is the Savior…
I am just a young minister, but I will be glad to pray for anyone willing, you may write me on the email above, God has done it for others before and He will do it for you in Jesus Christ Name…
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for this testimony. Halleluyah