I was born and brought up in a Hindu family in a small village in the South 24 Parganas. I got married at a very young age and I have two kids. My husband didn’t have a job, so I had to find a job to support my family. My family situation was so bad that I got involved in prostitution and my husband, too encouraged me with it. But deep down inside, I always felt dirty.
One day a man and his wife came to me and spoke about Jesus and shared with me about the prostitute woman in the Bible who Jesus saved and how he loves me and cares for me. I had been praying and worshiping to the family idols from my childhood, but I never heard that any one of these gods would die for me.
When I learned that Jesus died for my sins, I repented and gave my life to the Lord and from then on God has taken care of my family. God provided me with another job, and I have made a commitment that no matter what happens to me I will not go back into prostitution.
I thank God for giving me this new life and I am sharing Jesus with other ladies that they would also turn to Him and give up worshipping those deaf and dumb idols. I praise God also that my husband has become a POP (person of peace), please pray for his spiritual growth.
We’ve lived in this area for five years. Three years ago, opposite to us were purchased and a building was constructed. We saw a lot of people going in and out of the building and later realized it was a brothel. We were afraid and alarmed and didn’t know what to do.
In our group, we discussed this and prayed and were reminded to love our neighbours as ourselves. We committed to praying for our neighbours and specifically for the situation next door. All of a sudden, two weeks ago, I saw the police in the building onsite and asked the owner,
“What happened here? Everything going on here stopped. It was simply the grace of God.”
Now everything is normal. Praise God for His grace!
Would love to share your testimony on my radio show! If you would be willing… please record yourself sharing this testimony and email it to ryoung at hillsdale dot edu and we will air it on The Ryan Young Show!