Woman with arms raised feeling free.

Spirits Inside my Head Gone after I Got Saved

I became born again 3 years ago. A man in the park came up to me and told me Jesus loves me. He prayed for me and then the next day I woke up and felt sense of freedom from heavy weight burdens in my body. Felt amazing and I knew this was God and he saved me from dying. I felt I was dying days before my body was tired and giving up. Then God came for me, and I was saved.

I started evangelism on the street in my area praying for people and telling them what God did for me. And Holy Spirit was with me. I had the best sleeps I ever had. I felt loved like I’ve never felt from anyone. Not human, nor animal can give you the love like from Holy Spirit (God’s Spirit). I felt like I’ve been looking for this love and care my whole life.

Also, you feel really amazing when walking on the earth and when you worship God you feel a deeper connection. The connection grows deeper, and he gives a lot of joy and happiness and everything around you the clouds, the sunsets, the nature all look wonderful and more in detail. You feel more freedom and God has a hedge of protection around you everywhere you go and anywhere. This is the reason for the spirit warfare I go through because no one really knows the love and care God can give unless you are really born again and give up the sinful nature.

He puts a star near my bedroom every night now and shines the sun through my window every morning. It’s very sweet, sometimes makes the clouds pink or night sky purple. He really knows how to brighten up my day.

Before I was a Christian, I had this feeling in my head like something in my brain and head shaking all the time like something pulling on my head in my brain. And I would have social anxiety due to this and would drink alcohol as I felt embarrassed that my head was shaking around people. Felt very ashamed. When I became born again the Holy Spirit came and that feeling was gone.

It was spirits inside my head (brain) making me have this embarrassing feeling which therefore caused me to drink a lot due to embarrassment. This feeling was there since I was 18 and I didn’t know what it was, and I thought something must be wrong with me and I tried spiritual meditation and drugs to get rid of it. I felt like nervous all the time and was always thinking my head was shaking because that’s what I thought was happening.

My head was shaking all the time, and I didn’t know why Jesus delivered me and he took it away when I got saved, and I would use alcohol to try to forget that I had this problem. Something that we have, we think that there is something wrong with us but it’s not. It’s actually spiritual not mental or not physical or emotional, but God can help, and he can take away these problems.


  1. Godwin 1/6/2025
  2. Sunday Akodu 1/9/2025

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