Student with laptop sitting in grass next to notebook.

Academic Breakthrough

Praise God. I want to testify the Glory of the Lord in my life. God did it. He gave me more than what I prayed for.

My 3rd year is school wasn’t easy. I had a lot of courses and little time to prepare for. I was very scared because the passmark for my degree is 50. So, any score below a 50 is an automatic fail.

The school session is divided into two: 1st and 2nd Semesters. The first semester wasn’t easy, some exams were so difficult, I remember leaving a blank space for an answer in my pathology exam because I didn’t know the answer. I prayed to God for Mercy on my scripts.

The 2nd semester began the following week, and I was doing more courses. The courses were more difficult than I ever imagined. Once again, the time was very short. I remember the exam game very soon, and I was so scared about some courses. I was believing God for a first class CGPA that session and also not to score below 50 in any courses.

After my exams, I went to my Father (God) in prayers. These are some verses that helped me out. I remember praying to God for mercy with this verse:

For God said to Moses, “I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it. Romans 9:15-16 NLT

For the word of God will never fail.” Luke 1:37 NLT

“I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27 NLT

“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you! Jeremiah 32:17 NLT

One of the words God spoke to me about worry was through these verses.

And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:30, 34 NLT

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I prayed the prayer of Favor, Grace and remembrance asking God not to give any examiner rest that has decided to fail me.

On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king  Esther 6:1 KJV

Brethren, my results came out last week Sunday and God came through for me. My grades were way higher than my expectations. God did it. He did not leave me stranded, neither did He allow me to be a victim of shame. I am so joyful right now. God will never fail you if you have faith. I am sharing this testimony to encourage someone.


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