Mountain Church in Parys, South Africa


On September 14, 1983, I drove to Parys, a small town where I had to meet Marietjie (Marikie), a sweet sister in the Lord. We were to go to a women’s conference in Kronnstad.

As I traveled, I followed the directions given to me, yet within I knew I had taken the wrong direction. I stopped near a traffic light and asked for directions from a policeman who was just passing by. Suddenly we head a hooting. I turned around and there was Marietjie!

When I asked her what she was doing there, she replied that God had said to her, “Marlene has difficulty in finding her way to you. Go to the corner of the A.G.S. Church. You will find her there.”

As she explained, I looked to see if we were at that location, and sure enough we were.

Praise God for people of FAITH who hear, believe, and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit within them.

As it is written:

“Those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God.” Romans 8:14

How many of us are missing an experience, or a miracle, because of lack of faith, fear of making mistakes, or by being insensitive to the Holy Spirit.

I pray that we will hear and obey, so that our experiences will bring Glory to the Lord!

Marlene Malachi
Mishkan Ed
marlene_cohen at hotmail dot com


  1. Douglas 10/1/2006
    • Godwin 11/3/2024

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