In 2002 I got my left hand amputated. And went through a process of 6 operations. Spinal cord, pelvic, knee and twice on my left hand which I lost later. I was declared paralyzed due nonfunctional of my spinal cord. I stayed 4 months in Johannesburg gen and later when I was supposed to be transferred to the home of crippled people, the same night came a Man of God who asked if I know Jesus.
Then, I said no, and he said today if you believe to Jesus and confess all your sins and accept him as your personal saviour you’ll be healed. I did listen to him and prayed the sinner’s prayer together with him and guess what? Monday after the day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I walked. That means I was healed and started to walk again.
2008 – got stapped 11 holes and lost lot of blood, I was admitted at Carletonville hospital and still God saved me.
2013 – I lost my 3 weeks baby boy; he woke up not feeling well I took him to a doctor and he died while I was about to approach consultation room.
2014 – I lost my 10-year-old daughter, she got sick, and she was admitted at Carletonville hospital, and I’ll sleep there just sitting the whole night, when I had hoped that she’s ok and she’ll discharged, I went home. Guess what? At 5 am in the morning that was Sunday I heard the knock when I jump off the bed it was police officers…only to find that they came to report the death of my daughter, my prayer partner.
2015 – I had a severe bleeding that caused me ended up in Fountain hospital I lost lots of blood and ended up being pale, later I couldn’t breathe on myself meaning. I was on oxygen, and they couldn’t allow my family to enter and saw more nurses and doctors surrounded me and I heard one of the doctors saying,
“This lady is not gonna make it, she’s no longer fighting.”
Then one of the nurses advised me to ask for a transfer guess what all the hospitals around Potch and Randfontein were fully booked then they tried Krugersdorp netcare hospital and I got a space and was allocated Dr Van Rooi. But guess what? They booked for me at 7 pm but the ambulance 911 came at 10 and their doctor waited and waited until he decides to knock off.
Now the situation is becoming worse and worse on those life support machines. The sister in charge decided to call the doctor was allocated for and he instructed her to give me certain medication and around 2 am I could feel awake and restored. At 6 am the doctor came and immediately booked an operation for me…and after 4 days I was back to life.
2016 – I was involved in a car accident and lost my car, don’t know exactly what happened but what I know we came alive, and the car was damaged.
2017 lost my Job.
2020 was declared dead when I was giving birth but later on that machines my life was restored.
I am a living testimony and I believe that trough faith when you believe anything is possible and you can receive your miracles. The reason I state all my attacks and tribulations is that I believe that there can be someone who has encountered pains like me or more than me. I want to say in that hot oven you feel right now, out of it, God is doing something in your life, just be still and know that He is God. If he did it to me, he can do it even to you. Be blessed.
Beautiful I love your story it made me be more grateful for my. Situations.
Your faith is a great inspiration to me. I thank you for sharing it in such a detailed way, to demonstrate that our God is truly – an ever present HELP in times of trouble.
Eternal rest to all those you lost. May their memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved them. Amen