Girl in field meditating collage

The Promise

I share this testimony in faith, that it will plant a seed and another testimony may water it for the Lord to make it grow, as only He can.

Unlike many others that have misfortunes, health issues, relationship problems or financial burdens – I had none of these. To me my life was good. I believed in God and His Son Jesus Christ, I had no financial burdens, a good job and a loving family. I had a son that I adored and considered the apple of my eye. Good friends surrounded me and most of the time I had a smile on my face.

I read the Bible on occasion and went to church on occasion as well but never seemed to feel comfortable in any church that I went to. I prayed on occasion when I needed something which was not very often and I have to say honestly – my prayers then were all about me and my needs. I have always been a curious type of person, reading books about science, the universe, astrology, mythology and all sorts of books as I like to read and learn about things but at the same time I can tell now that I was looking for some answers to those things we strive to know for certain deep in our hearts.

I found many interesting things but nothing that quenched that thirst I had for answers. So as many people do – you keep living your life and deep down inside you still feel that nagging feeling you are missing something. It’s the same feeling that we all have – no matter our circumstances, where we are from, rich or poor, whatever culture we exist in – it is there.

Then I did something that I would have never believed myself to do. I stole from my boss, a very generous man and one I like very much. I did not need the money and to make it worse – I rationalized it out somehow in my brain that it was OK because I was going to give most of it away to others. I did give some away to people that needed but I kept some myself as well. Wasn’t I a good person at heart – why then – did I do that? And then again I did it. What I was upset about more than anything is that I had sinned against my boss -and I went to my knees to ask God – why did I do such a thing?

I quit work and moved to Costa Rica, a place I had visited 10 years before and for some reason loved from the moment I stepped on the ground. I starting reading the Bible and decided that I would read the entire Bible from cover to cover which I had never done before. Although I skipped over the long names in Genesis I read the entire Old Testament thinking how the Israelites could continue sinning against God with other idols when He was in their mist leading them out of Egypt. The whole story of the beginning of the world to these people through history and He is trying to save them from themselves.

It was when I got to the New Testament that my heart broke in two as I realized that I was no different from them. He showed me that all of us are separated from Him because of our sin – and if we tarry to long when He tries to bring us back around to Him – that evil will rule our lives for we are all slaves to sin without faith in Jesus.

In all that time I was upset with sinning against my boss – it was my precious Lord that I had sinned against and it broke my heart. I went to Him to repent and as I confessed the one sin, then another, then another – my life passed before my eyes in a flash – like people say it does when you are about to die and your life flashes before you. And as He flashed my life before me – I repented of all of them with tears and sorrow before Him and He accepted that which He knew was in my heart.

I was freed from the bondage of sin that day – that moment and I know that it will never rule me again for I now belong to Jesus. I am diligent in prayer and He is diligent in teaching me through His Word. My eyes see things and my ears hear things in His Word that I had never heard or seen before. It is the Greatest Story Ever Told or Will be Told for all eternity and I pray that others will repent and seek Him in truth – as He will answer as He Promises for anyone that calls on His Name in this way.

Three Side notes:

1. When He flashed my life before me – He showed me not only all my sins of my life – but He lovingly showed me of all the ways He took care of me through my journey to Him. A greater Love has never been than that which He has for us. I fear Him as we all should but love Him because He loves me.

2. Read the entire Bible cover to cover in prayer as you go. I stand in “Awe” of His creation, salvation plan and promise of eternal life with Him. Ask yourself if you are ready for that day. If your answer is no or not sure – seek Him with all your heart and soul – so He can get you ready.

3. I have almost repaid my boss as commanded by Him in the way of I Corinthians 6 and I asked his (my boss) to forgive me, which he has. I pray for him and his family every day but I praise God for forgiving me for all my sins.



  1. minz 5/16/2011
  2. Sarah Imbabi 5/21/2011
  3. Anointed 8/18/2011

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