I come today with a truly grateful heart and would like to share my testimony. It consists of two parts. The first part is about how the Lord set me free from depression. The second part is about how the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, gave me the instruction to go and tell others what He has done for me.
The first part, briefly, as I can’t go into all the details, otherwise, it will take too long:
At the beginning of 2022, I realized that I was struggling with depression. I was not in a good place—work stress and other factors contributed to this. One afternoon in early March 2022, I was sitting behind my desk at work, busy with my tasks. Suddenly, I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. I jumped up and ran outside, hoping to catch my breath. Thankfully, as I got outside, I could breathe again. It literally felt as if someone was choking me—everything was just too overwhelming.
Then a thought came to me: “If you don’t do something, you’re going to leave your wife and child behind.” I don’t know where this thought came from, but I believe it was the Holy Spirit warning me. I told myself that I had to do something because the depression was consuming me. By the grace of the Lord, He led me through the Holy Spirit to discover “jogging/running.”
The very first time I went for a run (6 km) was on March 12, 2022. It was incredibly difficult, but I told myself that I wouldn’t give up. Over time, I began to enjoy jogging/running because it made me feel so much better every time I finished a run.
From March 12, 2022, to this day, the Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, has taught me many lessons. Miracles have taken place in my life, and various dreams have come true. The Lord freed me from depression through jogging/running. To this day, I still cannot believe how God used something as simple as running to set me free.
Since I started running, there have been several highlights (if I can call them that) that I would like to mention briefly:
1. The first time I attempted to run 21.1 km one afternoon, I failed—I couldn’t finish. The next day, as I reflected on what I did wrong, the thought came to me, one that I believe was from the Holy Spirit: “Do not see your failures in running as failures; see them as steppingstones to becoming a better runner.”
2. Once I realized that running made me feel better each time, I began to praise and worship the Lord while running. This made me realize how blessed I was to be healthy. It also helped me to notice and appreciate the smaller things in life. I ran alone most of the time, and during these runs, I often spoke to the Lord.
3. The very first time I ran a marathon (42.2 km), I was so exhausted by kilometer 27 that my legs started aching, and I had no idea how I would reach the finish line. A thought came to mind, and I know it could only have been from the Holy Spirit: “Think of the cross. Think of what Jesus endured for you on the cross. Think of the terrible pain and suffering He went through for your sins. The pain you are experiencing now is only temporary.” I began to focus on what Jesus did for me on the cross and what He went through. This helped distract me from the pain I was feeling at that moment. By God’s grace, I successfully completed the marathon.
My biggest dream, to run the Comrades Marathon on June 9, 2024, became a reality, and I successfully completed it. All glory to the Lord!
The second part is about how the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, gave me the instruction to go and tell others what He has done for me.
In mid-October last year (2024), I woke up one morning, and the moment I stood on my feet, the following thought came to me: “Tell My people what I have done for you.” I realized this thought was likely from the Holy Spirit, but I immediately asked, “How? I’m an introvert, and I don’t speak easily in front of people.” The second thought followed: “Write a book.” I left it at that and carried on with my day.
The next morning, the exact same thing happened—the same words, the same thoughts. I realized that these thoughts were definitely from the Holy Spirit, but I still doubted whether I should write the book or not.
Three to four weeks went by, but the message I received from the Holy Spirit stayed in my mind, almost as if the Holy Spirit wanted to ensure I wouldn’t forget it. On Saturday morning, November 23, 2024, I made a point to ask the Lord in my quiet time if it was His will for me to write the book or not. The moment I asked the Lord, my watch on my arm made a sound. I thought to myself, this cannot be coincidence. But I still hesitated to take the message to heart.
The next morning, Sunday, November 24, 2024, I again asked the Lord during my quiet time if it was His will for me to write the book. That same morning, we watched a live-streaming service from another church on YouTube as a family. The pastor preached with the theme: “Unplug – Germinate.” During the service, the pastor held a small packet of seeds in his hand and explained that the seeds had great potential, but as long as they stayed in the packet, they were of no use. They needed to be planted in the ground to germinate, grow, and bear fruit to make a difference in others’ lives. The pastor further explained and compared the seeds to our lives (metaphorically) and asked:
“What if you reach the end of your life, stand before God the Father, and He says to you, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Your life had so much potential, but wouldn’t it have been better if you had used that potential to make a difference in other people’s lives?’”
The moment I heard those words, I felt as if the Lord, Jesus Christ, was speaking directly to me through the pastor. It was undeniable and audible. Tears streamed down my face, and I softly said,
“Forgive me, Abba Father, for not listening the first two times You spoke to me through the Holy Spirit.”
From that moment, I knew for sure that it was the Lord’s instruction for me to write the book.
I had never written a book in my life, and I didn’t know where to start. But I wanted to obey the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I reflected on everything and realized that I could not remain silent. The Lord had truly done so many miracles in my life. I wholeheartedly believe that because the Holy Spirit gave me the message in English, I needed to write the book in English. This was a challenge for me since our home language is Afrikaans, but when you walk in faith, anything is possible with the Lord. I reminded myself that the book’s primary purpose should be to glorify the Lord, Jesus Christ, and also to inspire, encourage, and help others.
It took me about four weeks to complete the book.
The book’s title is: “Depression to Comrades Marathon Success”
Subtitle: “27-Month Journey by the Grace of God”
From the first time I jogged on March 12, 2022, to June 9, 2024, when I completed the Comrades, it was approximately 27 months—a period during which I truly experienced the Lord’s grace. That is where the book’s title and subtitle come from.
Book is available on Amazon.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. Holy Spirit led me here to read this!
(FYI So this is twice in one evening that the topic of depression handled by walking/jogging/running has come up. I think it’s a hint from the Lord. Lol! Praise God!) Praise God, Mr. Steyn! Thank you for your testimony and God’s faithfulness! He knows you intimately and He knows how to help you. The Holy Spirit’s suggestion of a book due to your struggle with speaking in public is wonderful. He knows our weaknesses and helps us. Praise Him! God bless you and your book and your running! Keep going! Don’t give up!