This is long guys, but worth it. All Glory to Jesus!!!
10 years ago, I was 20 years old. A virgin who hoped to wait for marriage. At that time, I hadn’t had any boyfriend before. I moved a lot due to some families struggles so never built relationships. When I got to college that changed. I began to make new friends. But they were the wrong friends. They would actually mock me for being a virgin.
Slowly but surely, the hope I had to wait for marriage began to feel shameful to me. I was also the only virgin I knew. I went to my first party ever with these same friends and met a guy. And so my story begins
After dating for a month, I gave in and gave him my virginity. It was the worst decision I have ever made. I knew it at that moment and even cried. I felt so convicted but at the same time, I liked the attention from a man for the first time in my life, so I went back. We slept together twice. I realized the 2nd time that he removed the protection. I didn’t know until it was over.
I felt disgusting and so used. I also should mention that by that time drama in my life went from 0 to 100 after starting to date this man. I was miserable. In that moment, the scales had been removed from my eyes. That same day, I prayed to the Lord, repented and let him know I would only focus on him because nothing gave me peace
That week, I had flu like symptoms. I remember being on campus and having to run to the restroom to throw up. I knew something was wrong. I also had an outbreak. Me, the girl who was a virgin until 21 had an outbreak after 2 sexual experiences. I knew what it was but I buried it. I didn’t want to face it
That summer I became so close to God. Like I totally transformed and became a new creature. I began to read the Bible and seek his face. I cut off all of my ‘friends’ and focused solely on Jesus. I continued in celibacy and grew in Christ. I never got tested for Herpes or any other STD. Even in Christ, I was petrified to come to the knowledge of the result of my sin. I hated myself for it and lived with shame and guilt for this entire time. I would cry over the years and just become overwhelmed just thinking about it. In my mind, if I had something, I deserved it and will just stay single and keep it to myself. I did not date at all during this time. I never told anyone but God.
I should also mention that since I was 12, I had a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa that would cause painful boils and bumps on my groin and armpits. So often times, would try convince myself I had nothing, citing that condition. However the symptoms were much different. Yes I experience the tingling/burning sensation. It would happen a lot during my cycle and was painful.
In late 2019, I started seeing someone for the first time in a decade and things were going well. But the fear started coming up again. I could not date someone and not know the truth. Yes, we were celibate, but I felt like I was deceiving him by not seeking the truth. “What if we were to get engaged?” I would think. I became overcome with fear.
That guy was not for me anyway and the Holy Spirit told me to end things with him and I did but this time i could not ignore the push to get tested. One night, the nudging became so heavy. I cried because I knew I had to face this decade long fear. It’s the last thing that I held back from God. In my mind, even though I know he has forgiven me, I believed that I deserved whatever I got because of my action. I hadn’t forgiven myself and a hated myself for it.
God Speaking:
That night I began to see all these ads for HIV and I started to think, what if I have that! I even started looking on YouTube and saw one of my High School classmates doing an interview about how he contracted HIV. I was going nuts. I cried to God and let him know I knew what I had to do and that no matter the outcome, I would trust him. I prayed this through tears. This was the early morning hours of March 1 2020.
As I was praying and crying a notification popped on my phone. It was from a journaling app I have called day one. The notification simply said something along the lines of “see what you journaled this day 5 years ago”. I ignored it. Later ln that day I checked it and what I journaled on the same exact day 5 years ago (March 1 2015), was a prayer to God about how I was afraid to get tested and that I wanted to trust him. I also mentioned how I knew so much of what he wants and needs to do, hinges on my giving that to him. This is the ONLY entry in my journal that I mention this or pray about it. I had my confirmation.
That boosted my faith. I knew I had to do it and God was indeed speaking. I took the money I had and scheduled an anonymous test for all STDs. It was scheduled for two days later. While cleaning up my apartment the night before the test, I was listening to a prophetic word on YT from Kay Nash who I always listen to. When she finished the next video autoplayed and it was a channel that I’d never seen before. The woman’s channel is called Nissitv and she was giving a word for the week of March 1st. It was called “Divine Reversal”.
I was not paying attention. At some point she began to give words of knowledge and I stopped in my tracks when she said “There is a woman watching who contracted and STD before you were on fire for the Lord”. I KNEW it was me. She began to prophesy and declared healing and said that God was going to reverse it.
I broke down in tears. I rarely ever get prophetic words from others so I was overwhelmed. But I also knew that the test would be positive for something. God prepared my heart. I began building my faith that night. Watching that word over and over as well as praying and watching testimony’s on YouTube of healing.
I got up the next morning and got ready to go. I let God know that I could not do it in my own strength and that I will rely on his strength. I caught a Lyft and went. He comforted me the entire way. The first way was through the Lyft driver who was also a nurse. She kept me laughing and was very funny. No one was in the office when I got there and was greeted with a smile. It took all of 5 minutes and I was out.
Immediately I felt 100lbs lighter. This was the moment that I knew I had been delivered of something, it was fear. I didn’t know the weight I was carrying until I actually got free. The nervous anxious energy I carried and thought was a part of my personality had gone in an instant. I KNEW God was working
The Results:
I still held onto a sliver of hope that it would all be negative. The test began to roll in the next day. Everything was negative, I except HSV1 and HSV2. I called to go over the results and they explained them. I cried a few minutes and then was reminded of the words he sent me.
I called my mom and told her, I was going to keep it a secret but knew I needed a witness to the miracle that would happen. I was ready to rely on him for healing. I learned all of my life of his healing power and it began to switch on on in my mind. I also reached out to several ministries and requested Prayer for herpes. This is all during corono, so no church services were available to me. I immediately began to labor to rest in the promises of God. I learned that from Pastor Creflo Dollar. That you aren’t doing works to get healing. But your works are to build your spirit and faith so that you can rest in Gods promises.
I read the word, listened to healing sermons and sermons on faith. I listened to healing scriptures. I watched Derek Prince, Creflo Dollar, Joseph Prince. I watched testimonies and eventually found this website and would read the many healing testimonies. Most importantly, spent time worshipping the father.
By this point I KNEW I was healed. I was not having any breakouts and any bumps that I had completely dissolved. But every now and again, I would feel a tingle. Not as severe as it normally would be. But it would be slight. I would declare that I am healed with scripture and it would go away.
One month later in my sleep, I had a dream that I went to a healing service. I went to the alter and hands were laid on me. I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. I could feel his power. I woke up and immediately said, I’m healed. That day I was led to read this book of a woman of God’s testimony. This was totally random. The book was given to me for free the prior year. It was just collecting dust. I began reading it and several chapters in she stated that God healed her of an incurable STD. Further confirmation!
I knew I needed to get tested again. I did so and today, I got a call from CBN Randomly following up on my prayer request from back in March. They prayed for my healing again, touching and agreeing with me. 30 minutes later, I received my results.
God told me to write my testimony without having seen the results earlier this week. I am happy to say that I have been completely healed of HSV1 and HSV2. For those wondering I did a blood test. The Igg test for herpes both times.
I am not only free and delivered from disease, but finally have forgiven myself and the person who gave it to me.
All Glory to Jesus Christ! He is real! He does hear you!! Seek him read the word, worship him for who he is, spend time with him. If you are seeking healing, it is available. It’s nothing to him. He also wants your heart!
Ever since that day, did you a breakout? Were the doctors shock of you being healed? How does God speak to you?
No breakouts since I had the healing service dream.
Also, no they were not because two different people administered the test. I didn’t go to s doctor, but to a diagnostic location to test anonymously (I was embarrassed)
God speaks to me a few ways.
If you don’t know how to hear from God, the best thing to do is quit the noise, meaning anything that distracts from God. Change your music to worship music. Change your viewing options on TV to godly content or sermons. You can also just cut TV altogether. Read the word!! That is the most Important thing.
The way God speaks to me is:
1 is Through dreams ( as confirmed with the healing dream). Many times there are metaphors and I will get the meaning overtime or it is revealed to me through ”revelation”.
2. Revelation: basically a knowing in your spirit to. I describe it as God downloading something into my mind. Having a relationship with God is essential to be able to understand this. It is practice, so spend more time with Him, you will understand it. Much of hearing him starts with spending time with him and
God also speaks through other people. It could be something on TV, it could be a family member or random person, a prophetic word or a song. I know he is speaking due to the “knowing in my spirit.”
What was the name of the book you were reading? Also did you take any medicine that the doctor gave you for herpes? Did you experience any nerve pain and headaches? Plus burning in your legs and butt? Did you ever think about suing the guy? Sorry about the questions
No worries!
I won’t say the title of the book because the woman whose story it is has sense removed it from sale because she states she only releases it when she feels led by God.
About the medicine, I did get a prescription right after diagnosis in March (Valacyclovir) but I never used it. I still have the whole bottle and have not used it once.
I did experience nerve pain and headaches, but not sure it was due to HSV. In regard to the burning, before I got tested, I would experience burning only in my groin before a breakout. But I do think some people experience slightly different symptoms
No, I did not think about suing the guy, I honestly wanted to forget him, though I he’d a lot of anger and may say that I hated him. God has healed me from that and I just hope he finds God.
Thank you for sharing this! I’m going through my own issues. I have faith that I’m already healed from this, I have no tested positive yet I am experiencing the same things you went through.
Did the burning stop in your vagina? I am prophesying over my body everyday. I told God my fears that I do not want to give this to my husband in the future no pass it down to my children.
Thank you for sharing your story
I am 100% healed. There are NO symptoms. God has restored my body back to full health
Yes. Thank you very much for having the courage to share your story it was exactly what I needed to hear. Glory to God. I’m reminded of the scripture and they over came him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony (Rev 12:11). while reading your testimony I went into prayer just thanking God for his faithfulness and I said “I’m going to share my healing journey too on testimony share” and I’m just so grateful- that there is nothing too hard for The LORD, it’s only hard because our minds have bought into the lie that this is incurable because that’s what so called medical experts have lead us to believe- but God’s Word is higher, and not to discredit doctors but who’s report are we going to believe- the doctors or GOD ALMIGHTY, this testimony just encouraged me to keep declaring and believing and hoping in The Word of The Lord no matter what the results say or what my body may try to convince me otherwise. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful site because I do believe many have been set free through theses testimonies and Thank You Lord for Your servants who trusted in You Lord to deliver them.
Praise God!! All Glory to God. Thanks for your reply, it blesses me to know God is using the testimony. I will never ever be the same after experiencing his mercy and grace. I am praying for you. You WILL receive your healing! In Jesus Name! There is NOTHING to hard for God and no such thing as “incurable”. I cannot wait to hear your testimony 🙂
Did you ever open up your results to see it say negative?
Yes, as stated in the testimony, my results were negative
1OMG, my dear you don’t know what you have done by putting out this testimony. I feel like I have just been healed just by reading your testimony. I was crying because I’m experiencing the same thing, I contracted herpes 12 years ago, also what’s killing me is that I eventually I gave it to my daughter that was about 2 -3 years old T that time.
She is now 16 years old and I can’t let her know that she has herpes. I really don’t know how that happened, I think that maybe when I kiss her or maybe give her something from my mouth. But I know she have it for sure because she had a massive outbreak the first-time and even some time ago she said that she was on her period and down there was hurting her, OMG! I’m so messed up. But I’m not giving up hope I’m trusting God’s word that says nothing is impossible for him.
I desire marriage for myself and my daughter when she come of age. God said to Sarah is anything too hard for me? Romans 4:18 says that against all hope Abraham’s faith did not waiver he said that Abraham accepted the fact that he was good as dead, the fact that Sarahs womb was dead he kept the faith on God’s promises.
So even when I experience symptoms, I will declare that I am healed and plea the blood of Jesus against it.
Thank you so much, I feel even more strength in my faith reading your testimony. Thank you, God, for leading me to this testimony. I thank God for you, of your braveness to share publicly. To God be the glory great thing he has done.
Suzette, keep your faith alive as that woman with issue of blood did. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
May the Lord be merciful unto you and fully heal you and your daughter. May the blood of Jesus that speak better things, speak healing for you and your daughter. May the Prince of peace calm every storm of herpes in you and your daughter. May the Lord fully make you and your daughter whole. May you return back soonest with testimony of the healing, in Jesus name.
I received every word spoken in Jesus name Amen!
Im not sure if my message posted earlier, but yes. My test was negative. I just got them last week. In fact, i spoke with the nurse and she said I tested well below the negative range for herpes. Glory to God alone!
Did your period go back to normal? Like it’s regular cycle?
I never had any cycle issues fortunatly:)
Do you have an email so I can email you?
I have been healed from herpes for 18 years now. I felt the same way you did ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated but God has helped me over the years to be strong and know that he is greater than what I’ve gone through or will go through strong my sister your testimony is truly helping others
Thank you so much! Your testimony is helping others too, including me. Thank you for your encouragement. The enemy thrives in shame and condemnation. Glad to shine the light on satans Lies. All I want is for others to know that nothing is too impossible for God. God bless:)
Absolutely amazing and beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing and may God continue to bless you in Jesus name amen!! ?
Do you still experience the burning? The symptoms are still gone?
Hi Mary! Yes, symptoms still gone. Almost has been a year:)
Praise God! Have you gotten tested again even tho it’s still almost been a year? 😀
I got herpes on my birthday a year ago and I’ve been praying every day for God to completely heal me and free me from herpes. I tested three times and I was still positive. I’m scared to go get tested again, because I do not want another positive test. I’m remaining celibate until marriage and I’m trying to trust God. How do I know if I’m healed? I believe I am, but I’m too scared to get tested again. Can you pray for me? I want to share my testimony one day, thank you for yours. Your testimony is truly an inspiration.
Praying for you Nana!! Your time is here.
Did you get retested again? Do you feel no symptoms up to now?
I feel no symptoms. I tested three times within 3 months and all positive. But the last test was 6 months ago. I want to test again because I’ve been praying every day like I’ve never prayed before but I’m scared of what the results will say. I’m praying for a miracle.
Healing is a process, do not rush it. Take your time to stay in the presence of the lord, try not to be distracted by anything. Make sure you forgive the person even if you do not know who it is, try to always have love in your heart, focus on God. You can also do a 3 day fast, try to stay in the word.
I was having a pain for 6 years and I kept feeling sorry for myself and just couldn’t let go. After I learn to forgive and have peace I was healed miraculously from the pain just by listening to this man pray I will be doing my herpes test soon.
Did you take the test?
Hello! Did you retest ?
Shan, thank you so much for this well detailed and wonderfully written post. I know for a fact this one is real. Your story gives me hope and confirmation that I can be healed. Praise be to our Lord