Howdy all! :)
My name is Sarah (I’m 17 years old) and I will be sharing my testimony of how the Lord Jesus healed me of my heart-breaking, agonizing eczema. For anyone who has or is going through this awful condition, I pray that my testimony encourages you and strengthens you in your faith and walk with God.
Now, for the testimony!
I had been battling with eczema (which is an incredibly itchy, dry, inflamed skin condition) for a little over a year. I had been to countless doctors, who would often prescribe me topical steroids and emollients to soothe the pain. They never addressed the root problem though- but hey, it’s not their fault, they aren’t dermatologists after all. I did actually have a consultation with a professional & qualified dermatologist, who charged around £200 for a pesky examination.
I felt awful because my mum and dad were spending so much money to try and help me. But nothing seemed to work.
Some days were worse than others, but all in all the disease never went away and never enabled me to enjoy a quiet, peaceful night sleep. Sometimes I would itch so much, I would wake up to finding blood and skin all over my bed covers. Short sleeves were a no no, as I had to hide my raw, diseased arms.
Now you can imagine for a 16-year-old girl this was a heavy burden to carry. I went through stages of depression and sometimes prayed to God to take me back home to Him.
Obviously, God did not let me die. He had other plans for me. But I was still sick.
I read on Joyce Meyers website that meditating on the Word of God would heal me. Joyce talked about how Gods Word is medicine and how we don’t need to buy expensive drugs or countless pills to get well.
Wonderful, I thought! So I did just that. I decided to stop using all my creams and medicines. I printed out my healing scriptures, meditated on them as much as I could (sometimes I would lock myself up in my room to get the Word of God into me).
God’s Word sank into my heart, and I really began to believe Jesus wanted me well. But my skin wasn’t getting better. It was getting worse. The itching was more intense, the disease began to spread from my arms to my thighs, legs, trunk, stomach, hands and underarms.
Huh?! Why isn’t it working? Foolishly, I just assumed this was God’s way of healing me. It would get worse before it got better, I thought.
I thought this way for weeks. I let my body rot and spread the dangerous disease.
It got to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed because I was in so much pain, that I realized something wasn’t right. My mum (who is a Christian) was horrified when she saw the state of my body. She decided to support me when I told her I was going cold turkey from the meds, but she never saw or knew the pain I put up with because I covered up well.
How foolish I was to believe that turning away from medicine was the solution! Now I’m not saying God doesn’t heal miraculously- of course He does. But He heals in different ways. So if you’re reading this and if you’re considering throwing away your medicine, please pray and be 100% certain it’s the Lord advising you to do it, and not someone else.
Anyway, back to the testimony. So there I was, feeling ashamed, embarrassed, foolish and useless. I was grieving the Holy Spirit by refusing to really let the Lord help me the way He wanted to.
So I went to the doctors and got my creams back. My doctor (who is also a Christian) was incredulously shocked at how bad of a state I was in. My arms literally looked like they had 5 degree burns on them.
It wasn’t til one day when I was thinking about trying out a diet, that God properly spoke to me. “It’s gluten” whispered a gentle voice. Aha!
I began to research the link between gluten and eczema. It turned out what I had was a symptom of celiac disease- a nasty rash called dermatitis herpetiformis. The images shown on the page matched my body completely.
Phew, I thought! So I began to cut gluten out of my diet, trusting in the Lord to do what He could only do. Over time, my skin began to restore itself and the itchiness went away in a matter of days on the gluten-free diet.
I am completely free from that wretched disease – I can sleep without itching! My sheets have no blood stains on them anymore! I don’t have to live in fear anymore. I used to tread night times. I used to want to stay awake all night reading my bible in fear of falling asleep and scratching. I used to beg God to take my disease away. When in reality, God never wanted me to be stricken with suffering.
God wanted to help me from the beginning: I just never asked Him what the problem was. I thought I knew better. I thought I could find a ‘cure’, when really the cure was in what I ate. It was a natural cure! God didn’t want me to waste my money, He didn’t want me to be alone or in pain. He wanted me to be set free, and He wants you to be set free too!
So there you have it folks – not your average testimony. But then again, God is unpredictable, and His strength is made perfect in my weakness! I used to think diseases like eczema were hopeless. I used to believe that I had to go through pain to be a ‘good’ Christian to prove my loyalty and love for the Lord. I’m so ashamed telling you all this, but it’s true.
I’m just so thankful that the Lord had mercy on me and didn’t leave me in my darkest days (even when I was set in my own ways and grieving His Holy Spirit).
May all the glory, honour and praise go to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever!
that’s awesome that God showed you the answer! good for you!
I was truly touched by your testimony of faith…you sound mature beyond your years. You are right somtimes God heals by sending a cure or guiding you what not to do..not the conventional miraculous touch…I am happy for you and I pray that you continue to serve the Lord with all your heart..even thought you are young you can still serve God. Look what he has donr for you! Praise Jesus!
I am so inspired by your testimony. I have been suffering from extreme eczemd too. When i was a baby, I had a little rashes here and there but my condition worsened as the years went by. I am 18 right now and I have really horrible arms and legs which I always cover up. I bleed at night too and I always trim my fingernails really low to prevent myself from scratching myself in my sleep. I am allergic to peanuts and milk which bring a whole new variety of skin irritation to my skin when I mistakenly consume them. I don’t know what to do. My badly scarred body has really affected my self-esteem and the humid weather in my country always results in restless nights and numerous scratches. Please help me. What kind of creams or ointments are you using? Do they just stop the itching? I almost lost hope but I have seen that is possible for me to be healed. Thank you so much for posting this inspirational testimonial. I pray I will post mine up very soon!
@ sarah
That is a wonderful testimony dear. God works in wonderful ways. Praise Lord Jesus.
@ priye
Read the Word of God. Submit yourself fully into Jesus. Ask Him to guide you in your life. Pray to Jesus to show you the cause of the disease. God will help you. He never leaves His children. Trust in God,ask Him everyday to make you strong. Submit yourself fully. God will take care of your amazingly. I will pray for you dear.
God bless you. Hoping to see your testimony soon. There’s nothing impossible for our Lord.
Hold on my child…God is able to heal of any sickness.There is a web site that is decicated to parying for is very good I suggest you visit it…….it has healing scriptures and sermons..very good…I know you will have a testimony one day…just do not give up!
Thank you so much for all of your comments brothers and sisters. You really are such a blessing and I’m glad my testimony touched you. I know that this may be the Lord using me to help you– and I will as much as I can.
Priye, I feel for you sweetheart. I have been through exactly what you have been through. It sounds like you may have other food allergies that you are not aware of. Have you tried cutting out gluten from your diet? I recommend a gluten-free diet for a month- 2 months. Where exactly are your rashes? I’m not a dermatologist, but if they are on your elbows, arms, back of your knees etc, you could have what I had- dermatitis herpetiformis.
If there is no improvement with a gluten-free diet, try cutting out dairy. If there is again, no improvement, try something else. You can always pray to the Lord to speak to you and help you. Just ask your Father to tell you how you can be set free. Good tips that I found to help me include changing cleaning powder, bathing with salt water (this will dry up any weeping and should help the itchyness). There is also a cream that helped keep my eczema at bay called Hopes Relief cream. It’s expensive but it helped me a lot. It’s made up of all-natural ingredients. But you need to find out the root cause of your condition honey, so keep praying to the Lord Jesus to help you. He will help you. Please don’t make the same mistake as I did and wait around while your condition gets worse. Take as much action as you can and let God do what only God can do. This is the link to the cream (
God doesn’t want you to be like this honey. He wants you to be whole, healed and free from this horrible disease.
I love you and I hope and pray for your body to be healed completely. The amazing thing is, Jesus conquered sickness when He destroyed the works of the enemy on the cross. There is not one disease that the Lord Almighty cannot cure. When God made us, He made us in His image. The bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that disease follows behind our God.
I know the terror and fear you feel, I sympathize with you completely. If you ever need a friend, please feel free to e-mail me at sazzums[at]
You are in my prayers and in my heart.
Im SUFFERING from severe eczema all over my body. Please pray that God will lead me to the right path of healing. I discovered I have candida which causes this and the medical doctors do not recognize this as the cause. So I am on my own in trying to treat candida. There are too many different ways to treat it.. I cry out to god everyday to help me be cured. Please pray hard for me , i am at my wits end and my life has been destroyed because of this.
I am praying for you sis. I understand completely what it’s like. But you WILL be okay. God has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11) and He is even more heartbroken over your illness than you are. I have asked the Lord to give you eyes that see and ears that hear. He will help you.
Read Psalm 91, it helps me a lot whenever I get scared or ill.
God is with you.
Thank you for your prayers sarah. All I have is my faith in God. Your testimony shows Gods love. Thank you and I pray I will have a testimony soon. God bless you always!
Thanks for sharing this it makes me think that modern medicine is sometimes necessary but only to keep us well untill our healer delivers us. HE is after all the great healer of our bodies, minds, and souls!:D God Bless!
God healed me too! After 24 years of battling eczema he lead me to an allergist who recognized that all my allergies were airborne. I am allergic to pollen, mold, dust,grass,dogs,and cats. After taking allergy shots for 3 weeks I saw a 80 percent reduction in my inflamed skin. I am so thankful to Jesus for leading me to this allergist. The allergist’s nurse is a doctor and saw that I worked for a church and she immediately began praying for me as the doctor looked over me. Please go to see an allergist and see if you are allergic to any of these things. God may have lead you to this post just for this reason. I pray God will relieve you of the misery of eczema. He is a loving God! I know he does not want this for you. From a sister in Christ who knows your pain.
I havent had eczema but I do know when you start trusting God completely He’ll heal you or minister to you in the perfect way we need. Im dealing with a health issue and after crying out to The Lord, The Holy Spirit ministered to me that it was to teach me to trust in The Lord completely. It has been tough tough tough for me to the point where I just take my focus completely off The Lord. I ask for mercy and I get angry sometimes but I know Im dragging this out. When im focused on The Lord guess what the issue gets better even when i’m not trying and its better than when I am trying to fix it on my own. Confirmation but im still stubborn and walking through the fire, learning to trust our Loving, All Knowing God
Your Testimony is awesome for what God has done. Its really encouraging me since I am going through such situation. Praying God to heal my sickness as I am suffering from skin disease. Please pray for me..
In Christ,
Thank you sister for sharing your testimony! After reading it, it reminds me how listening to God’s voice is key :) and also not to be discouraged in the time of our situation
Praise the Lord! Wonderful testimony!
It happened something similar to me but not in such an awful way. I had acne on my jaw and neck and it was strange because I never had acne when I was a teenager and the acne appeared only in those places. NOBODY could tell me the root of it. Until the day my mind just heard “parabens, search it”. I did and… praised be the Lord! I changed all my creams and shampoos to brands without parabens (i am very allergic to parabens, all kind of them!). I thank the Lord because that situation was indeed very stressful to me!
Just trust the LORD, He wants to heal you! By His tripes we are healed, believe that! And then rest in Him with serenity, be obedient to the Word, pray to the living God and just relax. He takes cares of you!
Hi Ana,
Even Im facing the same acne and the amount of money i spent on dermatalogist is huge but no relief. Being a young girl I feel very embarassed when everyone asks me what happened to your face. Its almost 6-months its like this. Can you please tell me which bible verse you pondered…so that even I can find the root cause of acne
Read carefully what happened. It was not a bible verse.
People, it is God.
You must pray and believe He will heal you, you must believe in Him and Jesus Christ, His son in whom He told us to believe in.
That is where the healing is, in God, in Jesus Christ!
God’s word says it is I who “healeth all your diseases”
His word tells us the truth about it all, but we must all come to Him for all our needs. I’m including healing from disease or anything else. For nothing is impossible with God, as He tells us in His word, the bible. Hope this helps you understand.
im victor im 24 i was born with eczema been to countless doctors and my skin condition is very sereve that my skin will ooze smell and bleed tried everything nothing helped there times ive cried out to god to ask him to rapture but he said no im not done with you please pray for me
Hai victor,
Do not not not worry. You know or father is a MERCIFUL father. He will surely heal you my dear. Dint he cure the leprosy, deaf, dumb even dead? Do you think he delays. Yes may be. In that only his glory can be revealed. He is not delaying dear. He just wants to feel the sweetness of your prayer dear. I am also praying for my job being desperate. But speak with him.. He is your father.. just speak.. cry.. chat with him as u do to yr friend.. God is working dear. Hold his hand tightly. God bless you dear. Our god is full of love,care,affection. You will feel it dear. Praying for you!!!! :)
Oh Sarah. I feel like you described everything I am feeling and going through. Reading this just made me cry. I am so happy for you and I hope that one day I can have the same blessing that God gave you. I felt like I have been losing faith in God ever since my eczema became bad. But reading your testimony gave me a sense of faith in God and I know now to hold on to my faith and beliefs in God no matter how bad my situation is. Thank you Sarah I will pray that you never have to come upon this disease again. And I pray that we keep strong and our love for God in our best and worst times.
That was awesome. I have struggled with eczema for over 20 years. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but I still believe God is gonna completely heal me of it. This testimony was a great encouragement to me!
Believing for full completed healing!
Thanks for sharing your testimony. I am facing the same situation as you faced. :) I have struggled with eczema for over 20 years. I consulted many Dr. but all the times I experienced discouragement and criticism from the Dr. I even have made the decision not to rely on medicine and keep seeking God for His healing. But my condition became worsen as I have stopped all the treatments. I have developed severe infection all over my body and until the extend i burst out to God questioning God where are you. God is a merciful and faithful God. A gentle and soft voice talking to my heart asking me to seek treatment and revealed to me a Dr. in my vision as the Dr. I have consulted during the past. I obeyed the voice and consulted the Dr.. I believed the Dr. is the angel that have sent by God to me. After consulted her, my condition is improving. But my skin condition need to control by medicine such as Antibiotics and steroid. As now i need to combine the forces between spiritual healing power from God and medical treatment. As i know everything happen for a reason. All our sufferings is to produce perseverance, character and hope. May the Lord gives us the strength and the faith to keep trusting Him regardless how bad the situation we are facing. Amen!
my son is seven and struggling with very severe excema. last night he was crying over the itching, bleeding, and burning after I applied and gave all meds I have. with no success and I got to the point of holding him in my arms, praying to God and told Him that I will rather take the pain and illness, but please heal my child. I was crying so much while in prayer and did not want to stop praying. we both finally fell asleep but I had this extreme feeling of peace. And my son slept like an angel. I know I just have to keep praying for him and surrender. Waiting for God’s voice to speak to me and find a cure for my son. I do not understand why children should suffer, but need to believe that God is in control of this. Even if I feel angry sometimes. Not at God, but the situation. Thank you for every ones comments, maybe God led me to this website this morning for a reason.
Hi Sarah,
Really good testimony!
I’m 15 now and I’ve had eczema since I was a kid and its gotten worse through the years. I will try the gluten free diet but I’m wondering if hazelnuts or something else could be a cause because this year I’ve had flare ups on my face that dont itch but dry up and crumble away all over my face.
Thanks you very much for sharing its made me feel a lot better and given me hope to.
I loved your testimony. I thought I had it bad. I got eczema on the bottom of my feet when I was 8 years old. When I went to the doctor, they told us it was incurable. So I believed it, not even trying to cure it.
I know exactly how you feel about the itch. I would claw my skin off and then it would be so painful I couldn’t walk. When I was 25 I asked God to heal my feet. I told Him I believed without a doubt that He could do it. But they weren’t healed.
Over time I have discovered that cortizone shots help tremendously for a couple of months. I found this out when I had to start receiving them monthly due to pain in my hip. Also, if you scrub down the dead skin cells with a pumous stone while in the bathtub, then scrub the area with alcohol immediately after getting out. (This can be quite painful for a while until it begins to heal). Then rub Mentholatum on the area. The camphor and eucalyptus help heal while the menthol provides a slight burn that soothes the itch deep down. It also contains petroleum and various oils that soften the skin. After a couple of weeks it seems like the next best thing to being healed. I haven’t given up though but the Lord has given me a way of coping. This is for those who still suffer with this affliction. I hope it helps.
I began spending more time with the Lord since April of 2015. Before that I did not live as I should as a Believer. I cried out to him for help with another problem and in the process my exzema went away. I thank the Lord for the healing that I never prayed about. I’m giving thanks to him! I have now made a commitment to never leave his presence again.
To receive healing for anything, repeat 21 times a day “By Jesus Christ’s stripes I was healed and made whole.” And remember that you were healed already. Do not say that you are sick with anything during this time. You will start seeing manifestation of healing about a month. Do not say that ‘I am sick’ or that ‘I am almost getting well.’ Do not say anything that says that you were currently sick. Just say that you were healed already.
mary, I think the most important thing to do is believe as in Mark 11:24 “…all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”
I’m suffering from severe skin problem ashy dermatosis, past 10 years. Now its spreading on my face neck back and arms. Making me look dull and ugly with severe pigmentation. Visited countless doctors they say no cure. Please pray for me. I’ve a lot of faith in Lord Jesus and I pray that may God heal me soon.
This is such a great blog and the comments are reassuring. Battling this myself right now and trying not to take meds but at this point it is that or my job. My husband is down with another health issue and so that’s not an option. Praying that these health issues resolve and that I can have clarification I have been battling for 2 years on and off but it feels so much longer. If you have a moment, say a prayer for my husband and I to have our healing. I pray you all are healed as well. God has His plans, indeed. We know our God is great.
The Lord is merciful and great in power. My three month old baby has been diagnosed with eczema and as you would imagine it is quite a numb experience. It’s affecting my wife and that’s does not help. But are we to accept only good from God. The wonderful testimonies and prayer requests here are very compelling. I have your backs in Jesus’ name and will keep you in my prayers. Yes Claudia, I will have a moment; why shouldn’t I. It’s God’s command to pray for one another. And Sarah: you are a courageous young lady. God bless you richly.
Thank you for this.
I just developed eczema near end May and I went to see doctor who gave me lots of oral steroid, itch pills and antibiotics and application creams. Then when the medicine finished, eczema flared out again. I prayed to God and it sort of got worse and I was like doubting Him but after reading your article I decided to go for blood tests and allergy tests to see what cause my eczema.
How I wish God will tell me like He did to you it’s gluten! Don’t know what my causes are…
I am very upset and even if friends and family members want to help, they can’t and I worry it will spread to my face because how can i cover it, how can I work?
Yay! I am so happy for you!!! I believe sin brings us disease, but God has a plan to strengthen our faith and pull us out! He wants good for us! Praise be to God!! He is seriously incredible and I too hope I have a miracle for my disease! Please pray for me if you get a chance!
Please pray for my 10 year old son he is suffering from eczema. Please pray and believe with me that by Jesus stripes My son is cured of eczema In Jesus Name Amen.
Hello, my Son is 13 years old and has been suffering with eczema since he was very little. This past 3 years have been so much worse. Maryke’s message sounded so like what we are going through. Last night as I applied the steroid creams & emollient to his inflamed, red raw, itchy skin we were both crying. It is having a profound effect on his confidence especially as it is now affecting his face & neck in fact he has it absolutely everywhere at the moment and the cold weather here doesn’t help either. As a Mother you feel so helpless and would willingly suffer the pain for your children, I’m sure that is how Mary must have felt and much more besides to see her Son suffer on the cross for our sins. I know God answers our prayers and sometimes not in the way we may be expecting, but he does listen and I have absolute Faith that he will heal my Son according to His Will. God Bless you all. Keep your Faith, keep praying, God will & does listen.
Your testimony is very touching and I am so happy for you. I believe you when you say you heard the Lord tell you it was gluten. I am heart broken over my 9 year old daughter who is suffering so much with eczema, only getting worse and worse. I will look further into the gluten possibility. There are so many possible triggers it is overwhelming! God Bless you!
I have Atopic Dermatitis for the past 14 to 15 years and it hasn’t been easy but I use this testimony has my point of contact and believing that my time of healing is now.
I thank God for this post. I thank God for healing me in the name of Jesus.
Sarah, this is a great testimony. It is through the voice (word) of God that we get our healing. Faith comes after God has spoken to one as the above scripture reveals. It is the spoken word (promises of God) that will stir hope in one which then birth faith in one and lastly the works of faith. If God didn’t speak to one about a thing and one steps out, that is not faith but stupidity.
God spoke to the children of Israel to move towards the Red Sea and they acted in faith by moving towards the Red Sea as spoken by God, then we saw the Red Sea parting.
In Joshua chapter 7, the children of Israel went on their own leading to fight Ai and they were defeated. But when they sought the face of God and God spoke to them about the warfare, they stepped out in faith and then conquered the same Ai. The word (voice) of God is very important to get victory at all times.
One can get healed either through prayer of faith (James 5:15) or anointing. The anointing oil is not the anointing. Anointing is the coming of the Holy Spirit upon one. A prayer of faith could take a while before one will see the effect in one’s life but healing under the anointing is always instant. Jesus healed via the anointing (Acts 10:38) and we saw the instant healing people got. Also, the early Apostles too, as we could see the shadow of Peter even healing the sick. Even for healing via the anointing, one need faith to move one from the flesh into the spirit (Hebrews 11:6) because the anointing comes into one’s spirit.
In conclusion, the leading of God is very important to us as children of God (Romans 8:14). Let us keep waiting on the Lord and He shall surely speak, then we step out in faith upon His spoken or written words and the needed victory shall come.
Sunday, thanks for this. I believe it may, but is there a scripture that says the anointing comes into one’s spirit?
“God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” John 4:24 KJV
The above scripture says we must worship God in spirit. We communicate to God through our spirit. We are asked to walk in the spirit so that we can communicate with Him through our spirit. The anointing comes into our spirit which then build up our souls and then strengthen our body.