Have you ever experienced bad circumstances happening at the same time? I experienced that recently. My sister just passed away in January 2009 because of cancer, she was only 28 years old. I asked for a miracle from God for her healing, but it didn’t happen. It was devastating, I was disappointed with God, I asked God why he let that happened to her. However, God reminded me that life on earth is just temporary and that I would be able to meet her again in Heaven.
I live in Australia and my sister lived in USA, so I had to travel to USA for her funeral. It was quite an expensive travel, considering January was still a holiday season for everyone. However, I had some savings that could be used to fund it. After I came back from her funeral, I got bad news from my employer at that time that they had to retrench me because of the economic downturn. I was overwhelmed. I was still mourning for my sister, but I had to pull myself up and remind myself that I had to look for a new job. I had to put a brave face on job interviews.
Job market at recession time is very bad, lots of candidates but there’s no enough job vacancies. But I felt God’s hands helped me all the way through. After having to go through a lot of rejections within 1 month, I miraculously found a job. I believe this job is given by God, because at first this employer told me that I had to go through 3 stages of job interviews.
After the first interview was done, the HR manager rang me and told me that I didn’t have to go through the 2nd stage, so she asked me to go to the 3rd stage of interview straight away. I thought she must have made a mistake and thought that I wouldn’t get the job anyway. I went to the last interview anyway. She rang me the next day and told me that I got the job. Praise God! I never expected it.
I believe God has planned my life, He lets me to go through ups and downs, however, He would never leave me alone nor forsake me.
God is good all the time! His love endures forever. Praise the Lord!
Thanks for your encouraging words. God bless you.
Praise God! What a wonderful way God provided for you!
And I am sorry for your loss of your sister. She is healed and whole in the presence of the Lord. Let that be a comfort to you when you feel sad.
God bless you!