Akash Halder speaks to a group of kids in West Bengal

Saved from Electric Shock

Praise the Lord.

My name is Akash Halder. I am from West Bengal. I am from a Hindu background and my family was orthodox Hindu. They used to worship idols and with them I also used to do. My grandfather was black magician and I thought in future I will be also black medicine, but God chose me for his kingdom.

I heard gospel from my maternal uncle. He said Jesus is the living God. In every kind of dangerous situation when you pray, he will answer. And I said “OK,” and I ignored this.

But in 2007 I got an electric shock, and I got hung in an electric wire. I prayed to all my gods ram, Krishna, Shiva, please help me, please save me, please rescue me from this dangerous situation.

But I did not get any answer.

Suddenly, I was reminded of my maternal uncle’s speech that whenever in every kind of situation, pray and Jesus will answer because he is the living GOD. And I said that Jesus if you are living God save me from this condition and I will believe forever and I will work for you.

And suddenly I fell down from the electric wire and I was senseless, and the doctor said I will die within one hour. But when I awoke, I heard one voice that I am giving your life back. I am a Jesus and I saved you. From that day I started believing in Jesus Christ and I am working for his Kingdom and until the last breath of my life I will work for his Kingdom.

Thank you, Jesus.

Akash Halder Group


  1. Sunday Akodu 1/5/2022
  2. Emory 1/9/2022

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