I am 17 and was previously delivered from marijuana and heavy partying. But the worse temptation of them all, was pornography. Pornography to me, is the worst addiction that I went through and still struggle with today.
A lot of people may be reading this and thinking how is pornography more addicting than drugs? I can’t tell you why, but I can tell you that any sin is tempting because it tempts sinners. I can honestly say I spent countless hours and days being indulged in the addiction. Any chance I had; I would take it. It was like food, I had to eat in order to be filled.
It soon put me into a depression, which I can’t figure if it was from the side effects of drugs, or that pornography was so addicting. I soon found myself wondering why I was so addicted and why after being saved was I still being tempted.
The truth is, (I am kind of backtracking) I was saved back in January after I woke up one morning, after a heavy night of partying, and realized God was calling me back to Him (I was brought up in the church and began to cover myself with sin around the age of 15). So, after all of this I still wondered why I was indulging myself in constant sin.
Then I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I prayed and asked God to change my hardened heart and make it clean again. I just prayed this prayer today after having an on an off struggle with sin. So, if you read this, I ask that you pray for me (Brandon) to stay strong in the Lord.
I am also a christian who struggled with this kind of sin so many years. But now I’m free. How? Just a very simple truth I always know since I became a Christian 13 years ago. Let Jesus to handle your life, let Him to face the temptation, hang over all your life to Him. I will pray to you and all the people like us.
Keeping you in my prayers, Brandon.
Yep pornography is addictive. tell u what.. read the bible everyday… do not let the day pass by without reading a single verse. Attend the Holy Mass regularly. Then pray.. pray solemnly.. asked for forgiveness.. asked Him to heal you. He will do the work… without you knowing it. It may take some time though. But it will not fail… it will never fail. Have FAITH…
Enjoyed reading your testimony, Let me tell you for your age you are pretty mature, god has helped you tremendously i can see he was with you even when you wrote your testimony, i will pray for you as well all others suffering from this type of a sin. Jesus has freed me from this sin as well and i have already seen rewards for it. God is great, what he has promised in the Bible he will give it to you. I have listened to testimonies and seen for real the wonders he has done for those who follow and live in union with him. The only advice i can give you his keep your faith strong in him even in bad times,do not fall, keep yourself strong.He will reward you for everything…
You know what Brandon… you are just one among millions and zillions of people on earth who are being troubled by the satan. You are like Moses, who is went back to the Lord after 40 years. Even he doubted, but he was strong in FAITH. Nothing is impossible in our beloved Jesus. He has promised us that if our faith is of the size of a mustard seed, we can cast out the mountain into the sea… We are only fighting with a petty satan. Let him be cast out and be bound in the name of Mighty, precious Jesus… You will be relieved out of this… As you pray every day, confess, ask for mercy and forgiveness along with deliverance and “bind satan in the name of Jesus Christ” You will see the glory of Holy Spirit in your life. This is His promise to us. Isn’t this promise the base of every Christian’s life? Come on buddy, you are His chosen child. Cheer up. He is with you. Just accept Him, receive Him. Love
Will keep you in my prayers, Brandon. You do the same for me, cause everyone has to fight with the Satan. We shall win the Good fight at last. When you are being tempted, stop thinking about the same. Turn your attention on something else. Some thing Good, something Pure. Go to the bible, take its help, say a little prayer. Take care… Bye…
Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7
I can think of one very small statement that will cure your addiction to porn, and that is….”PRESSURED FEELING”. Yes, temptation is a pressured feeling. If you find yourself feeling pressured to look at porn, then you should automatically know that your being pressured into temptations. You should rebuke the spirit of “pornography” and ask God for strength to turn away from future temptations….Meditate on the fact that its only a pressured feeling and then rebuke it.
your testimony share i read is really so helpfull,that i feel it has been the right time am reading this,bcoz,even am suffering out of this,i do knew that i was wrong but was not able to come out of it,and now by reading this i,ve got a hope that i would be able to come out of this though its really the hardest temptation that am facing,pls do pray for me also….
to Brandon757
I am very thankful you stated what you have gone through, and my husband and I will pray for you, pornography is a tough strong hold, but quess what?, CHRIST IS STRONGER!!! keep the faith, keep your eyes on him…
Your confession is the first important step of true repentance from pornography. I too, dealth with this sin call lust of the eyes. Yes, it fees the fleshly lusts but as it does, you know too well that it sucks the spiritual life right out of you. I heard a story years ago, about a man that told his son which one of their dogs would win if a fight ensued. One day, the dogs began to fight with one another, and the son asked the father how he knew which dog would win? The father looked at him and told him the dog that you feed the most! One of your dogs Brandon is pornography and the other dog is the word of God. The Bible. yes, yes, yes, to the previous comment about staying in the Word of God. It feeds your soul daily with meat and substance to your very soul. Feed your soul daily and not our flesh and that dog will win every time! Thank you for your confession of sin, for God will bless. He that covereth his sin will not prosper but he that confesseth and forsaketh his sin shall have mercy….May God bless you…you are more of a man at 17, than most men twice your age who have the same problem. You admitted your sin and in God’s eyes that makes you more of a man to him!
hey , i like your testimony. like u i too have a problem with porn. the thing is i lead in worship.
i look at it once nd far and hope i don’t get caught.i hate that i do this to Jesus when he has ben so good to me.i am inspired my all the comments and will put them into practice especially the one with spending time in the word daily and starving he flesh.
i have statred that an am much better.
please reay for me
I have read your testimony and most of the replies. Because of your bravery in coming forward to confess your sins before men, you have helped them in knowing that we as men do not suffer alone. Porn is the most evil, defiling discusting thing and how can a so called pure heart crave it so badly. I am 37 years old and struggle with it also, you have helped me, I feel as though I can get on my face and pray and recieve help from him. I no longer want to be addicted to anything but Jesus. This is my prayer.
I have been saved for several years, and have also been wondering why it’s such a temptation. I have spent countless hours praying to God, crying, to remove the temptation from me. Problem is, I fail to realize he already has. Jesus was tempted in every way, so that we can go to Him, and trust His power to get us through, and He will show us the way out brother.
It’s a horrible sin, and temptation, and I suggest you take some drastic measures to get rid of it. If you can, get rid of the internet from places where you will be alone (some people can’t do this, because they use it for work, like myself)
This is what I have done
1. Installed Safe Eyes filtering. http://www.safeeyes.com When you install it, you need to put a password in, so if you have someeone who you can be accountable to, let them put it in. Alternatively, make a long password of random letters. Write it down. Take the paper to work, and leave it there. You will only be able to access the program settings at work, and you are unlikely to be tempted there.
2. Tell someone – I told my church leaders in Australia, and I recently told my wife. During my marriage, there has been less temptation, but still a lot, so I wanted her to know, because she is the best accountability partner I could have.
3. Move the computer – I live with my wife obviously, and I moved my computer from the study out into the lounge. At any time, she can see what I am doing, and I know that, and even though am tempted at times, it’s much easier to not do, knowing someone is right there.
4. Trust God, Read your Bible & Pray – This is the most important one. The others, while helpful, are useless if you aren’t trusting God. Read your Bible. The Bible says to take off the old man, put on the new. If you are going to remove this sin from your life, you will need to replace it with something. Scripture is the best substitute.
Praying for you brother. Contact me if you need any help. My testimony is similar to yours. I began covering myself with sin about age 15 as well. I started partying hard at age 18, and then at 21, my life was a mess, and God called me back. I praise Him that I listened, and didn’t turn away, and keep on in my rebellion. But after that, it was so difficult. I was still sinning, lusting, looking, even committing fornication, and I knew it was wrong, and I was so guilty (this was several years ago). I have prayed to God so many times to clean me up, and I look back, and see the work He has done, and think where I would be if I hadn’t repented, and I am thankful to him.
A final warning. Pornography, Fornication, Lust etc WILL cause you to doubt your salvation. If you keep on in it, you will only listen to Satan’s lies more and more. Remember Jesus keeps us eternally secure by His power. Trust Him friend.
I would like to add my testimony of pornography addiciton. I have been saved for over 2 years now and still struggle with stopping my addiction. I know that Jesus sees my every move and will forgive me but I need to repent of my sins. Stopping this sin is the hardest thing I have ever encountered. Most people would say just turn the computer or whatever else off. If only it was that easy. I agree with the comment that it is a pressured feeling. Most times I am ok when the house has people here or I am busy at home or serving at our local A/G Church. The temptattions start, and are at their worst when nobody is home or when they are planning to leave. This is where the choice to do right or wrong comes into play and unfortunately, I fail most times. The worst feeling is that I know it is wrong and God is watching. Why would I hurt my family and Jesus for saving me over something so stupid is beyond me but still find myself more often than not, stuck in this quicksand pit of sin. I do have my good days where I can go for a time without looking but seem to not have the strength to continue on. I search the net for stuff like this also looking for testimonies of others victory over this and pray to God for forgivenes and help. I have questioned my salvation after being babtised in water and asking Jesus to come into my heart. I pray that he can change me into the man he wants me to be. We are expecting twins soon and I don’t want to be this kind of dad to my future son’s. Please consider me in prayer if reading this. Thanks for reading and God Bless.
This is what helps me avoid temptation: I think about how I would feel if Jesus returned while I was engaged in the activity. We all know just where we were at the moment we learned of major sudden events. One of these days, the Lord WILL return, and it will be the biggest event since He rose from the dead!
hi friend, even i being on fire for god once fell into this sin of pornography.the Satan keeps accusing you that you cannot come out of, or he will accuse you telling that even though God brings you out of it, you will again get back into the same dirt. but i have a news for you.THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!! your weakness is greater than the strength of the Satan, because when you are weak, the joy of the lord is your strength. all you need to do is to cry out to Jesus and ask him for cleansing. The word of God says that those who call on the name of Jesus will be saved… read the bible for the renewal of your mind ( romans 12) . Jesus will save you.
Jesus knows you even from the beginning of his creation. if he knew that he couldnt change u then he would have never died on the cross for you.but the word of god in Hebrews 12 says that “for the joy set before him , he endured the cross” and the joy was none other than seeing u being seated with him in the heavenlies.. praise Jesus!!
I am a missionary, and I admit that I am an addict to the pornography. I have been fighting with that during 15 years but every time I feel worse. I have many problems at this time, I feel very bad. Please pray for me. I want to leave this moving sand.
I will pray for you Esteban.
Hi Brandon,
I am proud of you. admitting that you still struggle. God knows your heart and if you really want to turn away from this, he will help you. God allows us to go certain things. You understanding this is/was wrong is a start. Everytime you get the temptation talk to God. Ask him to take away this temptation, walk away, start praising the Lord. Healing can come right away for some and others it takes time. Don’t give up. One day God will use you to help others dealing with this addiction. : ) Think of this as a testing of your faith an trust you have in God. Jesus was tempted over and over, but he never sinned. We have the choice to do wrong or right. When you feel tempted start singing and praising the Lord for all the good he’s done in your life, talk to him. God will take that away from you. I’m praying for you!! Your in good hands..Gods! : )
I’m praying for you too. You as a missionary know that God is there for you and he loves you. We all sin an fall short. Admit to God that you do this..he already knows. Go directly (bodly) to the throne of God. Pour out your heart to him. Start confessing scriptures about your situation. God can and will deliver you from this. Don’t give up, it’s all in God’s hands, he’s the one in control. You really have to want to be delivered from pornography. We serve a good God. He’s there for you and he hears your prayers. Praying for you!
I am 30, and I’m also addicted. Today I’m home alone and was about to open those sites. I think of our Jesus, google a praying site, found your post, read all responses, and feel strong to walk away (at least for today). How’s your addiction now? I pray for you and me.
Let me tell you something really clear and real. It’s not just a feeling of guilt. It’s real. Every single time I open those sites, masturbate, my connection with Him is choke somehow. Every business deals seem to close doors when I commit this type of sin. In addition, I am less affectionate with my wife after I jerk masturbate and as a result, family time is not as fun when I committed to the sin. When I reconnect with Him, doors are open again. It happens every single time! Still I am addicted. When I’m horny, I just pray for forgiveness and go straight to those sites. After I finish, I face all the consequences that are so obvious.
Please pray for me.
Thanks all.
Well I too was like many ya’ll. I struggled with the heavy addiction to pornography since I was 5. It lead me to start venturing into many other types of pornography…beastiality, incest, bisexual, and any other type of porn that is offered. I became saved in 2005 and was blessed to have had the chance to become married to my best friend and my soul mate. However, once I got the internet on my computer, i began to start viewing porn stream sites and became addicted. I never told my wife, but it seemed that once I allowed those spirits into my home, we began fighting alot more and I started to drift away from the church, my family, and Christ. I loved my wife so much, but she didn’t want to compromise her walk with Christ, so we ended up divorcing. I tried many a time to try and go back to Christ, but as long as I still had pornography in my heart and in my head…I felt like I was trying to climb up a pole smothered in grease. Recently, I have gone back to church and the Lord showed me that pornography was the catalyst for all of these issues. I still see my wife in services, but we do not speak. However, I pray and believe that in God all things are possible. I also pray that he will continue to help me with these type of struggles. However, the main thing to remember is that no matter how little you may think that sin is, there is always a price to pay and no one has to even know what it is, the spirits are that powerful and Satan is indeed real. So to everyone that has these struggles, I reccommend that you be honest with what you are struggling in and give it all to Jesus. Don’t ever hold anything in, because once you do and you rely on yourself to get you out of the problem, you’ll just end up making a mess of things even worse. Well i hope this has helped, and please feel free to keep me and my ex wife (even though in God’s name we are still married, even though in this world we are considered divorced) in your prayers. God Bless
Hello Everyone!
First of all I commend everyone who has come forth in sincerity & truth. I pray the Lord’s grace & mercy for us all! We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH, not of works lest any man should boast(Ephesians 2:9). So that takes care of the sin issue…if you confess your sins he is just and faithful to forgive. Satan tricks us by getting us to focus on all of our insufficiencies when CHRIST has taken care of that issue (actually a lamb was slain before the foundation of the world so before YOU ever had a problem GOD had the solution). Our focus is simply to have a sincere relationship in spirit & in truth. John 17:3 And this is eternal life: that you know God and know the Christ whom he has sent. The closer your walk with God, the more “things” start to fall off. Walk in the Spirit and you wont fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:6). What did Jesus say when gathering his disciples? “Follow Me”. Once we purpose in our hearts to follow after Christ in spite of AND in the midst of our weaknesses, deliverance will take place. For some it will be immediate & for some it will be a process and it needs to be maintained either way. Your flesh has an appetite as well as your spirit….whoever you feed the most daily will win. I pray that the Lord gives you a revelation about fasting concerning pornography because most of us have been dealing w/ this since we were young. Remember the Dad who brought his son to Jesus b/c His disciples couldnt cast out the demons? What did Jesus ask him? How long has he been this way…the father replied, “he has been this way since he was a youth”….Jesus said, this kind comes out only by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Read Isaiah 58 to understand this type of fasting and to experience immediate victory if you do it in faith. Then you will have the weapons (the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God) you need to defeat the enemy in Jesus Name……Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. Much love, mercy, peace, and success to everyone in the name of Jesus!
P.S. The way to knowing God is thru His word (His will) and by communicating w/ him thru prayer. PLEASE KEEP ME LIFTED UP IN PRAYER!
yes it’s true that satan can be funny most atimes by bringing you your past memories and fantacies, telling you not to deceive ursef,that you’re not born-again; don’t mind him ,he’s always an idiot and a trickster which was what he used to deceive eve. the bible says he’s a liar, the father of all lies and has been lying from the begining,and that he’s not changed,he’s still the same old fool.so don’t mind him, the next time he comes, remind him of his status as a liar; and you, knowing that’s who he is,have in mind that he doesn’t have the ability to say the truth; so believe the opposite of what he’s accusing you of and who he’s saying that you are.
cncerning the issue of overcoming porn temptation,I strongly agree with jada in his opinion just be assured that there’s more sure victory in Christ.There’s no temptation that comes ur way that’s common 2 u,having seen how many a people u’ve given the courage to own up but the bible says that God will in the same temptation make a way for you and the bible also says in heb12v2″looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” what more will i say but like apostle Paul said, time and space will not permit me to say more but remeber to always give thanx to Him(God),who always gives us victory/makes us triumph through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.
PLS:if you’ll like to receive more counsels in a more detailed way,even in complicated issues,contact me at; collins_oliver@yahoo.co.uk
Am so glad that i’ve come accross this site. I can completely relate to all the testimonies i’ve been reading. i myself i have been struggling with the same addiction; which is pornography. i wish that i never came accross this garbage that continuously eats me away . i have been a Christian for 13 years and have been in this bondage for the last 6-7 years. Every time i make some progress and get back into it, it’s always stronger, i know the Lord is with me, i always confess my sins but feel upset as i know am abusing the grace of God. I love jesus and want to please him, but my flesh is out of control, please pray for me please… am desperate i need to put my life in order and keep on running the race.
you would not be struggling right now we can do all things thru christ who strenghtens us.Pick up your bible
read more get in fellowship more and get off the computer christ died for you and what r u doing for him
Hi Brandon I to give into this temptation and it has been loose sand in my life. Its a constant struggle I need all prayers please. I pray one day God will set me free.
I did say a prayer for you and I wasn’t going to post anything on here but I just wanted to give you words of encouragment. When I was praying for you, I saw you grabbing for that dvd or remote and then while I was praying I saw you walk away from temptation. Just remember that this too shall pass. It is not easy but It is going to pass. When GOD tells you it is going to pass… it will. Have faith, patience and trust in that!!!! Just think of how awesome you will feel when that temptation passes and you can think to yourself…” I made it!!!” But then think of the consequences and the way you will feel after you have watched that video. It’s sinply not worth it. I love you and I have faith in you. You are strong and CAN resist temptation!! Your sister in Christ, Mary
Hey brother,
I am both encouraged and upset that so many are being consumed with this temptation. I am glad to see I am not alone in fighting this sin. I agree that this addiction has been the strongest to overcome. I i’m married with 2 little girls and don’t want this to affect my relationship with my wife or kids. I feel the more I surrender to the temptation, the more problems arise in other areas of my life. This sin has a snowball affect and can ruin lives. I will pray for all of us who fall into this trap. God bless all of you for sharing your testimonies.
I am strengthened by your words.
You know brother. Did you see all of the hits that you got concerning this issue. You are making it and your going to keep on making it. Stay strong in the Lord and in the Power of his might. I have been delivered from pornography. I’ve been delivered from masterbation( I hope this is not offensive to anyone I’m just trying to convey a response as properly as I can). I have been delivered from hating white men. I have been delivered from low self esteem and fear. I have been delivered from poverty and Iwas delivered from marijuana a long time ago. Just keep the faith. I’ve been delivered from hating my children’s mother and hating my own mother and women. My brothers and family and friends and enemies. I have been deliverd from hating all things and everyone including myself. Don’t ever beat yourself up. You are normal. You are on the right track. Stay with God. You see how many people struggle with these same issues. We have an advocate Jesus who has been temted with all temptation but that without sin. He is always talking to God on our behalf. He loves us. Continue to talk to him. He wants to know you. Stay blessed and strong in Jesus.
Hey, I found that ones start with pornography after I found myself in masturbation then I would finish in homosexualty because I was attacked with pornography pure.I am now saved from all these.
What I have in my heart is to use Internet to fight pornography,then show good things that internet may help in. With it you can preach the Gospel , transfer your music,with it is possible to organise a christian social network.I know how much i am not good to It, but when you cowork with others it is possible.
I can remember when i passed three hours in 2001 watching these bad pictures ,I asked myself WHAT WOULD JESUS DO if he found himself in the Computer Room, I used to connect to. I was sure he would not strike us,(most of youth who were there were seeing)but he would talk about himself ,HOW HE should SET US FREE from PORNGRAPHY and then give us a mission to go and reach the lost in the Porn World. Not only that protect the KIDS from this, you know such people are INNOCENTS but Curious
My country Rwanda has about 4 million young people under 18 years old and the whole population is 9 million. What should we do for them?
i do not know your country, but what about it? What would JESUS do?
Contact : umvanshuti at yahoo dot fr
Hello Brandon & everyone else!
I am a female & was recently HEALED of this addiction. The Lord told me He was going to heal me and He did. I had to wait a few years before I obtained my testimony. The fact is, that when I fully BELIEVED He would and was EXPECTING it to happen, it happened. You must wait on the Lord, FULLY BELIEVING that He WILL HEAL YOU. Don’t give up and don’t give in. Keep the roadblocks up, don’t stop repenting, and it will happen. The Lord does NOT want you trapped in this sin. And you have no idea how AWESOME it feels to be free of this addiction!! I am going public with this healing because I am so grateful and humbled. Praise God, NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR HIM!!!
I have struggled and still do with this sort of stuff. I never got into porn and never will, but this sort of stuff has given me a lot of trouble.
It’s because it’s free and readily available, and most of the western world at least believes it normal and judges it to be fine.
But we know it is not fine, and don’t go at it cold turkey, we both need God in this one.
Please pray for me too, all you people.
Here’s a prayer i received in a dream “Sacred Heart, Precious Blood, Light in the Dark, Save us” I hope it helps.
OTherwise, the divine mercy chaplet and of course the rosary are my recommendations.
Hi Brandon its great u are being honest and admiting your sin of adultry I am 23 and have had a long battle with pornography I started when I was six and today GOD has delivered me so much from porn although its not completely gone I know I don’t have to beat myself up everytime I mess up and give into my flesh satan wants us to feel bad and go oh whoa is me Im never going to stop what we should do is confess right away after we sin and give it to Jesus while its never ok to be watching porn GOD still loves us and like other guys have said on here some men take longer then others to break the addiction of pornography something that has really helped me is to know the guys who put out pornography to watch they don’t care about us as people at all they just want our money and our time they don’t care if the girls on the internet that we lust after get syphilis or gonerreah or herpes or aids I gurantee alot of the girls they use on porn sites are sex slaves or underage girls sometimes even what also helps me is being around girls as a friend getting to know them more asking them questions about there lives because if u come to care about girls for more then just their outer looks its harder to damn that girls hot Im going to go watch porn and masturbate its harder to look at the girls ass and tits and go undress them with ur eyes because u grow to respect them Jesus said “U have heard it said do not commit adultery but I tell u any man who looks at a woman with lust has already commited adultery with her in his heart now the good thing about men like us having this struggle is that we come to know some of the pornstars male and female and we can also pray for these people because we know there names I don’t care what any christian tells u brandon nothing can separate me or you from Jesus once we are save “GODS calling is irrevocable” just because u are struggling with porn does not mean that u do not have the right to pray to GOD that is a lie if a christian tells u that Jesus says we must throw off all hinderances that we are to put on the helmet of salvation the breast plate or rightousness and hold the sword of truth I know its not easy but everytime we are tempted we have the opportunity to say no and when we give into pirnography there is no other source to blame then ourselves I know where u are brandon from six years old up until about when I was 17 actually I would sneak down stairs and watch porn all night on demand and I would watch it during the day when no one was around my house plus I would watch it on my computer at the same time too I was so addicted I didn’t care how much I was running up the bills paying for it I didn’t realize how much time it really was robbing me of even when I went to school I would spend the whole day lusting after girls private parts undressing them with my eyes then rush home and watch porn it got so bad that it was all I was doing for long periods of time but you know what GOD didn’t give up on me Jesus has bought me so far since then he has given me so much more respect for the opposite sex now at the age of 23 I go weeks at a time without watching porn and I have alot of good relationships with girls I am friends with I even think GOD has a sense of humor because at my job at krogers I work in the deli and all my co-workers are woman I know GOD will deliver you from the lust of ur flesh Brandon I will pray for you and thanks for sharing ur testimony about porn addiction and just to let u know I was also addicted to partying all the time too and thats another thing that GOD has definately delivered me from we do have to remember that when GOD does deliver us from our addictions to do our best to guard our hearts because satan is going to be gunning for us brandon hes going to stop at nothing to get us to sin and to turn back to our old life style I hope my testimony will help u Brandon GOD bless u and may the love of Jesus be with you your brother in christ David Randlett
I too have struggles with pornography. I think the important thing is that we acknowledge our sins to ourselves, to God and to people who will not judge us when we confess our sins.
This is not an easy road and I have not conquered my addiction to pornography.
Brandon, if you still read this, or if people are still coming across this even today, know that even though this is a real destruction addiction that destroys mean and women, yes women too, in our world today, it is overcome-able. Yes Jesus says come to me and I will give you rest, there is not 1 addiction that gives you rest or that leaves you better off than where you were. Addictions are from the devil who is the ENEMY of God. If you want to be free then pray without ceasing, because your eternal life is to lose, you have your whole life at stake. But Jesus has paid for your life and He gives you the strength, or He will give you the strength and the ability to forget and forgive yourself. He doesn’t want this to plague you or haunt you or live anywhere near you. I am sharing a sermon on Faith from the Luke 8;40 today and I want you to read it if you can, this woman was sick and diseased and probably on the verge of giving up, but she held on just a little while longer and pushed through to touch Jesus as He was passing by, reach out and touch Jesus because He is not as far off as you may think. He will Immediately Heal you and He has already accepted you, and He will send you off with a Blessing. I promise,
May God richly bless you Brandon and everyone who has responded, To God be the Glory and Victory.
Our God is Good and he knows and Understand all.He is our father and he will solve all.No mountain is too big.Let your mind Holyspirit take control of your heart.No sin can Overpower.I have also faced but I believe I have power over thais sin also experienced Victory.In the name of Jesus.
I to have struggled with it for a long time , I find great hope when i have seen this site to see the struggle is just not with in me but in all those who follow christ and want to live according to god’s word. I do feel a pressure that is tempting ,I succeed many a times but i do Fall also. My aim is to be consistently steady in my walk with christ which I’m afraid i have fallen a number of times…with this wickedness of my own heart ..which i know only god can save me through Jesus Christ.
I too have hope that i will be free from it, and pray that you also be free from this bondage which infects so many ….. glory be to god who calls all of us according to his good purpose.
Hey Brandon thanks for your testimony may our Lord Jesus Christ bless and deliver you. I know exactly how u feel i was also addicted to porn, partying, cigarettes and alcohol for years and getting free from porn was by far the hardest of them all it also made me so depressed but let me share the key which i believe God gave us to get delivered from addiction. This is the most important thing which i believe no one else has told you. 1John1:9 “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”. The word confess here in original Hebrew means to publicly acknowledge. Go to a Christian you know and trust who maybe dicipled you and look up to who doesn’t still struggle with porn addiction himself and ask him if you can be accountable to him, if he will be your accountability partner. Start sharing your situation with him and then talk to him every few days how things are going and you should really make an effort from your side to be honest and open about your addiction because its then that God can really deliver you. Don’t feel embarrassed
you r not the only one struggling with this. It should be a male as this won’t be awkward and he would b able to relate much more. You guys can then pray for you together and he can support you and you won’t feel like you have to deal with this alone, the way the devil wants you to feel. You will feel part of the family of Christ and in unity and the bible teaches unity commands a blessing. If you can join a Christian small group that would be great. The idea scripture tries to teach us is that you have to bring those nasty things into the light because then darkness has to flee, think of a light in real life, there is no breeding place for any yucky stuff. Go read the whole 1John1:5-10. I can really just testify how this principle helped me overcome a really bad porn addiction! All praises to Jesus Christ and I will also be praying for you! Much love.
hi brandon,
thanks for your openness. I too was addicted to lust and porn. i accepted Christ when i was 14 and became really on fire for the Lord. i brought so many people to God. probably 20 of them during my first 3 years following God. then i went to college and had to be separated with my family and friends at church. i got a roommate that lived together with his girlfriend, and it stressed me out. i was also in depression and had a lot of questions about my salvation, although at that point I’ve lived a holy life and didnt dare to sin at all. i had clashes at church too, and for some reasons, some people in my bible study group accused me of being hypocrite, although I didn’t do anything wrong, and they can’t pinpoint my mistake when I asked them.
I was younger than most of them and helped them in their spiritual lives. i think it was because I was younger than them and they didn’t really want to be challenged to reach out to other people. they got really mad when I stood up for my values (for instance, some of them believe that masturbation is normal) – note this is not what the church or the leaders of the church believes. their doctrine is really sound in bible, and I’ve never seen people as faithful as they are. it’s just the people at my bible study group, and sometimes they clashed with the church leaders too.
I continued being in depression for more than 1 year and I talked to my mom who is a Christian. it was a really tough moment and I started living in fear of hell. my mom was a continual support I had. I would have gone crazy had it not because of her. at the end, I decided I could not get the fear of hell out of my head, and I had to do something to get that thing out of my head. I accidentally opened up a porn website. I knew it was wrong and I closed it. I’ve never had issue with sexual sin at all before this, and I’ve been accountable partner for some of my friends at high school.
But after a while, due to depression, I felt as if God was not loving me anymore and I decided to run. I opened that website again and got addicted. I was stupid. I asked forgiveness from God immediately. I believe in holiness, so that incident just broke me apart and I really felt that i was done. since then, I have this huge guilt, which also draws me back to the sin. I then installed safe eyes and bought books about holiness. I did anything I could but still struggling with sin.
It helped me reduce the intensity of sin, but the struggle to be truly pure continued. so many times, I asked God if He just could end it all since I also hate this sin with perfect hatred. but for some reasons I kept coming back to it due to this guilt in my heart. I was still doubting my salvation. I told my close friends about this, and they always encourage me, but they don’t seem to be proactive in helping me out.
before this, I had huge love for God, love for others, and huge dreams for God. I still do love God, but i doubt my love toward Him now and I can’t get rid of the guilt i have carried. outward I’m well. i’m 23 and have a great career, but inside I’m really struggling. I’m giving financially to God more than is required from tithing, because I care about God and other people. but when it comes to serving God, I feel a huge guilt in my heart that makes me undeserving to serve Him.
lately God began changing my mind to really see His forgiveness and love. there were moments that I told God, you don’t have to be with me anymore if you don’t want, since I’m sick of myself too. but usually not long after I said that I would read a verse or listen to songs that say that God would never leave me through it all. I felt as if God is saying, what you did was wrong, but I forgive you and I will heal your pain. and I become restored slowly but surely. hope begins to come to me again.
most of my accusers at church also no longer are in the church. for some reasons, they just left one by one. I’ve forgiven them completely. also, i begin to see God’s love and trust Him again. pray for me. God bless you all.
‘Resist the devil and he will flee you, draw near to me and i will draw near to you’. ‘The battle (your battle) is mine says the Lord.’ You make the choice, trust God to give you the strength to stand by it. All the best mate, Elliott.
I just dont what to say, but I pray that God helps me a lot. I disliked pornograhy when I was young at the of 15 yrs and above, I indulged my self into it and am 19 now. I do it and regret to the extend of my heart even wants to tear out from my body. That was at first, But nowadays when it happens and after watching and try to do what they do, I dont regret that former way. I really need to and want to take away this load from me OH God. Please provide some help to me….
Brandon I dealt with it myself and mine was linked to my past find out if something in your past is causing this I myself dealt with it as well.
This discussion has gone on for over 4 years now and many good advise and practical suggestions have been raised but I think we have not yet taken strong steps to combat this pandemic. Porn addiction must be admitted and brought out to the open in the church and dealt with in the strongest, most compassionate and culturally sensitive way. As previously posted, bring sin out in the open and the light will make it flee away. I am sure many in the clergy are struggling with porn addiction. Christians, pray for your pastors and church leaders so they can be set free. I encourage church leaders to bring this subject up in earnest prayer, ask the Lord Jesus for the wisdom to break this evil in your congregation (how about make this a theme in your men’s retreat?). Sex, let alone sex sin, is a very uncomfortable subject. But take courage, the Bible is not shy talking about it. Leviticus 18 spells out all the gory details so Israel would not follow the Canaanites into judgement. Should the modern church do less?
I was there. it is the most humiliating thing. One day as i watched, my inner eyes (i think spiritual) saw the devil in the perverse images i was watching. I screamed, wailed and cried to God and He visited that room i was in and delivered me. There is no formula in spiritual bandages, only Jesus can set us free. Let no one loose hope in this issue. It may not be instantaneous as in my case but i know that the Blood of Jesus is so Powerful even today to deliver and set free. Hang on there and talk to him as your Father, He will even obliterate the memory of whatever has been deeply lodged in your mind. For me i will pray for all who are stuck there. Jesus is Lord.
I am struggling with porn. I need prayers and i need out. It is so difficult. At one time I would be strong then I would fall back. This thing can destroy my marriage. I need the strength to stand. I need help
I also can say that the spirit of pornography is the most addictive spirit. unfortunately I have indulged in this spirit for several years, probably dating to bout 10 yr old and I am now 25 so thats 15yrs of being bound by Satan. I can remember when my flesh would just literally yearn for it and I find myself on a pornographic site and then once i spent hours just looking and routinely touching I will feel used, less than man, out of control but thanks be unto God that he is a deliverer. and though I’ve been saved for about 5 years I still need my eyes under the blood
I too have struggled with masturbation and pornography for many many years, the thing about it is….I am a woman so it made it even more embarrassing…i feel really bad because i minister to people and i have ministered to people about being free from this sin….but i fell right back in…i know it hurts God yet i continue to do it and I know its bad because now i dont even feel bad anymore when i do it, which i know is highly dangerous..what do i do! I dont want God to hate me or judge me…
Please pray for me also I have struggled with this beast since I was 14 I’m 20 now. I always ask God for forgiveness and ask him to give me strength and often times when I really pray and read his word I can deny temptation. I always seem to fall to it eventually though. II don’t wish to live that lifestyle I want to be pure but it’s so hard this body is so weak and this world puts it all around us. Please pray for me.
I acknowledged struggling with pornography for many years. I am a Christian and have been in relationship with God for more than 10 years and yet struggle with it today. I always ask Him for forgiveness and give me strengths to overcome it. I know it is hard for me to reject it even though I asked Him to help and refuge from it and rebuke the spirit of pornography that surrounds me, but the problem is I have to make my decision for choosing to indulge it or flee from it. God encourages me to rule over it, just as He told Cain that he should rule over his sin (Genesis 4:7). Sometimes I forget about ruling over with my temptation with sexual addiction, pornography, but I am thankful God for keeping me remind to stand firm and rule over it. I know it pretty tough but with God all is possible – Matt. 19:26. God bless you all!
What God have made sex to be beautiful,satan have polluted it with porn.
But Be like Daniel,whose whole life seems to be about pleasing God.he is human so we too can achieve that state.
When I was 2 years old my parent converted to Christ, so i was born in a christian family. We went to different christian church but there were something lacking like justice, so 10 years of looking for something rare, we felt on the CTMI church,the message of the cross. The moment i put my feet in this church their was something beyond words there. So i was going church every sunday but i knew that i must put my life in order, clear before the Lord. However on Dec 2010 their was a youth convention and on one of these day i was born again.
My bad experience with pornography started when i was about 12 years old; it started with magazines, then CDs, then on TV at night and then finally the poisonous internet. Before i been born again i did not know if it is bad to watch porn, to masturbate, I doubted. But after i born again the Lord put in my heart that everything i was doing was really bad, for masturbation you can think that it is not written in the bible but try to think a bit: to masturbate your penis should be erect so to be erect you have to think about something ??? so when you have these bad thought are you not commiting adultery!
The day i was born again(2010) to the day i was delivered (2013),i been struggling a lot. I sent prayer request to a lot of pastors but nothing worked, I was begging the Lord to set me free because i was tired of porn, every time i thought i have stop it, I fell again. I was tired of life because i could not have victory against porn. On Dec 2013 CTMI organised a youth camps and in this 4 days in the camp the Lord spoke to me and healed my heart. It was another turning point after i was born again.
Personally i was expecting something great during the camp because i knew that nothing is impossible with JESUS CHRIST. i am not perfect and i will not be it until the coming of the Lord but i know that in temptation situation i will not bow my knees to porn but lifted my eyes to JESUS.
To conclude my experienced i encourage you to feed your spirit with the Word of God otherwise your fresh will be hungry of the desire of this world, because it is either flesh or spirit.
my contact: ronishpallany at yahoo dot com