Hi, my name is Phyllis and I’m 17 years old. I don’t really know how long I have been a Christian, but I’d like to say since my water baptism in 2014. What I want to share in this testimony is a dream.
I don’t know what particular day or time but when I was a little girl, 5 or 6 years old, God gave me a vision. I was in a white dress and standing opposite me was Jesus, also in white clothing. There was no sound just this kind of quiet peace. Being a little girl, I always retold this vision or what I thought was a dream, depicting Jesus and I holding hands and playing ringa rosy.
When I look back to that vision today, I remember seeing an outside perspective of a little girl (me) lost in the beautiful peace of being with Christ. The feeling never left me. The amazing feeling of contentment and resting, ‘surpass all understanding’ type of peace. The atmosphere heightened that feeling of real, everlasting love I felt in holding Christ hands. It was pure white but with golden light. The last moment I shared with Christ was when I looked into his eyes and the light shone through his face, kind of blinding my sight of him.
At this stage in my life, I feel like I am having doubt about God and the peace he has promised me according to his Word. I am not sure though if that dream was meant for this time in my life. With University and work and reality, I don’t really know what I want. Even more, what my purpose really is in this life.
Please, if anyone has any interpretations to add on this vision please comment your thoughts.
In ending, I know Christ should be the apple of my eye in this short life. Christ is the answer. God is my purpose. And, the Holy Spirit will help me reach my destiny as well for all those following Christ.
God Bless.
God bless you Fleia1 please Youtube or Google a lady by the name of Autumn Mann. She has many messages and teachings on dreams. While although I cannot interpret your dream per se, I do know that anytime you see Jesus in a dream it is not only a big deal because everyone doesn’t experience that, but also the meaning and message is very good! Pray that you find your answers many blessings.
Very humbling vision. Please don’t lose your sight in Christ. I know you are stressed with life and responsibilities, but Christ is always there and is always the answer. I’m not sure what your dream means exactly, but I’m sure if you prayed and asked for signs and interperation from the Holy Spirit, you will get your answer. I too was lost at your age..not sure what I wanted to do with my life and future. It’s ok though! Just live each day, try to do the right thing, pray for guidance, and live. No worries; you are a saved young lady, so God will always bless your footsteps. Do what makes you happy. Good luck and God bless! ?
The little girl in white
Seems swallowed up in night
Of cares, concerns and stress of life…
Who turned away?
Night turns to day
As once again you look My way
And see My eyes of love – I have not moved,
My passion for you can be proved!
It sounds like the Lord was showing you His love for you and causing you to experience the peace that passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7) that only comes from God. And in heaven no less! : )
Jesus said that unless we become as little children we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3) so that would back up your dream that you were a child in heaven.
That dream may be for now, as you said, but it may also be just encouragement for your whole life. You can, and should as the Holy Spirit leads, share that story with others to encourage them in their walk or to help them turn to God. Look at 2 Corinthians 1:4.
So many people think that God doesn’t love them or doesn’t care about them or doesn’t hear them. You know, from your dream, that this is not true. You can share this with a lost and dying world. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. God loves you. : )
As for your purpose you may not know the exact details from God but looking at His word there are some basic things you can do. Prayer is a big one. Pray for the salvation of souls. Your family, your schoolmates, the people in your town,state, country and even the world. I think that one of this biggest things that many will regret later in life is that they didn’t pray more. The Bible says to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17) and God said that His house will be called a house of prayer (Is. 56:7) for all nations. There are people out there without believing family members or friends so they are not being prayed for by anyone (though the Holy Spirit does pray for all of us. Romans 8:26-27).
Also, and this is a big one, ask God to fill you with His love for others. That you would love others, being empowered by His spirit and His love, the way He does and that you would see people the way He does. You are, we all are, to be motivated by Gods love so that we love perfectly. If you pray for this then He will answer and I promise you , you will not look at other people or yourself or your life the same way ever again. AND you will be able to stand before God one day and tell Him that you loved people and served them while here on earth which is what all Christians are called to do. LOVE NEVER FAILS! 1 Cor. 13:8.
To ask God for His love and to pray guided by His Holy Spirit is not foolishness. It is not lesser work. Things get going, get happening, when we lay the groundwork via prayer and then more of God is shared when we are walking in God’s love and serving others in Gods love while empowered by His love. Not our fallen efforts at love but His supernatural love , the one that is endless and never runs out, pouring out of us because of His Holy Spirit.
Pray for these things and your life and outlook will change. Remember that the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy (John 10:10) and he will try the discourage you and say your life has no purpose but that is not true. You are to love the Lord your God (Luke 10:27-28) and to walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8) , love others as you love yourself (Mark 12:31) and to serve others (Mark 9:33-37) and be as a little child.
Seek these things and I think things will start falling into place for you. : )
God bless you!
When I did a Testimony Search using the words ‘water baptism’, this testimony popped up that mentions the girl in this testimony getting her own water baptism in 2014.
I’m searching this because I myself became a Christian several years ago, but I’ve yet to be baptized under water. Some say it’s not necessary to be submerged under water to become a Christian, while others insist that not only do you receive the spirit baptism, but you must also have the water baptism as well.
My research has led me to this; Two fallacies, among many, about water baptism:
1. That under the new covenant terms of pardon, ‘Christians’ are baptized in water.
2. That unbelievers are baptized in water.
1. There is not one example of any ‘Christian’ being baptized. There’s no Scriptural example of that occurring. ‘Believers in Christ’ are baptized. Believers, are not in Christ, until they are baptized in water – Demons believe in Christ, however, that does not make them Christians.
Men are baptized into Christ. Those already in Christ are not baptized. Galatians 3:26-27 “For you are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus”. 27 “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ”. (NKJV)
Men are baptized into Christ. Christians are not baptized into denominational churches. No man is a Christian until he has been clothed with Christ in water baptism. It would be redundant to baptize someone who has already been clothed with Christ. Men are believers in Christ when they believe, however, they are not Christians, until they put on Christ through immersion in water.
2. There is no example found in Scripture, after the new covenant was in force, where a nonbeliever, an atheist, nor a unbelieving infant was baptized by choice or by force. Mark 16:16 “He who believes and is baptized will be saved”. (NKJV)
Belief always precedes being immersed in water. Examples: Acts 10:47-48, Acts 16:16-34, Acts 2:38-41, Acts 8:26-40, Acts 22:16, Acts 19:3-5, Acts 8:5-12, and Acts 16:15.
The New Testament account is clear: “N0 Christians were baptized – No Unbelievers were baptized. There is no such thing as a dry-cleaned Christian” – That’s not me saying this, but only what I have found from other sources.
Well, as a true abiding Christian, following the Bible, I feel it’s best to cross every t, and to dot every i. So yes, I personally would love to go under water for baptism. But I presently do not attend any church, supporting their brand of ‘churchianity’. So I’m not looking to get baptized to some denominational church, but to just get baptized to satisfy Scripture.
So, dear Emory, please tell me, have you been water baptized? And can you, or anyone else reading this, please tell me your thoughts on this subject? And also, where could I go to get this accomplished, without some denominational church getting involved? I have read about other Christian believers getting baptized in swimming pools, lakes etc., plainly to avoid the church getting involved. So I hope you can see my concern here.
Cora Lee,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
I was baptized within about a week after committing to Christ. I attended the church there to some extent but also attended other churches as well and eventually moved on.
I can tell you’ve put a lot of thought into this, and you make some great observations. In scripture, I see believers being baptized and have never read a case of a nonbeliever being baptized. My understanding of scripture is that we are saved by grace though faith as in Ephesians 2:8. Works spring from our faith but would not be the thing that saves us.
I believe in scripture, the reference to baptism sometimes refers to the baptism of the Spirit like 1 Corinthians 12:13 NASB:
You seem to have reservations about denominational churches. Perhaps there’s a local scriptural nondenominational church you could explore getting baptized in. You can investigate their beliefs online and speak with a pastor about what baptism there would look like. I attend one where they baptize believers in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They try and help new believers and encourage them to attend but there is no obligation to stay.
Ultimately, any believer will want to find a body of believers to worship and labor for Christ with. So, I would encourage you to look for a strong, bible-believing church. They will be able to help you in ways you may not think. And you will be able to help them as you fulfill your place in the body of Christ.
Bottom line? A believer should be baptized out of obedience to Christ. If we love Jesus, we keep His commandments. And one of them is baptism.
Water baptism is very important to us the children of God. Here are excerpts of my book “Baptism: Experiencing refreshing times”.
Jesus was telling Nicodemus what he needed to do for him to be saved. Jesus told him that he needed to be born again and in verse 5 of John chapter 3, the Lord explained further to him since he could not comprehend the meaning of being born again. Jesus said he needed to be born of water and of the Spirit. Then in verse 6, He explained further that he that is born of the flesh is of the flesh and he that is born of the Spirit is of the spirit.
People always interpret being born of water as water Baptism but the Lord was not referring to water baptism in the above scripture. Jesus spoke of two births in verse 5: being born of water and being born of the Spirit. Then in verse 6, He spoke again of two births to explain further what He meant in the previous verse so that Nicodemus could understand better: being born of the flesh and being born of the Spirit. The birth of water is the same as the birth of the flesh.
Jesus was telling Nicodemus that anyone that will enter into heaven must first be given birth into the Earth which is the birth of water, the birth of the flesh, a physical birth then he/she then have a rebirth on the Earth, the birth of the Spirit, that is, become born again. Anyone that has seen the Kingdom of God has entered into it. Nothing defiling shall in any way come near Heaven.
To enter into Heaven, you must first be physically born into the Earth which is the birth of water, the same as the birth of the flesh, then you have a rebirth, become born again, the birth of the Spirit. It is our work on the Earth after salvation that will make us to get to Heaven.
People on the sick bed who gave their lives to Christ before they died will enter into Heaven without water baptism because they have fulfilled the requirements needed to enter into Heaven. They have been born of water, the physical birth and also born of the Spirit, the rebirth. If it is water baptism that John 3:3-6 referred to, then such sick people at the points of death who had accepted Jesus Christ will not make it to Heaven.
Water Baptism is important.
God always make us to have a physical view of the spiritual things He wants to do. In the Old Testament, He established different physical things so that we could have the spiritual understanding which the New Testament reveals. The Old Testament is a shadow of things to come.
For example, God gave the children of Israel the feast of Passover in the Old Testament so that they and also we, who are saved through the blood of Jesus, could have the understanding of Jesus as the Passover Lamb.
As Jesus was to begin His Ministry, God first made John, the Baptist, to prepare the way for Him through the Water Baptism which is a symbolism of salvation through Christ. Through the Water Baptism, the people will have a better understanding of salvation through Christ. John, the Baptist, himself made the Jews to know that there is One who is coming after him that shall baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Water Baptism is an outward act that symbolizes repentance and faith in Christ i.e. a symbolism of salvation. As one is dipped under the water, it symbolizes the death and burial of Jesus Christ. As one is raised out of the water, it symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Under the water is one’s old dead life and out of the water is one’s new life which has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Water Baptism is a symbol of salvation. One could take water baptism and not get saved if one does not connect in the Spirit to the actual salvation. For one that has already been saved, the water baptism just gives him/her a better understanding of what happened during his/her salvation.
Also read Romans 3:28, Galatians 2:16, Philippians 3:9.
Salvation is by divine grace through faith alone. Water baptism is not a requirement of salvation since no external act is necessary for salvation. You are saved through being born of the Spirit. I have explained John 3:3-6.
Jesus commanded His disciples when He was ascending to Heaven to baptize people in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The commandment still holds till today. We ought to take Water Baptism till today. As I have said, someone that is saved through the blood of Jesus via confession of his/her sin, if he/she takes water baptism, it will make him/her to have a better understanding of the salvation he/she has got. The water baptism is not the salvation but symbolism of salvation.
This is the account of the gospel of Mark about what Jesus told His disciples when He was ascending to Heaven as it was in Matthew 28:18-20. In that Mark 16:15-18, two experiences were mentioned: believed and baptized. Whoever that believes in Jesus has confessed Him as his/her Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9-11). Such person is said to be saved and he/she is called a believer. Therefore, Mark 16:16 talks about salvation through the blood of Jesus and the water baptism. Then the later part of the verse 16 says whoever that didn’t believe shall be damned i.e., whoever that doesn’t have salvation through the blood of Jesus shall be damned. It was not said that whoever that didn’t have water baptism shall be damned. I have said, the water baptism gives us an understanding of the salvation we have got through the blood of Jesus and that is why the early part of verse 16 reveals that after one has got the salvation through the blood of Jesus i.e., believed, then one will do the water baptism to get the better understanding of the salvation one has got. The verses 17-18 reveal the signs that shall follow those who are saved through the blood of Jesus i.e. believers. Once you are saved through the blood of Jesus, those signs shall follow you either you are baptized or not.
Peter was sent by the Lord to the house of Cornelius to minister salvation to his household. We saw that after Peter had declared salvation through the blood of Jesus to them and they have believed, then the signs that follow those that believed, followed them as the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues (Acts 10:45-46).
It was after the baptism of the Holy Spirit that Peter did the water baptism for them to make them to have a better understanding of the salvation they got through the blood of Jesus. For someone to be filled with the Holy Spirit, it means that God has accepted him/her as His own and that came upon them after their salvation through the blood of Jesus. This shows the importance of the salvation through the blood of Jesus. I too had the Holy Spirit baptism before I later did the water baptism after many years.
Water baptism is not required to make Heaven as I have explained in the earlier. What is required to make heaven is your salvation and continuous walk with the Lord to the end.
Water baptism should be carried out in a flowing river and should be taken by someone that has reached the level that he/she could confess his/her sin and able to live a holy life by himself. Water baptism should not be done on infant or by sprinkling of water on the person or in a swimming pool. Everyone that did water baptism in the New Testament, did it in a flowing river.
As a child of God we need to worship God together with the people of God, so we need to be a member of a local Church so that we can grow in faith as iron sharpens iron. Try to join the bible believing Church God is leading you to and always follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you dear Emory.
I’ve been told, and often, by other Christians, that water baptism is not the thing that will save the believer. So many times I’ve heard them say, “remember the thief on the cross was not baptized”. And so some of those Christians never undergo a water baptism at all. They’re already saved, so why bother with water?
I also found this statement online that I think is important to share with you about the problem that some Christians (me included) seem to be having with denominational churches:
Faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God is all that is required to be saved whereby you will be spiritually baptised immediately by the ‘living water’ of the Holy Spirit as He comes it abide in you, and you in Him. (John 14:16; John 14:20).
Water baptism does not save, but it proves to your persecutors (as a symbol alone) that you have died with Christ and had been resurrected into a new life. I must stress, that Peter’s discussion of water baptism in 1 Peters 3:21 is not mandatory, making it necessary for every believer to be baptised in water. Had it been mandatory, Paul would have baptised every single believer he led to Christ. There is water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism. Acts 10 is showing that we don’t need water baptism to be saved.
So Emory, as you say, the bottom line here, is a believer should be baptized out of obedience to Christ. I agree. Jesus did say that baptism was one of his commandments, so it must be treated as such. In the future, I still hope to be submerged in water, and not to be saved, but to prove to Christ I indeed will follow his commandment. And hopefully, I will also find a true Bible-based church, one that follows Scripture, exactly as it is written. Amen.
Hi Cora Lee,
Thanks for sharing your thinking on this.
I wouldn’t want someone to read this and come away with the thought that baptism is an extra or nice-to-have. The thief on the cross would not have been able to be baptized. I believe we’re saved by grace through faith. But baptism isn’t optional. It is mandatory for the believer.
So yes, just make it happen and you’ll have the satisfaction of accomplishing one of the first things our master asks us to do. And I pray for you that you find a good church grounded in sound doctrine. I believe you will!
Hi Again Cora Lee, I was just revisiting these comments and wondering if you found a church to be baptized in? God bless.
Hello Dear Emory,
I appreciate so much your follow-up and concern. I did find one particular church for baptism, but unfortunately that church is also a little too ‘ecumenical’ for my tastes. If you follow me? I mean for Heaven sakes, I am a true Christian woman, with true Christian values, looking a true Christian church to attend. So why in the world is that so hard to find?
Ecumenism can be defined broadly:
There’s also the problem with most churches today with what is called ‘churchianity.’ Which is a watering down of the true church, the true doctrine. Are you familiar with that word? I was wondering where it comes from, so I found this:
– Amen!
And here’s more:
To sum it all up: Churchianity combines elements of Ecumenism, Prosperity theology, Universal Salvation, Modernism, “Higher Criticism,” Syncretism, etc.
So Emory, do you now see what I mean? And some folks dare take an attitude and look at me for not attending a church -Oh, Please! But there’s a saying, “rather than attend a church, why not be a church”. So I’m in the process of putting together my own Bible studying group, a church, a small gathering of true Bible-believing Christians. And so we will BE our own ‘church’.
On an up note, I did find someone who’s a qualified, true solid Christian for baptism. And he, and Not A Church, will be the one to baptize me. As you can see, I am one old feisty gal, and I will not give in to all the ‘churchianity’ that is presently out there. I did read in another comment that you Emory did say that with your present church you’ve wondered if you should stay or just move on?
Hello Cora Lee, you are right about the church. The present church age is the church in Laodicea, a lukewarm church.
The church is the spiritual Israel. It is a reflection of the physical Israel. The era of the biblical Israel can be classified as three: era they were established as a nation, era they were in Babylon and era they came out of Babylon to rebuild the temple, wall with the street. The church has this three era. The church was established as a kingdom by the Lord Jesus and then later the church too went into the Babylon like the physical Israel. The current era of the church is the church in Babylon. Babylon is worldliness, confusion. This present church cannot be differentiated from the world. The church in Babylon is the church in Laodicea. Leave a Church and go to another one, you will still find the elements of the Babylon there. This is the church age we are. As there were devoted Jews in Babylon like Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach, Abednego, Mordecai, Ezekiel, Esther, Nehemiah, Ezra etc, so also in this present church age, the church in Babylon, there are devoted children of God. Keep serving God faithfully in a Church you are attending.
As physical Israel came out of Babylon, so shall the church come out too. The church that will come out of Babylon is the end time Church, the perfection of the church. Those scriptures above revealed the perfection of the church. Jesus is coming for a church without blemish, so the church will first be perfected before rapture. As Jesus cast out those that were buying and selling from the temple during His triumphant entering into Jerusalem, so also He shall purify His church and cast out those that have defiled His church.
As the early church was launched out by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the former rain, so also the end time Church shall be launched out with a greater experience, the latter rain (Joel 2:21-32). What the church awaits now is the latter rain, the anointing that will perfect the church and not the rapture. The church must first be perfected before rapture because Jesus is coming for a church without blemish, a united church. Keep serving God faithfully in the spiritual upper room as we await the release of the latter rain upon us.
Hi Sunday, that’s interesting, brother. Do you know of any scriptures that point to the current era of the church as Babylonian?
Revelation chapters 2 and 3 reveals the 7 church ages. The church age we are now is the church in Laodicea. The church that her growth and success are measured by the material riches they have and not by the spirituall richness they posses. Babylon means worldliness. This church age associates greatly with the world such that worldliness has been brought into the church in dressing, behaviour, marital relationship, financial corruption etc. The early church were distinct from the world. I cannot imagine the early church having a crusade in Nazareth and the Apostles will first need to greet King Herod or having crusade in Jerusalem and will first have to go and greet Pilate. These days you see different association between the church and the world.
Peter and Malachi reveal the purifying of the church at a coming time to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.
The physical Israel from the old testament till date is a reflection of the spiritual Israel, which is the church. What the physical Israel went through or is going through, the church is or has gone through same. As the present state of Israel goes through attack from the Palestine every moment so also the church goes through spiritual attack from the devil every moment. The bible asked us to pray for Jerusalem because the peace of Jerusalem results in peace for the spiritual Jerusalem which is the church.
The Church shall be purified for the launch of the end time Church which shall prepare the way for the second coming of our Lord. I believe the launch of the latter rain upon the church is close. The end time Church, the perfection of the church shall soon be launched. As the former rain came on the early church and the weak were strengthened, so also the latter rain shall strengthen the church for the great work the Lord has for the church. As Jesus told the early apostles to wait till they were empowered before they begin to witness to people, so we too are waiting in the spiritual upper room for the release of the latter rain upon us. As the whole world felt the effect of the former rain within a shortest time, so also when the latter rain comes, the world shall feel the great impact. The glory of the latter shall be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9.
Hi Cora Lee!
I haven’t regularly attended an ecumenical church like you described but I’m aware of them and the dangers of watered-down doctrine. There are lots of word-focused congregations to choose from in the suburbs where I live. It sounds like there are a limited number of choices in your locale?
I’ve always hoped to find the perfect church but have changed my thinking a bit. I attend several churches and ministries where the need is strong, and I can help. One congregation I recently discovered is what I’d call my “home” and where I get “fed” the kind of teaching that allows me to grow.
I don’t find that I agree 100% with any pastor or teacher. Sometimes I really wish they’d teach on topics that I think are important or serve the Lord’s supper more often or do things differently. I try not to let that get in the way of what God’s called me to do or serving the needs of the brothers and sisters there.
I also listen to a lot of teaching online – no substitute for fellowship and serving in a congregation, of course.
“Being a church” sounds like a great solution. And I rejoice with you for your upcoming baptism. Thanks, and please post again.
Emory, I found this article and hope you won’t mind if I share. I think it speaks volumes about the current problem of ‘churchianity’.
Luke, thanks for sharing this. Interesting perspective and I sympathize with the frustration around churchianity. I’m turned off by the way some believers seem to crave being labeled or separated by a denomination or tradition. I like to say I’m a follower or disciple of Jesus, Christian or early church Christian. The world or people we’re commissioned to bring the gospel to tends to see substance in our actions more than the nuances of our individual beliefs, it seems. I get what he’s saying about his definition of “off-grid”, but the term feels like separation or detachment. Jesus left Galilee and went into the grid to minister to people. He was successful because at least some Pharisees like Nicodemus believed.
I don’t think that non-denominational churches are all rooted in the same beliefs and funding. I’m not sure what he means by some of those names (Evangelism?). I currently attend two non-denominational churches that agree on doctrine but clearly are very different in their approaches and the things they emphasize.
If we’re truly disciples and have died to self, shouldn’t we have to interact with people who don’t believe exactly the way we do to help them? Am I missing anything? What are your thoughts?
I thought that maybe a time would come when I would feel compelled to tell you what I’m about to say, So, please bear with me, for that time has now come:
It first piqued my interest with Cora Lee talking about churchianity. I’m very aware of that word and all that it entails in churches today. So we have to remember that churchianity has become a replacement for true Biblical Christianity, teaching a watered-down, man-centered gospel of self-help, prosperity and self-worship. But because this false message is broadcast under the guise of spirituality and dotted with fragments of Bible verses, many people are fooled into believing that ‘Churchianity’ is the gospel that Jesus preached. It is not!
As you know I presently live in Midtown Atlanta. And with the heavy gay presence I would say that ALL of the Midtown churches fully support homosexuality. You can walk up and down the streets of Midtown and see all of the churches waving the LGBT flag during gay pride. And with signs declaring that they are welcome just as they are, PRIDE and all. So I have been thinking should I continue to stay here, or maybe move, just get ‘off-the-grid’. Away from Mainstream Midtown, and closer to a smaller town Christianity – (think: from Midtown to Mayberry?)
But Emory, as you say about the grid, “shouldn’t we have to interact with people who don’t believe exactly the way we do to help them?” Yes, I do struggle with that. And the gay thing is only one aspect.
I’m currently doing research into the early history of Christian denominations and where do they all come from? I’ve read that, “It’s a grave sin to push Bible verses out of context to insert false doctrines and ultimately, ‘an entire church system’, which deviates from the truth of God’s Word. This is exactly how all the different denominations of, and affiliations to Christianity came into being”:
Researching those early origins has revealed that many early churches became influenced and led by the false teachings of Freemasonry. Hence the differing denominations. Emory, are you familiar with Masonry? Many so-called ‘Church Pastors’ today are secretly pledged to a Masonic Lodge. Did you know that? This is a very serious subject matter! You can NOT be a Christian AND be a Mason too!
In 2015, I became a guest writer for a friend’s blog exposing the dark deception of Freemasonry. That blog had thousands of designated subscribers, folks hungry for the Real Truth. Hence many of them turning to Christianity, for His Truth, His Life, His Way. So I wrote one particular article called The Illuminati Pastor’s Corrupt ‘Churchianity’.
That article had hundreds of photos along with the names of some of the most famous church pastors flashing their Illuminati Masonic hand signals. They are the great deceivers!
It’s these Masonic pastors that are the false teachers, teaching a watered-down, man-centered gospel of self-help, prosperity and self-worship. And every single mega church that I’ve ever researched has proven to be two things: Mega Money, Mega Masons. It’s that corrupt!
You can Google and read David Cloud’s article, it’s long, revealing, and upsetting:
1. The denominational system
2. The churches are not governed scripturally
3. Worldliness is rampant
4. Controlling and Blackballing
5. New Evangelicalism and Ecumenism
6. Modern Bible Versions
7. Women disobeying God’s Word
8. Charismatic movement
9. Theological modernism
10. Pagan organizations
11. New Reformed Calvinism
12. No church discipline
13. Church growth philosophy
14. Homosexuality
Emory, out of respect to your website, I have chosen not to list those pastor’s names. But they are quite well-known, and making a Masonic mockery out of the Bible. So I hope you are not upset with me for even mentioning all of this, but I think you can see how it’s most relevant!
And please, you don’t have to feel obligated to post this comment, you can just delete it if you like, I’ll leave that up to your discretion. Thanks.
Hey Luke,
I always appreciate hearing your thoughts! We usually don’t discuss a lot of doctrine or theology here because this site is centered around individual testimonies. I always like to go with what the scriptures teach and stick to the Word. If someone brings up a questionable teaching, it’s usually either not posted or it will be addressed in the comments.
The way we can be sure we’ve not gone off into churchianity or some heretical doctrine is by giving ourselves to the Word – studying, testing and proving it every day. Whether it’s churchianity or Gnosticism or New Age or whatever, we can see it for what it is by juxtaposing it with the Word.
I admit I know very little about freemasonry but I will definitely do some research so I can be better informed. I did take a look at the Cloud article but didn’t read all 23k words. I found it to be hypercritical. I agreed with some of what he said and disagreed on other parts.
The section criticizing the charismatic movement seemed strange because a lot of people came to be filled with the Holy Spirit and received the gifts of the Spirit with that movement. We’re told to desire spiritual gifts. He even criticized Billy Graham (someone I have always heard preach uncompromisingly and boldly and not a charismatic to my knowledge) for his views on tongues and signs and wonders. So, I was becoming a little upset too 🙂
I’m just sharing my thoughts but glad to hear yours and other testimonies or stories or things you’ve learned.