I used to read Christian material but could not accept its truth. I used to think the following:
- There is no God.
- Life on earth came out of nothing.
- Jesus was a myth.
- The Bible was so old it could not be accurate.
- Why should the Christian religion be the right one?
But some people close to death claim to have had visions of life after death. Some have experienced Heaven but others Hell! What if these places really do exist regardless of whether or not you believe in them?
In February 1987, I began to feel that I could not breathe. But the doctor could find nothing wrong. On the last Friday evening of April of that year, I met with three Christian friends to pray (speak to God). The young woman in the group said things about which only I knew. I concluded that there is a God, and he knows absolutely everything about each of us.
Then it happened!
There was a violent rushing wind from above. It filled the entire room. It penetrated my ears and filled my entire body. I could breathe properly again. There was no wind outside. The doors and windows were closed. It was like a scene out of Pentecost!
“Suddenly, a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” (Acts 2:2)
Pentecost only happened because Jesus lived, died and rose again from the dead. This “repeat” convinced me that everything Jesus said and did was true. I committed my life to Him and Him alone shortly afterwards.
Even if you do not believe me ask God to reveal Himself and his truth to you.
Shaun Benstead, United Kingdom
Wow! That’s a wonderful testimony Shaun. Jesus Christ lives and is the King of our lives. He revealed this event to you so that you may believe in Him and that many could hear or read your testimony and be able to seek Him.
I have also seen the Lord. He actually came into my house at night. This was around earlier 2017. He had saved me in 2015 and the Holy Spirit was now working on me, teaching me the ways of the Lord.
So in this particular day I had worshiped and praised the Lord the entire evening in my house. My family was not there (My wife and my son). My wife had visited her maternal home. Then at night, since I was alone in the house, I decided to move my mattress from the bedroom, so I can sleep in the living room. I just carried the beddings and placed them down on the floor of the living room and slept there.
Then, around midnight I was woken up by a strange sound that was coming from outside my house. I woke up, but still laying in bed, I looked to the window where the sound was coming from. I could see some light beaming from the window. and so this was not a dream at all. The sound that was coming from outside was really strange. It was a sound of a person who was speaking in strange tongues. I felt like it was a language of demons.
By now the voice was nearing my house. I became terrified and helpless. I knew this was a demon. It was speaking in strange tongues that seemed like quarreling. I was so helpless that I didn’t know what to do. I knew for certain that the demon was going to enter the house through the walls, but was not sure what will happen then, or what it intended to do. I was still laying in bed, terrified, helpless, and looking to the window.
That is when the King of Kings came. Just from no where the King of Kings appeared, He came. He was wearing a creamy long garment. I did not see His face and I did not see His feet. He arrived, stood like 3 seconds and moved to the window where the sound of the demon was coming from. He did not walk but He moved. And in His moving, I could feel like He moved with some forceful wind around Him.
I saw Him from the shoulders to the point where the long creamy garment ended. The creamy garment the Lord was wearing widened out around His feet. It did not flow like the normal clothes, but it widened, like it was made of a material not of this world. He was around 8 feet. I saw Him stand at the wall just at the right time when the demon was about to penetrate and enter the house. In fact, all this while, the demon did not know that the King of Kings had come.
When the demon touched the wall it was burnt. It was as if it was stricken with an electric shock. I heard it cry and burn like into ashes. I heard crrrrrrr… and it was no more.
Then from there I could not see the King of Kings and the Savior of the whole world. The Lord is our Savior and our protector. Even when we feel cornered, He is still around. He never sleeps or slumbers. He watches over our coming and our going. When we believe in Him, when we love Him, when we follow Him, when we obey Him, when we live in His ways, He lives in our hearts. And we can’t afford to assume Him when He lives in us. We must rejoice in Him, worship the Lord, and appreciate what He is doing in our lives.
I felt I should really share this my dear brothers and sisters. Anyone out there who does not believe in the existence of God or our Savior, he or she must wake up and believe and seek Him. In fact, anyone who seeks Him honestly would find Him.