Sad woman thinking collage

Where Is God?

I see all these people sharing testimonies all around me and I envy them. In my personal life I have to be honest and say I see nothing but labour, toil and hardship. I have prayed. I have begged. I have cried heart wrenching cries. I have fasted. And I am tired. This is too much. It is not working for me.

What if God doesn’t deem me worthy? What if He doesn’t care, doesn’t have time? I am weary and at the end of my tither. Wait on Him you say, wait on His time, till when in this lifetime?

I am angry with God right now and I honestly do not see, feel, or hear Him. Look at the birds you say, look at the sky, the fields, what about them is what a say. I need proof honestly that God exists and that He loves and hears me, and I should not fear asking Him to show Himself and prove Himself.


  1. frenchylexi 4/10/2018
    • Sibo 4/14/2018
  2. Mansi 4/11/2018
    • Sibo 4/14/2018
  3. Fred 4/16/2018
  4. Pula 4/16/2018
  5. Mansi 4/16/2018
  6. Desiree7 4/18/2018
    • DC 6/7/2022
  7. JordanRiver 5/19/2018

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