My boyfriend and I had recently broken up. I thought he was the one and we had an amazing relationship and I had felt that God had allowed/blessed me to have this relationship. But then he told me he could no longer be with me because he felt as if he was a sinking ship, and he was bringing me down with him. I had prayed and praised God for our relationship and now I feel like my faith is being tested due to the fact that I had put so much faith and prayer into our relationship, and I don’t understand why God would allow him to leave.
Hi Dear,
I was where you are right now 2 months ago, i know it’s painful and i can understand your pain as i went thru the same pain. But know that God knows you and your pain more intimately then even you do. Sometimes we need to LAY OUR ISSAC DOWN for the Lord. Seek him and ask him to show you why he let this happen to you, pray for your boy friend’s walk with God. Just submit him, yourself and your desires to the Lord, let him lead you through this. There hasn’t been a single night i haven’t cried but every time i tell myself GOD can see me right now, he can hear my silent prayers and he is carrying them in his palms. God is faithful dear, I have read so many testimonies here on how God brought back the two people together, I had believed and prayed, but then I just submitted my desires at his feet and told him.. I trust him. His will for you and your ex will be the perfect way for you both! God showed me and taught me what true love is:
Let Go and LET GOD! God bless you!
Prayers for you!
Sometimes things happen that are not God’s will , remember God gives us a free will. It sounds like your ex has a low self-esteem issue, we have to get beyond our emotions and pray for him. He is being lied to by the enemy, don’t let yourself be brought down. It is a hard thing I am telling you. Our emotions blind us as times and we think about our pain. We have to see the plan of salvation and pray for him and pray for yourself. Praise God despite it all, it is hard at times I know. I have been there. I tell you this in love and I will pray for you both. That you will be in the will of God. Be strong and lean upon the Lord!!