Girl Student - Exam Success

Faith in God and Prayers – Passed Nursing Exam

Life always gives us trials and problems. It also gives us the option to despair or be optimistic.

I would like to give a testimony on how great our God is and how prayer can change things. This is long overdue, however, as I promise to share my experience after I received God’s blessings.

I am a nurse and tried my luck in England. The process has been undeniably difficult due to never-ending exams. From English test to OSCE, prayers and faith were my companion. During IELTS and CBT, I was working 48 hours a week and I can only study during off which was so draining.

Nevertheless, I passed both exam because of God’s generosity and through several prayers. Fast forward in UK, I sat for the most nerve-wracking exam I ever had in my life, the OSCE, it was a simple structured test to gauge your skills as a nurse, yet it made me cry.

I knew I wouldn’t pass because of the mistakes I have done. But I prayed so much. I surrendered everything. And let God do the rest. After 3 days, I received the much-awaited result and became a full pledge UKRN.

Always believe in the power of prayers.

Mark 11:24

One Response

  1. Z_R 9/7/2019

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