My wife suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm on Oct 5th, 2009. Came out of nowhere. It was as good as 99% over. I begged the surgeons to do the clipping operation, even though I was told she would be paralyzed and suffer from brain damage. We just moved to Norway a few months earlier (both English) and had plans to start a small business. We did that. We also have a son, who was 5 at the time this happened. I had no family support here but naturally, my parents and in-laws promptly arrived. I was devasted and was emotionally out of control.
The first 2 weeks were awful. There were many times when she almost went. Vasospasms. Lung infection. High temperature. Stroke. She was only 42 and I was just 38. Been married for 10 years and we had everything going for us; I love my wife and son and yet everything was falling apart. I become emotional and extremely sad when I think back to that day… and the evening before when we were both watching a dvd and had planned the following day ahead.
Nearly one month in an induced coma. Woke up but had all the text-book symptoms. Paralyzed on her left side. Unable to speak. Unable to drink or eat. Confused and staring into space. I spent nearly every day crying… seeing my princess in this weakened state. After a few weeks she smiled when I entered her hospital room. Her longterm memory was okay; she squeezed my hand, using her ‘good’ right hand when answering my questions. Eventually I had to tell her as she whispered for information. I will never forget her face when I told her. The tears and heartache.
Her short-term memory was shot too pieces. Cognitive defects were severe. She went to a rehabilitation centre. She was aprt from me and our son for 6 months. We made regular visits each week (ywice a week) and had to drive an 8 hour return journey. My business struggled to keep going. It was awful having our son see his mum this way and to answer his questions.
Time passed and she can now walk without any aid and can speak to about 80% of her normal volume. 9 months on and she has only just had the feeding tube removed. She is thin and weak but can drink and eat. Her left arm is slowly getting better, and she has come a long way. Her cognitive deficits remain the challenge and she suffers badly from a lack of concentration, attention, judgement, initiative, perception of time, problem solving, forgetting things and even motivation. She is extremely tired ever so quickly.
I am grateful for her survival, and I could live with the time told to me for her to slowly improve. Maybe even 5 years. But… I was just told that she has another aneurysm on her left side! Only very small… 3mm and that this became known the day after the rupture back in October. I never knew. The experts say it hasn’t grown and that monitoring is the best policy for now.
I know she has another ‘time bomb’. Treatment might harm her much more and leaving it is also a bad option. I cannot tell her (not yet anyway). It will destroy her rehabilitation. It will totally sink her. The risk is 1-2% per year of rupture because she now has ‘history’. I can’t go through this again.
Please, please help us by praying for her. Her name is Michele. She is a wonderful wife and mother and I just do not understand why this has happened to her. I want the other aneurysm to just disappear. I want her back. I want to see her happy. I feel so bad for her, and I will do anything to make her feel good.
I gave a testimony a couple of days ago. I was going to kill myself because i could not live with the mistakes that i have made in my life. There was no comfort that any of my friends, family or even my testimony could give me. But today i truly have a better outlook on my life, and hope for my future. It was just a feeling that came over me while listening to the song: Phillips, Craig & Dean – Revelation Song (youtube it). After listening to this song a voice in my head or a spirit or something said to me: what is it that you’re going through that is too much for your God to handle? (nothing). The God that we serve is an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God: Meaning, he knows all things, sees all things and is capable of doing all things. Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart and rely not on your own understanding. To you, everything is going wrong, but to God, everything is going according to plan. I know that my God is not a respecter of person. So if he did it for me, i know he will do it for you. This is not your battle. This is a battle of principalities. We wrestle not the flesh and blood but the principalities of the spirit. Your weapon is the word of God and your prayer. Stay strong and pray.
Just remember that in the midst of your darkest hour, give thanks. And no matter how bad things may seem, where you’re at now is someone else’s prayer point. I’m praying for you. Please pray for me too.
With Our Father, nothing shall be impossible. Remember the woman with the issue of the blood in Holy Bible, because she has faith that if she can touch the erm of the Gament of Our Lord Jesus Christ she will be made whole again.
my brother i pray for you this morning, because Our Father Has made you believe that what medical practitioners says it is impossible, will just desipire BY THE POWER THAT IS IN THE BLOOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AMEN BECAUSE BY HIS STRIPE WE ARE HILL…PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUYAH.
my brother there is something you will do, try and walk through all the rooms in your house with your hands raise up as you Praise Our Father For Our Father His so Good AND His Mercies Endure for Ever Amen
Family of God
God is certainly healing your mother again. I claim this in Jesus Mighty Name.
God bless you
Thank you so much for the comments and prayers.
They are so much appreciated. I am trying to be strong, though I do confess in having ‘weaker’ days when I feel angry, sad and depressed and with thoughts of, ‘why my wife and why us?’. She is so loving. My whole family have been affected and I just wish that we never took things for granted – like perhaps we did before this happened. I feel we have been punished enough and my biggest wish is for the other left-side aneurysm to disappear. This may not seem likely in the world of science but I am trying so hard to believe that a miracle may happen – if one believes and prays hard enough. I am so desperate for my wife and son to be happy again. I really want to have that chance. God bless you all.
I pray for a full recovery for your wife and restoration and strength for you. I agree that it is hard to understand why things happen sometimes but YOU can and are dealing well with it. I truely believe that God will not put more on you than you can bear. Be strong and know that people all around the world are praying for you and asking God for the best outcome for your wife, you and your son!
Be well!
This sickness against your wife is of the devil. The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Rebuke it in Jesus name by commanding the Word of God against it to your wife. God wants us well. Believe that. When we have received our salvation from the Lord, we also have received healing. By His stripes we are healed. Enforce Gods word to your wife for a miracle healing. What Jesus spoke here on earth, has power. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. What you can do is quote healing scriptures from the bible, and let God do His part and heal your wife.
Thank you all once again.
I am really connecting and tuning in to my thoughts in prayer now and trying hard to increase my faith and to be sincere in my words… instead of merely just spouting off words as if one has memorised them. My wife has improved further but there is still a LONG way to go. I still have my bad days where I feel very low, tired, depressed and stressed.
Please keep praying for her. Thank you so much… and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
continue to be positive and live by faith,God bless
I read your story as I am searching my information while going though a similar hardship… My nephew Lincon, 16 years old had a 20mm ruptured aneurysm at the surgery on 11/09/2010 that lasted 11 hrs. The blidding lasted over 3 hrs and the brain could not be avoided. After 15 days he was found with hydrocephalus and another 3:30 surgery took place while a shunt was placed on his body. His left side is not responding, his right eye is opening and he is speaking a few words.
Even though we don’t know the outcome yet, I am so grateful for his life. He is a very smart and strong kid that has though so much and I believe that God will make him and my family strong to go through the pain of some one that we love so much to go through this…
I am writing this to tell you that I will pray for Michele. I will pray that THE PRINCE OF PEACE, brings peace to your family and do miracus in your wife but in your family hearts so you see things the way that God wants you to see it. It hurts a lot but overall, we believe that for GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! I WANT TO HEAR FROM THAT YOUR WIFE IS ONLY GETTING BETTER AND THE SAME WAY NEPHEW HAD RECOVERED.
May God bless you!!!
I feel your pain my mom 71 yrs ol d its been 6 weeks and she still cannot even drink and is on Gtube been through a living nightmare ER 3 times after Gtube failing couple of times. It’s really on Jesus our healer to help cope this enormous pain. Lord Jesus I pray for michelle I dont know who she is but please save her and heal her healthier than ever in jesus name it breaks my heart that she has a child and wonderful husband to suffer through this pain please remmember their family in you r arms . IN JESUS NAME I pray AMEN!