My husband and I had been looking for a contractor to fix our floors, due to a leak we discovered in August. We called multiple companies we found online but they either didn’t do sub floors or would come and get measurements and never contact us again.
This went on for 2 months, waiting on this one or that one. My husband worked late one night, and I was just sitting in the dark crying, so upset that no one would come back and help us with the damage to our home. I just cried out to God…
PLEASE LORD, send someone to help us. I’m not trying to be selfish. We just need help fixing our home back the way it was before the water damage. And Lord, the estimate was so expensive that we can’t get it all fixed and we are too old to do it ourselves. THANK YOU, LORD, for any help, Amen
The next morning my husband wanted to take me to our little coffee shop and then call more places. I happened to see 3 men walking in and they looked like they were headed to work. I asked my husband to go ask them if they did repair work. My husband thought it was strange of me to pick out these men, but he did go speak to them. After a while I went over to the table and my husband said,
“Honey, these men remodel mobile homes, and they can do everything.”
I knew it was God who led us to speak to them! My husband had told them of our situation, and they understood, one guy got a card from his truck and brought it in to my husband. They are coming to our home on Monday as they are finishing a job today (Fri).
I was so HAPPY and relieved; I knew God was stepping in to help us! We stopped at a lumber store and found cheaper flooring and was able to reopen an old account we had there, which will give us credit for most of the supplies!
GOD IS GOOD, all you have to do is TRUST IN HIM. HE will lead you if you listen, PRAISE GOD!!!! THANK YOU, LORD, for your guidance and for ANSWERING PRAYERS!
Thank God for answering our prayer any time we call upon Him. Our God is a loving and merciful Father. To God alone be all the glory.