I’m believing and thanking God for healing in my body. I haven’t been to church in a long time and today the Pastor did an alter call for those who may be having health issues. I know he was led to do this by the Holy Spirit because no one including my pastor knows that I was diagnosed HIV positive in July of 2007.
Brothers and Sisters please pray with me believing and thanking God for his healing and his goodness. Despite what the doctor says I chose to believe the report of the lord and he says I AM HEALED! Thank you, Jesus, for coming to my rescue!!!! Thank you, Lord, all the glory and praise and honor be to God! Man, I can’t tell you how awesome he is if I sat here and typed for the rest of my life!!! MARK 5:21-36
In the name of Jesus, its done. Amen!
In the Name of Jesus, it is done!
Praise God for He has healed..”I am the Lord that Healeth thee..”. Amen
you know who we have we have an awesome god nobody has them. amen
I really believe God heals today. I’ve seen it, and it’s wonderful. It really is. Yet at the same time, God chooses not to heal everyone. I don’t know why. We’ve just got to live with that fact.
My friend, if the doctor says you aren’t healed, then you aren’t healed.
When Jesus healed a leper, he told him to go show himself to a priest, who had the job to examine his skin to see if he was better: kind of like a doctor.
Faith and medicine go together.
Yes, have faith that God heals today, because he does.
But don’t pretend He’s healed you if He has chosen not to. It just makes our faith look like cloud-cuckoo land.
Love and Blessings
Thanks for your message if you ask in Jesus name and believe your healed it will be done.
DONE! In JESUS NAME, Remeber the touch of the hem of his Garment
God Bless You, Josef Hurutarau
Hey, I have a powerful word for you from the Lord and something many people misunderstand in the “church” today. Healing is not something that might be done or will be done, healing was paid for by Christ by his stripes, therefore IT IS DONE. It has been accomplished, it has already been done. Through the holy spirit we can bring that healing into our physical and into the physical of others. If you know that the holy spirit has touched you, stand in it and claim it. Disbelief and sin are the largest factors that have to do with healing not taking place, your standing in belief and you have grabbed hold of what the Lord HAS done for you, what he has done for us all. The Lord loves you and wants you well, sickness came with sin and Christ came to free us from sin. Have it confirmed by your doctor, if your test comes back positive it does not mean your not healed, you are healed, just claim the physical manifestation in the name of Jesus. Praise God for your belief continue to walk in it and you will walk in Gods glory!
Amen Cameron!!! I fully 100% come into agreement with the truth of what Cameron just said. Allow me to tell you that healing IS part of the covenant we have with Christ Jesus. Death came into the world by sin- Romans 5:12, and obviously sickness and disease which lead to death, came into the world by sin. Unfortunately, we are the seed of Adam and therefore are subject to the weakness of the flesh, but AMEN, but the precious, redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, we are no longer subject to the curse of adam! We have the seed of Christ in us as we are children of HIM! We have been resurrected with Christ! So, in the atonement (payment) for our sins, he also stripped away disease and sickness. It IS God’s will for all to be healed!!!! Christ beat sin and death and sickness and disease at the cross. It’s not something that may happen, it has ALREADY happened. When you see your symptoms or the positive tests, you speak to that sickness and disease and you condemn it as falsely accusing you. You ARE the righteousness of Christ who has forgiven your sins and has healed you! You are washed by HIS blood. Don’t let ANYONE tell you differently. Inundate your mind with the Word of God and profess the truth and promises of HIS word. His Word is life to those that finds it, and healing to ALL of their flesh!!! Amen friend! Christ is BIGGER than HIV/ AIDS/ or any disease!!!!!!!!!! I am confident of the healing work that is already done in my thyroid, adrenals, hormonal imbalance… PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD! Jehovah Rahpa- The Lord that healeth me!!!!
The Lord is our great Physician. Just pray without ceasing for there is an appointed time the Lord Jesus will heal you. September 2003 I suffered a minor stroke and migraines that lasted for 3 years. I just keep on praying to the Lord to heal me completely. I did not lose hope for I know that someday the Lord will deliver me from all this sufferings of mine. So by the year 2007 my migraine was gone and presently I have recovered completely through the grace of our GOD. AMEN GLORY TO GOD!
Wow Yarei!!! Powerful words.I also believe healing is for all,not just some.Jesus died so you can be healed.As it says in the Bible “by His stripes I am healed”.I love the verses Yarei quoted,I meditate on them daily.I stand on the Word of God for my personal healing.Dont you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?Praise Jesus!!!! Yes you are my healer.Jehova Rapha!!!Halleluya. People of God,stand on the Word of God,keep it in your heart and speak it forth.I could go on and on but maybe another time…Bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour.
yes, AMEN TO THAT! God’s word is so strong, like a double edge sword, that if we can just claim it it will be done for us. Christ bore all our diseases on the cross. and it couldn’t hold Him in His burial. So why should it keep us from living happy lives. We have this power, because we died and resurrected with Him. The diseases in this world is caused by the devil.Rebuke the devil and speak healing into your body. believe and confess it to your body. be persistent and the devil will flee. All things come together for His purpose for the glory of God.
Wow he is alive Greater is he that’s in me then he that is in the world, THE greater one Lives in me you know I don’t understand sometimes I feel so confuse and then I just start focusing on the Word in the Name of the Jesus as I don’t think there is anything I can do without the power of God. I attend the healing school in Feb 2010 at Chris Embassy and WOW what an experience God is indeed alive and he is working through the man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome indeed I am blessed. I (was) tested positive in 5 Sep 2009 last year and its almost a year later I am abit scared to go back to doctor as I live from God REPORT and not the doctors report as I believe God for my twins and marriage with my loving Boyfriend in the name of Jesus. On the NOW faith Hebrews 11 verse 1, 5 Sep 2010 it is almost another year later and I never really experience any pains I only had a rash that’s all but I must say after Pastor Chris lay his hands on me at the healing I did indeed receive my healing praise e the Lord. I wanted to cry, scream at the same time but I was so excited I did both. I sometimes feel that I am not totally healed but then I make sure I listen to Pastor Chris materials and I keep listening to the word to keep my faith Strong I am a born again Christian and I am the only one who know that I was positive beside the doctor, my heart hurts as I am not even sure how I got into this situation as I never has a boyfriend but I will staggered not as I know who I am in Christ Jesus, really I am a member at Chris Embassy Randburg and its so powerful I am alive today and I will live for many more year to came . I am not sure if its normal to feel the way I do as a Christian because sometime I doubt my healing especially when I have the up and downs with my boyfriend that I met after I got tested but he is negative THANK GOD and I pray every day to God that he will stay negative as has supported me with everything and I am great full to God for his love he is truly send from Heaven to me. I just want to encouraged the person who will be reading my testimony and if you going to the same problem don’t fear is not easy but as long as you know and believe that the greater ONE lives in us All pain, cries and sorrow of this world does not matter………Thank Guys please pray for me and my partner soon to be husband and father of my kids…. love Zoelife..
Believe without any doubt that you ARE HEALED! Not going to be healed..you ARE HEALED, believe it with your whole heart and Praise The Lord, give him thanksgiving, sing his praises forever!
God Bless You.
I thank GOD for healing me.
I am healed of heart skipping beats. Thank you Father in Jesus name. I confess it and I believe it and it is done. Period. Don’t let anyone steal your healing. The devil is a liar. Put his lies under your feet. Thank you Lord a million times over . Just believe and go about your life.
I am praying that my cancer is gone forever but having trouble believing it. Please pray for me all of you who believe he does heal. I am doing all I can to feel trust and thankfulness but it is pretty hard for me right now.
Thank You
Dianna, I pray for you and with you in agreement for your healing :
In the name of Jesus , Dianna and I cast you out Satan and your deceptions and tools of illness. We anoint ourselves with the blood of Jesus Christ and claim every blessing of Abraham for ourselves which includes health. Father God in the name of Jesus we ask for healing for Dianna Huszar that the Glory may go to you and You alone. Holy Spirit, we invite you into Dianna’s life that you may take control and she may know your presence. You are the healer, Jehovah Rapha…may Dianna be convicted of your healing in the name of Jesus!
Dianna, buy the book by Derek Prince “Power of Proclamation ” and USE it. You can find a prayer you can start now at this site :http://jubileeresources.org/?page_id=646
Thank you God for giving me the strength to resist the devil for he has fled! I am whole and healed. My feet are healed. Thank you for the restoration. Thank you for sending your angels to guard my home and my body. My body is the temple of the Lord and the devil shall not dwell in the temple of the Most High King. Amen
Please pray for me that when I go to the doctor for testing there will be no cancer in my body…’praise Jesus and thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ
You are being prayed for as we speak! God bless you friend and watch what God can do!
Praise God! My mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in October of 2014. It is now December of 2015 and she is still cancer free. I’m asking for brothers and sisters to continue to pray for her and that she remains in good health. The way this story works out leads me to have no doubt that God had a role in all of this. She went to the doctor because she was having issues with her knee. During the appointment, they randomly asked her if she had a mammogram recently. I’m holding to my faith that God intervened that day. Mom did not want to have the mammogram done but she did it anyways. It goes to show how awesome our God is. Today, I ask that you pray that she remains free from this disease and that the light of the lord shines in her life. I’m praying that all who are sick experience their healing that the lord is so readily willing to give us all. Let’s stand on this together and in Jesus’ name. Amen! Much love to you all!
It’s done in His mighty Name. Call upon Him. Read and learn about, glory&grace, strengthening your faith. Surrender yourself, listen to sermons. He will set you free, he has done it for me. Claim His will, His will is deliverance, healing, restoration. It’s done, and written in all bibles no matter what Christian Bible. Stay with Him and He will stay with you.