Girl with Dog Collage

God is Healing my Dog!

My dog is a beautiful 2-year-old Schnauzer. A few weeks after I got him as a puppy, he was diagnosed with kidney disease. I decided to keep him anyway and thought that if I prayed really hard God would grant me the miracle of healing him. I know he is a dog, but he’s also a creature made by God and is also a candidate for God’s healing hand.

I have been praying since I got him and now, I understand the reason why God gave him to me, so that I could get closer to Him. I pray a lot for him and it’s definitely gotten me closer to God in every sense. His kidney values go up and down as I pray, but he always has been stable enough so that he’s still a happy dog, and this is all because God is listening to my prayers every day.

I know I have to keep on praying even more for complete healing, but my testimony is that I have had faith, even though the devil plays tricks on me sometimes to deceive me. I know that God has the last word and that He will keep on listening so that my dog keeps on getting better and better as he’s been doing. Thank You Jesus for not ignoring my prayers!


  1. andy 11/3/2010
  2. bbcita82 11/16/2010
  3. ashley 3/22/2013
  4. Fumbucks 3/8/2018

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