Girl praying and office

Walking by Faith… And Missing The Mark

So, I’ve been working on gaining some financial insights using biblical principles and have a story that I must share.  Yesterday, I was praying to God about what I should be doing to bring in more revenue (I’ve been working and sowing) yet I desire to have multiple nets to gain income.  Immediately, I believe God told me to go to my old job.

I instantly got up and went in to work… the problem was that I wasn’t on the schedule and haven’t been there in like 6 months (which isn’t too uncommon, it’s a part-time job at as hospital and we make our own schedules).  However, when I got ready to clock in, my badge number didn’t work…

So I began working anyway, and enjoyed the day.  I had not seen some of my old coworkers in a long time, and I got to do some really good work with the patients (its a psychiatric facility). Now here comes the banger…

About 15 min prior to the end of the shift, the charge nurse called me and asked how was it that I was there, yet I wasn’t on the schedule. Fear set in, and I made up a lie.  At this point, I realized that I had missed God… which was confusing to me since the day had been SOOO GOOD!

Nevertheless, I finished the shift and hightailed it out of there and felt guilty and ashamed for the rest of the night.  It wasn’t until today that I realized that I wasn’t supposed to work the shift, but I was just supposed to go get some information about an offer that someone in another department had me about a year ago… I just finished my master’s degree, and the new position required me to have certain credentials, which I now have.

Moral of the story, make sure you fully hear God before you step out on faith.  By making a move too quickly, you can easily get out of the will of God for your life, and the Devil will use the opportunity to attack your righteousness and make you feel ashamed and guilty (condemnation) and try to convince you that God doesn’t LOVE you.

I know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28), i.e. the great time I had, and the counseling I did with the patients, yet that was not what I was supposed to be doing,.. although everything seemed fine.

It’s sort of funny now, but I did not find much humor in it yesterday, I was actually feeling condemned all night… I even dreamt about it. But joy came in the morning (Praise God) and I wanted to share my story.

The word says to confess your sins to one another that you may be healed (James 5:16)… and I thought this was the perfect place to do it.  I hope this helps someone. Also keep me in your prayers lol.


A growing Christian 🙂

One Response

  1. Gwen 11/16/2014

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