I had a pap smear done when I became pregnant back in September 2006, the Doctor told me my results came back with abnormal cells, and that I needed to keep an eye on it. Really though I didn’t understand the importance of what he said.
After I delivered my son, I had an IUD copper T birth control put in, I was married but wasn’t sure when I wanted to have another child. My marriage became unstable, I became a single parent, and I put my health care on the back burner but tried to always make sure my son was taken care of.
Well I eventually made an appointment for myself to get a pap smear and my IUD taken out, after waiting 8 years, (believe me I have learned a valuable lesson, that even if I have to take a few days off from work to take care of myself that’s ok, I can’t keep putting things off until I think it’s the right time BC it’s not going to happen life is always going to be having something going on but you need to take time out for yourself so that you can be there for your family).
Ok back to my pap smear that took place 11/15/13, I went in they took the pap test and my IUD out, and I didn’t plan on being sexually active, so I declined anymore birth control. About two weeks later I received a call telling me that my pap results came back abnormal and that I have a high grade hpv infection, and that I needed to make an appointment to get a biopsy done for dysplasia/cervical cancer.
I called and made an appointment for after the holiday season. My IUD caused me to have longer than normal periods which also made it hard to schedule an appointment. My appointment was for 01/16/2014.
I went to my appointment and tried to help myself stay calm by telling myself that I’m doing this to take care of myself. The doctor when she first started examining me said she could see a lot of dysplasia/hpv. They had a camera and a screen so I could also view what she was talking about. I was scared when she said she was going to take not just 1 but 3 biopsies, (I had read online and also had a coworker tell me they aren’t fun). That and realizing that I had done this to myself by having pre-marital sex, and not getting annual pap smears done brought me to tears, well being examined.
I was told by the doctor that normally a pap smear can’t pick up the high grade that I had but because of my IUD their thinking that’s why they were able to. I was told that it didn’t look like cancer but that I would have to wait and see with the test results, the doctor said I may need a hysterectomy but that I could still look into adoption.
I asked the 3 ladies in the room to pray for me and I told them I was going to talk to the Pastor at my church about this. I knew that God could help me out of this if it was his will. The doctor said I should get results back within two weeks and that I was now one of their vip pashant’s so if I need to make an appointment that all I would need to do is call the clinic directly.
After I left the room after everything was done, I felt numb, I thought why would God heal me when I brought this on myself, those were lies coming from Satan. I had a customer tell me the verse Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. I told her, that I thought that was for when we go to heaven, and she said no, she said
“Hope when we go to heaven we will have brand new bodies that won’t need to be healed, this is for now while we are here on earth.”
That got me thinking.
I had an elder at church approach me well I just sat in the pew (a few days after I had the biopsy) He went to shake my hand and he said “You are one of his” and I just smiled, he explained that he will be shopping at the store or out and about and God will just speak to him letting him know who is his, or one of God’s children, that made me feel good that God put it in his heart to tell me that I am one of his.
Not to long later on the radio listening to Klove I heard the song by Casting Crowns “Who am I”, God told me who I am, I am his. He will take care of me. The sermon that Sunday talked about when things are not going so good in your life weather it’s your health, family issues, whatever it may be keep your focus and eyes on God.
I waited a full 3 weeks for the results. The doctor had a hard time reaching me so left a message on my result sheet. I called not knowing what the results would be, but I knew it was in God’s hands because there was nothing, I could do about it. She said I’m just going to tell you what Dr. Walker wrote down, all 3 of my biopsies came back negative for dysplasia and cancer, and that they wanted to see me back in a year for my yearly pap. I told her how I had been praying and how people and other churches were praying for me, I was like are you sure you’re reading the results right, and she said yes, and that God does answer prayers and that God had heard mine 🙂
I listen to Klove a lot, and well I was waiting for my results, I would be listening to it and crying my heart out well driving to work, it also helped a lot and listening to the encouraging story every morning 🙂 I wrote this testimony so that other people would learn of God’s awesome Grace. I had a lady, an elders wife pray with me and anoint me with oil, after I read the verse James 5:14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. God healed me. God Bless 🙂
God is full of grace,mercy understanding and love. the 3 weeks I waited until I recieved my results, were hard, I did feel numb, because I didnt know where this was going to lead me, it was scary, I put my hope in the Lord and he comforted me and brought me through. Going through this has brought me closer to him and I am so grateful. I hope my story helps someone. Even Daved in psalms had something caused by sin and had asked God to have mercy on him and to heal him because he had sinned. psalm 41.
I am a Christian since 2011 until last 2 months diagnosed with HPV and I admit my sin that I got it from xxx with a prostitute. It is a sin and I was like tempted by evil that night and trying to vent my emotion and stress of break up of relationship.
God warned me but I never listened and I was stubborn and have the unprotected sex with a prostitute. After I had xxx, I felt guilty and worried.
I kept praying for God to heal me and forgive me. But after 2 months since I had xxx, I was confirmed by doctor that I have genital warts HPV infections. I cried myself and I know I deserved this. But, I losing my future relationship, told this to my ex-gf. She is sad too and left me. I cried and asked God why there is not help from God alone. I was afraid to tell brothers and sisters in Church. I told my ex-gf that I was infected with HPV. I cried again because I loved her and I am sinful. I also told my mother and my younger brother. I was starting losing faith to believe God. I feel God never love me or hear my prayer. But after see this article with miracle. I do hope God have mercy on me. There is no cure for HPV but God really can cure and I really hope God forgive me and heal me as in Psalm 103:2-3.
I want to go back to Lord Jesus now. Please Lord, I telling the world now. I am Alex and I admit my sin. I hope you can cure me. I hope you can heal me and I can love my ex gf again and show her that I am cured by God. Although I might not confidence she will be back to me, but I know she still love me and I accepted that her decision no matter how. I promised to love myself more and hope God can cure me and I can be with her. Amen.
I went to the doctor in September and come to find out that I have HPV. I was devastated; I didn’t know what to do. I finally decided to just start reading testimonies, reading the Bible, praying, and go to church (when I don’t go to church, I watch sermons on an app). I just kept the Faith and believing in God. I went to another doctor appointment in October (the beginning of the month) and they took a biopsy of the cell and put some cream on it.
A couple of days passed they called me and told me that I have mild displasia and I had the choice to just freeze it or watch it. I had until the appointment day to decide. I got on my knees and prayed and thanked God for allowing the doctors to say that I had mild displasia and I promised God that I would tell my testimony if he healed me.
My appointment came in November, so I went and the doctor was like do you want to freeze the cells or just watch it and I was like what is best and he just explained to be, but I still wasn’t sure. He then said I can check it and see if everything is good, so then he looked at my cervix and he said it was healed and that he would see me back in 6 months.
I thanked God for allowing him to tell me that it was healed and I pray and ask that God continues to heal my body and help my body to fight this virus out of my system for good. God is an awesome God!!! He can do anything!! All you have to do is pray to him, he wants you to talk to him and let him know what is going on in your life. He wants you to spend time with you. God will heal you from anything if you just believe, trust, and keep the faith in him.
On 5th January I had my biopsy, pap smear and text for hpv samples taken. This was after a freeze that I accepted before understanding what exactly was going on. I was so devastated after reading so much about hpv and how incurable it is. I later decided to search for testimonies about it which lifted my faith. I decided to seek God’s forgiveness and healing. I went on prayer and fasting while waiting for results, with my sister we sought God’s face and healing for seven days, plus 3 days and nights of fasting meditating on the power of God. On 16th January I called in to check if my results where ready but not yet so I waited until 5th February. To God’s glory all three came out negative.
Lord please remove this hpv from my body. I’m so sorry that I have sinned so much. I understand and so much each and everyday how much I’ve sinned. I never knew what was hpv for my results. Lord I have faith that you will remove this hpv completly from my body in addition to any pre cancer cells. Please lord gear my prayer and accept my forgiveness as I fall asleep
Lord, please take away all the HPV from my body. I am so sorry that I sinned against you and my body. Lord, only you can save me and deliver me from this sickness. Please, Lord, have mercy on me, and heal me from all diseases in Jesus’ name. God, please hear and answer my prayer. I’m in so much pain because of this disease. Jesus, please have mercy on me and heal me. Take away all abnormal harmful cells from my body, Lord, please! Lord, please cover me with your mercy, love, forgiveness, and healing in Jesus’ name.