Man worshipping God collage

Healed of Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is a rash that can affect different parts of your body, including the inside of your mouth, which affected me.

During the year 2014, I was infected with Lichen Planus in my mouth. When consulting with the Doctors, they told me that it would not leave me, but that I can have medications that could control it from spreading more. Heartbroken, I turned to God, my Christ Jesus.

Yes, I took some medicines, and kept in prayers. At each visit, the Dr would recommend to carry on the medicine, but I stopped them after some time and depended fully on Christ. Within 2 weeks of stopping the medicines I was healed. It slowly started to disappear and now, it’s completely gone.

I would say,

“Thank You Jesus, for touching me.”

Thank you, Lord.


  1. Fred 1/16/2019
  2. Merry 1/19/2019
  3. Pooja Kanaujia 2/9/2021
  4. Brenda 6/19/2024
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    • Emory 6/20/2024

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