Young girl starring into night sky pondering salvation

Herpes and Healing

Let me start off by saying that God is a mighty God.

*background history*

I am a 21-year-old college student. I was always spiritual but was very enclosed. I started coming out of my shell and acknowledging God. A year or two ago I met this young man whom I thought was the love of my life. To me he could do no wrong. He was perfect!!!!!! Anything he wanted I provided. However he was toxic. He took advantage of me, started cheating on me, fighting me and treating me awful but I refused to leave. I would ask God to show me that he’s not right for me and he would always answer my prayers with bold signs. Me being so in love would disobey and overlook God’s signs.

God had to let this guy hurt me beyond measures in order for me to let him go. He gave me the herpes virus. Here I’m thinking my life is over and done. Visiting Doctor after Doctor, reading every article online trying to educate myself on this disease only left in depression because everything I read stated “incurable”. I went to a lab and got a whole STD screening done and there it was staring me boldly in my face HSV II positive. I became heart broken. I told my mother, and she told me “the devil is a liar”.

I met another guy whom I found interest in, and possibly wanted to start a relationship with. However, this was holding me back, so I decided to be honest and tell him even if he left because of the news. When I told him He looked at me and said “okay” and his face appeared calm. He pulled over and began talking to me but I could not hold back the waterworks. He started to tell me about God’s power of healing and how he’s healed him and all I had to do was make a vow to God and don’t let him down. I did Just that I fasted and prayed until November of 2017 I went to take another test and the results came back lower than original so I know the Lord was moving. I was ecstatic!!!

My vow to God was that if I was healed, I would tell my testimony of healing every chance I get. Now the Holy Spirit told me to go up in church one night at a service to tell my testimony. This was my chance, and I did not go because of fear. I was being disobedient again and my consequences was an outbreak of this disease I could feel myself slipping back into depression, but I said NO!! This is another chapter of my testimony.

So, I thought of ways to please God in my promise, and I remember stumbling upon this site where I read a similar testimony read by thousands. So, I said maybe my testimony can be read here and also encourage those that may be going through the same exact thing. God is not dead, he’s the same then and he’s the same now and forever more.

My testimony has just begun.


  1. shana 11/14/2017
    • Shan 11/15/2017
      • INEEDPRAYERS 11/27/2017
        • Shan 12/17/2017
  2. Ola 11/14/2017
    • Shan 11/15/2017
  3. SC 11/18/2017
  4. Dennis Glenn 11/28/2017
  5. Jessica 12/6/2017
    • Shan 1/21/2018
  6. Jessica 3/12/2018
  7. Fred 4/16/2018
  8. Shannon 5/3/2019
    • Z_R 9/7/2019
    • Shan 2/18/2020
      • Rena 3/13/2024

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