Hello All!
I wanted this blog to be the first place I shared my testimony because this was the first place where I found hope on my journey. Jesus Christ has done amazing things in my life, and I hope that my testimony will help someone that may be in a situation that I was once in.
About a year ago I had been delivered out of a 2 year long relationship that was completely unhealthy. The man I was involved with did a lot of lying and a lot of cheating, and for some reason I just couldn’t seem to get myself out of it. Well God took it upon himself to bring me out of that terrible relationship and I am forever grateful for that.
After the breakup, I was completely empty and was on the hunt to find things that would fill my void. At first, I just did a lot of partying and drinking, then one day I caught up with an old friend. We hung out a few times, and I then found myself on a slippery slope straight to the bedroom with him. Things happened really quickly, but I didn’t feel that bad about it. In my mind, I was just having a good time. The guy was really nice and fun to be around, I wasn’t looking for anything serious, I was protecting myself with condoms and birth control, so I thought everything was okay!
I can count the number of times me and this guy had sex (2 times) before my world completely flipped upside down. After the second time we had sex, I can remember the holy spirit tugging on my heart telling me that I am worth more than what I am accepting. I entertained the thought of putting an end to my rebellious actions, but I didn’t have any intent on truly changing.
Well about a week went by after my second sexual encounter with my friend and I noticed something weird happening to my body. I was experiencing some itching ‘down there’ and a little bit of burning as well. At first, I just ignored it thinking that I could just be a common yeast infection, but then it started getting worse. I soon realized it was something worse than a yeast infection, but I kept cool because I had been down the road of an STD before. Unfortunately, my ex-boyfriend had given me chlamydia a few years back and I got over it with some antibiotics, so I just knew whatever this was could be fixed pretty easily.
I started researching my symptoms to see what could possibly be wrong with me. This whole time I was a little confused because I know that I had used a condom every time I had any sexual contact with this guy, but as we all learn in sex education, condoms are not always 100% effective…. Long story short, after doing my research I realized that I was experiencing my first genital herpes outbreak.
And this is where my journey begins….
When I first self-diagnosed myself with this “incurable disease” I was consumed with denial. I was thinking there is no way I could have this disease. I had only had 4 sexual partners in my entire life, I was never super promiscuous, I’ve known girls that sleep around all the time and never get burned… this can’t be happening to me.
The symptoms of my first outbreak went away after a few days, just as the internet said they would… but returned again after a few weeks.
The next phase I went through was depression. At this point, all I did was sleep and cry. I felt like my life was over. I knew I could never get married, I felt dirty, and worthless. I was depressed for about two months. I fought thoughts of suicide, and it was a hassle to even carry out my daily tasks.
Then one day I decided to pray, and the words God put on my heart were “Go and sin no more”…. he reminded me of the story in the bible where he saved the lady that was about to be stoned. That story then reminded me of all the stories in the bible where Jesus healed the sick.
So I started to wonder if God still heals today, which led me to this wonderful website. I typed in “Does God Heal Genital Herpes?”… I read a person’s testimony on here that said that they were healed of this disease that the world deems incurable, and tears rolled down my face. That person’s testimony sparked a hope in me that led me to where I am today.
After I read her testimony, I started researching how to receive divine healing. Throughout this time, the devil was playing with my mind. Questions and thoughts like “God healed others, but he probably won’t heal me” “Is it really his will to heal?” “God is punishing me for my actions, now I have to live with them” …. the devil even led me to look up celebrities that are living with genital herpes so that I wouldn’t ‘feel alone’… crazy right.
Well, I won’t go into extreme detail because I don’t want this post to be super long, BUT I am writing to tell you today, that after a year of battling the devil through the power that Christ Jesus has given us and increasing my faith by continuously reading the promises God has given us in his word, I have been COMPLETLY healed of genital herpes.
Last week the Lord told me that it was time to put an end to this battle and give him all the glory, so I went and got tested for every STD in the book and every single test came back NEGATIVE. I am healed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
I now live every day for him, giving him thanks for everything he has done for me. I am waiting until I am married to have sex again.
I want to post my testimony to help someone out there suffering from this disease. I want you to know that IT IS GOD’S WILL TO HEAL YOU. He wants to heal you and he will if you turn from unrighteousness, seek his face, and ask. Your life is not over, and God is not punishing you for your actions. You can start over if you completely give it over to God. Jesus came for this purpose; all you have to do is believe! There is nothing to hard for God. Stand on his words and the things he has promised us.
I pray that my testimony helps someone out there that may be in a similar situation. There is no such thing as an incurable disease when it comes to Jesus. If you have any questions, or would like to share your story, please feel free to comment under my post! I know it will be a blessing to someone.
I want you to know that I love you, and more importantly God loves you!
Be Blessed!
Pls pray for me. My name is debra and I have herpes needing the same miracle God gave you.
I’m praying for you, God does heal and he will heal you. You don’t have to be scared or afraid. God is an awesome woderful, forgiving, God, he loves you more then we can imagen, Don’t give up and don’t loose hope.
I am on need of prayer…I’m about to get married and I have herpes…please
You must didn’t tell your soon to be husband?
Just found out I have genital herpes scared asking someone to pray for me to get healed. May God cure me
My name is Marcus and I have had this terrible herpes virus for over 2 years now and it has effected every area of my life in a negative way. Please pray for me, I read my bible every day, pray everyday, have spent thousands of dollars on alternative medicine and still no resolve. Please pray for me!
I too need the same…I need the prayers and healing of God. I found out this news and refuse to accept it. I will not. I know God heals. I just want to be healthy and have my life back. My news is fresh, found out Monday.
I will pray for this whole room . I just found out yesterday that I have herpes. I am going to continue to find a medicine man that can help . God is good. Pray for me.
I was diagnosed with hsv1&2 a few years ago, I was about 23 or 24yrs old. I was devastated. At the time I had been involved with a man who was married, so all kind of thoughts were going thru my mind, was I being punished, will I ever be able to be in a healthy relationship, marriage, children. Even though a lot of negative thoughts were going thru my mind, I still called on God, I didn’t know what else to do. I researched the disease, got discouraged, read negative comments about it being “incurable” but I also read positive, encouraging healing stories on this site. I tried to trust God’s word but I was still allowing the enemy to attack my mind and spirit with doubt that God wouldn’t heal me, maybe it was His will for me to have this disease. But the more the enemy tried to attack me, the more I prayed, the closer I got to God, the more I got into the word of God. I recited scriptures, declarations, I kept praying and I made up in my mind that I would not stop believing in God’s power no matter what I was facing. During breakouts I continued to pray for healing, I continuously asked God to strengthen my faith and I kept telling myself my healing will not happen according to my time and how quickly I wanted to be healed but by God’s will and perfect timing. He wasn’t ready, He was still working in me. I had good and bad days, my bad & depressed days I just prayed a little harder and continued to trust Him. I was thankful that I still had my life, I was waking up everyday, I wasn’t fighting for my life or dying slowly.
My last outbreak was bad, probably the worst one, instead of getting discouraged, I prayed for healing and strength like I had been doing & I declared that that would be my last outbreak, now that wasn’t my first time declaring that it would be my last, but this time was different to me, all thanks & all honor to God it was my last one. I still haven’t stopped praying, I’m taking my spiritual growth and divine healing one day at a time. I believe that disease, depression, guilt, suffering etc are of the enemy, it isn’t of God, God desires a life of health, wealth, blessings, increase, joy etc but it is up to us to seek that type of life, it is up to us to speak God’s word over our lives & the lives of others, it is up to us to share God’s power to be a blessing to someone else, it is up to us to seek the life of God’s promises.
I know that everything that God has brought me out of, He has not only done it for me but He has done it so that I could help someone else. I pray that this does help and encourage everyone that reads it, trust in God’s word and His power. No matter how big your problems may seem, nothing is too big or too hard for God. When man says no, God says yes. When doctors say “there is nothing I can do”, God says “all power is in my hands”. Be encouraged today, God is willing and able.
Thank you, so much for sharing your story I needed it. I too am struggling and God is toughening my heart to find hope, please pray for me, that I can be so strong.
Thank you for sharing…this is very uplifting and encouraging ….in will continue to pray to God and speak healing. He is the only one I trust and that can help and heal me and He will….I speak it into existence. Thank you
Thank you for sharing . Great testimony.Did God cure you from the disease ?
I’m just curious to know, Are you now healed? I am going through the same thing, only I haven’t experienced any outbreaks since the first day I was told I have it. I’ve been praying non stop about it, I was having symptoms till I prayed over my symptoms now I no longer have the symptoms,..so I’m wondering if I’m healed or if I should go back and get retested? I’m still praying about it though and keeping my faith and asking Jesus to increase my faith!
Thank God for this testimony. It encouraged me
I will pray for you, Debra. I have had an off and on relationship w God throughout my life. The last time I didn’t have God I made a foolish act and contracted genital herpes. But for some reason my herpes have brought me back to God. He was the only one I could talk to about it. He has given me life changing signs to assure me he is listening to me. I still get depressed because if I would have had God earlier I would have never gotten w that man.
Anyways, sometimes we lose God, but God never loses us. Remember that. Speak to him. Let him know you are sorry and that you love him. Pray everyday all the time whenever. He will always be there for us and that is important to know. I can honestly say that I am fully committed to him and I will never lose him again. I just want him to know that. I hope he heals me and gives me another chance. I owe him my devotion to him regardless, but maybe he will save me, and then I can send up this gratitude I have been imagining. I love to fantasize about how happy my heart would be and how I could just give that happiness and joy to Jesus Christ. I still pray. Please, anybody who reads this, send God a prayer for me.
“If You are willing, You can heal me and make me clean.”
Please Jesus, I need you. I love him and am so grateful you have helped me this far. Thank you Jesus. :)
Same thing with me. I get depressed and regret attacks me because I grew up knowing the truth. I know exactly what you are going through. Been praying for a miracle. Soon I’ll be testifying how God healed me in this site (:
Same here.. I sometimes catch myself regretting what I did, because I knew God’s Word, but then i remember how this chapter in my life brought me back to Jesus, he is my only hope. It’s almost a year of living with this disease, but I wont lose faith because i know God’s Time is perfect and I want him to know that bad or good times I will not stop serving him. Sometimes I am like, “God Please Take Me Back One Year So I Could Prevent This Disease On Me”, but then i know that if this would of never happened I would still be the same guy, living a hypocrite Christian life in church, Being Lukewarm and without God. I will Be praying for Everyone here. God Bless (:
Please pray for me. I don’t have a positive diagnosis yet. There are so many other infections that I have right now. I am believing that there is no Herpes infection. I am standing in faith that what the Dr says he thinks he saw is not Herpes. He wasn’t sure himself. Please pray for me. This last year I made some really bad decisions and I had never done anything like that ever. I was married for 20 yrs and he cheated on me. I than dealt with the hurt in ways I shouldn’t have. And than I met this great man a few months ago who wants to spend the rest of his life with me and my child. He loves us. I am standing in faith on this. I am not relying on mans final word on this but God’s word on this. I am putting my faith in God and I am standing on the word. Please pray for me and my child.I am so scared and depressed m all I do is cry and pray for God to not punish me anymore. I know that is the devil trying to hurt me. Please pray for me. Thank you and God Bless
Jesus will heal you!
I am currently pregnant and contracted herpes from a old friend can you guys keep me in your prayers for my divine healing because I believe daily that I am healed and when I go back in for my next Pap smear and birth that everything will be negative because I have the faith of a mustard seed that I am healed so please keep me in your prayers.
I just read your comment Feb, 2020. I hope I am not too late. Jesus was crucified and died on the cross for our SINS and PHYSICAL HEALTH…totally healing is in Him! If you believe that you will be totally healed. You need to partake in Holy Communion. That is focusing on Jesus. Make sure you focus on Him and know that He received beatings, stripes and lashes on his body so that YOUR body can be made whole. I have chronic back pain. I went to a Christian store and purchased me some Holy Communion Wafers and Grape Juice. The wafers, crackers or bread people take represents Jesus body. The grape juice or wine people take represents the blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross. Make sure you understand as so. You say a prayer to God through His Son Jesus Christ. Example: “Dear God please forgive me of all my sins. I seek your face, please reveal Yourself to me. Thank you Jesus for your broken body. It is for my healing. Thank you that by Your stripes and the beatings You bore Iam totally healed. I believe and receive. With the cracker or bread in your hand “eat it, concentrate on Jesus.” Next take the cup of juice in your hand. Not alot of juice, a little in cup. Say a prayer. “Thank you Jesus, your blood have bought me forgiveness and washed me from every sin. As I drink, I partake in the inheritance of righteous, which is healing, wholeness and forgiveness. In Jesus name Amen.” You believe you WILL be healed. Totally. My chronic back pain goes away daily. I am healed! For some it may be instant healing. For some it may take weeks. Do not despair! It will happen for you too. I take Holy Communion twice a day. I started a week ago, Isaiah from the Holy Bible reads: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5. Also if you can read Pastor Joseph Prince books. Health and Wholeness Through The Holy Communion. Great book and more he have out for us! I pray this reached you and all others in time, for God is never late. Trust Him…seek Him…you will never be the same again. Take care!
Hi Debra! I will definitely be praying for you! I want you to know that if God did it for me, he WILL do it for you. Start digging into the word to increase your faith. The bible says that “Faith comes by hearing the word of God”… and there is good news in that word. Look up healing scriptures, recite them back to God, Speak out loud when you pray, Build a good relationship with Christ, and I promise you he wont let you down. Trust me, this is the first step to a wonderful journey. Soon you will have a testimony just like mine! Be blessed
Hello, can you please pray for me? I really want healing from God to get rid of herpes and would love some help from you since you had a succeeded on healing from God.
Thank you
Angie, that’s a beautiful name you have. I’m praying for you right know, I believe God wants to heal you. Don’t loose fait, I know sometimes it can be hard but keep your eyes on Jesus and he will show you the way. Don’t be afraid your not alone, God is fighting for us.
This past weekend I made a horrible mistake since my boyfriend had broken up with me and I decided to do a threesome with my best friend and a guy she talks to. Which was so stupid! I regret it so much now since I contracted genitial herpes and am going through horrible pain currently and it’s still happening, I also feel that though God won’t forgive me for my bad decisions and I read all the stories but wonder will it work for me? I’ve been praying and everything, I can’t tell my parents because they would shun me and I’ll have no one at all. Please help me be healed like you. I’m scared and I’m depressed and I need gods power to heal me and I hope he knows I will never ever do anything like this again and that I will wait for marriage
All he wants you to do is turn your life over to him, repent of your sins to him and you will be cleansed, declare healing in your body in the name of jesus, and when you BELIEVE that you have been healed, you will be :) All you need is faith when you pray, even if the devil has made you think there is no hope, for GOD IS GOOD, and the DEVIL is a LIAR. Just seek God and ask him to rebuke any thoughts of the enemy out your head, that is blocking you from getting your healing.
Hello lala. I just want to say keep praying I made a terrible mistake myself don’t know what I was thinking and I start having some strange symptoms that resemble that disease. I prayed endlessly after having 3 breakouts and I noticed after praying and weeping to Jesus. To forgive me.
My period came 3 times and I never got that breakout again my last period was a week ago and nothing I met a man from Canada think I he was my future husband but I think it’s the trick of the devil because the man is so lie I couldn’t believe it.
But what is the amazing thing why I know God is my healer. A few years ago I broke out in a terrible rash all over my body… went to the doctor. She looked at me and said these things came from HIV. I went into hiding crying didn’t want to take a test. Because the devil was on my back. My boyfriend then was clean.
So you know what I went down on my knees and ask God to give me the strength to get an HIV test. It happens that I got a home kit. And got tested July of this year. It say negative. My mind ease a little. Then again the devil yet to trick me telling me that the home kid is not good.
So I went down on my knees and says to god give me the strength to go and do a Elisa test I want the blood to be pulled from my vain and be test. The correct way. God gives me the strength to go to the doctor that same day I ask him to strengthen me. All I could here is you don’t have then the devil was like you have it your life is going to change.. anyhow when I got my blood drawn the doctor says your results will be back in 3 days are so if your positive or negative.
The lab was near which I went and got it drawn. Day 1 I missed a call from a number but didn’t call it back. Day 2 the number call again before I answered my heart was jumping out my chest. It was the nurse she says I need to come and see doc… Jesus Christ I even have a meal before going saying to myself I gotta get my belly full to receive the news. I couldn’t finished what I was eating. I feel so sick all sort of weird feelings.
When I reached the office the doctor went out the room saying he’ll be back in a second. When he comes he take up my report then said why do you look so scared? I said doc I don’t know what you are about to tell me. Then he said lady your negative look isn’t this your name etc. Omg. A heavy burden lifted of my head I become so light. He also gave me a copy.
So when I looked into that I said the devil that devil he really comes to rob, kill and destroy. All along god was saying to me go get your test and free your mind because your mind is not free even when you’re in church worshiping me. And I got baptized a week ago and he is so present in my life more than ever. The devil is such a enemy I can’t explain. So now I’m going to do some other test and I know that none of them will be positive the devil is trying to trick me with every strange symptom but in the name of Jesus by his stripes we are healed.
Hello…yes, God can and will heal you. It is because He is good and because he desires good for you. You are worth so much more, my dear one, than you believe. God sees you as precious, and bought you with his own life to show.his.love for.you. You should have a man who feels that way about you too.
Lala, I pray Jesus heals you. All things are possible through Jesus according to His will. I recently strayed from my marriage and am worried may have herpes. I understand the fear but please keep this in mind, Jesus wants us to be healthy. Fear and anxiey does not come from Jesus, strength does. I will be praying for you.
Hi,I’m tani i’ve been told a week ago that I have herpes, I don’t have terrible itching or awful symptoms glory be to god but I know I have herpes,it’s something that I know,I’ve been told by a pastor that I have the illness and he said that I got it from my ex boyfriend who was living a squalid lifestyle and I know that it’s true cause he never uses protection as the pastor said,please pray for me I need prayer.I’ve been praying myself and I truly believe that I’m already healed as it says in mark 11:24 that whatever you ask for when you pray if you believe you will receive it,you will have it,god is a faithful god and he is true,and his words are true I believe in prayer and I strongly believe in god but prayer is never enough so pray for me all…that I am completely healed of all illness including hidden ones that I may not know,I will also be praying,god bless u all.
Hello! Please keep me in prayer. I have herpes 1 and 2 and I am praying for healing in my body heart and mind. Your testimony is amazing and you now know God as a healer and it takes different situations to learn different aspects of Him. Thank you for sharing this :)
kwhite7786 what’s your name I want to pray for you.
Thanks for this testimony! My name is Jonathan and I have herpes. I want to be healed so can you please pray for me
Jonathan I’m praying for you. Don’t loose hope, God is with us and he will never abandoned us.
I also have contracted it about 5 months ago, always weeping and praying that a miracle would happen, and dwelling in the what if’s…or if i never did this….regretting everything. ESP after i met a new guy almost 3 months ago who i could see myself getting married too….but recently i had my first recurrence outbreak, reminding me of my past sin that would haunt me forever…all those dreams of a future shattered. i did not tell my bf yet of my condition, we have not gotten intimate. but i do plan to tell him before we do, because that is the right thing to do, and i care for him so much…even if that means losing him. i don’t know what to believe…i believe in God, but can’t understand why this is happening to me…to everyone who has this horrible sickness. yet at the same time, i know God is doing this to get us closer. I have never felt so much emotions toward God…of desperation, feeling so forlorn and lost. There is nothing more that i want than to be pure, in body, in soul once again. only in God’s eyes am i pure…but i want to be pure so much….to be rid of this disease….if there’s any advice you can give…or pray for me, please. your story is truly a miracle, and i have been reciting that verse “he was wounded for my transgressions, and by his stripes i am healed”…it calms my soul just saying it.
Lee, man I’m listening to your story and surely am proud of you. Not only are you battling with this sickness but your also been brave enough to let your partner know. That is really bold and courages of you. I want to pray for you, and I want to tell you that you don’t have to live your life in sickness, God has payed the price for our sickness, he will never leave us or forsakes, God doesn’t want to leave you an orphan, neither does he plan on living you single. I truly deeply believe God has bigger and better plans for us. Let’s put our faith in him, and he will never fail us.
Thank you for sharing your testimony and increasing my faith… I have been praying for the past two days.. I am waiting to go in a get new tests done this monday..
My advice to those who are in prayer too is to try and look up the Esther fast — elishagoodman.org also look up emmanuel.tv
Hey Lee,
I want you to know that I have been where you are. I know exactly what you are feeling, but I want you to know that you have to make the conscious descion to fight all doubts and attacks from the enemy. throughout your process of healing the devil will attack your mind with any and everything to get you to doubt God and his promise, but you have to stand firm on the word of God. I promise you his word is true, and he will NOT let you down. When seeking your healing, seek Jesus first… God did not do this to you to bring him closer to you, God does not cause sickness or disease. This sickness is from the devil who seeks to kill steal and destroy. Don’t let him! God wants to heal you and make you pure… it IS his will, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise! keep looking up healing scriptures and keep saying them out loud. keep them close to your heart. also you should look up Pastor Joseph Prince. He is amazing and is always preaching on Gods GRACE and healing. God wants to save him. just believe and receive! I will be praying for you daily. I know your healing is on the way!
save you*
Question when you say you knew you had herpes did you go to the doctors to find that out or did you just know by doing research?
I too want to know this.
Jordan, TeAO, and Kwhite… I will be praying for you all! Keep trusting and believing. Your healing is on the way!
Hi my name is Dee and five months ago I had sex with the third girl in my life. Now I have herpes. I couldn’t believe it because this wasn’t a random girl, she’s the closet girl I’ve had to a girlfriend or loving but it has been a never ending nightmare since. I’ve always believed in GOD and have asked him for forgiveness which is ironic now I need him but I’ve always needed him and have only used around half his message to guide my life.
I felt like killing myself with prospect of having a wife and family quite difficult and feel like I’m not really in the room when people are talking. I don’t know what to do and pretty much cry and pray every day and look at my family with so much love and feeling that i have disappointed even though they don’t know.
I understand and believe that God heals if it his will and I’m so scared that it may not be but I do have hope and faith. As I will pray for everyone if you have time please pray for me if you can as I can I feel my faith in God weakening becoming nonexistent but I feel a life without God isn’t worth living. I just don’t know how long i can live with this. This is just so hard.
Dee, God’s plan for our life is that we become whole with him. And I believe that God will is to heal you, God doesn’t play, he is real and serious about wanting to heal you. Your life doesn’t have to be this way, know that their is greater God then your problem, know that their is God bigger then your sickness, know that their is a God greater then our storm. Dont let the devil punk you or tell you lies. I believe that God want to give you a wife and a family. Don’t give up and don’t give in. Fight the good fight of faith.
I was diagnosed in 2014 from 2012 from getting a regular check up for everything it were negative self of lupus. I was a sinner I admitted that to Jesus Christ that same day in 2012 the Holy Spirit said get tested again. I prayed and said Lord I know I am not in your will for my life but if you would you just heal me.
Then I felt Jesus Christ touch my right shoulder whispering in my right ear saying get tested for cancer again. Two weeks later it was negative. Cancer gone. To God be all the Glory. 2014 getting another check up at the Same clinic different doctor. The nurse was telling me I had have 2 never had no affects nor never gave it to nobody. My ex sexual partner got tested he didn’t have it so 2014 as I was in school the Lord told me at 3am don’t worry to get some rest I did. I was at peace so last year 2016 the enemy told me I was sick but God has the finally say – that’s my faith back to 2015. I went to the emergency room had a mole frowning in I told like five doctor’s what was told to me it was a mole. I was praising God and after went to my own doctor new doctor now but she gave me a pap and I told her what they told me. She’s a believer in Jesus Christ she asked me do I think I have herpes. I said no with FAITH she said ,tested me for it negative and I have a appointment December 5, 2017. The enemy been attacking me saying I am sick with everything. He is a lie even while I am worshipping Jesus Christ I went to the altar last week didn’t say a word just was praying in my heart unto God and After Jesus Christ sent an elder of the Church to pray over me and told a younger sister to tell me everything going to be okay and as I walked back to my seat still praising God he spoke this to me they want find nothing he been speaking all week that’s he’s going to bless me.
I believe and trust in Jesus Christ Alone. I remember I spoke and prayed before speaking considering an old co worker she asked me to pray for her about her new job interview coming up months ago I went in a closet and prayed for her with FAITH. As I was walking down the hall at work the Lord said tell her it’s hers. I did as Jesus Christ commanded me prayed over others God told me to annoint her with oil at work another lady her lab results came back negative. All because of Lord God Jesus Christ We all are healed in Jesus Christ name. Tell the devil he can take that sickness back to hell In the Almighty name of Jesus Christ.
Hi Dee,
I completely understand where you are coming from. Right now you are battling depression. The enemy is at work and you have to fight! I promise you, IT IS GODS WILL TO HEAL YOU…. all you have to do is believe! The bible says we can be confident when we approach the throne, knowing he will give unto us whatever we ask! I will be praying for you! If your faith is weakening, read the bible… look up healing scriptures… the bible says “faith comes by hearing the word of God”… grab hold to your hope and watch how it turns into faith. I know it is hard, but don’t give up!!
Hi I’m Erika I’m from Argentina sorry for my english I’m trying to be better with it.I recently found out I got herpes by a test…I knew it before the test because I self diagnosed myself with all the searching I did…and you know? I can barely see the keyboard because I’m crying but it is a mix of sadness happyness and hope mostly faith I was lying on bed the whole day reaserching how to live with this dissease and thinking I can’t live with this and question to God how it would be? And In some way it can’t fix in my head I can’t accept it then comes the thought “you are in denial” but How you say how god says we have his promises and Herpes is not part of it…Before I read your post I read another one from a Christian too that doesn’t heal and that Jesus taught how to live with it and my faith went down but your post I was so identified with every single detail of how you got it your thoughts your feelings and I start to cry with this part:”Lord told me that it was time to put an end to this battle and give him all the glory “…my fears were to not be strong enough to battle or to go down on faith during the process but now I know that I will heal and thinking maybe I’m already healed just for reading this post and no matter what herpes is not part of us thank you you really help me sister and everything will be okey whoever is following this post remember we can’t live with this nobody has to live with a disease I will be praying for every single person here and out there god bless you everyone…God promises healing.
I’m very proud of you, your a strong courages women. Don’t ever give up. God is good to you and me and I honestly believe in him and we can find rest, in him we can find hope, in him we are safe. Don’t loose hope, know that we have a father in heaven who loves us, and won’t give up on us.
I am 23 year old female and have been diagnosed with hsv2 and looking for forgiveness from god. I was dating someone much older than myself thinking it was just casual fun. I went home and cried for hours. I am currently asking god for forgiveness and healing . I attend church with my mom and was raised in a good family I thought to myself “how could I Let one man infect me with this Viral disease” how coil I do that to my own self let that happen. I am always praying and I am glad you posted this I have faith! THe doctor wants me to take medicine daily for the rest of my life and all I could think was god will heal me ” in the drs office. She comforted me saying it is not the end of the world as I broke completely down in the office. Worst day of my life. I will now have respect for myself and will not have any interactions with male until marriage. It’s hard to accept myself even look at myself in the mirror every morning. But I know god will forgive me and there will someday be a cure or healing from Jesus Christ .
Hi, my name is angel
I’m 22yrs old
I’m from houston
I want to tell you that God has already forgiven you, and he know how your feeling right know. He sees your tears, he sees when you look at other relationships and how you long for one, he sees how you cry at night at night, I want to tell you that you don’t have to live your life believing this, their is hope for you.
Our father in heaven has a greater plan for us. Don’t loose hope.
I always remember your post setfree you can feel Jesús power the holy spirit on it…and this “When seeking your healing, seek Jesus first. God did not do this to you to bring him closer to you, God does not cause sickness or disease” was a terrific begining for me in this amazing journey…I’m just happy worries are not in me…Jesús is peace love comfort and I’m just relaxed…Oh Jesús love…
Hey, I’m a 20 year old Jamaican girl who found out I had genital herpes a year ago. I visited the USA last year this time and thought it would be the best time in my life, Unfortunately for me I got caught in a dilemma, that I thought would have changed my life negatively forever. I met a guy who knew he had Herpes and he lied to me that he was clean and everything was good. I was so naïve that I believed him and we had unprotected sex, a few days later I had a awful burn and itch in my vagina so I went to the ER and got it checked out and I found out I had Genital Herpes. I was so ashamed and devastated because my mom warned me to be careful just a couple days before over the phone and I shunned her as if I was being careful. I thought my entire life had ended because I wasn’t home in my country, don’t know who to turn to or what else to do, so I was depressed the entire time in the USA. When I got back home, It was as if nothing happened because I couldn’t let my mom know…until one day I couldn’t deal with it anymore and I called a friend of mine and just cried and told her that I hated how I was living my life because I knew the right thing to do was give my life to God because I was still living a “dirty” life after I found out I was infected. She invited me to church with her and I went, the Lord kept nudging at my heart so I surrendered and repented of my sins and got baptized. I prayed constantly and asked God to heal me until eventually I forgot about it. One night, my same friend and I and another Christian woman was praying at her house and the Lord started to speak through my friend, she’s a Prophet and she started calling out some scriptures from the bible and the one that caught my attention was Leviticus 13:13, none of us read that scripture before so it was shocking to me especially, because I knew that God was talking to me through that scripture. Then it was confirmed to me in church the following day when the Preacher said “You are healed!” I was shocked cause no one knew besides myself and my friend and the Lord even used my friend to tell me another time that I was healed. I share my testimony with you, someone who might not have had the same experience as me but your living with Herpes, God still heals and he knows your pain, maybe you have been betrayed like I have been, but God cares and you can be healed if you just surrender to him. Talk to him like you do with a close friend. Tell him how you fell and ask him to forgive you and to heal you, just believe that he is able and you will get your healing. God Bless you and stay strong!
Iamjamaican are you still a member of this site? I would like to get in contact with you sister.
Hi ErikaDanielle,IamJamaican, and Audrina love … I apologize for such a late reply. I haven’t been on the site lately! But I am so glad you were touched by my testimony. And I promise you that you will have one just like me. Do not accept this disease, rebuke it in the name of Jesus, and have faith that God will do exactly what he said he would do! His word NEVER comes back void. It is important to keep your eyes set on Jesus, and continue to read his word to increase your faith. Start praising God now for your healing now because it is already here. Jesus has already done the work for you. I pray for peace to continue to be over you, and I rebuke any attacks from the enemy in the name of Jesus. Any time you start to doubt, know that it is just the devil playing mind games. Stand on the word of God. Your healing is already here! God Bless you!
Hi Setfree I’m so glad to hear from you thanks for reply ing us..and you have to hear this:Yesterday, I checked out if you reply our posts and wondered to God if you were okey when I found out that U didn’t.I have to confess that for a second a thought wanted to make me believe that something maybe were going wrong with you.I was asking to my self lately if Jesús were heal me even when I am hiding this from my parents and friends even people from church nobody knows what I’m going through in details,I asked Jesús forgiveness for this and strength and courage when the right moment to let know my parents what is going on and God told me this:Christ’s blood doesn’t cover, conceal, postpone, or diminish your sins. It takes away your sins, once & for all!(thinking maybe that I am sinning for hiding it) so I started to feel relief again , and This morning God gave me this word Proverbs 6:30 Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry;31 But if he is found out, he must restore seven times [what he stole]; he must give the whole substance of his house [if necessary—to meet his fine] so I charged the enemy strictly and severely under penalty and demanded him to restore my health seven times and everything what he stole from myself and after that I had the feeling to check out again you post and you replied! I thanked Jesús for loving us.The next week I will try to get test and yes,Jesús already did it Isaiah 53-4 Yet it was our weaknesses he carried;it was our sorrows that weighed him down.And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God,a punishment for his own sins!5 But he was pierced for our rebellion,crushed for our sins.He was beaten so we could be whole.He was whipped so we could be healed.I will like to contact with you setfree and whoever needs to,this is my email erikadanielle007 at hotmail dot com God bless you Setfree and everybody who is reading this.Sorry for my english I know that I have some mistakes!bye…!
I just received confirmation this Tuesday and Friday that I have it. I stopped taking my meds for the third day and don’t know why I felt in my spirit to do so. I deserve what I have and don’t know the process of how to be heal physically when I go back to this being His will because of my actions. I don’t plan to marry, have children, or get involved. I just will remain celibate and do God’s work. I have faith in so many, but me…
I understand your thought process. I’m on the same boat, but at the same time I have hope God will come through and use this to make us better woman. I pray that having this disease will not break me but make me stronger and happier. It’s better to think postive then negative and our bodies is just temporary but our souls are forever. My heart and soul is with God so that is where I will live my life by.
Don’t be so harsh with yourself. Don’t punish yourself or your soul…seek in Jesús, pray share with Him all your thoughts and feelings exchange your thoughts for Jesús’s ones that is communion with him…you know there are a lot of guys and girls going through the same thing as you people who think that this is terrible, something to kill themself but you …you have His name something to believe…a way out…a healer…you have the light at the end of the tunnel…now you are in his hands, forget about yourself start to pray for those ones dont know anything about Jesús those ones who thinks that Jesús is somebody from history books…those who are in completely darkness without light with hope …you’re already healed “the word the name the blood” book by joyce meyer and you will be okey wonderful… you know I thank Jesús everyday for this happened to me because I realize that there is another reality apart from mine…Jesús wants me to pray for those who are in this situation…who are in a completely hell for this disease because they don’t know nothing about Him…you have the strong feeling that Jesús is the solution you have the conviction…there exist people who doesn’t…so pray read bible be happy and start seeking Jesús for who He is…I wish you peace from Jesús god bless you Court…!
That is an amazing testimony and I’m so grateful and blessed to have heard it – your testimony has truly given me hope! I’m going through the same situation you were once in and I’ve been praying for healing for the past 9 months or so. Some days, I feel 100% confident that God has His hand over my life and other days I feel like my faith is almost gone… I’m scared that maybe I will never change, in body or in spirit. Would you please pray for me? I feel so much joy for you and I’m hoping one day I will be out on the other side as you are today. Thank you~
I’m praying for you
Dont lose hope, I believe God wants to heal you. You don’t have to live your life in this sickness, God want to take you out of it. Hanna, have fait. God is fighting for us.
I was recently diagnosed with hsv 1 I had this sore in my nose and I’m a virgin I couldn’t understand where it was coming from and how I got it. I believe in god and that he can heal all disease but I would pray and pray and time would pass before I have a recurrence and i start thinking maybe this is gods way of punishing and I deserve it having this disease is depressing and I want to be healed but maybe I need someone else to help intercede on my behalf so pray for my healing pls.
Dsmith, write this down in your heart.
God doesn’t want to hurt you. He loves you, more then you can imagen. He was willing to die for you. To die for a wicked man like me, to save me, when I didn’t deserve to be saved. God will for your life is so much more then you can imagen, his love is greater then oceans, put your hope in him, because he care, trust me, he cares.
Hey Dsmith, I know exactly how your feeling, and God knows too. The ways of God is pass finding out and he is the only wise God, even though you may be confused as to why this has happened to you, just remember this…what the devil meant for bad, God meant it for good. Romans 8:37 says – Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. don’t feel as though your defeated because the battle has already been won, Isaiah 53:5 His blood was shed for our sins, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are HEALED! God Loves you and his thoughts towards you is only to prosper you, Read Jeremiah 29:11. Healing is yours, only believe. be blessed. I will pray for you.
What an amazing testimony! What wonderful God we serve! I found out I have hsv2 in April, I feel horrible I’ve been crying and depressed all the time. I don’t have the courage to tell my family or friends, I fear for their judgement on me and rejection. I was raised a Christian so I should know better right!? I’m even considering counseling because I fear giving it to my family or friends.I’m just supper paranoid. The worst part for me is knowing that I could of gave it to a guy I was seeing. I told him but I don’t have the courage to check up on him. I have been reading so many testimonies of people being healed, I trust in the Lord and started to declare my healing in the name of Jesus! I thank Him everyday for my life because it could of been worse! I don’t know the people on here but that I m praying for you.
Be blessed everyone!
I have suffered genital herpes for 20+ years , I am married and have two grown up son’s, I didn’t have herpes when I had my children so the doctor wonders if it lain dormant for years, but the first outbreak made me very ill I was in so much pain the pain in my lower back and groin was unbearable and the blister well talk about feeling dirty. I usually get about two outbreaks a year, but last year I had over 6 and still getting outbreaks, I am so sick of this and I have prayed and believed the healing but still I get the outbreaks.
My husband prayed for another condition I had which was completely healed although it is not incurable like genital herpes. Well I believe Jesus is more powerful than incurable diseases and I know he heals them all, why he hasn’t healed me of this I do not know but I won’t give up believing. I would ask for prayer for healing please from anyone who is a believer and will pray for me. Thank you and God bless, and I always say this “he’s still God no matter what.”
Hey everyone. I want to apologise again for the late reply. I wish this website gave notifications! But anyways, I have read everyone’s post and am praying for you all. Continue to seek Christ, stay in the word, release all unforgiveness in your heart, truly repent, work on building an intimate relationship with God, not just for your healing, but just for the sake of love. There is nothing greater than being in fellowship with God. He is the perfect best friend. This thread keeps me encouraged. Lately I haven’t been spending as much time with God as I should. But this post reminds me that he was the only one there for me at my lowest point. I read that some of you all feel guilty for not telling your family or friends about your condition: well that is okay!!! I didn’t tell anyone either. In fact, No one still knows what I went thorough. I do advise for you to search and find a minister that you feel comfortable talking to. Make sure he is a full believer in healing miracles. Go, tell your story, let the preacher lay hands on you! James 5:14-16 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess yourtrespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much….. put those words in action. They are so powerful. I Pray that you all will come back and see my comment. I think it will really help some of you. I will try to come back on the site more often.
Matthew 6:14 for if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you….. I wanted to stress this point before I leave tonight… if you have ANY ununforgiveness in your heart, you have to let it go. This is a big step in getting your healing. A lot of times our healing will be blocked if we are harboring unforgiveness.Whether you are angry at person that gave you the disease, or you are angry at something completely different, you have to forgive. God wants to transform you: mind, body, and spirit. He is working on the inside first, then the healing will come last. Don’t get so caught up on test results. Focus on your full transformation, and praise God in the meantime for what he has already done. He has already did the work to heal your body, but you have to let him heal the rest of you as well. Ask God to cleanse you of any unclean spirits. It can be anything, the spirit of lust, envy, greed, arrogance. Ask God to clean you and make you into a new creature.My favorite verse is Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ, it is no long I who lives, but Christ who lives through me; and the life that I now live, I live through faith…I pray that my message be a blessing to someone. Your healing is on the way. Everyones timing is different, it took me a whole year to receive my healing,because it took me a whole year to connect and develop that intimate relationship with God. Set your mind on things above, not u oily ur body!! Be blessed
Omg thank you Jesus. Thank the Lord. He is good. I lost my virginity not even completely and I got this. God warned me countless but I rebelled. This completely encouraged me. I’m going through the depression right now but this just sparked hope. Thank you
Thank you pray for me. I met a man of God who deserves the best girl. I can’t be that if I’m sick. This really just made me so happy. I know God can do anything but I thought because I caused this on myself I would have to live with it. I’m soooooooo happy for you. Thank you Jesus
I also want to know how did you do it. I think I’m experiencing my first outbreak. It is so depressing. Did you take medication? Did you go to the doctor? How did you cope with it did God make your symptoms lighter. Just please give me some advice.
Your story truly truly brought me hope and great tears to my eyes. I have been suffering with my skin and breakouts for a while now and I feel so overwhelmed by it. There are times when I try to take control of my skin and I end up making things worse. I suffer with deep regret from my mistakes and live in fear that my minor wounds will never heal. They all eventually go away but this is an ongoing battle. I think “Well I did this to myself, God won’t heal me”. Should I feel this way? Will God heal me even if I made these mistakes out of desperation? I am dying for him to come through and I truly believe he can. I just don’t believe he will. How did you receive this healing? Did you claim Jesus over your life. Please help me find right believing
I am glad that my testimony sparked hope in you, that is the first step! I too found my first glimpse of hope from reading someone’s testimony on this very site. There are a lot of things that we do that cause bad things to happen. There is a consequence for every sin that we commit, but luckily we serve a forgiving God that is full of grace and mercy, that wants to save us! God wants to heal you, and he will. When I went through this, I did not go to the doctor, and I did not take medicine. The outbreaks were very painful at the beginning, then they became very uncomfortable. To get through this I did my best not to focus on the symptoms, but to focus on God. As time went on my faith increased. My outbreaks didn’t stop until I got tested to confirm that I had been healed. It was all faith that lead me to go to the doctor to get that test.
The best advice I can give you right now is to dig into the word. Utilize your resources like the computer and the bible. I used to google healing scriptures, testimony’s, praise and worship songs; anything and everything that kept my mind on God and not on my condition. Romans 10:17 says “Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God” … in other words, to increase your faith, you have to continuously read. The devil will attack you any way he can to make you doubt. But you have to stand on the word of God. Healing is for everyone, not just some people. Another good resource for you to use, that I love listening too is Pastor Joseph Prince. Google him. He always preaches good messages on healing and deliverance. And read my two comments above, those will also help you.
I’m trying my best to check this site as much as I can, so if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. I will be praying for you :)
hi setfree10,
I would like your input on the situation that Im in. I had my first outbreak about a year ago, it eventually went away, but symptoms still persist to this day. if i eat chocolate, a few sores will soon appear. i will usually feel a tingling around my mouth before bumps appear which is a clear indicator of herpes. i’ll also have an occasional itch in my lower region which comes and goes throughout the day, however I have been tested twice now, months apart from eachother, and both have been negative. Ive really been believing and standing on the promises of God, but i dont know what to do/think. considering getting tested for a third time, but how good is a negative blood test if symptoms still continue. any advice? this whole situation has really taken a toll on my life.
I Stephen about the symptoms your experiencing continue praising god for your healing it’s a trick from the devil your blood test is negative be happy for that and don’t I read a testimony where this woman prayed and got healed and even took a test while they were break outs. And it was negative so she started to rebuke the devil and his lies and symptoms and they take time went away and never return. God is good.
The first thing that you need to do is ask God for forgiveness of any sin that you have committed. If you feel guilty about something, talk to God about it, apologize, repent, ask him to forgive you, and HE WILL. God loves us and he will forgive any and every sin. Let go of your guilt and shame so that you can move forward. Psalm 103:12 says as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us… in other words, he will take away every sin, and remember them no more.
And no, you should not feel like God wont heal you because you did this to yourself. That is what the devil wants you to think. Rebuke that in the name of Jesus, and believe what God says. He promises healing, but you have to believe.
To get my healing I most certainly claimed Jesus over my life! and if you have not done so already, you need to fully give your life to Christ as well to receive healing.
After you have done that, build a relationship with God. Get to know him, let him turn your life around, totally submit to his will, and your healing will come. Speak life and healing over your body. Look up healing scriptures, and say them out loud every day. Those words are like medicine. You need to declare them to get what you want.
I believe you are taking the right steps to get your healing, and I know that it is on the way. I am praying for you :)
Thank you. I just feel uncomfortable down there. I’m glad you said that because I don’t believe in taking medicine or in any of that stuff. Tomorrow the 17th will be the 3rd month that I lost my virginity and got this. I feel like the 1 month I was truly believing but I feel like I’m slowly accepting it and being depressed. I read the word but I’m just so discouraged. I use to cry everyday now I don’t even cry. I’m kind of just mad and don’t care anymore. I don’t want to feel like this I want to be healed. I want to forgive him for lying about this and basically taking my life in some ways from me. I seriously know the devil is real and has been continually attacking me. I feel like I trust God and then I don’t and then I’m happy and believe and then I don’t. How do I get out of this and get my healing. This all just to much I got diagnosed with type 1 but I think I have it in both areas. I feel like I gave it to my brother because he has a big pimple on his lip and he’s special needs. I don’t know what to do. Help.
I know what your going through is rough. I went through the same thing, but you have to fight to keep yourself out of depression. Continue to read healing scriptures. It also helps to hear other peoples testimonies, even if it isnt herpes. People all over the world have been healed of things like AIDS, and other “incurable” diseases. Talk to God. Tell him how you feel. He will hear you, and he will help you.
But I think the first thing you need to do is ask God to work on your heart so that you are able to forgive the guy that gave this to you. If you want God to forvive you for fornicating, and heal you, you have to forgive others. That is the first step! Once you do, you will feel much better.
Continue to stay in the word, ask God to open up your heart so that you are receptive to the promises he made you. stay strong and fight. I am praying for you. You will be healed.
Hi setfree and selena! I want to tell U something Selena, Deuteronomy 28:8 “The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and He shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.Declare this in your life, to your hands…everything U are touching now is blessed not cursed…declare this in Jesús name…I already did it for U…cover your brother, your hands and your family with Jesús’ blood…I know how it feels to be worried about giving this to somebody else…God bless U I’m praying for every nickname that represents our lives and souls here in this post…God bless U all..!
Thank you setfree10 ErikaDanielle for that. It’s like it’s not bad enough that I have this I don’t ever want to spread it. I must admit I’ve just been mad and haven’t gone to church in two weeks already. I just want to pretend I don’t have anything. Is that bad? I know i need to get back to God. I just feel so bad.
Hi Selena I completely understand how it feels being mad…but I need to tell you something I’m from Argentina and here to have a little sore on the mouth or tongue is considered normal actually,but having found this blog taught me how different are our cultures and also that we don’t have to accept any desease no matter how serious or not so serious can be…Jesús Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment]-isaiah 53:4 (AMP)He even carried a small sore and by his wounds small sores are healed too…I had hsv type 2 genital and It was serious to me very actually but I learned to forget and over it even when it itched me a lot…I didn’t accept to take medicine. what helped me to give relief to the symptoms was pure lemon juice it heals very quickly the outbreaks…maybe the first time can be unpleasent but I got used to it and I believe that everybody can handle it…Girl dont let this desease let you down…and go to church pray for you and for somebody else…dont think that you pray doesnt have power…God doesnt listen our prayers because we are good christians He listen because He is good…God wants to be with you and silences all the angels around you to hear your beautiful voice…be blessed selena Love U!
Thank you :) are you believing God for a miracle too? & how long have you had this if you don’t mind me asking? God can and will heal you too. Keep believing. If he did it for setfree10 he can do it for us
Hi selena yes I still having the symptoms but I believe that I’m healed,I have contracted it about 6 months ago…there were ups and downs so I really know how it feels…to be mad…God want from us to star living in his word James 1:2-8 We have to be constestly happy patient loving…stop believing that our lives ended with this desease,storm,darkness or trial or wherever we can call it…Our lives have already started after this in Jesús Christ.It is time to live for him…He wanna see us happy no matter what.
But how can you be happy when I feel so dirty. I just feel worthless. Im just scared that God is gonna leave me like this because I keep sinning.
Thank you Iamjamaican and erikadanielle.
I contracted genital herpes years ago. I am divorced and so lonely. I met a wonderful man who is alps a born again Christian. I so long to be married and Worship God together and pray and go to church as a married couple. Please pray that God will heal me. I dot want to infect this man when we r married. Thank u.
Hi everyone I want to apologize for having advice to treat with limon the genital herpes,don’t do it because it can cause an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora on women, this imbalance it’s called bacterial vaginosis.I’m so sorry for this…and I want you know that I’m praying for everyone here and declaring,speaking out loud the healing words for you and me…Selena I’m sorry for not having replay I always remember what brings me to this and it was sin…sin destroyed me health and my life…This world is so sad,without sense and I thanks Jesús because when I look to him I look Hope that anyone promises…we need this miracle otherwise this life will never have sense..this miracle is Jesús…stand up Selena do it for someone else do it for yourself and firstly for God…if you still alive it is because you can live..be blessed!I read this and speak this over your life everyday I can…http://www.joycemeyer.org/articles/ea.aspx?article=healing_scriptures&sf2827460=1
8 Years. I have prayed. I have believed. I have cried. I have tried suicide. I have trusted. I have fasted. I have doubted. I have been angry. And 8 years later, I am still burdened with this infirmity. There were so many times where I gave it to God and left it with Him…and then…id have an outbreak. I tried not to get angry with God. I did many times. I did because i dont understand what makes me so unworthy of healing. I face being alone daily, and Im always thinking…maybe i just look like something is wrong with me (well there is!!). My life is so sad. I always wonder how i would have been had this not happened to me. I wasnt sleeping around. I let a guy into my house. He was going to stay the night. i was naive and young. We kissed. He got on top of me. I kept telling him no. i remember being so afraid. i did not fight. i did not call anyone. i just…let that happen to me. And 8 years later,i am alone, diseased, and hoping that God isnt done with me, and that He may find me suitable to heal.
Will be praying for you. I am battling this 16 yrs and the feeling of disappointment and hurt is all to familiar. They say emotional hurt is worst than physical…It has days where I would rather this was cancer than this…
Your story gave me hope.
I am not sure if you are still responding to this post that you posted, and I know that it is no chance that I stumbled upon your blog. I remember when I heard the first time I was diagnosed with this virus. I was diagnosed as a rare case of being A-typical, which meant that I was a carrier of the virus but had no outward signs of the virus, as in no breakouts. I was devastated. however, I remember God healed me one night it was like my cells rejuvenated and I literally felt the Lord pull the virus right out of my cells.
However, more recently, after being celibate for over year with my current ex I went out and had a one-night stand with a guy I met and because acquaintances with, I recently had a break out and I know I contracted the virus again. It was another confirmation that I am a hard learner and here I am again.
My question, if you still receive these posts, is do you think God will heal again? I cannot think of anyone in the Bible who had to be healed more than once for the same issue…or maybe I am just over looking them.
But the enemies’ attacks have been beyond brutal this time around…and I am finding myself stuck between trying not to be depressed, not committing suicide, not having self hatred and not doubting God wants to heal me free from this.
Thank you for your testimony and your response.
To answer your question, I absolutely think God will heal you again. God is the same God today as he was yesterday. He never changes, and he always keeps his promises. The bible says God is married to the backslider (Jeremiah 3:14- Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you…). So it is important that you repent, and use that same strong faith you used to get your healing the first time to receive it this time. God forgives us for sins that we commit repeatedly all the time, and this is no different. He wants to fully forgive and restore you.
But I encourage you and everyone else to not focus on symptoms. I remember I had an outbreak the day before I went to get tested, but i didnt let that stop me from believing that I was healed. I went into the doctor knowing that the test results were going to be negative regardless to what my body was doing at the time.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen! Stand firm on Gods word. He said by his stripes we are healed, so believe that!
God wants to work on your heart, and wants a strong relationship with you above anything else. I encourage everyone to focus on that first, and I promise you the rest will follow.
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story it gives me hope! I contracted HSV-1 almost two years ago from an ex-boyfriend, who I believe knew he had the virus but acted like he didn’t know. I have been believing for my healing for the last year and God has delivered me from many of the things I had been dealing with for years. I dealt with the same thoughts that many of you have, feeling like it was my fault and I deserved it but I know that is the enemy. God told me it is His will that His people are healed and whole. I believe that God has healed me, I haven’t had a test yet to prove it but I still deal with the uncomfortableness…but I am choosing to rebuke the virus and declare life over my body. I feel like I have forgiven my ex but I don’t know if there is something holding me back from my complete healing?
Jesus Christ blood healed me of HSV-1 and HSV-2. God is able to do anything in this world. I am praying for everybody in the world to be healed of all dis-eases. Walking in LOVE and charity through prayer. Amen #Gods Seal forever
setfree10 :
Hi, I am from the Philippines and I am only 15 yrs. old. Sorry for my English and wrong grammar :3 I am very very very touched with your testimony and with the messages I read below.:)
To tell you honestly, I don’t really know if I had the “Genital Herpes” disease. I don’t know what disease is this. But, based on my research. The symptoms that I am having is 70 percent fit to Genital Herpes and 30 percent to Chlamydia. I have that sores in my tongue and lips and also it is very itchy below. I have also my wet dreams or discharge.
But whatever the disease is .. I know GOD will be with me always. Guiding me and showing me the right way. I am always telling GOD that this is all my fault. I know that it is being selfish. But, please forgive me. And in your time, heal me.
I am very afraid to tell this on my family and friends because I don’t know what will be there reactions. But, I know that GOD will surely give me the courage to have the strength to tell this on my family and to be honest. I have been crying for the past days, and so stress being alone knowing this. I have know one to say this one . I have no one to shout out this one.
I have researched that Echinacea plant is a best medicinal plant for this disease . So, I bought a tea containing this plant and have been drinking for 3 weeks. Is the Echinacea tea I am drinking, okay ?
Anyway, as I am researching in the internet. I found out this site and read your testimony which really give such comfortable feeling dealing with you who also have the experience having the disease.
You know what, I will keep living with GOD, because being with him is living with peace, love, healing and everything good. I know that he will heal me, not now .. but soon. I am not going to mind those evils attacking me . Because I can fight them with my GOD. I am with GOD so I know that I am in the right hand. With GOD, I am everything .. And without GOD I am nothing.
Thank you so much :) I hope that you can reply my message.
I will pray for everybody in here. :) Please, pray for me also . :)
Hi Louise praying for you did you get any test as yet? May God bless and keep strengthening you.
Hi guys,
Thanks to all for sharing the posts its wonderfull to read your posts, God is their & he will definitely heal us, Along with this if you want to know about the research & a potential cure you can visit liveherpesvaccine.com & infact you can donate if you like to, this is only for your information, I too believe in god but we can also do good for the humanity & for the people who don’t have this disease.
Hi. My name is jenyffer. I have lived with herpes 1&2 for 3 years now. At first I wanted to kill myself and try to find the person who gave it to me. I’ve learned to have faith that one day, that test will be negative. The only thing now is, I have a boyfriend, we haven’t had unprotected sex but condoms don’t protect 100%. We’ve stopped having sex all together. He is still wondering why and thinks I’m becoming distant. In these 3 years, my relationship with God has grown dramatically! A part of me is telling me to tell my boyfriend, but with the fear of hurting him and his family. The other part is saying don’t because as long as we don’t have sex, my boyfriend is ok. I’m looking on advice on what to do. Thanks.
Hi everyone, I apologize for not replying lately, but ill try to get to everyone that asked questions in this post:
Anna: it sounds like you are on the right track. Keep praying and believing and allowing God to work on your heart. Listen to the Lord for direction, and he will give you the courage to go and get tested to claim the victory over this disease.
Louise: you are very young. I encourage you to go to the doctor and get checked out. There are things that can be cured with antibiotics. I know nothing about that plant you are taking, but I strongly suggest you talk to your parents and go to the doctor.
Jenyffer: it sounds like your in a tough situation, and I am glad that you listened to the Lords conviction and stopped having sex. I think that telling your boyfriend about your condition should have been one of the first things you should have told him, before you all ever got serious. You put his health in danger. You are absolutely right about condoms not being 100%, so I would advise you to tell him that you have herpes, so thay he can go get tested…. if you truly care about him, you need put your fears aside to make sure he is safe. Just because you guys are not currently having sex, doesnt mean he hasn’t already contracted it from you before. Condoms were used in my situation as well, and I still got it. A lot of times people can have it and not show symptoms. So I strongly encourage you to go ahead and tell him. Ill be praying for you. And I wish you the best of luck.
Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my story of how I got healed of an STD. I got this STD while I was in college and had it for more than a year up until I got healed 3 days ago. I was depressed and suicidal during those times and I thought that I didn’t want to live anymore since I was in so much pain and again. I hated myself and wanted to kill myself for a what I did and I stayed miserable the whole time. I watched many healing testimonies and even went to a minister, trying to receive my healing but I didn’t get it. My problem was that I wouldn’t forgive myself. So if there’s anyone out there that’s struggling with this problem, I’d suggest that you’d meditate on the verse Psalms 103:3 ‘who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases’. When you go to God, telling him you receive his sickness and healing, Holy Spirit will instantly go to work in your body and remove that sickness. This weight is not yours to carry! Just know that God wants you to walk in freedom, forgiveness and health because he loves you so much! You are so precious to him! Believe his promise and He’ll manifest in you!
With lots of love,
your sister in Christ
I really been having a hard time forgiving myself of what I done wrong because I had been diagnosed with HSV-2 Genital Herpes.
Please pray 4 me. I’m suffer n pains in herpes. I need Jesus healing 4 me.
Hi everyone.
I was recently diagnosed with Herpes, I don’t know which one, since the doctor didn’t find it necessary to tell me. I have them on my genitals, but mine are not as bad as everyone elses, but still the thought of having the disease destroyed me For the last week, I’ve been back and forth, accepting my disease, and the feeling as if my world has just fallen apart. I have thoughts of no one willing to date me, no one willing to marry me, not have the children I dream of. I’m a college student who has strayed from God, and I felt that God had allowed this disease to take me as my punishment for straying. One day, I just decided, I will not get those medications, that I will just take it one day at a time. While I was sucked into my depressed thoughts, I remembered when mom said to pray whenever I feel depressed and alone. So I did, I asked God for forgiveness, I asked him to heal me. I told him I was sorry. When I was done, I did feel better, but In my mind, I kept thinking “He wont heal me, Why would he heal someone who strayed from him, lost her virginity when she was supposed to save it for marriage, and caught an STD. I deserve it, God won’t heal me” But now I realize that was the devil talking, trying to reduce my faith. This morning, I read your testimony and it has touched it. Again today I prayed and I prayed so hard I nearly cried. I offered my soul to Christ again, asked for healing, forgiveness and to be welcomed back into his arms. Right now, as I write this, I feel lifted. In the short time I had strayed I had forgotten how good it feels to pray and feel your sins be forgiven.
I ask that you pray for me as well, ask God to heal me from this disease and help others of this disease. In God we so do trust.
But where is the proof?!?
Jex10- thank you so much for sharing your testimony. Im sure it will bless someone reading it.
And Leah. Stay encouraged. Keep seeking Christ and you will be healed!
Hello brothers and sisters.
November will mark my 4th year living with herpes and everyday is as bad as the first day I contracted the disease.
I know God can heal, but I just feel like I won’t be one of the ones blessed to receive it. I’m even looking at this posts in disbelief like, “are these people for real?” – my faith has taken such a battering!
To make things worse I truly feel (know for that matter) that in my heart I haven’t changed. If god did heal me, I couldn’t say for definite that I wouldn’t give in to temptation for a man that I love- as I way to prove my love. So stupid!
Please, where do I start? I just want to be in a position that even if I never get healed, that I will love and trust God regardless because his plan for me is for good and not of evil.
I would like you all to pray for me- that I will have the desire to live only for him- to lay my life down for him! I think herpes can wait
Hi everyone I just want to SHARE A QUICK SLOUTION…it is a quick solution for all the ones who are suffering the pain the itchy -just be calm (this will pass) – what it works for me is surgical antiseptic…it heals very quickly the sores even more if you put it at night…women need just to put where the sore is…if you put, over all you v-j it can cause an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora this imbalance it’s called bacterial vaginosis…you can get this antiseptic for free in hospitals. It works also if you have a sore in your mouth or tongue…it hasnt taste… Sorry about my english I’m from latin America. Be blessed and be calm as you can live with or without this…
Last Wednesday I found this Blog Last after I went to the Dr.s for what I believed was a bacterial infection of some kind. She was so convinced it was HSV 2 that she prescribed medicine, took a DNA sample and said the results would be in on Monday due to the holiday(Passover, Easter) I almost fainted as I tried to digest what this meant to me.
Even though I was in agony with pain and anxiety I got to a place in my Will and spirit that I would fight this with my faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe it was revealed before Passover/Easter for optimal killing power against the demon who sent it to me.
I did some thorough repenting and removal of some books and sexuality items that Holy Spirit had shown me to trash. Lots of pain and body aches were hitting me and I felt tormented and morbid for a few days. but I worshipped with a Passover live webcast and declared with my husband all the covenant promises we could verbalize. We even got up to pray during the Blood moon very early.
This morning, Monday, I got up and looked a “mychart” for the results. They were negative ! However my Doctor is still suspicious that it was a Herpes outbreak, and asked me to take a blood test to confirm 100% that it is negative. I have just done that today.
I have decided to believe that Jesus Christ has already delivered me by grace through faith. I do know that I am in for more faith fighting in the days ahead but i am so ready. Today I have seen three amazing signs showing me that I am in His Grace for this miracle and it will be a catapulting into more success in The Kingdom of God.
Thank you for creating this blog for me in this hour of my need. I will let you know the rest of the story with more details after the blood test comes back.
JPJeen, thanks for sharing and for the kind words about the blog. Praying for you. Please post back after the test.
Thanks JPJeen!!
That was so encouraging!! I will most certainly keep you in my prayers as I will do with you all.
This blog has truly been a blessing especially in the absence of having someone to speak to.
Good day reading through the comments I decided to drop something, I have my life to Christ some years back and I was strongly into christ the whole of last year, but the devil mistakenly came into my live, I started fornicating and doing all manner of atrocities until the doom day when I got herpes, I have been faced with depression and humiliation, thoughts of how to continue this life’s journey, but I want those who wants a miraculous healing to try something which I want to try, that’s provoke God , the bible says and the Angels were ascending and descending but the man of Gos held un to and Angel and said I will not let you God unless you bless me! Please let our faith be stronger than the doubts , that Ye shall speak to this great mountain be moved and it shall obey without any doubt in your heart! This coming Sunday I provoke you to give your all to God, in terms of material and monetary , remember God tested Abraham with his only child! I am only 17 and I know my faith shall work deeply for me! I wish we could create a whatsapp group to keep on promoting the work of God thank you! Please comment to give in suggestions and support.
Hello I don’t have genital herpes but I do have the simplex 1 and I’m honestly terrified that it would one day if not already become hsv2 I grew up in the church I’m a preachers daugther I believe in the blood of Jesus Christ and take him as my lord and savior but I’ve feel as though I let him down I am in a serious relationship for 2 years now I’m 22 he’s 25 we want a future we talk about a future we are so in love and being with me is the first time he’s been introduced to coldsores and I worry about infecting him I take acyclovir zovirax lysine everything.
I engage in sex even though I know I should wait and it’s been a burden but I’ve strayed so far from the church. I still talk to god each and every second of the day i tell him about my problems and thank him for what he has blessed me with. I recently researched how contagious this virus is even with no symptoms which has my nerves all worked up that I had to strt taking Xanax again.
I pray to god everyday that he will cute me of this virus and to prevent it from spreading I also pray that he protects my boyfriend from it completely the burden is carry if I were to spread it to him would be unbearable but I’m scared that god won’t hear me because I have premarital sex I fear he won’t heal me cause of it and I know I should wait but how do I work backwards how do I tell this to my bf he believes in god and Jesus Christ but he isn’t as religious as I am he doesn’t feel the guilt of premarital sex like I do so what do I do I want to live right I want to be healed and I want my bf to understand and be supportive I know he loves me more than anything but it’s just how do you stop something you’ve been doing for so long.
How do I reconnect with god again? Will he heal me even when I fall short? I’m just scared.
Help me !! God pleaseee!!! I’m soo sorry!! I can stop crying I have pills to overdose on.. But I decide I’m turning to you.. I know you can help me. I have faith. I was assaulted plenty of times and it turned me in to a monster.. I just realized sex is an addiction. So I put back on my purity necklace and I asked for strength to say no and to not have any thoughts or desires.. And thank you it worked but I jus want to the doctor today n I have genital herpes and I am 17 years old. I had in the past Chlamydia gonorrhea trichomonas yeast infections urinary tract infections bacterial infections n I took antibiotics n I knew only god can help me thoughts this addiction I don’t want to see any more counselors I trust n believe and have faith.. I want him to cure me.. I put on my purity necklace this Wednesday before church youth group but it’s too late .. I was supposed to be married and be truly loved by the man Jesus chose for me I was suppose to b a cellist and orchestra teacher I’m supposed to have my own children I wanna be healed n I promise you will all my heart i will turn to you completely I promise.. I did Wednesday but now I have a disease this doesn’t help with my ptsd depression bipolar odd anxiety I beg for help n cure please!! I will turn completely to you .. I am I have faith. Please pray.
Hey my name is Nai and your testimony has brought tears to my eyes, I am extremely scared and in a bad situation please I beg that you pray for me I need all the prayer that I can get at this point in my life.
I am now healed by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony…Ok are you ready to be ENCOURAGED that your going to win your battle? I left off with my awaiting a blood test last week right? well the drama got more intense, I spent about 3 hours at work thinking I have my miracle, elated because the med. chart on my phone app reads 2 negatives for what my Dr. said I would need. But I inquire via email is that it? am I cleared? “No Sorry”, the lab did not see the 2nd part of the first test! (and THE most important test to rule out recent antibodies! I have then to switch back to faith mode, meanwhile i notice my lip is blistering and I say to myself, ‘oh girl you are infected so your fight will take more time’. I was so deflated and did not know how to consider a new battle plan. I had two more days of wait which took me to last Friday April 10 , a week after I had shared this with you all. I was prepared for a POSITIVE result. The call finally came in on last Friday at about 1:30pm. IT WAS “Negative”, on the antibody test to show recent antigens from any recent Herpes breakout. The CMT said that the Dr. was so baffled that she inquired OB/GYN Drs. but still does not know what that was if it was not HSV. I went to speak with her personally today and she said she has never seen all the symptoms of HVS2 but show negative.
the only medical possibility is when rarely, other viruses “mimic” HVS2.
Your fight will be different friends, but you will win IF you stay focused on winning with Jesus Christ. I took my anti virus pills the whole 10 days and prayed and worshiped and kept on going to work, exercising and declaring and sometimes yelling out all kinds of scriptures.
The last thing I want to share is that I had never been with anyone sexually except my husband of 28 years until I was raped last August. I could not even say the word or admit this to be rape until this Herpes infection came upon me. I had buried the event because I blamed myself for getting into a vulnerable situation.
All that shame and blame and confusion and distance from God and cut off from part of my soul has now been healed. I will always be ready to pray for anyone who wants it to overcome this scourge. Anoint yourself with oil and pray with faith.
Do a new thing to express your gratitude to Jesus that he will give your strength to work this out til it is gone forever. All I know is I HAD EVERY SYMPTOM OF HSV2 according to the medical Professionals but now I do not have any more symptoms except for some bumps that are fading fast. Who needs prayer?
I need prayer. I have been battling this for almost a year now n I’m so weak, depressed n I feel like giving up sometimes. I was trying to get used to living with it n preparing to spend the rest of my life alone but this blog gave me hope. I’m so happy that there are people out there who turned to God n he healed them. I really want to be healed. I refuse to live like this when I know God os able to do exceedingly n above all things we could ever ask him for. I decided today that I’m gonna work for my healing in the name of Jesus Christ.
Ive been going to church foe a year and a half after deciding to live for Christ. I minister at church and I am ashamed that I had sex monday around 3 AM.
Something told me to not go to that persons house. Well I went. Something told me to go back. So i go inside the house and we kiss and I notice a blister on their lip. He said my lips are chapped. With a bit of doubt im like hmm.. ok. So we do the do and I pray “God protect me” when i shouldve left. So today I felt a bit of burn on the tip of my tongue and as the day went by i felt the corners of my lips burn. I took a look and i see very tiny bumps on the corners. About 5 on the left and i think one on the right. One more on my lip but you cant see it. I sent him a text but hasnt answered.
So now I am scared of whether im experiencing this because im worried about it or because I have something.
I have been praying and repenting and claiming my self healed in the name of Jesus. I have faith but after a while i feel like I dont deserve it and God might not bring healing to me since i disobeyed Him. I am ashamed of my self and i weep about it. I say “As a representative of Jesus and son of God through His power I have no STDs and will be healed!” Or “Tomorrow ill wake up with no symptoms!” But then sometimes as I am about to finish I doubt. I have claimed healing be brought upon me in that instant with complete faith but then later I lose some of it.
I just want to be healed and heal through His mighty power.
I really need prayer.. it’s affecting me so bad.. I don’t have motivation to do anything not even drink water or go to school. . . I’m putting this in God’s hands with all my faith hope and trust.. I lost a lot of weight. I don’t want to live like this. . . I want to be cleaned n cured and live for god and his plans for me.
Hello, I am a married lady to a wonderful husband. We have been married 10 years. We both in our past had promiscuous relationships, and he got herpes due to this which I didn’t get until just a couple years ago because we were careful. However this disease is wrecking our lives, so I am asking for prayer, we need healing so that we can walk in the fullness of what God has for our lives without this ugly disease hanging like a black cloud over our marriage. Thanks and God bless you all with a miracle.
Check this out! Good read!
May God heal you and make a miracle on you today!
Hi guys, not sure if any of you read the word for today but I thought this may encourage someone. Happy reading:
Getting hurt in life is inevitable; staying hurt is a choice. You can decide to remain a victim by dwelling on how things should have been, or use the experience to grow stronger and wiser. At the Pool of Bethesda Jesus met a man who’d been lying paralysed on a mat for thirty-eight years. When Jesus discovered how long he’d been there, He asked, ‘Do you want to get well?’ After thirty-eight years, the chances are this man saw his handicap as part of his identity. He’d been incapacitated for so long that he thought like a victim: ‘…I don’t have anybody to put me in the pool…’ (John 5:7 TM). Translation: ‘Nobody cares.’ But Jesus did, and He commanded him to get up and walk. Now, it took faith for this man to overcome those old ingrained feelings of hopelessness and self-pity, but when he obeyed Jesus he was healed on the spot. God never forces healing on you, even when you’re hurting. You must want to get well, and make a conscious decision that by God’s grace you can. Let’s face it, the church is made up of flawed human beings who sometimes speak without thinking and hurt others. But that’s no reason for leaving the church! ‘…You’re part of the body of Christ…’ (Colossians 3:15 CEV). Apart from it you’ve no function, no food supply, and no fulfilment, so you begin to die spiritually. The truth is, it takes the same energy to choose healing as it does to choose helplessness—but the results are very different. One leaves you paralysed by events, the other gives you hope for the future. Which one will you choose?
God bless- I’m praying for you all!
Hello setfree 10, I don’t doubt your healing, but I do question things through the spirit. Have you had a Western Blot “Gold” standard test? My HSV2 test came back negative as well, but I think I might still have it. I haven’t done the Western Blot either, but I think I need to. Faith can be backed by facts.. Please let me know. In Christ’ Love and healing.
Hi I am amazed by your testimony! I have been a Christian on and off the road with my relationship with God many times I fell for my on the road but the met someone who I knew in my heart it wasn’t right after all unjust. Recently I had to go to the hospital to get checked. Most likely I have herpes too. It is hard for me to accept. I have felt worthless. I have felt like my life is over. I have cried and cried I have felt depressed, but I know is not over til God says it is over and I have completely made a uturn in my life back to God, crying to Him for my healing. I have to return to the dr for my test results but I have been so depressed! Please pray for me.
Hello , I found this site by chance. I’m suffering for 4 years from vaginal issues. I’m 22 years old. I went to a lot of doctors and take a lot of pills .. but I haven’t healed yet. I’m praying to God to heal me … But I’m getting worse. Please help me, I’m so deppresed. I think I never be healed.
The part I’m having a hard time understanding is, well, I guess how were you healed of something you were never diagnosed with. I mean any hypochondriac or paranoid can go online and diagnose themselves but you were never diagnosed. You could have been having an alergic reaction or anything. Don’t get me wrong, I know God heals, but you were never diagnosed. So it’s like someone with fissures on their skin or lesions on their skin self diagnosing themselves with AIDS then after prayer and fasting going to the doctor only for the doctor to tell them they are negative. I’m sorry that just doesn’t make sense you saying you were healed of something you were never diagnosed with.
Anyway, I’m glad you dont have herpes, and I’m glad you’re saving yourself now.
Take care
Hey guys my name is Adriana. Today I found out I have herpes which God has revealed to me today. I got them in the 3 grade and until this day I don’t know how I got them. When I was smaller I thought it was normal but once I took health class in high school I noticed it was not. Now I ask that you please pray for me. I don’t want to live like this no more ???? it has been a burden to me and my life. Ik all is possible in the name of Jesus
We will not be shaken. God is a God of miracles. READ. You will be encouraged.
Guys – I just came across this site today after having symptoms show up yet again. I initially contracted Herpes in 2010 after having unprotected sex with a long time friend of mine. We had never had sex before or even gotten anywhere close to having sex prior to that. About a week or so later I noticed something wasn’t right with my body. After looking up the symptoms and doing some research I discovered it was Herpes. I immediately made up my mind that I would NOT receive that. I knew God was a healer and I knew him personally as a healer. Prior to this incident about two years before I had gone to my doctor to get my annual checkup. Initially they said everything was negative but then called back six weeks later and told me that I needed to go to the Health Department because they think I had syphilis. No. I was never promiscuous. Never had more than one sexual partner over a long period of time. But there I was staring down an STD. Scared. I went to the health department and got a blood test. The results came back negative. They weren’t convinced so they called me back a second time to get retested. Again the tests came back negative.
I didn’t even know God then but even then, he was protecting me. That incident prepared me for what I would be facing after I realized I had Herpes. I went to the alter to receive prayer and the minister’s wife who prayed for me realized what I was dealing with. She told me not to be ashamed. She told me that I was forgiven even if it was my fault. I fasted the following week. Only drinking water. After that I remained symptom free for the better part of 2 years. Then — I returned to my sin. And then — the symptoms came back. Every once in a while I was reminded of what happened years ago because the symptoms would show up. I had anxiety about getting married because I never knew if they were going to come back.
This morning I decided to do some research and found this site as symptoms had recently come back and I wanted to find out if anyone out there had been healed. As of this morning I was in the middle of an outbreak. After reading all of Set Free’s post. I began praying to God. I asked for forgiveness. I made a promise to God that if he manifested healing in me, I would not return to sin. I would not return to the guy I’ve been having sex with off and on for the past 7 years. I would even stop talking to the guy I loved if that’s what it took because my health and peace of mind were most important.
I went to Psalms 103:3 and put it in my journal. “Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases”
I felt the presence of God in my room. I felt healing flowing through my body.
Right before I really began to read all of the responses from SetFree I went to the bathroom. The sores were still there. I still felt that stinging when I wiped.
“But I encourage you and everyone else to not focus on symptoms. I remember I had an outbreak the day before I went to get tested, but I didn’t let that stop me from believing that I was healed. I went into the doctor knowing the test results were going to be negative regardless to what my body was doing at the time.”
I was encouraged. That resonated with me. I began declaring that I forgive the person who gave this to me and I forgive him for how he acted after we had sex (got really distant and our relationship has never been the same – we were best friends) but I forgave him and myself for having sex with him. I declared that I forgive my on again off again sexual partner for everything. I declared that I forgive the love of my life for anything he’s ever done. I declared that I forgive myself for anything I’ve ever done to him. I declared that I am whole and I am healed in every way. Physically, financially and spiritually.
“When you go to God, telling him you receive his healing, the Holy Spirit will instantly go to work in your body and remove that sickness.”
Well Guys I just checked again prior to writing this. I just began to sing “we will not be shaken” “we will not be shaken” “we will not be shaken”. I went to the bathroom. The outbreak that was there is pretty much gone! In a matter of less than an hour. I just kept singing “we will not be shaken” then tears began to flow. Manifested healing guys. I had two open sores. One has completely gone away as if it were never there. The other is almost gone and has definitely made significant progress. I believe this will be my last set of symptoms.
We will not be shaken!!
All praises be to God!! His mercy endures forever! This has been such a dark cloud. I’m going to have blood tests soon. I’ve never told anyone the details about this. God WILL heal you. Healing has already been made available to you. Take some time to focus on your healing. It will manifest! I’m believing for you to be healed just as quickly and miraculously as I was after living with this for the past 5+ years!
Who forgives all your sins and heals are your diseases Psalms 103:3.
I sought the Lord and he heard me he delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4
Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. (Psalm 30:2)
May the Lord, who is good pardon everyone who sets their heart on seeking God-the Lord, the God of their ancestors-even if they are not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary. And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people. (2 Chronicles 30:18-20)
Thank you Lord!!
Hey, I’ve been having herpes symptoms but haven’t got my results back yet. First I want to say that I’ve been dating this married man, end up getting pregnant by another. Telling lies after lies, and I end up getting an abortion. A month after my abortion I been having symptoms. I was so devastating I couldn’t talk to no one, I’m losing weight, I feel like my life is over, I tried hanging myself but I couldn’t let it happen. Sometimes I feel like god punishing me. There’s no way my test result will come back negative because I have been experiencing the symptoms. I just wanna drop on my knees sometimes and just tell The Lord to take me because I no longer want to go through this. I’m so sorry, about everything I’ve done. I see myself married with kids but know I don’t see nothing in my future. I want to be healed!!!!!!! I want to start over with god in my life!!! I would change a lot!!! God just please give me one more chance!!
Hi my name is Paulo. I am 20 years old. I have been having this disease since I was 14 years old, my life flipped up side down, feel depressed, dead, pain. I grew up in a Christian home. I have heard of God all my life. I got saved last year on this day 5/16/14. My life changed. I was born again spiritually, my eyes were opened I felt alive and I notice things people normally didn’t see. It was crazy amazing. Long story short I felt hope that day. I know what Christ did for me. He died for all my sins past, present and future but if only I believe thats his will.
I went home that night and went to the rest room and read and I just opened the bible. I told what ever I read it for me isaiah 35. I believe thats my promise. So after that I knew God can heal me so prayed asking him to heal me, but I wasn’t. I was getting depressed again and hopeless, lust and sexual desires have me captive. I don’t know what to do. I have seen what God can do and I know He will. I just don’t have strength to get up, God is good and he blessed me with a beautiful girlfriend who knows about my situation and still wants to be with me and get married but it kills each time because I’m sick. I really need prayer, I know the day He set me free my life will be full of joy, and rest. Thank you for your testimony. There is hope in Christ. Don’t give up get holding on everyone :-) God bless you all.
I’m so grateful to God for the Internet and your post. My nick name is Nikki that’s not my real name btw. I just want to say you hit everything on the nail. Unfortunately, I’ve been diagnosed with the disgusting disease as well. I been blaming myself all the time. I been angry bitter towards my bf who is the guy that gave it to me. He claimed to not have known that he has it. At times I want to be with him but then there are times I don’t want to be with him. I feel like im settling because we both have it. I do care for him but his baggage is TOO much which includes his status! He doesn’t understand because he doesn’t have outbreaks. But one good thing I can say is despite it all he does agree to celibacy. However I want us both to be healed very badly. I can’t take the emotional roller-coaster anymore. I’ve only had 5 partners n 2/5 gave me a STI. Smh. I just want to give myself to a faithful man who will one day be my husband and I want us both to be pure of all diseases!
Please keep me in you guys prayers. I think I have caught herpes1 Last week from smoking after a girl that has it she was tryng to tell me before she gave me the cigarette but i didn’t listen. I smoked it anyway to hours later bumps everywhere I been praying since May 15th I’m a child of God im young & God just got me out of my first and worse relationship & I know God does everything for reason & I know Being a child of God I shouldn’t of been smoking I had know reason to I had everything I could ask for & more I Know I wIll be Healed & Cured & I know That God Has me it’s really crazy how it happened but yea Please Pray for Me you guys. Love you all & God Loves you all <3
Amen your testimony has lift my spirits, funny when I was reading your words sounds like you were in my head. 5 years I have been in denial after my cheating ex that pass herpes to me. Well I never thought I would find love again till recently church sister started talking. Then I had breakouts worse than before. Then I google it and realize I have herpes, but that god everyone rejected me all these years. Although its annoying because it took me this long to find some compatible, but also I see it as God’s Chastity belt to wait after marriage and a local institute working on cure, so I hope it is ready in time. 1221: Time to time we might envy the evil of the world but staying obedient to god’s will, ten commandments and statutes is more rewarding and profitable, I have been putting faith to the test, that’s when I learn through faith and love through god. All our reality, dreams, all we deemed impossible can be altered. With no education I own 4 bedroom house, high end car, good job, 401k, all because my heart cries out to God. I know don’t seem like much but im very grateful for our father in heaven…
I am Arun kumar from India,
I am suffering from this same herpes 2 disease. I just married and I found this report is positive.
Please pray for me I am full in depression and going to die.
Jesus please heal me. GO NO MORE SIN.
This was so encouraging. Thank you for sharing your testimony. Be blessed :)
Hey can someone plz pray for me, my names Joseph and I’ve never been sexually active in my life but I have shared drinks and kissed a girl 4 times in my life and I’m seeing little dots on my lips and dots in my mouth, I’m scared for my life and how I will be able to live if I have herpies, I haven’t been the best with God for a few years and I guess I’m finding out that people are speaking of him more and I don’t know if he can even heal people today or even me, I have gone to a Christian school before and in my life it was just one of those whatever type things, I remember when I did go to the school I heard stories that this man named Paul was one of gods awesome people and my teacher would tell us stories on what bad things he did like kill Christians and do other bad things and my teacher told us that he told God that he even referred to himself as being the sinner of sinners but I just think to myself “there’s no way he would hear me or even forgive me, Paul was a different story, he wouldn’t understand our modern day sins and stuff and I would think of myself as being an even worse sinner ( I have not killed anyone) but I just feel like I’ve disgraced God and made him so unhappy with me, I would just give up and never really think that he could forgive, listen or heal me, but I would just like for me to be in your prayers please, I would really need healing from God and I’m trying to even start making actual prayers myself.
i need a miracle in my life. i have contacted herpes and i feel cheap, dirty. i have recently met this wonderful christian man that i feel we could marry one day. i so want to be pure from all this. i cry day and night because someone did not say one word about having herpes until after the fact. o God i need you now. i just keep remembering how God told the woman to get up and sin no more she was forgiven. i do not want to lose this person that has walked into my life and we have said no intimacy until marriage. i so want to be healed from this horrible disease. i need prayers that i get healed from all this. i am asking Jesus to heal me.
Hi Vickie recite this. Devil you are a liar and I won’t accept none off your diseases take your hands of my life and off my body in the name of Jesus. My body is the temple for the holy spirit so no virus or diseases have the right to stay here. Herpes I cursed you by the root and command you to root up out of my body and cells and leave in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you Lord for dieing on the cross for my sins father o love you I trust you I believe in your words. Body I called you bless I called you healed in Jesus name. AMEN.
I started going on a cleanse to rid myself of herpes, I got it from a girl before I gave my self to the Lord, I was off track a year later, wanting to get rid of the guilt a fear of it, even though it was minor, it was ruining my soul, God put me back on the right track, showing me that all I have to do is trust him, so through prayer and fasting, and more prayer, after I got through I wanted to believe, God has answered my prayer and the fear is gone, I’m looking great and I believe he has cured me. Isaiah 53:5
2014 June l was diagnosed with HSV2, HSV1 negative. 10 months after my diagnosis I started to search if people have ever been healed from HSV2 and l saw this and was really encouraged. I started to fast and pray with more faith. I told my pastor and she sent me links to Andrew Wommacks website on healing and studying the walks of jesus and what the bible says about healing. For me l realized that I had to forgive the person who infected me and other people who hurt me in life coz it blocked things in the spirit.Watching youtube testimonies on healing especially Dodi Osteen made me have more faith.
I went to a different doctor to do a blood test by faith believing I was healed as I went I had active lesions so big and painful but because I had scheduled the test before I had an outbreak I just went by faith and the results came out NEGATIVE HSV 2, HSV detected past infection. This was diff from the first diagnosis but I thank GOD FOR HIS HEALING POWER… HEALING IS A PROCESS AND THE CATALYST IS FAITH TO GET THE END PRODUCT. I am grateful for this. I have taken another lot of blood tests I’m believing for a miracle. Scriptures that help me: Isaiah 53v5, Proverbs 4v222, Peter 2 v23-24, James 5v 15 and Matthew 8 v1-7.
i am praying and on bed since one month no word from god?
Hey, for reasons, I don’t wish to place my name but I have a friend who I love dearly suffering from HSV-2 she got from a cheating boyfriend she use to have. She’s not into the whole church thing but I love her and care a whole lot for her. Her life’s been upside down for 7 years and I feel really bad. I’ve seen the power of God at many points in my own life and I know her can touch her as well. Pls, pray for her cus I really wanna be with her.
God bless you for the thousands of people you have encouraged to not lose faith in God’s desire to love and heal us. To God be the glory. You’ve encouraged me today when I was sinking in grief.
For some reason I feel my healing is coming its been a month one week in 6days since I got this disease & I am not sad at all. I’m happy. I feel better. I feel saved. I feel blessed I feel as though the Lord has Me and never leaving my side. Blessed is she who believes. I feel like he never left my side through the darkness I feel as though this path is Gone & god Rebuilt a new one for me a good one a righteous one that I can never lose because I will always remember this dark path God give his toughest battles to his strongest warriors hold on stay strong God will heal you have Faith in Jesus christ & he will make everything right don’t believe the non-believers or the ones who gave up. Never give up this battle because God have you no maatter how long he made your bath you will end up in the light as long as God have you & you have him sin nomore & I promise you will win. Satan is evil and heal do anything to get you down with him ignore the non sense and temptation. Blessed is what we are for ever finding this wonderful testimony and one day we all get to write ours. Good Nite. God Bless All Love you All :) Brother and Sisters :)
This is a very moving testimony. I have this as well and to be honest I haven’t even had sex, but have came to contact before. I have been depressed about this because it just doesn’t make any sense. I have been praying for healing. I know my Christ is a healer. I just ask that I receive more prayers. I know my God will heal me. I will keep on this fight.
We will become victorious. I have felt that I will never get married and never have ids which is a desire I have been longing. I know that the Lord says to seek him and he will give us the desire of our hearts. in this I believe. Prayers needed. I don’t want to be scared. I no longer want to be a slave of fear.
I am almost positive i have herpes, as i experienced a second minor outbreak months after the first. i hoped it was some other type of std, but all the symptoms lead me to think it is herpes. i took a blood test today and will await the results that should come in next week. i felt so hopeless and depressed the past few days when it started to flare back up. i told my parents and have cried way too many times already. i believe God will heal me. Please pray for me.
so i did ALOT of praying last night and talked to God for quite a bit. I woke up this morning to find my test results from the blood test were in. both negative. I dont know how it happened and I still am in awe to be honest. I will be going to a different place to get tested once again on monday just to be sure something did not go wrong with the first one(such as a false negative). I truly believe God has heard me. Please continue to pray for me so I can receive good news on my 2nd testing. God is good.
Hi everyone, glad to hear your stories. God does heal and I just want you all to believe. I have always believed that there will be a cure for this disease or, God will heal me. I went to a church service about 3 months ago, a bishop was visiting from outside the United States. I went there anticipating that God will heal me from herpes. It’s been the 3rd month now, I have no outbreaks. I haven’t gotten tested yet, but I know my body. I got an outbreak like every month. I am grateful and I just wanted to share this. I love the Lord!!! Thank you Jesus for your healing power
About four months ago I was diagnosed with genital herpes. For the longest time I blamed myself and God for what had happened to me. I have been trying to figure out where it came from. the people I have slept with do not have it and have all been tested. do you think it has been punishment? or from the enemy? I just don’t know where else to turn. I am currently in a long distance relationship but I’m scared to tell him I have it. I need prayer. I’ve only ever had two out breaks. I need to be healed! I know He can heal me. I feel it in my spirit! I need healing. please. God heal me.
Please contact with me on email, is very important for me talk to a person like you! You are great help.
Thanks for sharing your testimony. Your story is similar to mine. It has been 5 years now going on 6 and God Christ JESUS is dealing with me. He is telling me I am going to make you whole again… He did it for you; he is going to do it for me…..my FAITH is not dead. It is alive….I shall be free and be made hold again
I want to thank you for sharing your testimony. I have herpes 1-2 for the past 10yrs. I never really believed god can heal this way or me. Anyone else but me because i wasn’t ready to be obedient.
Now I have infected my son, I’m not sure how but my world has crashed. I thought of killing myself, don’t understand why God let me live this way when I’m a walking curse. I was thinking the worst negative thoughts. At some point I was very angry at God like if it was His fault.
Just today I thought to leave this world but I’m scared to leave my son without his mother. As I was about to type in to search herpes healed in other countries. I saw this instead. Now I’m happy I did.
Give me some scriptures that might be helpful for me please and keep us in prayer. My son’s name is Steven. Also keep my other son in prayer his name is Nathan. God bless us all!!
Good Morning darling hearts,
When I first stumbled upon this blog I weeped as the story echoed my very feelings and trauma. It’s been a few years but I can tell you that God healed my HPV. I went to church after my diagnosis and the Pastor called me up. He said God told me you have something – you just got it. I said herpes? He said, no, something else. I said, HPV? He said, “Yes, God said it is gone! You are healed!” I don’t know why God chose to take the HPV first. But come on, how could my Pastor know after I’d been gone and depressed for months after my diagnosis?! This HAD TO BE GOD. My Pastor wasn’t in communication with my doctor! GOD HEALED ME OF HPV!!! Glory to God!
Today, I get blood results back – and I asked to be tested for herpes. The doctor said you have it why you need test – I said because God is going to show you a miracle, Doctor. I claim, and declare, that God will keep His promise to me and it will confound this doctor who is going to discuss my test results with me. I wasn’t ready to be healed those years ago when God took away the HPV. I am READY to be healed of herpes now. Praise God and hallelujah pray for me saints! I’ll be back with good news!!!!!!
Good Morning darling hearts,
I’m back…
God chose to not confirm my healing with the blood test results yesterday. I STILL SAY I AM HEALED. I STILL DECLARE I AM WHOLE.
I’ll ask for a blood test every single year. My faith is on fire!
God WANTS to heal me.
I pray that I learn whatever it is He wants to show me through this.
Praise God, He deserves all our glory and highest praise!
I have been living with herpes for over 10 years now. I was young scared and foolish when i got it. I was promiscuous as my family was dysfunctional. My mother is and back then was a saved woman a true woman of God. My father on the other hand was an alcoholic still is, he cheated on my mom alot in the past even hit her once when she was pregnant.
Long story short I was a rebellious teen then became a rebellious young adult and slept around thinking that would fill the void I half in my spirit. Not educated enough on the Word to know that God my true Father could fill that void I felt. I slept with a man got genital herpes and was so ashamed I lived in silence about it for a long time up until now.
I got married my husband does not know (which I now feel super guilty about). My symptoms disappeared so I jist kept quiet and stood on God’s Word and promise that he would heal me and deliver me from this disease.
I am pregnant now and had a syphilis test which came back negative. All glory to God. I plan on going for a test for all STI and to put an end to this secrecy once and for all. I pray for healing and for negative test results. I do not want to lose my husband the love of my life over this. Feeling depressed. This is the first time I am opening up about this. Please pray for my healing and my unborn babies health.
God bless
Please pray for me, I was diagnosed with herpes last night, I prayed to God and drank holy water. I asked him for forgiveness in all of my sins, and I asked him to heal me.
I told him that I believe in him, the holy spirit, and Jesus and to please heal me. I was with this guy for almost ten years, we broke up for a bit, then got back together. He gave me the herpes, which he got from whoever he was with.
Please pray for him too. Dear God, Please forgive me of all of my sins. I’m sorry for all of the bad choices I have made. I believe in you, you have always been there for me. Please heal me, I beg of you. Please.
Hi all, thank you for sharing your testimonies.
I got diagnosed in June for herpes 2. I blamed myself I was so angry at God, myself and my ex boyfriend I kept and keep on asking myself why me.
Iam so depressed I’ve been crying everyday since June, begging God to heal me.
I was in such a toxic relationship for 10 years, and now Iam in a healthy relationship and no we haven’t been intimate in any way, and I don’t even know how to tell him of my condition, I’am hoping God heals me. We’ve made so many plans for the future and now I feel like I have ruined my life and God is punishing me and I deserve to be in the position Iam in.
I had symptoms the past few days and I went for a test yesterday. Iam believing for the results to come back negative.
PLEASE pray for me
Thank you all for sharing
I need prayer too, I need healing
I was in a relationship for 10 years I knew I was suppose to break it off or he wasn’t the one for a long time, he was “Christian” and so was I, so I thought it was a right relationship, I knew that what we were doing was not Godly and it doesn’t please God. The year that we broke up our relationship was so toxic and physical and verbally abusive.
In June I got diagnosed with herpes2 I have been crying everyday ever since. I’ve been so depressed blaming myself and hating him and myself. I told him about the diagnoses he said that he is fine and doesn’t have anything like that, obviously him implying that I got it somewhere else. I pray for his healing too, I keep asking myself why isn’t he in pain why isn’t his symptoms showing, but than again I do t know what is going on in his life.
I cannot help but think God is punishing me, I keep wishing I did things differently.
Currently Iam in a healthy relationship, we haven’t been intimate in any way. I don’t know how to tell him, I’ve be contemplating ways I can break up with him. Before I knew of my condition we had are still planning so much for the future and it breaks my heart, when my mind tells me that Iam delusional .
I keep asking myself and God, what is the difference between BELIEVE AND RECIVE AND STRAIGHT UP DELUSIONAL
I have been praying, crying , begging and I need God the father to come through for me. I don’t know what else to do
I want to be in a healthy sexual marriage with healthy CHILDREN
How on earth does one measure there faith, how do you know that you are operating in faith or have lost the plot.
I had symptoms in the past few days, I went for a test yesterday and Iam hoping and praying for a miracle and that they come back negative, it is such a humiliating experience and do not wish it on anyone.
God I need you , I need your power, I need healing, I need a miracle, I need sound mind.
I forgive myself and I forgive him. Thank you Jesus Christ for what you are about to do in my life.
I want/need to be a wife and I want/need to be a mother
God please show us your glory and that you still the same today.
Please help me in my fight for seeking faith and salvation. Just yesterday I went to the clinic to receive the news that I was supposedly, and I use the word supposedly because I rebuke what the doctor told me, but supposedly I have both types of Herpes. And I couldn’t do anything but cry because I cannot BELIEVE in something like that. I came to the Navy to wipe my hands clean of everything I’ve done, such as partying, having sex, and just having way too much fun.
The Navy turned my life all the way around and just when I finally thought I was done with the hardships in my life (such as I have gotten sexually assaulted and molested before) and the road to joining the navy and becoming a sailor was even harder, I thought that my life was brand new and was going to be so clear and bright.
But then yesterday I heard that news and thought “I don’t know what I’m doing here, what I’m living for” “I don’t think I deserve this but I know I should’ve seen it coming” I’ve had multiple times where I caught chlamydia from an ex before, and yet I still lived a lustful life, so I thought I was getting punished.
I know that God didn’t just bring me to the Navy and help me through every obstacle just for a mere human being to tell me I have a disease that is not curable. I am only 20, I just turned 20 in July! Like I even told the doctor because I was so upset, “Why me? Nobody is going to want me, nobody is going to want me, I want to have a husband one day and kids” and I know the devil is trying his hardest to mess with my mind and make me think that my life is over so I should just sin, but I know with what faith I do have that God has already cured me (I speak it into existence) I am cured, I am clean from ANY sickness. And just want you to please pray for me and tell me how you kept your faith so strong even though the world tries to tell you different.
Dear setfree10,
Your story is MY STORY. I just got diagnosed today as I went through the same thing. I was actually a virgin until I met they guy who I thought was ‘the one’ two years ago (to give you some perspective, I am in my 30’s!). We broke up about a year ago, and just like you, I went through a not-too crazy but sex just for the sake of sex phase. I knew Jesus wasn’t happy with my behavior, but I was trying to fill a void left by my ex.
My number of partners is the same as yours (4), and I can’t believe that this is happening. My initial reaction when receiving my diagnosis over the phone was to plead the blood of Jesus. I too, know that Jesus is stronger than ANY so-called incurable disease. Please pray for me as I change my life for the better to make HIM proud. I know He can cure me! Thank you so much for sharing. You are confirmation of my hope in healing. I thank God for you!
I am very encouraged to read all this as I just found out I have sex warts. It hurts and I am scared it can cause cancer. God has healed me of something incurable before, but this time for some reason it´s hard to believe because it´s because we have slipped on the sex before marriage part. Please pray for my boyfriend and I. He is completely devastated he gave it to me, and all I want is for both of us to be healed.
Love xx
I am praying 4 everyone that has this disease and everyday I pray you get strength to ask God 4 healing when things don’t look like its getting better. Recently God has inspired me to go on a 40 day fast. 2 stories one from Mark 9:29 he replied, ‘this kind can come out only by prayer & fasting. Also just like the persistent widow in luke 18 who kept asking God for help to get justice, that many of you will begin to keep going back to ask A God who loves each and everyone and that he is no respecter of persons. Every day I’m praying against disease and cancer and any other form of harm that is out there. If you need prayer you can email me at hsow2009 at gmail dot com. I look forward to seeing many healed. Pray for me as well as it has been 4 days and it isn’t easy fasting and praying.
Hello. I was also diagnose about almost three years ago. I found out I had herpes when I was 8 months prego… my baby daddy would abuse me beat me through my whole pregnancy and obviously cheat. It’s been so hard dealing with this it’s so embarrassing. I’ve kept this bottled inside. The only person that knows is him and he says that it’s not true because he’s never had no outbreak no nothing..and refuses to get tested.
Sometimes I get so angry at God and myself. I don’t understand how I could b the only one feeling the symptoms while he’s being a whore out there. I’ve never cheated on him and he treats me like trash but I feel trap in this relationship because I feel dirty and disgusted by this disease that i now carry…
How am I suppose to move on with my life when no one is going to want me?
I’m always crying and stressed out about it…
It angers me so much to see him live a normal life while im suffering. Please pray for me. That i could forgive myself and him. I believe in God so much but this always messes with my head the devil knows how to getto me and gets me doubting that God will want to forgive someone like me…
Please pray for me. Thank u for sharing your testimony, it definitely gives me hope.
Hi please pray for me that I be healed. I’m married and afraid to let my wife know I have herpes. Thoughts of suicide came across because I know I’ve hurt her. I love her but I feel I can’t live with because of what I did.
Please please pray for me. Last week an ex partner called me and she told me that she was cheating on me while we were talking and that she was diagnosed with herpes. So I immediately went to the urgent care and went to get tested that same day. My results came back today and yes I was positive for them, my world is completely upside down don’t know what to do, can’t think straight anymore. My parents asked me to leave the house that I can’t no longer live here. I love them and don’t have any hate for them, please pray for them too. I am asking God for healing and salvation I just hope he knows I’m sincere. So please pray for me I know he can heal – he’s a God of miracles and he has shown me. God bless all of you!
Hello. I’ve had HSV 2 for several years. I was very promiscuous when I was younger. I craved male attention whenever I got it. I’ve never told anyone about this disease. It’s been a secret that I’ve been holding to myself for a long time. I’ve been so depressed. Even thought of ending my life cause it’s been so hard.
I don’t have anyone that I can go to who I trust. People just like to gossip. I know there is power in the name of Jesus. But sometimes I wonder if God would really heal me. I’ve done wrong for so long!
My mother died of cancer and she was a God fearing woman who loved the Lord, always read the bible and prayed, didn’t smoke or drink. But yet she wasn’t healed. So over and over in my mind why would God heal me, when I brought this upon myself, but didn’t heal my mom. Maybe it’s the devil playing tricks on my mind. But it’s my desire to be healed. To live a normal life. To be married. Please keep me in prayer. And I will pray for you guys as well! Thank you
Msj, God is going to heal you! Just keep praying & believing. I know I can’t be difficult because of timing. But God is always on time. Miracles happens every day
I am in a similar situation and am worried my toddler does! !!! Pls, we need healing! I pray n declare in the name n shed blood of Jesus Christ that we are healed! I apply the blood of Jesus on every inch of our bodies! Amen
Thank you setFree10 for starting this thread. I love hearing about your and others healing testimonials. Thank you God for thier healing and all the healing to come. I was in a extremly unhealthy and emotional abusive relationship for almost 3 years with a man who proclaimed to be faithful, love, God, and who wants to be a pastor. Despite God telling me numerous times to leave him alone, I found myself just caught up with him and the really powerless, I wanted to leave him so badly but I just couldn’t find the will power to actally do it , untill God physically removed him 1500 miles away From Me (THANK You JESUS), Then I found out he had been cheating on me the entire time with multiple women, and in fact he was never single to begin with. Walking into the clinic to get tested was so hard and embarrassing. I’m am so so so thankful for all of the negative test results except for herpes 2. I received the temporarily positive curable by God soon to be negative results about 4 weeks ago. I stand firm in faith and I know God is a healer . the first thing I did was forgive my “ex” since it was never a real relationshop I use that term loosely, forgive my self and ask for forgiveness from God . I stand firm in faith and confident expectation that I AM healed and well. I expect and believe that the next time I go get tested it WILL be Negative and I give thanks for that in advance . God is also using me through this . I am a christian life coach and I love being able to encourage and help people stand strong and firm in faith and healing. I am praying for everyone on this post.
Please remember:
state and give thanks for your healing every day visualize and feel your excitement and graditude when you get those negative test results confirming you are healthy and well
***read healing scriptures daily .
Our God is an awesome God :))
Thank you God for my complete healing and well being and the healing of all those who on this thread and other who need and believe in it. AMEN.
Please feel free to email me if you would like to talk or pray together: peacefulrose2013 at gmail dot com
I am born again. I contacted genital herpes from my ex husband. After 23 years God has brought wonderful man into my life.
Please pray that God will totally heal me in Jesus name.
Thank u so much.
What you went through is what i am in. pray for me also i need healing
Hello, all. Wow. I am truly grateful for coming along to this site and reading all the beautiful testimonies and words of faith from my fellow believers. I was just diagnosed with HSV2 yesterday. At first, I didn’t believe it because I had been in fervent prayer prior to the diagnoses. I experienced my first outbreak a little over a week ago. When I tell you all I prayed???? I mean…I prayed. I first was asking God to not let this be herpes. But then something told me (likely the Holy Ghost), “no, you need to ask for forgiveness first.” And that’s what I did. I then began praying for negative results. Then (likely the Holy Ghost again) something told me, “no, ask that this sore go away.” I did. The sore began to fade that same day. Within the next 5 days, it was gone. Now, yes, the test still came back positive, but I’m believing that the fact that during my FIRST outbreak ( which is supposed to be the worst) I experienced little to no pain, the sore went away within a week, and my symptoms were minimal–GOD HAS ALREADY HEALED ME. That is why I was able to compose myself when that nurse was telling me my diagnoses. I declined any meds and told her, “no, I’m praying and fasting this away. This will not be forever.” Also, prior to the sore going away, I made a vow to God that I will no longer fornicate and that I will wait until marriage. In this, I included masturbating. I threw away the toy I had AND the lube (lol…I know…tmi). But I said all that to say this: BELIEVE GOD. I refuse to be depressed, stressed, or anything less than blessed. I KNOW God has healed me, and I am believing Him for your healing and victory, too!! I have been asking Him to help me to recognize His voice. I want to know exactly when He wants me to go get retested so I will know for certain that His healing has manifested. But in the meantime, I’m enjoying His presence, communing with Him. Make God your friend. He will never let you or me down. I just believe that He is my healer, your healer, our healer!! Thank you, setyoufree10, for your testimony!!
Believer83, thanks for your testimony! I’m going through the same. I just found out today that I have the disease. But I’m going to stand in God’s word! Your comment to this post has given me hope!
I just realize I have herpes and has really break me down I can’t go a day without thinking about it… seems my life has ended cause am just 23 and have long life ahead of me.please pray for me. I promise I’m going to change LORD.Please help me… my name is Richard.
Richard, I totally understand where you are coming from. I just turned 26 & found out today. 1st off the way you feel is normal. But you have to start having a different mindset. Change what you are speaking. Do not say you have the disease. Start saying that you are healed in Jesus’ name.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I became a Christian about a year ago ( I’ve been with my fiancé 5 years) although I started following Christ I was still not obeying him as my fiancé and I lived together and were having sex. Today I was diagnosed with genital herpes. I have felt god tugging on my heart so much in the last six months as I have strayed from church or reading my bible. I am conflicted as to weather my fiancé cheated or one of us had this laying dormit for years. Please pray for Gods will for me. Pray for my healing, I don’t deserve it but pray for me to follow my heart back to church and to read my bible.
I just recently found out I have herpes 2 2 mos ago. I was in total shock to know this, as I had not had any signs nor symptoms. I’m not even sure how long I’ve been had it or who I contracted it from. I’m finding it difficult some days compared to other days and am in denial still, I wont claim it because the devil is a lie! Im a firm believer that God is a healer to all. My mom was diagnosed with Colon cancer 6 yrs ago and is still to this day cancer free, polyps haven’t grown nor changed in size. She gave her testimony in church and I pray this will be me one day because my faith is strong. Today though the devil is riding my back hard. I’ve cried off and on today. I have been researching lots of scriptures to help with my process. I recently got engaged and don’t know how to tell my fiance. I seemed fine when I met him and am not sure if he gave it to me. How do I tell him without messing up something good we have?
Im asking you all to pray for me too, please!!!
Thank you all for your wonderful stories, I think that’s more of my reasoning for the tears, bc so many of us have it but don’t even know it!
Help! I need prayers.
I Have STD and i cant cure myself coz i have no money to go to doctors. Im only 17 turning 18 on december 2
The only thing i can do is to pray.
Prayer is my daily habit GOD please the only gift i want for my birthday is myself to get healed! Thank you so much LORD.
PLease everyone pray for me. :(
please pray for me. I contacted the disease a few months ago. I am moving out on my own at the end of this month and I am going to be tested again. pray for negative results. I am having symptoms right now hit I KNOW God has healed me of this disease! the devil has NO hold on me. who the Son sets free is free indead! please pray for me this next month for negative test results! I know healing is what God wants for all of us. please pray!
Please pray for the healing of a good friend of mine. She needs Divine Intervention to rid herself of HSV2. Please Almighty, cast away this virus and cleanse her body, mind, heart and spirit. Fill her with your goodness.
I guess God isn’t fair then because I have had genital herpes for 27 years and suffer badly every month. I have prayed and prayed and been prayed for and yet no healing comes I still suffer and I feel filthy and disgusting and depressed with each outbreak.
What do I have to do to receive healing because I stand on the word of God and sing praises and worship him but still never get healed.
Please pray for me I just got told I have it also and I feel like my life is over , I believe in God so much I just want my life to go back to normal I’m going to change my ways I promise .
Please pray for me also
Hi my name is Rodrigo and I’m 20.
I’m positive on herpes too:) I’m so sad and mad at myself. I had sex with this person. It was my first time ever. I’m a believer of God and Jesus. I don’t label myself as Christian or other religion because I love and believe in God and Jesus Christ.
I remember that night I was going to see that person that I lost my virginity with, I think God warned me not to do it:) and I should wait because I should do it with the person I love. I say to myself that I was not going to do it and to God too. But later that night I was bored and decided to do it. I failed Him and I know he had forgiven me, and I have faith He will heal me.
I’m scared though, I went to get the test 2 weeks ago and I was waiting for them to call me in a week but they didn’t call me back so I went today and see if they had my result. My result was positive I had herpes 2. It didn’t hit me hard at the moment but when I got home I just got so sad and start crying. I know I made a mistake and I know God will heal me. I have faith he will. Please pray for me.
I want to believe it…
But all of this ** false accusations if someone really cured it why **** hasn’t it happen to anyone else/ actually shared it with more than (one real person not some dumb bot trying to sell A. some ******** medicine B. Some false priest selling their worship of god and healing for X amount of money?
Thank you so much for sharing. Please pray for me so I can be healed from this disease. I have been living with for the last 14yrs. I want it out of my body forever!! I pray all the time for everyone. I will be praying for anyone that posts on here also. Thank you. God Bless everybody.
Truly, i say to you, whoever says to this mountai, be taken up and thrown into the sea, and does notdoubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Speak to your mountain. God is not going to heal you anymore. God already healed you 2000 years ago. By jesus christ stripe you are healed. Just recive it and only believe. Healing is already provided it is a complete work on the cross, it is finished it is accomplished. Galatians 8 :13 says “we are redeemed from the curse of the law. Sickness and desease are illegal in are body. We are delevered from the authority of darkness. Sickness and desease has no right to stay in our body. Speak to your symptoms command it to leave in jesus name. It will obey you. Luke 10 19 jesus gave us authority to trample on snake and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you.
Hi my name is Monique, I would love prayer of healing of this disease as well. I’ve been tested and it all good, but I feel the symptoms.. Before I became a believer I was very sexual active, but since I gave my life to Jesus I haven’t been sexual active. I’m afraid I may have contacted this disease. Please pray for my healing. I’m trusting for total healing as well. Thank you Jesus
Please pray that God will heal me of genital herpes. I contracted it from my ex husband. God has brought a wonderful born again man into my life and we will marry in Feb. Please agree with me in prayer for complete healing I Jesus name.
Please pray for me and my husband. I had a miscarriage earlier this year. Two months ago I had some tests done to find what could have caused the miscarriage. It turned out I have herpes and rubella. Please pray that our Heavenly Father will heal me and my husband completely. I am so fearful, I pray to God that it’s nothing worse and he will make us both clean and bless us with another baby. I feel so ashamed, guilty and filthy. Please pray that my husband will come to know Christ as his Lord and Saviour and our faith will be increased. Thank you. I will be praying for you all. God bless you
Thank you so much for this testimony I needed to hear this. Just today I saw my doctor and he suspects I may have Herpes. I was a fool and had unprotected sex with my gf who I found out after dating her she was an escort. I have never paid for sex and never will I love this girl and even though I deserved better I stayed with her and continued to have a sexual relationship with her. I allowed my emotions and my own free will to dictate my life and look where the life of sin has got me? Although I firmly believe God is a healer and redeemer I realize my selfishness has been my downfall. I know now I need God and I need to surrender to him daily! I need to once and for all stop living for myself and learn to love others and put his will before mine. It’s easier said than done but this is the truth. I pray for healing for all of you who have come to this page and are struggling whether it’s because of Herpes or otherwise. We are all here because God has chosen us we must submit to that calling from here on out. I pray for us all to keep focused on God’s ways I pray that all of us will experience his love his mercy and his peace. May the hard times we experience make us all stronger and may we all learn to trust and depend on God from this day forward. We are loved we must never ever forget that. I honestly believe God allowed this to happen to me because he has greater plans and he refuses to let me go. See I gave myself to Christ many years ago but I backslid because I wanted to live life on my terms and I believed I was responsible for my successes in life. I struggled to trust and depend on God and chose my own path, but now I believe I needed to learn that it’s Gods will for our lives that matter. The only way to experience joy and love is through him and I pray that this situation in my life will forever make me depend on him until he comes to take me home! Thank you God, I surrender!
I have been so lost that I’m not sure what to do. I don’t even know where to begin other than asking for prayers of healing to reach me, please. I feel very ashamed, alone, sick and completely lost from myself. I cry non stop, can’t eat, can’t go more than a few minutes without thinking how horrible I am. I know this is the devil. I was told I have genital herpes type 1 from receiving oral sex from my daughter’s father (we are not together, as I ran from such an abusive relationship to save my daughter and myself) but I went back to him from time to time and I just can’t accept this as my fate. I can hardly look at my little girl without thinking how I’ve disappointed her (although she has no idea what’s going on). I believe in God, I have been praying for healing but here I sit, same hsv 1 status. In not sure how to pray correctly, I just know that even as I have prayed, there are moments when I doubt what I am saying, and I know it’s the devil. I need help more than ever. I want to be a role model for my precious child, not what I am now.
In addition, for prayers, my name is Ashley
Thank you, God bless you all. I will continue to pray for us.
I’m sorry but I’m confused with your story. I’m a born again christian and u said the holy spirit tugged on u when u were having sex with this guy telling you it’s wrong and in a 2 year relationship before. That’s very rare for the holy spirit to be indwelling in someone who’s committing fornication. Are u positive that u are born again?
Please pray for me (45) and my daughter (20). We both diagnosed with herpes virus. I feel like my life is over.It’s extremely emotional time for both of us!
King James Bible
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard-seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20
I found out in September of 2014 that I had genital herpes and found out today that I have been healed from it.
Can you please pray for me and my boyfriend Shaun, we both have herpes and we don’t want to live like this for the rest of our lives. We can’t endure the pain, We want to be normal again and we don’t want to worry about having the pain again and we want to have a children someday. Please please pray for us!
I don’t really know how to pray, but I believe in God and Jesus Christ. And anything is possible through God.
Please pray for me. I was in a bad relationshiop, got out of it, stayed single for 2 years and finally thought I met someone worthy. After sleeping with him never heard back from him. Now I’ve been diagnosed with herpes. They’re so painful and I have outbreaks every month. Sometimes twice in a month. Please Jesus heal me. Clean my body, soul and mind. I’m young with three boys. I feel like my world had been crushed. I feel dirty and can’t function. I put my life in your hands. Please I’m begging for healing in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!!!
We can’t be healed until we remove all doubt. Cleanse your entire life and forgive all who have gone against you. Declare it everyday and we will be healed. God I declare healing in Your name over this community and I pour the Blood of Jesus Christ over my brothers and sister. Turn from your sin and do not return like a dog to vomit. Declare it now! You are Jehovah Rapha and You heal us God!
Hi my name is Frank,
I have Herpes 2. I believe quite strongly in God and need his help. Please pray for me. “Jesus I Trust In You.”
My names Modesty , I’m 20 years old and last year was the worst for me. Reading your testimony I felt like you were me , we went through the exact same pain. I was diagnosed with hsv2 and I thought my world was over . I gave up on a lot of things I was constantly getting drunk / high and acting like a whole different person. The devil was truely having a horrible impact on me. A few months went by and I just stopped losing faith.. I had to believe that this couldn’t be it for me. I believed in god and I trusted him. I kept telling myself god cured the blind and the lame. with him nothing is impossible. I am HSV2 NEGATIVE and 3 months pregnant with my first child. There is power in the name of JESUS! GOD IS GOOD I can’t begin to say it enough .
hello modesty if your still here cold you please get in contact with me please i’m struggling to keep up with my faith.
Hi I am a patient that also have this problem I found out Friday I cannot stop crying until I read these testimonies. Please pray for me and help me in everything I do.
Hello, I just found out today that I have HSV 1 igg. Please pray for me, I lost my way with God and I’m trying to get back to him. I need your prayers please. Thank you very much.
Hi my name is Bri and I learned today that I have herpes. It’s hard to admit honestly. Today I had to tell my boyfriend of a year and explain how it happened which was before I started dating him. I have been online all day going crazy. I am only 21 and I feel like my life is over. The man I wanted to marry is ignoring me but I do understand but I don’t wanna feel so alone. I do believe this is a wake up call for me. I do believe God will heal me or I wouldn’t have found this site. I just need to focus on a life for him and not the devil.
I am now afraid to touch anyone also. I feel so tainted and used. The devil has played with my mind a lot of my life and even more now. Please pray for me
Hello, I believe God led me to this post for a reason. My ex boyfriend gave me herpes a call your years ago and I’m battling depression, I also think its been past to my current boyfriend. I am going to my first counseling session this week, but I really would be singlestick if u paid for me and my boyfriend. I pray everyday and I’m not giving up on my lord but I need a help. Please keep us in your prayers.
I am suffering with this too. I have not been to the doctor for testing yet, but after googling my symptoms I am scared I have herpes. My ex was a cheater as well. I even found out one time he had unprotected sex with someone and then came home and had unprotected sex with me. A month later the itching started. I went to my doctor and she said it didn’t look like herpes because I had what looked like a paper cut “down there” instead of blisters. She just said it was a yeast infection, without doing any testing. On and off since then I’ve been scared that I have herpes. I’ve had std testing, but was unaware that herpes testing was not included when I asked to be tested for everything. I have been crying and praying. Now I finally have an appointment on Thursday and im so scared to ask for a herpes test. I’ve been trying to search online about herpes cures and scriptures about healing. I have been celibate for almost a year and a half and I have promised God to be celibate until marriage. I’m just scared that if I get a positive test. I’ll never be the wife I want to be. Please pray for me. I’m believing God heals.
Just been diagnosed with genital herpes. I’m on anti viral medication. I feel so dirty and I feel God is punishing me for my actions please lord forgive me of my sin.
First of all, God isn’t punishing any of us. Sin is the reason we are all sick. What we all need to do is first Repent, praise Him and thank Him. The bible states that it is impossible for us to please God without faith. And we don’t even have to possess that much. If you have faith in a God you can’t see but we all know He’s there. Omnipresent. All knowing. Provider Healer, Redeemer…are just some of His many names. God wants a people out of their own free choice. There isn’t anything you have to do to gain your healing. If you repented and invited Jesus Christ into your heart, that means you are forgiven. Past, present and future sins. It also means that God’s promises are extended to you. Free gifts people. You don’t ever have to earn anything from God ever! We could never measure up so quit trying to feel adequate. Stop begging God to heal you because you were already healed at the Cross when Jesus died. He took all our pain, sin, sickness upon Himself! There is nothing for us to do but believe and not doubt. Jesus said at the Cross, “it is Finished!” So if He took it all on Himself, defied death and rose from the grave…then you are already healed!!! We can’t earn it and don’t deserve it but by God’s grace it’s ours anyway! So be healed in Jesus’ name!
I also want to say that God’s Word is power! Read it daily. Get to know Him. It will increase your faith, heal your soul and lift your spirit. There is freedom in Jesus. We no longer have to live under the Law (10 commandments ) only to love God and love each other. So if you have any unforgiveness toward anyone, God said you have to forgive them or He won’t forgive you. Husbands that mistreat their wives won’t get their prayers answered. I say that in love and these are quotes from TheWord of God. There is only one sin that won’t be forgiven and that is the rejection of the Holy Spirit when He convicts you to come to Christ. He will meet you where you are. It doesn’t matter what you have done, Jesus loves you and died in your place because He wants to give you healing and life eternal. So start loving Him today by loving yourself into repentance.
TO BRI….Satan is the Father of lies and will try to poison your mind with his lies. He knows his time is short on this earth before he is sent to his eternal death. The bible says to resist the devil and he will flee from you. I strongly encourage you to find some Christian music to listen to, to renew your mind and lighten your spirit. Get and Read a bible. It’s our handbook for life. Most importantly praise and thank God daily. He demands it. Do you know when we do things that are pleasing to God he dances over us? How cool is that!? He is willing and able to give you the desires of your heart including but not even limited to our healing. He said to ask what WE WILL in His name and he will do it. How much clearer could he have been then that?
I posted a few days ago about being nervous about getting tested. Well I’m on my way to the doctor. Please pray for me. My real name is Ciara
I’m waiting on my results now. They will probably be available Monday or Tuesday. All I can do is keep praying. I’m trying not to let the thoughts of satan effect me. I feel so stupid for allowing my ex in my life on and off before we were officially over. Nights he didn’t come home until 5,6, even 7am. I just forgave him and let it go. I was so naive. I didn’t even think about things he could have been exposing me to. Lord, forgive me for my sins and let these test results come back negative. Lord, I have given you my life, my heart, my soul, and my body. I’ve been celibate for a year and I refuse to give it away until my husband comes. Lord, show me grace and mercy I was lost but you found me. You came back for me and I have given my life back to you. You took me out of that situation. You brought me out of the fire. Now I’m asking that you bring me out of the fire without smelling like smoke, clean and not burned just like you did for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. God your word is filled with marvelous works of healing, I know you can do for me what you did for them and millions of others. Lord, help me. In Jesus name. Amen
Ciara….give Jesus your pain and your fear. I see it .
I could really use some prayer and encouragement. I am a 21 year old girl and I believe I have multiple stds. Herpes is probably one of them. The strange thing, though, is these problems started showing up when I was about 11 and seem to be getting worse. Also, I have never had sex. No, oral sex, or “normal” sex. I didn’t even have my first “real” kiss till I was 20 years old!
For a long time trying to be pure was a big deal to me. I wasn’t perfect, but I really tried. I know I’m naturally a sexual person, so maybe God has not healed me yet, because He’s protecting me from having sex before I am supposed to. My calling deals with spiritual warfare, and it’s seems even in a spiritual sense I have these strange diseases, so I’m wondering if I was cursed or got this as an attack from the enemy. Anyhow, this has really messed with me.
I have to strain to remember a time when I wasn’t deformed and nasty. I wasn’t always like that. It just happened and I don’t know how. I could see getting maybe one std by some weird unfortunate fluke, but it seems like I have multiple ones and I don’t know how that “just happens.”
I love God so much, but I have really been struggling with anger and mistrust. I feel like part of why I’ve gotten a little looser (making out intensely, but, of course, still not having sex or showing all of myself)is because (I’m a sinful human being…duh. but also because) I am ANGRY. I used to be so careful about what I would wear (lol I still am) and I would read all these cute books on purity and then *bam* I am literally slammed with STDs randomly. When I was younger I didn’t understand it and thought I had cancer and I went through major depression (something I still have to fight through some times) and I got suicidal. I struggled with self abuse and I think that also came from that.
I’m so sick and tired of feeling like half a woman. I still haven’t had sex (obviously) and there are other parts of me I haven’t fully given a way and other sexual things I haven’t done and I tell me boyfriend “no” to a lot of things because I’m “saving it for my husband” and the poor man has given up all these things he was used to having for almost a year already to be with me and it’s hard for him. He wants to marry me and he thinks he’s getting this beautiful spotless lamb. He’s the first man I ever kissed and what would he do and how would he feel if he found out I was diseased to such a horrific state. I don’t have the courage to tell him. Would he believe that I never had sex before? What am I even “saving” for my husband?
I have literally begged Jesus to heal me for years. I know He can do it. A man, who I believe was probably and angel, came up to my grandparents out of the blue, when my grandfather was fighting cancer, and told my grandfather that he was going to be healed of his cancer by the Lord Jesus Christ (my grandfather hadn’t even told the man he had cancer). When it was time for my grandfather’s surgery, the cancer could not be found. So…I have not just read about God’s ability to heal in the Bible, I have been shown it in my own life time. I know He can do it.
I have prayed so many times for it. I’ve thrown myself on the floor, read scriptures about healing, I’ve “tried” to let go of past bitterness and forgive, I used to try really hard to take care of my body (before I mostly gave up), I’ve tried to remove doubt from my heart, and heck I’ve even watched Ben Hur several times (lol).
I have struggled with OCD (basically I’m a germaphobe) and so one of my worse fears is that I’ll some how spread these things to others. After all, I got these without having sex. So, I’m sick about being paranoid, obsessed with what’s “clean” and what’s not, I’m tired of the physical discomfort I’m in, the fear that I may never be healed, I’m bogged down by the ugly grossness of it all, I’m afraid that my parents won’t believe that I haven’t had sex, I’m afraid this will make me loose the trust of my boyfriend and possibly loose him, I can’t imagine how much this would hurt him after all the times I went on about saving myself for my husband, and I’m so tired of being ugly. I know God cares, though. I think he allowed this to happen so I would literally have to depend on Him more (I think that has been very effective) and really, to protect me from having sex. I promised Him years ago I would save sex before marriage, but maybe I would have fallen short if I wasn’t diseased. We are all supposed to be pure, but I think He puts a particularly big emphasis on it for me because of my spiritual calling and because of His specific plan for me.
You might be wondering why I haven’t gone to the doctor for this. Well, growing up, my mom would go on and on about being careful with boys, how their minds think of sex, how visual men are and all of that; she would go on about rapes, the travestys of unplanned pregnancies, and how we need to dress modestly because men look. She would go on about it till it would kinda almost scare me to death and make me afraid of men. And….then she would up and take me to this burly male doctor with a beard. Obviously I still haven’t forgiven her for that. She practically put the fear of God into be about something and then subjected me to it. Just because he’s a dr. that doesn’t me he doesn’t have eyes or that he’s suddenly not a man. So, when I was about 12 I asked God to help me (this was my first visit having had the diseases) and when I went to the doctor, for some reason (God’s grace and kindness and probably because the dr. knew I was a virgin) he didn’t look there. When I was about 14 I insisted upon a female doctor, but was still scared from the trauma of when I was younger that felt like abuse, partly because of the picture my mother painted in my head and I was also so incredibly scared to face my STDs. I asked God for help. The doctor found out I was a virgin and did not look either. I have not gone in for my own check up since then.
I know God has a plan for this because (well, He’s God, but also because) neither of the doctors checked me. I asked Him to help me and He did, but I don’t know what to do now. I’m so scared. I know I need to trust God and I know I need to forgive my mother. I love her very much. Someone, please help me, please pray for me and give me some words of hope.
I am praying for you Thorn Among Lilies.
Well, I got my test results today over the phone. She said that they won’t be sent to me until next week because the doctor is out and only the doctor can send out the results. But the nurse said I was negative for everything else except for herpes. She said my number was a 2.4, but I’ve read things online that say 1.9-3 is a blank area that can give a lot of false positives. Anyway, idk what to do. I’m 22. Im single now and I had this dream that I thought was from God that showed me getting married. How will that happen now? Please I need prayer badly.
Faith, trust God first and foremost because of who He is. He is the Creator of the universe. He is the Creator of man and He is all powerful, all knowing and He is our savior! One of my favorite scriptures tells us to wait on the Lord. He loves you so much and we all are unique and treasures of the Lord. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and he will grant you the desires of your heart. Dont listen to the Father of Lies, but rather the King of Kings who never leaves or forsakes us.
This is Ciara, I have also used the name Faith on this site, but I decided to make an account on her so Praying4Healing is my name on here now. Last night was my first night after getting the news. I Couldn’t sleep much, then I started having dreams about my ex so that didn’t help at all. I’m so tired, mentally and physically. I have a meeting tomorrow for school and I don’t know how I’m going to be focused enough for it. The last 2 years have been hell for me and each year seems to get worse. I’ve tried to pray and have faith, but it just seems like this is how my life is going to be, hell. I prayed and asked for prayer even before I had my appointment. It still came out positive. Please pray for me. I feel like there’s nothing else I can do. Maybe God will hear your prayers for me and answer, thank you.
Please someone help me. I just had an anxiety/panic attack. I can’t live with this diagnosis. Please, I need healing. I can’t sleep. My dreams haunt me. Now I have to try find ways to keep myself from going to sleep. I can’t take the pain happening when I’m awake and when I’m sleep. I can’t do this. It’s too much for me to handle. Either God heals me or I have to end this and pray that God will forgive me.
I know you are in pain and I’m continuing to pray for you. If you are truly feeling tempted to end your life you need to talk to someone, ok?
“Praying for Healing” Don’t give up, Ciara! I thought maybe God lead me to this site for me, and though I still think He did, I strongly feel like He also lead me here for YOU. I feel like I can relate to you on many levels and I want you to know that you are NOT alone and that you are loved. I am praying for you and I feel something in my heart and I think it is some of the love the Holy Spirit has for you. The greatest disease you have is not Herpes, but the lies of the enemy and the evil of this world. satan’s words that say, “there is no hope for you” “you are ruined” “no one will ever love you” “you are useless” “God’s plan for your life is actually awful” “things will always only every get worse,” they are all lies! Don’t take his words to be your own. You are worth more than that and you have been through a lot already. There IS hope for you! If you have accepted Christ into your heart, the words of Romans 8:11 ring true for you; “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” The same Spirit that raised Jesus from death to life lives in you, if you have believed and accepted Him! With God all things are possible. This doesn’t have to be the end of your story. It can be the beginning. This challenge is new for you, so take some time to breath, rest in God, live with the hope you have in perspective, and take time to process this. I am so glad God stopped me from ending my time here on earth. There have been so many lives I have changed, so many people I have met and, in a way, it almost kills me inside to think I might not have ever known them, and there are still wonderful moments that nearly take my breath away. I still have dreams; I have already made so many of them happen and have practically had some of them handed to me, and I still have hope. And even in my darkest moments God is there and He is good. His grace is sufficient. For a while I have wondered why the Lord has not yet healed me, but come to think of it, if He had already healed me, I doubt if I would have stumbled across this site and ever be able to encourage you. Perhaps for such a time as this (and I’m sure for many additional reasons, because I think God is very efficient) I have gone through what I have. God has a plan for you. Don’t give up! Don’t give up. You can make it! I am so sorry you are feeling so much pain. I know it can be so hard to go through, but there is still hope for you. Quite A lot of people actually have genital Herpes (an estimated 1 in 5 people in the US, but not all have the symptoms) but those with symptoms can still have great lives and get married and even have children. Besides, keep praying and don’t give up! The Lord is the master healer.
I was celibate for years and waiting on God. God had already delivered me from so much, including bringing me out of sex-trafficking at the age of 18. I was in full-time ministry and got to the point where I was tired of waiting on God for a husband. That’s when the enemy sent me the biggest temptation I ever faced. It came in the form of my absolute favorite grammy-nominated Gospel artist.
He swept me off of my feet and lied to me repeatedly. I ended up sleeping with him and eventually found out he gave me herpes. I’ve learned the hard way (once again), that God’s way and His word is the best and only way to go.
Your testimony has encouraged me. I’ve really been battling with doubt and did so many of the same things that you did and experienced the same depression and discouragement. God has been telling me to study the scripture and learn more about Christ as a healer and proclaim those things over myself and my body. I too have been wrestling with doubt, fear, and unbelief. It’s so encouraging to read all of these testimonies. THank you to everyone who was brave enough to share. You guys have given me hope!
Hello all, my doctor just diagnosed me with hsv2 Monday after experiencing 2 days of symptoms. I am 18 and a freshman in college. I have been feeling serveral of the emotions described in the above stories. I’ve only had 2 partners, one being my current boyfriend. I am worried I may have given it to him and am praying for him as he prepares for his examination and test tomorrow. I bounce back and forth between being positive and discouraged. These posts have really uplifted me. I believe that healing is mine! God is able to do anything and he will heal me. Please pray for me and my loved ones as we embark on this journey with the Lord.
Ok so I was just reading online that your IGM’s go up when you are sick with ANY kind of virus and that many of the have tests come back with false positives. Antibiotics can bring on thrush in the mouth and below as well wlith blisters. My husband and I were together 8 years. I had a colonoscopy done and the acute bronchitis after,then thrush, and now they are trying to tell me hsv1,2. And since my God is a better physician then all of the quacks I have talked to I m thinking that my total trust and belief in His mighty hand in all that I have been going through is the way I am leaning. You’ve got this Yahweh!! Keep me in prayer though, my husband brings his pyscho kid over and makes me feel unsafe. So then I told him I was uncomfortable with him being here so he just leaves and abandons me and says he is never coming home because he thinks I m nuts. The poor kid has no friends, always in a mood, never know when he’s gonna snap and run away, and I am the crazy one? Help me Jesus!
“Learning To Dream Again” and “Young Believer” I am praying for you. May you feel God’s love, peace, and hope!
Oh,thank God! God bless you, Emory
Plz pray for me
I have herpies and I want God to cure me
I want to get married in the future and have a family
I know God is alive and I believe that he can cure each and every person that has herpes
Thank u and God bless
I got healed by Jesus Christ 4 days ago…
Its all about having faith and showing your work of faith according to the scripture on james 2:14… Jesus is Lord
I did a 2 days fasting and prayers with the following prayer points on the links below:
1. http://www.crosswalk.com/faith/prayer/prayers/a-prayer-for-personal-healing.html
2. http://www.praise-and-worship.com/worship-prayer-healing.html
3. http://prayerpoints4healing.blogspot.com/2011/11/authorchidi-onyesonwu_22.html?m=1
4. http://www.jesusfolk.com/Christian/healing_scriptures.htm
5. http://www.christianhealingprayers.com
6. https://prayerunlimited.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/prayer-for-divine-healing-prayer-points-for-being-set-free-from-sicknesses-and-diseases/
7. http://www.nigeriafilms.com/news/28557/64/clam-pastor-wole-oladiyun-35-prayer-points-scriptu.html
8. http://www.demonbuster.com/listofd4.html
9. http://www.missionariesofprayer.org/2010/12/prayer-healing-diseases-illnesses/
Get to a quite place where you can express yourself with Lord Jesus Christ! He’ll save you like He saved me. Amen!
Hi Faith, how long you were infected and which one of the tests did you do? I’m supposed to go and do a iGg test for HSV 2 but I’m praying etc first and believing that my test will be negative in Jesus name.
Please pray for me. They told me four months to fully get the test done but I have all the symptoms. Please pray me
Mr Dereck, Jesus Christ Our Lord is a merciful father, He’ll never ever forsake you in times of trouble because He instruct us to run to help in prayers in such times. He loves it so much and act very when you hold Him by His words… Cause He said heavens n earth shall pass away but His words will forever stand.
If you start your fasting and prayers today in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, i promise u, your life will never be the same in a week time.
Just have faith and show the work of your faith.
How to show work of your faith is by getting an item or drugs that help suppress the virus, open the bible, the book of James 2:14 read the portion loud… Then tell Jesus to use the drugs as ur work of faith, get a natural honey, do same and rob it on the symptoms. This should be the last thing you do after breaking your fast for the day. Do the applying till the symptoms are all gone and i promise you, it’ll never come back in Jesus name Amen
You need to have faith and believe He has healed you. God bless you
Wow, I am so amazed by God’s goodness. This story reminded me that I have value and matter to Jesus. I don’t have an STD, but I am in need of much healing. It was so refreshing and empowering to read about the goodness of God in a modern day life. Thank you for sharing this 3 years ago. God is doing an incredible redemptive work in so many people’s lives with this. It’s amazing.
Here is my testimony of overcoming herpes…
Hi all.
I was diagnosed with herpes 10 years ago through an ex-boyfriend that raped me. It has caused me to this date to be severely depressed and suicidal. I do not wish to get married or have a child due to this condition. I strongly believe that I am being punished and need To be delivered from this. I also believe that I am healed already but awaiting confirmation from Jesus Christ. I just need some serious prayers to claim my healing from God and to walk up rightly with him. I have been seeking him but the devil is fighting me. I am also out of a job and during stressful periods I get breakouts. God has not allowed me to have a breakout in the last two months and I give him all the glory for that. I need God in my life. Please pray for me and for my healing.
Wait, you never tested of positive so how do you know you even had an uncurable STD to begin with? Clymida (spelling?) is uncurable, however HSV is not.
Today I felt the Holy Spirit tell me I am healed from herpes. I have suffered from hsv1 since a child and about 4 yrs ago I contracted hsv2. I have struggled with thisthis diagnosis on a daily basis. My body still has signs of herpes so I’m asking for agreement with me for permanent complete realization of God’s healing in my body. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Hi crystal have you test since feeling that you were healed?
Two years ago I was told I have herpes. I have not been tested since then. I will be tested next month. But this year I met the man of my dreams and can’t stop crying thinking I’m going to lose him if he has it or when I tell him!
Lately I’ve never been so close to God, everyday I’m praying and worshipping God in my house, rap music hasn’t been something I’ve want to hear, nor going out! Sometimes my faith gets low by I continue to shout he is my Lord and my salvation! I’m praying for a miracle right now to take this from my body… Our bodies !!! I told God whatever it takes whatever he needs from me I’ll do it !!!
I was healed from unknown problems with my arteries in my dream… reason I know is because I always have palpitations before and short of breath and I got healed in a dream one night but the healing came in the place of a woman in my dream that gave me something to eat telling me it’s for my heart. And it’s been almost a year now and I never felt that problem in my heart again. My heart feels brand new. And this is what strengthens my faith and I know God can heal anything so everyone please continue believing and trust him and live for him in Jesus name.
Hello mk have you gotten test as yet for this month?
I have a VERY similar story to tell….about a year and a half ago out of the blue (not knowing what it was) I had the first outbreak of herpes, and it was HORRID. I immediately went to the doctor crying and in pain, and the doctor told me it looked like herpes. I went to another doctor and had tests done and was told I had both type 1 and type 2. My boyfriend at the time had given it to me, not knowing he had previously had a minor case and didn’t know that’s what it was. When I told him, he said, well it looks like we’re stuck together for life (trying to make light of the situation). I thought my life was over, this would be something that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life, I would have to take medication EVERYDAY for the rest of my life, and to monitor my stress to make sure I don’t cause another outbreak. I also thought, well what if my boyfriend and I don’t end up together forever, then I’ll always be alone, how could I tell another man, he’ll think I’m dirty and won’t want anything to do with me. Will I ever get married because of this, will it affect any future children I have (if that even happens because of this), and then I’d say “well at least I have one child before this happened”. I too believed the lie and looked up celebrities who had herpes to try and cope with it better and think, well look at their lives and they have this too, as if that would somehow make me feel better. I felt ashamed. I couldn’t tell anyone else, not even my mother. I was out at least 1 week from work with the first outbreak. I needed things from the pharmacy, so I asked my mom to get stuff. Being her mom self, she wanted to get me vitamins to help with whatever I had. She thought I was on an antibiotic, and she asked me what I was taking. I was scared and afraid to tell her, finally I did. She didn’t know the medication, so she looked it up and then found out. Being the Godly woman she is, she eventually found this testimony and shared it with me. I believe in the power and the blood of Jesus, but when it turned out a little while later that my then boyfriend and I were no longer together, my mind started to wander and think all those thoughts again of forever being alone, cause know one will want a woman with this dirty thing that stays in the body and never goes away. I will say I took the medication everyday for a long time, and then when I didn’t think I needed it anymore, I stopped taking it, but always kept the prescription just in case. I’ve prayed for a LONG time for Gods healing over my body, I’ll even tell you exactly what I prayed.
“I plead the blood of Jesus round about me to guard me and keep me safe and free from harm, incident, illness, accident, ailments, ungodly spirits, ungodly influences, and ungodly people. For where Your blood is, there Your power, presence, and anointing will be also. I pray for health, healing, anointing, restoration and deliverance from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I rebuke the devil and herpes type 1 and type 2 to cease and desist and to leave my body. I rebuke and bind any demons and ungodly spirits lurking in my spinal cord to leave and I will have no traces of herpes in my body or blood stream. I am covered by the blood of Jesus, scarlet sin made white as snow. I declare health, healing, wholeness and restoration in my body, in Jesus’ name I pray, the name that is above every name, Amen”.
A couple weeks ago, I had my annual OB/GYN appointment and was honestly scared to go, but knew I had to. I was scared to tell my OB that I had herpes, but knew I had to. So I had my regular Pap smear test as well as an STD test done (which includes everything in the book). I was nervous and scared to get that letter in the mail but was believing in Jesus for that praise report! I just got it in the mail yesterday. I am here to tell you I am healed and made whole by the blood of Jesus! Everything came back normal! No positives for STDs (which includes herpes), everything negative and normal praise the Lord! God IS the healer, author, and finisher of our faith. We just need to seek Him, and put our full trust in HIM! I hope I too can be of help and testimony to someone out there just like finding this original testimony was to me. God bless you all.
Miracleshappen thanks for sharing blessing and peace to you I’m standing on the word myself haven’t got my first blood test yet since last year of symptoms. But I did my blood test from last Monday they said I should come in to collect it before Saturday or after Saturday. I didn’t hear clearly what the laplb tec says but I’m going for it this Monday hope it’s ready.. reason I tool so long to take my test is because something tells me to pray for healing before I take the test.. I know I saw the symptoms the exact symptoms break out with period or before period very itchy pain with urination and this blister thing on my butt with tingle and itch also break out after my laparascopy surgery do I knew they were all the symptoms. But God says I should pray and believe in my healing so I did that and I’m still praying and hoping for good news god is real and he is mercyful. They are people who don’t believe in his power but I do.. thank you Jesus.
Thank you for sharing . God is good. All the time
Your writeup inspired me to believe God for my healing. So I’m here to share my testimony because indeed God works wonders today. After i decided to turn from a life of sin, i fell back into sex once and I discovered I had herpes. I was devastated, sad, I cried, I came online and I saw your testimony and I was encouraged to believe God, I refused to take any medication but to trust God completely for my healing , it wasn’t easy because the devil came and did his best to torment my mind with thoughts that I was wasting my time but i rebuked him and engaged in the mysteries of the kingdom; the word, the anointing oil and the communion with faith but it seemed the same. But as the founder of my church came to my branch for a visit I was expectant and I told God he would be a blessing to me and that my healing will be sure, I believed and I sowed a battle seed and to the glory of God I am herpes free today because God stands on his word and his word says the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut off. I’m grateful everyday and I’m taking it one day at a time, thanking God daily for my wholeness not to give the devil any chance to attack, I’m staying away from sin only by God’s grace. God can do yours too, only believe. God is great.
Please pray for me. I am so scared of getting HSV-1 or 2 after a night with a stranger. I have some symptoms and I pray everyday to God Jesus Christ to save me from Herpes. Please pray for me. Thank you and may god bless you.
Yes, I was very much a stud when I was in my twenties. So I would use girls and sleep with them for selfish fulfillments. I always treated them very well during the process.
However, I remember one evening I took this woman to a motel and we had sex off and on all night. I never really knew her name. I felt something was not right with her but continued on living a sinful lustful life. Then, about a month later I see her again and she confessed that I should get myself examined by a doctor. I ask why? She told be she had contracted Herpes Virus and I would more likely as well.
So of course I said whatever and never gave it much more consideration. Then it happen, I begin to develop sores and it was painful. I immediately went in and of course the doc says you do have a Herpes Virus and this kind is not curable at all but it is treatable. That was a wake up call for me. I never allowed myself to just have sex again regardless if it was oral or not. I would only give myself if I was either married.
Then I remembered the teachings, Jesus Christ healed so many even a blind man. If He could do that then He could heal me as well. So I submitted my verbal request before Jesus Christ and wrapped it up with expectation and turned it over to Him. Then I waited and waited for another breakout. Well it never happen, the healing took place and after it was confirmed in my spirit, I immediately went back to the doctor and he reexamined me and said, I don’t understand? According to your chart, you should always have the Herpes Virus and you should always continue to break out with sores and bleeding. Then he said that it just can not vanish so he wants me to wait another three months and come back in for reexamination. I did and still no signs if this HV. I knew Jesus Christ healed me because my inner spirit was fulfilled.
Now that’s been over 30 years ago and I have never had another recharge or breakout again of any thing in reference to sexual misbehavior activity. I married a beautiful woman shortly afterwards and been faithful only to her sexually, mentally, emotionally financially and we ended up with two girls and one boy and three granddaughters and one grandson. I am now 56 years young and Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of my life. In our little home it works like this:
Because if the home isn’t in order, nothing in life is in order. Thank you for allowing me to share my testimony. I pray it blesses all that seek to know the Creator of the Universe.
MW please pray for me. I have been waiting for years for a husband and been doing things God’s way. Yet I got herpes from my best friend that came to my home while having an outbreak and she used one of my towels. Then I used the same towel by accident. And that was it. I even got it much worse than her. Please pray for me with that faith you have.
Really? It can be transmitted that way ? I will be praying for you ……
I would like prayers if possible for my life in general and this of course. I need to pray as well. My name is Melissa and just to keep me in your prayers.
Thank you
As many others on this post, I was recently diagnosed with this disease. I was also diagnosed with HSV1 and HPV. (I don’t say I have these diseases because I don’t want to claim them during my healing). I have been in deep prayer, asking God to cleanse my blood and give my body/immune system the strength to fight off these viruses.
This has completely halted my desire for sex and my self-image is tainted. I know that I am still the same person with the same heart and same ambition. What has changed is my relationship with God…. Though I consistently worry about my future, dating life, ability to get married, and having kids.
I know this a test of faith. This has totally put my values into perspective. As I am repenting, praying, fasting, and giving my entire life to God, please please please pray for me. I feel completely vulnerable and weak. I just want my life back, but a life that is disease-free and full of God.
I’m open to pray for and with anyone. Feel free to reply with your contact information. Pray for me as well.
Amen Jaz! God is our healer and our delivery Father I pray that herpes simplex virus and hpv reverse and dried up from every cells in our bodies. Lord we are your temple and no disease have the right to stay, Father please forgive us for our sins known and unknown help us to forgive the person that give us this demon disease. Father you are great we live you lord we want to be set free we want to be happy we want another chance to make things right, father in jesus name grant us healing I beg of you Amen.
I’m praying for you Jaz. If you would really like to stay in contact and have a prayer buddy I’m here for ya.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I am happy a friend of mine sent me the link. Thank you everyone for sharing. I just have one question how did you find out you had gential herpes?
Hi, I’m Lin, My life is really messed up. Recently my doctor diagnosed that I’m positive with genital herpes. I’m totally at a loss, everyday I feel like dying, suicide thoughts on every minute. I’m really depress, I don’t know what to do, guilty, shamed, scared and fearful. I have been attending church for passed 9 years, I attend church and cg on a weekly basis, but I don’t know why this happened? Is this a punishment from God? Maybe it’s my promiscuous living and I deserve this from God. I’ve been confessing my sins to God daily and I feel like dying. I read from Internet that God can heal this disease. Please teach what to do. Thank you with love, Lin.
Hi Lin sorry that you came down with this everyday another person is diagnosed. But I want to let you know that I never once think it was a punishment from God the devil is the one that hurt us and God wants to heal us, The Holy Spirit that lives in us was trying to keep us safe from catching this disease but somehow we weren’t paying attention, but after we come up to having this then we started to remember that something was saying don’t lay with such and such person or stop doing that, etc. I caught this because I was hurt and wasn’t thinking any at all and there came the devil rejoicing because I’m hurt and is not thinking about my danger so he happily send me someone he knows who would mess me up even more. but the devil is a liar my God is bigger than all diseases and my God heals and in Jesus name I will recieve my healing and testify. So Lin just focus on how god is not a bad person and he Loves us we are is Children he sees every tear that falls and your pain too, continue to walk in his way and don’t give up please.
I was diagnosed with Herpes in January of last year, and it was so devastating. I would like to share a few things from my experience with this disease that will hopefully help. Herpes can be tricky disease to diagnose. The guy who transmitted it to me had a job that required periodic testing for std’s, and he had actually tested negative for Herpes, more than once. Many people don’t know that they have it because they either experience no symptoms, or very mild symptoms. My boyfriend was one of those people. He thought that he was having a hemorrhoid flare up, but it was actually an outbreak. (For those that don’t know, Herpes can travel from the genital to anal area, and cause an outbreak there as well.) It didn’t even occur to him that that was what he was experiencing, because he had tested negative for Herpes.
From my research I have discovered that this is quite possible, to receive a false negative test result, because Herpes may not show up on a swab test unless you are having an active outbreak. There are different kinds of tests that can be done, like one that tests for antibodies in the blood, which may be more accurate than a swab test. So, while I do believe that God can heal this disease, make absolutely certain that it is gone by requesting the right tests.
The other thing I would like to share is what God revealed to me about outbreaks. I was having them back to back, and taking every kind of natural anti-viral that I read about on the internet. They helped some, but I was continuing to have outbreaks. Finally, I just got sick and tired of popping so many pills, and said, “Lord, I’m tired of this. Please help me with these outbreaks. I’m not taking these pills anymore, and I’ll just deal with whatever happens as a result.”
Well as soon as I stopped taking all of the supplements, God gave me a revelation about the connection between my diet and the outbreaks. When I stopped popping the pills I started desiring to eat more nutritious foods, and I realized after a while that I had not had any outbreaks. I didn’t even have to cut out ALL of the bad stuff, but I started getting more veggies and fresh fruit in my diet, and it made a world of difference. Without taking all of the anti-virals, my body became strong enough on its own to fight the disease, and keep it in a dormant state so I stopped having outbreaks. The one supplement the Lord did tell me to continue to take is garlic oil, which I do daily. It is great for your immune system.
I know that some web sites say that you have to stop eating nuts and seeds because of the high arginine content, and that was one of the most heartbreaking things for me, because I get a lot of my nutrition from raw nuts. Well, once I started eating more healthy foods, I found that I can eat quite a large amount of nuts and seeds with no problem whatsoever. I can also eat dark chocolate, and drink coffee, which they also say we have to avoid because of the caffeine. It’s only if I go back to eating a lot of processed food, fast food, and pastries that my immune system weakens and the virus “wakes up” and causes outbreaks.
I just wanted to share that for anyone who is suffering with outbreaks, while you are believing God for your healing. Make sure you eat a good healthy diet so your immune system will be strong enough to fight for you. Make note of any trigger foods as well. I found that drinking soy milk seemed to cause me problems, so I avoid it, but everyone is different. Just pay attention to your body. The one good thing that has come from contracting this disease is that I can no longer fool myself into thinking that what I’m eating has no affect on my body. Just because I look fit and healthy doesn’t mean that every’s functioning at its best on the inside.
Like the rest of you, I do hope that God will heal me. My faith isn’t there yet because I’m still beating myself up about my disobedience. I was getting all kinds of warnings about getting involved with this guy, and I ignored every one of them. So I feel like I don’t really have a right to ask God for healing, but maybe someday that will change. Much love and blessings to all of you. And may God strengthen and keep us as we fight this good fight!
“Having a good attitude will support you when you are sick, but if you give up, nothing can help.”
Proverbs 18:14
The Holy Spirit led me to this passage after I was diagnosed, and feeling very depressed and hopeless. I had never seen this in scripture before, but this passage was written by King David, and what he was going through sounds a lot like Herpes. I’m not saying that that’s absolutely what it was, but foul and festering wounds, and loins full of inflammation sounds like it was probably at least a cousin of Herpes. :) This is just part of the passage:
Prayer in Time of Chastening
A Psalm of David. To bring to remembrance.
38 O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your wrath,
Nor chasten me in Your hot displeasure!
2 For Your arrows pierce me deeply,
And Your hand presses me down.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh
Because of Your anger,
Nor any health in my bones
Because of my sin.
4 For my iniquities have gone over my head;
Like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me.
5 My wounds are foul and festering
Because of my foolishness.
6 I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly;
I go mourning all the day long.
7 For my loins are full of inflammation,
And there is no soundness in my flesh.
8 I am feeble and severely broken;
I groan because of the turmoil of my heart.
9 Lord, all my desire is before You;
And my sighing is not hidden from You.
10 My heart pants, my strength fails me;
As for the light of my eyes, it also has gone from me.
11 My loved ones and my friends stand aloof from my plague,
And my relatives stand afar off.
Would it be possible to contact you some way? If not I totally understand. Thanks
Everyone please get the Book God’s creative Power for Healing, by Charles Capps. This book is so powerful it takes you step to step so that healing could manifest, I got it from pastor Don Downey from save healed I must say this book have been lifting up my faith I feel so blessed.
Please pray for me it has been three months since i found out I had herpes because of this testimony I am ready to put it in Gods hands. I am all cried out and ready to move forward I believe that God will show up he always does. Thank you so much for the hope and encouragement, i really needed this
It is truly amazing and so sad to see so many people in the same situations disease wise. I have not been clinically diagnosed, but I am fairly sure I am positive for both strains of HSV. The sad part regarding my situation is I don’t even think I contracted either strain sexually due to the fact that I am still a virgin. How was this fair that me a virgin could have contracted these diseases. I think to myself how is this fair and why me, my sins aren’t half as bad as other people I know and they are walking around with the world on a platter. I’ve felt that the Lord was punishing me or chastising me for my sins.
I know He can heal myself and all others with this disease, but it really is about faith and trusting Him. He wants us to walk close by His side in all things. I have seen his power at work I know He can and will keep his promises. I’ve seen a man fall out completely dead in church and even helped perform CPR on him to watch him come right back to life and refuse EMS transport. Jesus put life back into that man in front of the entire congregation. Sadly he passed on 2 weeks later, but he lived his entire life not once going to a doctor living solely off the word of God and his belief in God.
I’ve never once spoke of my story or even accepted my current reality, but seeing so many people in the same situation as myself has moved me to speak this story. I believe the Lord will heal and I know one day sooner that I expect will be healed. He has just been preparing me for what He has ordained is to be mine by His will.
I’ve forsaken Him when He was always faithful to me, and I’ve strayed far and wide from His straight and narrow path. I will be healed because the Lord’s will be done in my life and His purpose will come to pass for me. We are all here because of Him and we will serve His purposes. He will never leave us or forsake us. He wants a relationship with us and to be a part of our lives and us a part of Him.
Matthew 17:20 “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”
Keep going, never give up, live for Him because He died for us, move your mountains, walk your valleys, tread your high waters, He will not leave us if we are with Him.
Matthew 25:23 “His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”
God will heal us all, but we must stay faithful and believe. I will not accept this curse because I know I am destined to be the man He wants me to be and be where He wants me to be with the people He wants me to be with. I want a wife and family and He will allow it to happen this will not plague me anymore.
God bless all of you and never give up. He died for us so let’s live for Him. I pray all that are sick and plagued with any disease or ailments be healed now at this moment as I type this prayer and speak it so in Jesus Holy name above all names upon this earth and in heaven. Amen
Was Diagnosed with Herpes 2 About two Months Ago. It feels like Its been longer. I knew about God way before this disease was upon my life. I knew fornication was bad. I never thought this could ever happened to me because i never went to party, i never drank, i never smoked, i never touched a drug. Other people party all the time and never get any disease.
I invited this girl over to “watch a movie and hang out” she sneaked in my room and the first night nothing happened is like God prevented it even after she was touching my face and trying to “get me started”. Second time I invited her it’s when it happened. Few days passed and i started to have a weird feeling down there. I felt like burning pee was coming out. Went to get it checked out and they confused it with Gonorrhea. I felt soo good after knowing i was going to be okay with a few antibiotics. Well before that I asked God to protect me i was scared to death to have herpes or something else.
Anyways few months pass by and i totally forgot about God again. I was like “what am i doing here anyways. I aint even doing anything.” well that same week i was ready to leave the church, my symptoms began again. I went to Dr and as soon as he saw my sores he said it. Herpes. I didnt say anything, i just looked down, the only hope i had was God. As the doctor left to give me sometime to process this in my mind i began to cry and asked God “why me? I never partied? I was a good person, i had my plans of getting married and having my beautiful little family” I knew it was my fault. I for many years knew what the bible said.
That week I got saved and we had revival in our church. In my mind i asked God. “God show me you still accept me after many years of failing you.”
That week the evangelist called me up and said “God Told Me He Wants To Use Your Life, But Dont Give Up And Dont Fall When The Devil Comes.” I was amazed and hope lit up. I hadn’t told no one about my disease. Well here I am today asking for that wonderful day that i will finally know i am set free from that disease. Just last week a pastor prayed with me over my sickness and i believe I Am set free. I haven’t had a chance to go get tested yet, but if you are in my situation, you already knew about God and you left him for your pleasures.
Let me tell you that God’s love will never fail. He loves you, how do i know? Because of that word the evangelist gave me. I was the only person he gave a word to out of the who week of revival we had in our church. I belive I am healed, and the battle comes when the devil puts doubt. Its really hard, but With God All Things Are Possible. God Bless You All I Will Be Praying For You All And Please Dont Give Up.
I am blessed by your story. May God heal you completely. I’m fighting with faith as well and I’m going to get tested again may 8 and I just asked you pray that when they call it comes out negative. In the name of Jesus. Thank you all.
Please pray for me I’m also having symptoms of that herpes virus and also hiv scare because i had a random sex with someone. I know God has healed me because I have confessed my sins and accepted Jesus as my Lord. He loves me that was why He sent His only son to die for my sins and take away my sickness, by His stripes I’m healed. The devil is trying to steal my healing by attacking my mind and making me doubt but i refuse to doubt, I’m waiting for the right time to go for the test and i know it will all turn out negative but please keep praying for me till that time so the devil will not make me accept that the disease is incurable. He said “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? So I believe there is nothing hard for Him. Please pray and ask God for His mercies upon my life and give me another chance. I lived a very careless life because i was free from childhood and i knew nothing about God while growing up though i was a church goer but today the story is different because i now see why the devil held me down because he did not want me to enjoy Gods love but now i have seen the light and I’m happy here. I know with Him all things are possible.
I wasn’t sure whether or not to post this but this has been on my mind everyday since being diagnosed with hsv 1 & 2 a little over a month ago. I know I made a mistake the night I contracted the virus despite being taken advantage of while intoxicated. I take responsibility for my actions and have confessed my sins. I will be starting health professional school this year and hope to be healed and have good health so that I may be able to treat others in the future. Some days I don’t think it is God’s will to heal me and some days I think
Please pray for me. Contact me if possible with how you lived with his condition until the moment when you knew you were healed. Thank you.
So I left a comment bout 2 years back and thought I’d encourage you all. I think the hardest thing about having herpes is the mindset that you develop that no one will ever love you. This plagued me for YEARS and I finally accepted I’d live and die alone, but secretly prayed for someone.
Last year – unexpectedly, I met this amazing- perfect man. I was so close to cutting him off in fear that my condition would repulse him. Well today- he knows my status, I’m married and expecting a baby. I honestly believe that although something no one should ever pray for, herpes forced me to be patient and wait – leaving me available for what God had in store for me. I’m so grateful, I’m so relieved, I’m so overwhelmed. My husband ADORES me and I’m starting to enjoy life the way I did before I got that horrible phone call! I sincerely pray for healing and happiness for you all.
This really blessed me sis. Long story short. I was actually healed of Herpes, completely, and that’s what brought me to Christ, the tests came back negative, but shortly after that 3 months later, I fell into sexual sin and I could honestly feel that healing being tarnished, the moment my ex laid down with me. I was scared to get tested again and when I did, it was back. I’ve been regretting my decision of temporary pleasure ever since. I’ve prayed for healing, but the thoughts come to my mind, God healed you once and you blew it..you don’t deserve a second chance. On top of that, I didn’t glorify God when He healed me the time. Instead of telling the world, I went on about my normal life, not really understanding them because I was still new in Christ. Now I struggle with coming out with my testimony..because He healed me, but then my sin put me right back where I started… I pray fof supernatural healing. One day an elder prayed for me and the Spirit of God knocked me down on my back.. The day after that, I felt and knew that God had healed me that day, through the Elder… but I’m scared to go get tested again..
What brought me to Christ was He healed me from Herpes. I was in a 4yr relationship, we stopped talking for 2 months, and thats when I decided to have a one night stand with a guy… I didn’t deserve to be healed, prior to it, I was a Chief Sinner, but God’s grace and mercy.
Amen I have this virus from 2015 and I just can’t forget about the mistake I made I can’t stop to imagine how cruel that guy was, knowing he was not single and knowing I was going to hurt. J. I pray god will renew your heart I pray that he will have mercy on you I pray that you will find it in your heart to admit what you have done. I pray that you will stop spreading the virus and tell your baby mommy the truth about you having it so she could get tested. I thank God for his mercy and love and by the grace of God I will be healed and made whole. Thank you Jesus.
I have been tested and have HSV 1& 2. Its almost 3 weeks since l received this devastating news and it has not been a easy journey. l know the kind of life that l was living but l have never had sexual intercorse (penetration ) but was having oral sex. A month ago l met this guy whom l love so much and l see a bright future with him, l want to tell him that l have herpes, but l’m scared of loosing him. l pray daily for divine healing and l have faith that God will hear my prayer. l am going for another test in a months time and l pray it will come out negative.
I try everyday to fight the negative thoughts that comes in my mind that l will not be healed because l was not living a straight life.
Will pray for everyone who has this nasty infection, with God nothing is impossible.
God is a healer! He healed my body of this demonic diesease in 24 hours after I re-dedicated my life to him & after I stopped watching porn & gambling. I had to let go of the hatred in my heart I had from the person who raped me & took my virginity while doing so at age 18 and everyone else who hurt me. Galatians 2:20 became my song of praise: I was crucified with the Lord, it is no longer I, but he who lives within me. Get right with GOD and he will heal you inside & out! My life will never be the same, I am forever free & happy! SETFREE by the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST! Thank you Jesus!!
Identify the sin, pray, repent, stop the sin & WATCH GOD!!! GOD wants a intimate 1:1 close relationship with you, you are his child & he is your Father In Heaven.He wants the BEST for your life & he wants you to be happy!!!
Please pray for me. I’m going through the same thing and I need strength. I’m trying to stay strong and I’m praying.
I just got my tests results back and was tested positive for Herpes type 1. I was freaked out and kind of began to accept it. But now I want to rebuke it. I feel so dirty, upset and I feel like my life is over. I do not want to live with knowing in the back of my head that I have herpes. I get this itchy sensation. Please pray for me.
Hi sisters and brothers. I need your prayers please. I recently diagnosed with syphilis and the worst thing is, I don’t know how I got it. I have only been with one man who is my husband now. He told me he doesn’t have it. He tested and was negative. Where I got this, I don’t know. Please Jesus has done so much in my life and I really want him to do and cure me from this syphilis. I heard that it can be cured the rpr will also be positive. I don’t want it to be positive. I want it to be completely cured and I want to be negative. Please pray for me bc I know nothing is impossible to our Lord. God can turn the impossible to possible. I believe We are already healed in Jesus almighty name Amen
Hi my name is Kimberly and I tested positive for herpes. I’m so hurt right now I really don’t know what to do so can you please pray for me. I really thought about taking my own life at one point but it’s not worth it cause it’s not gone solves nothing. I really need help now so please keep me in your prayer…
Kimberly, this is a test of faith. Do not give into the feelings of hopelessness, dread and fear. There are not of God. Get involved at a local church, listen to healing scriptures on YouTube, dig into the Bible, pray day in and day out. Know that God can heal you. And God wants to heal you in his perfect timing. As your relationship and faith grows you’ll feel the Holy Spirit growing inside of you. I will be praying for you. “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:11
I’d be interested to know your update. If you legitimately had HSV1/2, it means you still have it. It’s a lifetime sentence. Unfortunately HSV testing is completely unreliable and consistently gives false positives and negatives, regardless of when you test. I have been living with this condition for 8 years, fell into sin, had one and only sexual encounter, and the person didn’t tell me. I still have it to this day and have remained single. It has ruined my entire life and I’ve experienced nothing but rejection. I know God could potentially heal people with it, but he won’t. Does God heal people who lost limbs? Or were paralyzed? Or born into poverty and suffering? No. Suffering is a part of this life and we will continue to endure it. I’ve prayed non-stop for 8 years, I’ve been tested at least 10 times and every test is negative. But I know 100% I have it. Same symptoms as you, burning, tingling, rashes, nerve pains etc. The HSV test means literally nothing, if antibody levels are too low, no positive test result, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have it. I guarantee if you get married and have a sexual relationship, you’ll pass it on, it never goes away. Regardless of prayer, you’ll never know if you are truly healed. I made that mistake once, literally one time in my life and I got burned, and now it’s destroyed my life and I’ll die alone because of it. So I found your comparison to others a bit distasteful. It doesn’t matter if you did it once or a million times, it’s all the same in the eyes of God. You do the sin, you pay the price, it’s that simple. I don’t understand healing, but there’s not enough evidence to show God’s truly healed anyone of any STI, Testing is completely 100% unreliable.
Jay, most people who’ve posted on the site about getting healed from sickness describe seeking God out of an attitude of faith. I’m concerned that you’ve made up your mind that it is impossible. I’m just saying please take a step back and consider who God is and what the scriptures say about healing.