Girl struggling student

My Mind Went Blank During the Exam

Hello there. I prepared for an exam that I had to retake since I failed it the first time. During the exam, I found familiar numbers, but my mind went blank. I could only answer one part correctly out of the whole exam paper.

My friends all sat next to one another and we’re bragging about how they got the opportunity to help each other out. I was sitting alone, and I was so stressed out. After the exam, my heart was so heavy, I can’t sleep for most of the nights because if I fail this exam, I won’t be able to graduate with my colleagues. I have been passing and I don’t want this exam to lead to my downfall.

Aside from that, it would hurt me more than anything to disappoint my parents because they have really been so good and supportive towards me. Every time I think about that exam, I just breakdown. I’ve been so miserable and depressed, but I act normal in front of my friends. I just want God to come through for me because I’m really hurting beyond control. I really don’t know what I would do if I failed.

As I read these testimonies, I just kept crying my eyes out and telling myself that my God cannot let me down surely. I’m praying for favor from God in that exam. There’s nothing I need more than a miracle right now. He has done it before, and I know that he will do it again for me.

Thank you, Jesus, for your love and I cannot wait to testify of your goodness because you are my only hope right now and I put my trust in you. You said if we ask, you’ll answer us. So, I present to you my needs God that you may make a way for me. I love you Jesus. Amen


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