Woman Praying, woman with nose ring in background

Prayer for Alcohol Deliverance

I am 70 and have been drinking alcohol since I was 15. My normal routine: 5 glasses of wine and 2 or 3 cocktails, every night, without fail. If I was out at a restaurant, I might drink a little less.

In 2010, my younger sister died on her kitchen floor, a wine bottle at her feet. She had terminal cirrhosis of the liver. My parents were both “functioning” alcoholics, meaning they drank like fish but never missed a day of work.

Over the years, I have looked at how much I was drinking and always found a way to dismiss the damage it was doing – until May 27 of this year. I took my blood pressure and it was 170 over 110. I instantly went to the Internet to search “lower blood pressure immediately,” knowing how dangerous those numbers were.

Every result gave “alcohol” as one of the possible reasons for high blood pressure. At that moment, I realized I had to quit drinking, or I was going to end up like my sister, but dead of a stroke instead of a bad liver. I said, out loud:

“God, I’m going to need some help with this. Please give me the strength to stop doing this to myself.”

The next day I did not have a drink. I have not had one since. No negative effects, no withdrawal, nothing. I have no desire to drink; in the past, I would always be wondering when it would be “wine time.” I don’t need it anymore, so I don’t want it anymore. The desire to drink was literally gone OVERNIGHT.

I am certain my prayer was answered, and I am so grateful. My BP is now 105/78 and I have lost 35 pounds. God works miracles. Thank you for letting me share, and I hope this inspires someone else.


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